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The Official WWE / NXT Discussion Thread *May Contain Spoilers*

Adam Ryland

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Yep. If you think that's how the real John Cena would have given a shoot response to this situation, you've got another thing comin'.


Right, because you know John Cena so very well. :rolleyes:


Seriously, if that's a worked response to the angle then it's the absolute WUSSIEST response he could've given. It makes him sound like somebody who's afraid he's gonna get his head kicked in again, not the tough faux Marine who keeps fighting no matter what the odds.


No, if Cena were 'working' his comments he'd be showing anger due to the attack and possibly not being able to get his revenge.

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@Slagaholic: I can't help but have this niggling feeling that you're not being 100% direct.


@Davidson: What are you talking about? Cena's formula doesn't jump to indignant rage until he gets beaten down at LEAST twice, and even then it's usually after they declare that he's a paper champion.

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"If for nothing else, to at least have a chance to have a match with him after what was done. I know that seems a bit more fair. Give me a chance to have a fair match with him, and give him yet another chance to prove that he does belong with us."


You're right. My Shoot Comment Alarm is a-blaring!


Call RF Video!


Cena's speaking out!


Yes because it's absolutely impossible that Cena would have an out of character desire to work a match with somebody he clearly respects or anything. :rolleyes:

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Yes because it's absolutely impossible that Cena would have an out of character desire to work a match with somebody he clearly respects or anything. :rolleyes:


He said "Fair." Why would he be shooting, to request an MMA match? If it's a wrestling match, it's a work; if it's a work, it's not fair, because it's scripted.

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@Slagaholic: I can't help but have this niggling feeling that you're not being 100% direct.


@Davidson: What are you talking about? Cena's formula doesn't jump to indignant rage until he gets beaten down at LEAST twice, and even then it's usually after they declare that he's a paper champion.


Yes but most beatdowns don't involve him being spat in the face and stretchered out, after numerous innocent bystanders were pummelled for no reason. I think unprovoked attacks on non-wrestlers might spark the indignant rage within him.

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You're right. I had a conversation with a few local indie wrestlers in my area. They kept talking about the importance of fairness when working a match. You're spot on.


Why are you treating me like I disagree with you? You've pointed out the error in my ways. I'm on your side bro.

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Except that Cena's character is that he's INFINITELY nice, and ALWAYS wants to settle it in the ring. Those tweets were, if not in character, 100% in line with his character.


And he pretty much said that despite what he did he wanted a fair shot at him. whats out of character for super cena about that?


he always wants to settle everything in the ring with a fair fight.

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And he pretty much said that despite what he did he wanted a fair shot at him. whats out of character for super cena about that?


he always wants to settle everything in the ring with a fair fight.


If I have to explain what's out of character when Cena makes nicey nice with a guy who openly disrespected him and beat him sensless for several minutes after attacking several non-combatants, then I have a feeling I'm never going to get my point across. :rolleyes:

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Why would in-character Cena do his fake-furious mode on TWITTER, talking to the fans? Of course he's going to be in his "opening part of the promo" mode, where he's all humble and nice. He's not in the ring, about to take off his shirt, flex and demand that someone comes out and faces him like a man.


He just wants to sign a petition, as if:


a) he doesn't know how to sign a petition

b) as if fan petitions have ever done anything in WWE. Do we think there wasn't one each time Jeff Hardy left?


It's got to be a work.

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If I have to explain what's out of character when Cena makes nicey nice with a guy who openly disrespected him and beat him sensless for several minutes after attacking several non-combatants, then I have a feeling I'm never going to get my point across. :rolleyes:


Right, much better to defend your lack of evidence either way with a vague allusion to your enlightened understanding of the Cena gimmick and the dreaded Rolleye emote debate ender.


Really put us all in our place for having a separate opinion than you did of a guys gimmick and how he would react in character on twitter. I know i for one am chagrined to have ever suggested anything contrary to your view.


The smileys have spoken, after all. how thoughtless of us to expect you to discuss the subject with us mere mortals on a message board.


It could be a work, or not, we are all just speculating on it. But to pretend that it's beneath you to discuss your view beyond "I'm right, and your an idiot if you think otherwise" is not a good way to get me to agree with your side of a debate.

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Not sure if this is true, but here it is anyway...


- CM Punk seemed to make light of Daniel Bryan's release at the SmackDown live event last night in Hampton, Virginia, before his match with Kane. Punk entered the ring and cornered announcer Tony Chimel, grabbed his tie and held it while looking back and forth between the tie and Tony's face, threatening him.
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Right, because you know John Cena so very well. :rolleyes:


Seriously, if that's a worked response to the angle then it's the absolute WUSSIEST response he could've given. It makes him sound like somebody who's afraid he's gonna get his head kicked in again, not the tough faux Marine who keeps fighting no matter what the odds.


No, if Cena were 'working' his comments he'd be showing anger due to the attack and possibly not being able to get his revenge.


You clearly have John Cena confused with somebody who isn't John Cena. Anger once they're in the ring, yes. On the internet...no.


Not sure if this is true, but here it is anyway...


LOL awesome.

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If I have to explain what's out of character when Cena makes nicey nice with a guy who openly disrespected him and beat him sensless for several minutes after attacking several non-combatants, then I have a feeling I'm never going to get my point across. :rolleyes:


Over use of the roll eye smiley I think 1 out of your last 6 posts didn't contain it. :rolleyes: (Irony)


Who knows or truly cares if Cena is "shooting" or "working". It's the most pathetic thing to get you panties in a bunch about, I mean come on. A grown man "Twitters" something and the debate is if he is telling the truth, or playing the character. I don't know him and neither do all you people saying to others "Oh so you know him then" or other equally hypocritical comments.


Anyway, I'm personally not sure about the whole Danielson thing. It could be a work to get the angry "Indy" guy over more on his return. I think the reasons being reported for his release are weak, but again he doesn't make the WWE as much money as Orton (for example) so there's the possibility he could be released for real. I would love for it to be a work. He could come back cut a promo on how "if he wasn't that good, why'd they hire him back? etc... and get some heat with the crowd". He was just coming into his own as a really good heel so I would hope he'll return somewhere down the line and use his release in some storyline or other.

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Regarding the whole Daniel Bryan deal...I think it's funny that in WWE, every employee will swear up and down to you that they are not in the wrestling business, they're entertainment, and that the so-called wrestling media is beneath them.


Then they run what is essentially a classic invasion angle (we've all seen stuff like this before in various places, haven't we?) and go very far out of their way to work the wrestling media they claim to hate. He's not gone, it's just an angle.

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I think it's a work. They wouldn't cut him after last week. That segment and NXT as a stable is gold. Why blow it up?


Well, if a high money sposer complained, as is the rumor (I've seen Mattel and Snickers listed) then really, Vince is left with no choice as a businessman


I mean, lets speculate, for the sake of argument that WWE's partnership with Mattel Nets it...20 Million a year, which is extremely low in all likelihood, as They do the Toys for WWE, sponsorship Fee's to the WWE ect, ect.


Your choice is


1. Lose a Ton of guaranteed money when the sponsor backs out on you.




2. Hope that the NXT stable, which was gold in ONE segment, catch such fire with the fans that it makes up for the loss of huge corporate $$ by refusing their request. This would mean being nearly certain that the NXT stable, and DB by extension would increase TV ratings and PPV buys to the extent that the equaled or exceeded a sponsor who is already investing a ton of money.


IF it isn't a work, which i'm still not convinced of, I can very easily see Vince, who from all reports was in love with Danielson as a worker (hence the Huge push for NXT, he likes Barret to) going to Danielson and saying something like


"Listen, We love what you've done here and think you can be a huge star, but sponsor X freaked out about the Tie thing and demanded your release. I;m going to have to do it to keep them on board.


But listen, these things blow over, We tossed you a little extra in the severance package, and in 6 months or so, we hope you'll rejoin us and we'll push you (possibly at a bonus over whatever he was making)"


Those kind of deals are made all the time, and, again assuming this isn't just a work, it explains why Danielson is keeping quiet on the whole issue.


I mean, if Vince really fired him with no promise of rehire for an angle he was told to go out and do, you don't think he'd be talking about that? Guys who leave the WWE without what they think is cause (I.E anderson) always at least say something.


So far DB's two comments to the public have been


1. The NXT catch phrase

2. A vauge tweet about speaking about it "at the right time"


Doesn't scream a guy who was fired unjustly and out of the blue to me.


That screams work, or let go with every assurance if he lays low and sticks to Indy's he's back ASAP and gets a push.

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Well, if a high money sposer complained, as is the rumor (I've seen Mattel and Snickers listed) then really, Vince is left with no choice as a businessman


I mean, lets speculate, for the sake of argument that WWE's partnership with Mattel Nets it...20 Million a year, which is extremely low in all likelihood, as They do the Toys for WWE, sponsorship Fee's to the WWE ect, ect.


Your choice is


1. Lose a Ton of guaranteed money when the sponsor backs out on you.




2. Hope that the NXT stable, which was gold in ONE segment, catch such fire with the fans that it makes up for the loss of huge corporate $$ by refusing their request. This would mean being nearly certain that the NXT stable, and DB by extension would increase TV ratings and PPV buys to the extent that the equaled or exceeded a sponsor who is already investing a ton of money.


IF it isn't a work, which i'm still not convinced of, I can very easily see Vince, who from all reports was in love with Danielson as a worker (hence the Huge push for NXT, he likes Barret to) going to Danielson and saying something like


"Listen, We love what you've done here and think you can be a huge star, but sponsor X freaked out about the Tie thing and demanded your release. I;m going to have to do it to keep them on board.


But listen, these things blow over, We tossed you a little extra in the severance package, and in 6 months or so, we hope you'll rejoin us and we'll push you (possibly at a bonus over whatever he was making)"


Those kind of deals are made all the time, and, again assuming this isn't just a work, it explains why Danielson is keeping quiet on the whole issue.


I mean, if Vince really fired him with no promise of rehire for an angle he was told to go out and do, you don't think he'd be talking about that? Guys who leave the WWE without what they think is cause (I.E anderson) always at least say something.


So far DB's two comments to the public have been


1. The NXT catch phrase

2. A vauge tweet about speaking about it "at the right time"


Doesn't scream a guy who was fired unjustly and out of the blue to me.


That screams work, or let go with every assurance if he lays low and sticks to Indy's he's back ASAP and gets a push.


I do not believe it was a work but I think crown here statement has creditability as I am of the belief that something similar happened. "Gotta letcha go - we love ya and can't wait to bring ya back in 3-6 months when all of this blows over." - considering he probably has a 90 day clause... he might work few indy dates then be back in the E with promised push/title reign/mega-raise.

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I do not believe it was a work but I think crown here statement has creditability as I am of the belief that something similar happened. "Gotta letcha go - we love ya and can't wait to bring ya back in 3-6 months when all of this blows over." - considering he probably has a 90 day clause... he might work few indy dates then be back in the E with promised push/title reign/mega-raise.


I was with you until this point. I don't think they would promise him anything of the sort.

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