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The Official WWE / NXT Discussion Thread *May Contain Spoilers*

Adam Ryland

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I find Ted boring as hell. But to each his own.

He IS boring... and so is Maryse... but they DO make a good pair... and it makes sense. A man-servant is so passe. Arm-candy is what Million-Dollar Playboys have today.


However, the problem with Ted Dibiase Jr. is he doesn't have a lot Charisma or Star Quality. He's got good LOOKS, but he's very BLAH otherwise. He's gotten better on the mic, but it's rather he's passable (he doesn't flub as much as he used to), but it's still, very, very, very boring to hear him talk. He has solid fundamentals and is pretty consistent, but he doesn't have much in the way of psychology or flashiness. His ringwork looks like a series of non-conflicting moves, rather than a smooth and interesting flowing in-ring prowess.


Let's contrast that with Cody Rhodes. Good looks. Good Charisma. Good Mic Work. Good amount of Star Quality. Solid fundamentals. Is Consistent. Has just enough flashiness, selling, and psychology to look smooth and interesting in the ring. His problem? He's a shorter and smaller than the WWE likes.


Ted is a better at brawling than Cody is, and a bit better in Technical wrestling, but Cody blows Ted out of the water in terms of flashiness, selling, and psychology.

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I'm pretty surprised they bothered to show that clip, considering how terribly Luger's push went.


Also, I love Miz hitting people in the head with the microphone before he finishes his catchphrase.

One of the reasons is because he's getting face pops because of his catchphrase. The other is, when a heel finishes his catchphrase up close to a face, the face hits the heel with his signature move.


It's like what they did with the Rock. He would sometimes interrupt his catchphrase: "If you smell... no! This isn't a sing-along with the Rock! ...what the Rock is cooking!" or "Don't laugh at the Rock's jokes!" It works for a bit, but eventually, the fans adjust to it, if they like the worker enough.

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Let's contrast that with Cody Rhodes. Good looks. Good Charisma. Good Mic Work. Good amount of Star Quality. Solid fundamentals. Is Consistent. Has just enough flashiness, selling, and psychology to look smooth and interesting in the ring. His problem? He's a shorter and smaller than the WWE likes.


I guess he's better then Thwagger is, but the lisp really is bothersome. I can't take him seriously when he talks. I'm waiting for one of them to say "You're desthpicable!".

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I guess he's better then Thwagger is, but the lisp really is bothersome. I can't take him seriously when he talks. I'm waiting for one of them to say "You're desthpicable!".


Actually, neither Cody nor Swagger have much a lisp anymore. A lisp isn't the worse thing ever. I mean, Dusty Rhodes talked liked he always had marbles in his mouth, and Randy Savage was just downright unintelligible sometimes when he tried to talk fast he is raspy voice: "ohyeahhh...mghghf...ohyeah..."

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Not a bad show. Not a good show. Overall, kind of meh.


I hope the 6 Vs. 1 match doesn't mean Cena wins.


The computer GM is dumb as hell and it needs to end, but probably won't as they made a podium for the computer to sit on.

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Solid ending if you ask me. Happy they didn't end it with another NXT beatdown again. Those were getting a little old.


And Thats the bottom line.. because Stone.. err the GM said SO! :)


I bet next week it will be If you smell what the GM is cooking. :p

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What are you even referring to?

Who knows? I'm stopped trying to make any sense of what he says.


Possibly, because....


He's the GM, and he... is ... AWESOME!


GM... pfft.... WORLD CHAMPION OF AWESOME is more like it. He should replace Cena's belt's faceplate of "WWE" with "BE MIZ". And it has to be even more blingy. Because it's the Miz and he's AWESOME.

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Who knows? I'm stopped trying to make any sense of what he says.




GM... pfft.... WORLD CHAMPION OF AWESOME is more like it. He should replace Cena's belt's faceplate of "WWE" with "BE MIZ". And it has to be even more blingy. Because it's the Miz and he's AWESOME.


If the Miz changed the US title to have a picture of his face on it.. that would be... AWESOME! :p

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