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The Official WWE / NXT Discussion Thread *May Contain Spoilers*

Adam Ryland

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Things that were well done last night:


Selling the match at Summerslam between Nexus and RAW All Stars... Good build up as you're going to get, until the week before when they throw down some epic video package that reminds you why you still tune into The E anyway.


Teasing Edge/Jericho as a team again, something we all wanted to see before Edge got hurt... They're sticking their toes in the water to see how it goes, hope it goes through.


John Cena/Chris Jericho match... Aside from a few botched moves, the match was well done... Jericho's acting was A+, look at the dude's eyes and watch how they change as he goes through the motion.(after the match during the promo)


Hell, even the women were interesting in the ring last night outside of just being T&A.


One of the best RAW's I've seen in a long time, and the WWE has really started reeling me back in as a fan that's been absent for a couple of years.


I mean sure, he yells and shouts, but it's all in the ring. When was the last time Orton or Sheamus was getting up in his face and he just smacked them and told them to shut their mouth?


How many times did Earthquake, Andre, or whoever you want to choose from Super God Hogan era get in Hogan's face and how many times did Hogan slap that big bastage? Zero. Cena is this era's Hulk Hogan, a do-good do-right all the time who worships the fans, and the business, and really wants everyone to like him... that's storyline wise, and most likely the truth for his real person.


Not every face can be the vengeful Stone Cold Steve Austin.... After all that's what made him so unique. Orton is the closest thing to what you're asking for, and as long as we're in a more PG market, it's probably all you'll get.

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John Cena/Chris Jericho match... Aside from a few botched moves, the match was well done... Jericho's acting was A+, look at the dude's eyes and watch how they change as he goes through the motion.(after the match during the promo)


Agreed man, it was awesome. This angle has rejuvenated Jericho (and to a lesser extent, Edge) and made Cena's character more effective than it has been in a while. There's like a four tier disposition system going...the big bad Nexus, the normal bad guys who the fans want to cheer against them, the regular good guys who aren't perfect, and John Cena.

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Wow, I'm actually mad after that NXT. Kaval loses AGAIN and they feed Joe Hennig to The Miz. LAME


Kaval is in the same boat as Bryan Danielson though, he doesn't really need to look good on the show... And it's not like he's losing to Percy Watson, he's lost twice in a row to Husky, whom they're trying to make something special.


I can promise you they're putting hopes on Mysterio and Kaval putting some asses in the seats, that's going to be the money feud for Kaval post NXT.


As for Hennig, they needed a way to make the competition seem more balanced, and they probably didn't want to have him lose to another NXT guy, so Miz was the logical choice. It's a double plus in my eyes... Hennig gets that rub from being in there with Miz, who lets be honest, is the star of NXT this season. And Miz gets the win, and will be able to hold the fact that Hennig wasn't perfect at the end of the season. They wanted to feud Danielson and Miz, maybe they'll feud Miz and Hennig for the US title.

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Not going to lie, the more I see Husky, the less I like him.


Thank You.


Percy Watson, Kaval, Joe Hennig. Only reasons I tune in to watch NXT.


Never liked Husky since the first episode when he botched that move on Percy Watson, He's really the entertainment factor (along with the Miz) that gets me to watch the show.


Kaval, is just, Kaval. I really love his martial arts style which makes him unique. Disappointed that he continues to lose.


Joe Hennig and Kofi Kingston is my favourite pairing. Love Kofi, Love Hennig. I'll echo that hopes that Kaval Feuds with Rey, Hennig feuds with Miz... and Percy Watson goes on to glory... :D

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Never liked Husky since the first episode when he botched that move on Percy Watson, He's really the entertainment factor (along with the Miz) that gets me to watch the show.


Seriously, when are people going to stop blaming Husky for Percy's inability to lay still and take a senton like a man? I love Percy as much as the next guy, but that botch was totally his fault for half rolling onto his side instead of staying flat on his back.


On an unrelated note I just saw the match of the year tonight at the Smackdown house show. Big Show defeated Drew McIntire in roughly 4 seconds.

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When you roll out of the way of a move, you roll towards the head. That's how it's done. Percy rolled towards Husky's feet, realized his mistake, tried to fix it, and got squashed. As awesome as Percy Watson is (Oh Yeah!) that was his fault.
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I dont see Low Ki Mysterio outting people in seats other than IWC/People who have seen his indy stuff. I like Kaval but dont see him going far in WWE


Kaval has more fans than just "Kaval" fans. A lot of people know him as Low Ki from his ROH and TNA days. I have a friend who's what you would call casual at best, he just watches the WWE(RAW particularly), but he knew who Kaval was.


Kaval's style is meant to get you into him, and it does. He's got a very unique style, and he's only expanded on it since his developmental contract.


I think a lot of you have forgotten what it's like when Rey faces guys that are his own size, especially other ring generals like Kaval.


I'm not saying the guy is going to win the world title, but he's going to give guys like Evan Bourne and Rey Mysterio something to do, and it's going to be exciting as hell.




As far as The Miz is concerned, they did do a poor job of keeping you reminded he was the US champion. But they've started kicking it into overdrive here recently, and they're acknowledging it all the time. They've actually been bringing some flavor and credibility back to the belts, though not really sure what's going on with Kane and his title.


Husky Harris is going to end up being a tag team wrestler, unless he really starts working on his physique and mic skills. I realize his gimmick is to be a bad ass fat man, but I just don't see him winning any single's belts at the start. I'd like to see him featured in tag team action, and really would like to see the WWF go back to that early 90's blueprint of building up stars through tag teams. We haven't seen that done effectively in so long.


I can't stand Percy Watson. He tries too hard, his facial mannerisms make him look like he's constantly got a bloated diarrhea feeling in his stomach. He's pretty piss poor when making stuff look legit in the ring. Last night for example in his match, when he grapevined the arm and was hitting it... Those punches looked absolutely stupid. The guy obviously has some athletic gifts, he jumps like Kevin Randleman when he does a leapfrog. But he's green as hell everywhere else. Lots of charisma, a good physique, but poor wrestling skills when it's not down to being athletic or flashy. Plus, he's pretty slow considering all of the dropkicks and jumping he does.


Alex Riley has a good star quality about him, but still not sold on him as he hasn't really shown his own personality much... mostly held down by the cloud of awesome that is The Miz.


I'm trying really hard to get into Joe Hennig, as his father holds two titles in my mind... Best psychology match of all time; Summerslam 91 with Bret Hart and quite honestly, the fearless award... For wanting to grapple with Brock Lesnar thousands of feet above ground on an airplane :)


But Joe's got the cards stacked against him... Really dumb name(Joe Hennig would have been much better, though not copyrightable), equally dumb finisher that looks just like a standard swinging neckbreaker until you see it in slow motion, and even then it looks pretty weak to me most of the time. I think he would have gotten over more easily using the damn Hennig Plex, and them explaining that that he was a master of the move, as it was handed down from his father. If you're going to give him a standard move as a finisher, at least give him something that has a bit of nostalgia to get him over. They're already going the "This is Curt Hennig's son" route... So why not?

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How can they be adding credibility back to the US title when it's a prop now? It's essentially just part of his entrance attire.


Simple; the title is on The Miz, and he's one of the most over people in the company... It doesn't matter if he's actively defending it, he's talking about it and making it important, or at least he has been doing the past two weeks.


I will say that the US title has somewhat taken a backseat on being defended now that he's gotten The Money in the Bank.


But honestly, not sure what you want from the US title. It's basically been a prop since WWE started using it. No one has really done anything with it, but at least the Miz is holding it, and he's half way interesting which is more than you can say for someone like MVP.

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Simple; the title is on The Miz, and he's one of the most over people in the company... It doesn't matter if he's actively defending it, he's talking about it and making it important, or at least he has been doing the past two weeks.


I will say that the US title has somewhat taken a backseat on being defended now that he's gotten The Money in the Bank.


But honestly, not sure what you want from the US title. It's basically been a prop since WWE started using it. No one has really done anything with it, but at least the Miz is holding it, and he's half way interesting which is more than you can say for someone like MVP.


It's not just the last two weeks though. I just watched Elimination Chamber 2010 on WWE Classics On Demand, and The Miz was bragging about being the US Champion on there too, something to do with his being US champ and Undisputed Tag Team champ at the same time. That was at least 6 months ago, (however long ago February was).



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