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The Official WWE / NXT Discussion Thread *May Contain Spoilers*

Adam Ryland

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Great show. Formulaic, basic in it's format, but sold the overall story of a group looking to grow and evolve. I kinda liked Young, and hope he moves on in the storyline.


Barrett spinning the loss as a win is kinda a fact. They beat 6/7 established WWE guys. If there was a "moral victory" in wrestling this was it.


Barrett going over Jericho was ... something. I dunno what they're going to do with Y2J after this. Good and needed win for the Nexus.


Oh hey, new belts. Interesting. Gabriel challenges Hart. K...


...and here's Micheal Tarver. Odd. I was really confused at this. Daniel Bryan gets punked by Miz. Cole is the most entertaining man in the world when paired with Daniel Bryan. I love it. Miz beats down Bryan. Oh, hey a ready made storyline. Good interview in the back by Miz. His leech, I mean rookie, almost ruins it though.


Hart wont be wrestling, it'll be ORTON~! We all knew Sheamus was coming to give Gabriel the win. Great selling by Sheamus, great ... being angry by Orton. Great little angle to move this basic but fantastic feud along.


Tag match... wait didn't the GM say that it was all one on one's? Otunga and Sheffield continue to bore me to tears.


Slater tries to talk Edge out of the match. Edge says no, Slater attacks. Then Edge gets face pops on the way to the ring. K. Slater beats Edge by count out. Good match, made Slater look a mix of lucky and ring-smart. Edge has the excuse of "blinded by rage".


Cena vs. Black Vegeta was great. I really hope this is a Darren Young face turn, with him challenging Cena, the the aftermath. I enjoyed the match. The post match stuff went on a little long.


All in all it was good. Nexus has momentum and a scapegoat for there SummerSlam failure. They can now move forward with confidence and bravado, while the main protag still has his momentum as well.


Simple, yet effective.

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Can I ask how you think the pointless count outs helped nexus? Just Curious.


Some guys you can't just push over a bigger name. The two people that ended in a countout, Edge and Randy Orton, have any business losing to Gabriel and Heath Slater? You can blame Sheamus and Edge thinking he could spear Heath into the turnbuckle for that one. Otherwise, we can see how pointless Heath and Gabriel picking up wins against two guys that have main event past Pay Per Views. But people who watch are in the business of watching in sake of entertainment, not nitpicking. That's their target, casuals. Not IWC opinions.

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Momentum. Heels aren't supposed to be better than faces, just be able to say they are better than faces.


I understand that but dont you think a DQ or a tainted win would have done the same with a better outcome? I just dont like the idea of two count outs in one show.

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I understand that but dont you think a DQ or a tainted win would have done the same with a better outcome? I just dont like the idea of two count outs in one show.


I liked it. Pushed the Orton Sheamus feud as well as made Slater look at least smarter than Edge.


DQ, well that's basically what the first one was. The ref should have called DQ when Sheamus attacked Orton.


Plus, at least to me, count outs are supposed to leave you feeling let down. Which is why faces hardly ever win by count out.

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I liked it. Pushed the Orton Sheamus feud as well as made Slater look at least smarter than Edge.


DQ, well that's basically what the first one was. The ref should have called DQ when Sheamus attacked Orton.


Plus, at least to me, count outs are supposed to leave you feeling let down. Which is why faces hardly ever win by count out.


Unless the referee only witnessed Orton starting the fight and taking it to Sheamus into the crowd, different interpretation, like you see in the NBA.

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Unless the referee only witnessed Orton starting the fight and taking it to Sheamus into the crowd, different interpretation, like you see in the NBA.


True, but it was a DQ/dirty finish based count out, where Slater's was a sly/trickster count out.

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I am so unbelievably disappointed that Cena didn't come to Young's aid. It would have been perfect. Young was made to look as impressive as any of them, putting Cena to the test, and it just made so much sense for Cena to help him at the end. If they are getting rid of Young then why make him look better than the rest of the group and build sympathy for him, and if they are gonna turn him face why not do it right away? To me a lot of the matchups were intriguing but generally very disappointing. This show pretty much killed any interest I had in this angle.
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I am so unbelievably disappointed that Cena didn't come to Young's aid. It would have been perfect. Young was made to look as impressive as any of them, putting Cena to the test, and it just made so much sense for Cena to help him at the end. If they are getting rid of Young then why make him look better than the rest of the group and build sympathy for him, and if they are gonna turn him face why not do it right away? To me a lot of the matchups were intriguing but generally very disappointing. This show pretty much killed any interest I had in this angle.


Not a bad idea, having Cena take Young under his wing. Maybe it's not too late. Have Cena cut a promo or w/e, siding with Young. They could still have Nexus lose two more members, and have a 4 on 4 feud. I would say to add in Bryan for a 5 on 5, but he seems to be busy with Miz at the moment.

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Not a bad idea, having Cena take Young under his wing. Maybe it's not too late. Have Cena cut a promo or w/e, siding with Young. They could still have Nexus lose two more members, and have a 4 on 4 feud. I would say to add in Bryan for a 5 on 5, but he seems to be busy with Miz at the moment.


Yeah I guess they could still do it, but I dunno man...the sight of Cena just...walking away, leaving this guy who stepped up to face him, who he had brutally beaten down in the past, who put on a decent show against him, to be inevitably torn apart.. That just didn't seem right to me, didn't seem like something he'd do. I've know idea how ten year old kids who worship the guy felt, but I'm no fan of his and it just seemed wrong. This guy is painted as some always do-gooding super hero, and he didn't even bat an eyelid at his enemies tearing a helpless guy apart, no matter what that guy had done in the past.

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I think because considerations like that do not enter into the mind of his 10 year old fans. Bad guys beating up a fellow bad guy = YEAH!


It wasn't done like that though, the fans weren't cheering them. It was all done in a way very sympathetic to Young, from the start to the finish of the show. If Cena had have helped him they'd have definitely got behind it.

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If I was Cena I would have let Young get destroyed too. Nexus did get a lot of very weak wins that I think made the group look weak. Barrett and Young were the only ones that looked strong in their matches. I see Young being on the WWE roster now as a lone wolf. WWE guys shunning him and Nexus guys shunning him too. Leaving the guy all alone to go up against anyone and everyone. May work for him.
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If I was Cena I would have let Young get destroyed too. Nexus did get a lot of very weak wins that I think made the group look weak. Barrett and Young were the only ones that looked strong in their matches. I see Young being on the WWE roster now as a lone wolf. WWE guys shunning him and Nexus guys shunning him too. Leaving the guy all alone to go up against anyone and everyone. May work for him.


I like that.. that would be a fresh character if you ask me. Tho I woulda loved to see Cena make the all mighty rescue.

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If I was to choose one of the Nexus guys to be a 'lone wolf', out of the group and on his own, it probably wouldn't have been Darren Young. He just strikes me as one of the weaker guys. If I was making it a character, I'd have gone with Justin Gabriel who have natural babyface traits, or maybe Michael Tarver, who can talk. I'm expecting Young to get future endeavored, or back to developmental. If Percy Watson loses NXT season 2 they can reunite their tag team and come back up together once they've matured as workers.
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Something I've been wondering, Iis NXT live? It gets taped alongside SD right?


I believe it's taped right before SD and airs a couple hours later. Could be wrong.


Watson and Harris were the right guys to go home. I've made no secret of my love for McGillicutty and Riley and Kaval are both clearly ahead of the other two.


How about Kaval's promo? If you missed it, he cut a little rap about the other NXT guys and end it with "...find out what I'm packin, cause I'm the only reason for some Total Nonstop Action."

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