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The Official WWE / NXT Discussion Thread *May Contain Spoilers*

Adam Ryland

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Yeah, that's why Cena is going to win. They're clearly setting up HHH vs. HBK at WM, or maybe even HHH & Vince vs. HBK & Bret. Cena will go after Sheamus. The only other possibility is Batista, I forgot about him. Cena or Batista. Either way, they're both going to face their respective brand's champion so it doesn't really matter who is standing at the end.


Batista vs. Taker, Cena vs. Sheamus, HHH vs. HBK, Vince vs. Bret, Jericho vs. Edge, Orton vs. DiBiase...Punk wins MITB again? I could see it.


Cena is going to take on Batista in a RAW vs. Smackdown matchup.

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Here is what I would like to see

John Cena V. The Rock

Rock is more open to a wrestling return then he's been in a while


World Heayweight Championship

Taker V. HBK

Rematch and another MOTY


The Unified Tag Team Championship

Drew McIntyre and Sheamus V. The Hart Dynasty

One of the three Vince V. Bret matches


Chris Jericho V. Edge

The Second of the three Vince V. Bret matches with Jericho turning face to be on Brets side sense he trained in the Dungen


MITB: Rey/CM Punk/Benjamen/Hardy(Matt)/American Dragon/Borne


Kofi Kingston V. John Morrison

To be name the first Unified Inernational Champion which takes us one step closer to no brands.


WWE Championship

Randy Orton V. Triple H. V. Booker T

Booker returns at the Rumble and starts a feud with Orton which Triple H gets involed in and turns heel ending up in the match.

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Here is my Wrestlemania 26 rundown


Main Event for WWE Championship

HHH vs. Sheamus


World Heavyweight Championship Match

Undertaker vs. Shawn Michaels


Edge vs. Jericho


Unified Tag Team Championship Match

The Hart Dynasty vs. The Dudebusters


Brand Warfare

John Cena vs. Batista


Women's Championship Match

Michelle McCool vs. Mickie James


Money in the Bank

John Morrison vs. Kofi Kingston vs. Evan Bourne vs. Zack Ryder vs. The Miz vs. Matt Hardy vs. C.M. Punk

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WWE ROYAL RUMBLE RESULTS: (edited as they happen)


Announce team is Michael Cole, Jerry Lawler, & Matt Striker. No Grish/Josh/Saxton anywhere. I say make Cole/Striker the RAW announce team. Hopefully after Mania they will in a draft.


ECW Title Match: Christian retains over Ezekiel Jackson w/William Regal

(Missed this. Was looking for a.. way to watch this... *cough*)


Teddy Long & Tiffany are backstage. Cryme Tyme shows up and says Great Khali agreed to give them his Rumble Spot. Some shenanigans ensue. Miz shows up, pisses of Teddy, who someone makes an IC title match between Miz & MVP next.


Cody Rhodes tells Randy Orton that Ted Dibiase has been talking that he plans on winning the rumble himself and using it to challenge Randy for the title if Randy wins it.


United States Title Match: The Miz retains over Montel Vontavious Porter

-Miz won with a roll up out of the ropes. Decent match.

-Miz tried to hit MVP after the match, but fell victim to the Playmaker.

-Both guys are still in the rumble.

-Seems to be a fairly strong "smark" portion of the crowd. Miz got some pops "Miz is Awesome" chant. MVP's post match attack was booed. But still plenty of normals (eg "ballin" was over)


Jericho & Big Show have a reunion backstage. Jericho says Show is an idiot "like the fans" for hooking up with Miz. Show says Jericho is the same as Miz. The tension is turned when Jericho begins to hint a reunion. Show says if it comes down to him, Him, & Jericho, he'll throw everyone out. R-Truth shows up saying he'll through Jericho out. Jericho says he has back up in Big Show, but Big Show had walked away. R-Truth reminds him its every man for himself.


Dibiase runs into Orton backstage. Dibiase basically said the same thing about Cody that Cody had said about Ted. The big difference is Cody implied Randy would be champion, Ted said Cody said he'd challenge Sheamus. Orton says he plans on winning the belt and doesn't want any help. Guess its next.


Hype video for Shatner on RAW & the Hart/Vince confrontation this monday. Gotta hype that free TV on the Pay-Per-View.


WWE Title Match: Sheamus retains over Randy Orton

-Randy was the face clearly. Without acting "facey".

-Sheamus is the heel, but no one really cares.

-Randy had the match won, but Cody interfeared hitting Sheamus causing the DQ.

-After the match: Cody apolgizes to Randy over and over. Crowd chants "RKO". Randy instead beats the hell out of Cody. Ted comes out to stop him. Orton decks him with a punch. Orton seems to be the face here though. Orton says they are "done & finished". Sheamus is up, Pump kick to Randy. Wasnt a huge beatdown Orton to Dibiase/Rhodes though. Both guys just leave the ring with Orton laid out by Sheamus. The announcers were super-silent throughout the whole post match thing.


DONT DO THIS AT HOME video. All new guys though. No more watching HHH/Angle fall through a table.


Mickie James vs. Michelle McCool is up next. Did you know Mickie is considered fat? Despite being possibly the hottest WWE diva sans maybe Maryse & Maria? Funny that the #1 contenders match was Beth vs. Mickie vs. Nattie... Any combination of those would make a WAY better match then this will be. One of those videos running down the feud... Funny its the only one that has had one yet, and its been mainly a recap of the fat jokes. I'll be so sad if Mickie doesnt go over. Michelle gets a pre-match promo. I bet you cant guess what she said to hype this match. Apparently Mickie James has a hairlip... I mean she's fat, apparently. She does say that Mickie "isnt here". Layla comes out as Piggie James. Apparently this is worth paying-to-view. Before Layla makes it to the ring. MICKIE IS HERE! Takes out Layla.


Women's Title Match: Mickie James defeated Michelle McCool to become the new champ!

-The match was literally this. Michelle attempts to kick Mickie, Mickie Moves, Michelle instead hits Layla off the apron. Mickie kicks Michelle in the gut. Spike DDT. Fin.

-After the match, Mickie kicks Layla who falls on Michelle. The rest of the divas bring out a cake and shove it in the face of Layla/Michelle.

-Thank GOD this ended how it did.


NO WAY OUT... errr... ELIMINATION CHAMBER hype featuring Triple H.


Rey Mysterio is backstage, staring into the camera intensely. Hype video for Rey vs. Taker


World Heavyweight Title Match:

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The problem is not only is Sheamus just brutal. Not anything special in the ring, cant cut a promo. But there is nothing special about him. If he got a tan & had brown hair. He's Kevin Thorn.


"There is nothing special about him: if he didn't have a unique and marketable look he wouldn't have anything."


Not a fan of a big monster heels holding the title via DQ. Just have Cody botch the interference or something and let Sheamus hit his big finish. The dude's a hoss, and a perfectly acceptable placeholder champion. I'm a little surprised Orton's not getting the belt: I wonder what the plan is for him re: Wrestlemania. He was red-hot teasing a face turn last year. I still think Randy Orton, crazy bad-ass would be a big money babyface.

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