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The Official WWE / NXT Discussion Thread *May Contain Spoilers*

Adam Ryland

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He joined wwecw and for a few month was part of the new breed or what ever they called the young group. I believed a fammily member died and it hit him hard and they gave him his release to deal with it. I was a fan of brown in tna but his work in wwe was a little less then steller. Remind you of anyone cough chrisharris cough
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What was his WWE name? Surely it wasn't Monty Brown


Also heres a question if their willing to change Loki and Daniel Bryan's name is there ANY chance that if AJ Styles came to the WWE they wouldn't change his name?


Adding onto that if their willing to change a guy by the name of Windham Rotunda's name to Husky Harris there is NOBODY that won't get a name change in the WWE I believe.

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What was his WWE name? Surely it wasn't Monty Brown


Also heres a question if their willing to change Loki and Daniel Bryan's name is there ANY chance that if AJ Styles came to the WWE they wouldn't change his name?


Adding onto that if their willing to change a guy by the name of Windham Rotunda's name to Husky Harris there is NOBODY that won't get a name change in the WWE I believe.


His WWE name was Marcus Cor Von.

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Monty was given the awful awful name Marcus Cor Von


And yeah.if they won't even let Mr. Perfect's kid keep his name...a name that has just as much history as Orton or Dibiase..then I don't know why they wouldn't change AJ Styles as well.


I have a feeling there'd be a lot of market research done to see if the name has enough value to keep it in tact.

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They've already got a perfectly good AJ. Of course they'd make Styles change his name if they hired him.


I actually liked The Marcus Cor Von name... Wasn't it Marquis Cor Von to begin with? Liked that too. And his music! It was my CAW's SvR tune for that one game he was in.

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They've already got a perfectly good AJ. Of course they'd make Styles change his name if they hired him.


I actually liked The Marcus Cor Von name... Wasn't it Marquis Cor Von to begin with? Liked that too. And his music! It was my CAW's SvR tune for that one game he was in.


Yeah, it started as Marquis Cor Von. And one of his first matches was against Cassidy O'Riley. I marked out BIG time for Cassidy :o

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They've already got a perfectly good AJ. Of course they'd make Styles change his name if they hired him.


I actually liked The Marcus Cor Von name... Wasn't it Marquis Cor Von to begin with? Liked that too. And his music! It was my CAW's SvR tune for that one game he was in.


Meh...I just thought Monty was at his best when he upped the intensity level and acted like a kook.


Sticking him with a name like "Cor Von" and a theme song that was all "Smooth, smooth, smoooooooth" didn't really play to his strengths imo.

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Rumor has it, CM Punk might be the guy headed to RAW in the trade for Edge. I think that is a big mistake. I think Edge vs Punk is one of the few money feuds they got left right now.


Oh God, I hope that's not true. Maybe it's just my imagination, but it seems that wrestlers... especially wrestlers that I particularly like... lose every trace of momentum they have when they move over to Raw, and end up having to be rebuilt if and when they move back to SmackDown! - (Jack Swagger in my opinion is an example of this, even though he came from ECW).


I'd hate very much to see this happen to The Punker, and yeah, a feud between he and Edge would be pretty darn good.

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Rumor has it, CM Punk might be the guy headed to RAW in the trade for Edge. I think that is a big mistake. I think Edge vs Punk is one of the few money feuds they got left right now.


Agreed. I thought Edge moving back didn't need a return trade as they moved so many guys out because of the tv deal ending and now with the new SyFy era having started they moved Edge back. I would sooner see someone move to Smackdown from RAW then the other way around. Especially once trips returns.


Edit: hope this didn't pain you to read saba:p

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The more i think about it, I bet there is going to be a unification of the World title at WM. They really just don't have the starpower they had when they started this brand split to keep it going. Combining the titles and axing the brandsplit, having all the top stars on both shows would be the best way to go I would think. Even though they might grow tiresome.
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Oh God, I hope that's not true. Maybe it's just my imagination, but it seems that wrestlers... especially wrestlers that I particularly like... lose every trace of momentum they have when they move over to Raw, and end up having to be rebuilt if and when they move back to SmackDown! - (Jack Swagger in my opinion is an example of this, even though he came from ECW).


I'd hate very much to see this happen to The Punker, and yeah, a feud between he and Edge would be pretty darn good.



What momentum does punk have right now on smackdown? He's being booked in squash matches with big show.


I like the move to raw, the problem with smackdown is that it has three huge monsters at the top of the ME card, tough to break in there.


aside from edge, who just failed as a face so i doubt the turn him fully, who is there left for punk?


can't go after ziggler, heel on heel.


Can't go after kofi, it doesn't mean anything


big show is done, and punks out.


rey vs punk has been done and was good.


punk vs. kane/taker? nope, that story is going on for a good long while.


punk vs mvp? i guess....but punk is being sold as a UMC and MVP is jobbing to ziggler atm...not sure what that gets punk.


I for one hope he goes to raw where they can pull the trigger on a few fueds for him right now. Punk- Daniel bryan for the US title would be awesome IMO and elevate both guys, Punk vs morrision which i think could be a very good UMC feud.


slightly less intersting: punk vs r-truth. they hinted at this during the early days of heel punk, but then truth got drafted and it never went anywhere.


Punk vs orton down the road, Punk vs trips when he gets back, Punk vs cena once the whole nexus sthick is done...


I think Raw is a very good move for punk, and also shows they think of him as a major player for the WWE title. Lets face it, smackdown is still the B show as much as i like it. A move to raw is a step in the right direction for heel punk.

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again, explain to me how this isn't happening on smackdown with a M/E scene that includes 3 guys over 7 feet and 300 pounds and rey myestrio who he already feuded with.


Because he is closer in terms of overness to those guys as opposed to the RAW crowd. Although now that Edge has moved and Jericho is gone it has gotten less. But with Nexus vs/+ Cena and Orton vs Sheamus and Miz vs Bryan being the top three stories atm Punk would slot in at no4 (and don't forget trips). On Smackdown there is really only one story atm and others are taking shape like Rey vs Del Rio and Edge vs Swagger.


Add into that past precedent with guys moving to RAW and getting lost who where doing well on Smackdown.

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I don't buy that, punk is over with the whole WWE. he's IMO, the top heel in the company with jericho gone.


guys from smackdown who have gone to raw and got lost in the shuffle ( i assume your referring to truth and morrision here, though i would argue Morrision is doing just fine.) traditionaly can't connect with the crowd on promo's, that's truth and morrision's problem.


Do you really think that will be a problem for a guy as good on the mic as CM punk?


He cut the best promo on Raw's 900th show, by a long shot. Not cena, orton, not edge, and certainly not nexus, Punk killed them and the crowd loved to hate him.


And he does it every time, he'll be fine.



And you mention there's only two stories going on for smackdown, which is true, but who's in them?


Rey, taker, and kane.


Where exactly is Punk fitting in the UMC for the next 3 months with ziggler, a heel, holding the IC title?


but mabey he can get K.O'd by big show in a 5 minute match again at the next PPV or squashed by taker in a match he gets moderate offense in like last week. That really is a good use of his talents....


CM punk is straight up not big enough ( body wise and history wise) to go over big show, kane, or taker in a drawn out fued. The crowd didn't buy it with taker, and they don't buy it with big show.


Punk is many things, but a giant killer type middleweight is not one of them. His move set is good up until about shemus's size, after that your pushing it.

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Then I would rather move Morrison to Smackdown lolz. Anyway I understand your points and hope you understand mine. Not that it matters as we have to see how everything pans out.


oh absolutely man.


And yea, it never pays to hope with WWE creative, they always let you down :D


If it is punk, I'd book a three way program with Daniel-Morrison-Punk, but that's me.


They'll probably book him in a fued with santino.

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I'm going to believe for now, RAW wants Punk to take Jericho's place... and he's the perfect one to be able to pull it off, no matter good or bad guy.


His move is for use, Edge is the one that might not have something to do for a while (my opinion).


I think it depends on if they are making him a face/ tweener.


If that's the move, then they can runthe swagger program and then add in del rio.


If I were creative, I'd start with the swagger fued and have jack go over a few times but in general make both guys look legit. Then once del rio is done with Rey or once Rey starts to lose the feud, I'd slide in edge, which makes perfect sense, both from a " war on pg/stupid gimmick" and, if they are committing to turning him face, revenge for christen based on thier history.


Hell, if you timed it right you could transition it into a reuniting of edge and christen as a tag team for a while. I wouldn't keep them together long term, but considering the way the tag titles are traded around right now, you could do edge and christen vs del rip and whoever makes storyline sense 8 months from now when christen is back for a few months.


Now if they want edge to stay a heel...he runs into the punk problem, where's his progrAm at with smackdown being heel heavy?

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he's IMO, the top heel in the company with jericho gone.


Punk is going onto RAW that has Nexus, Shemous and The Miz who are all higher up in the card than him.


I'm guessing you mean Punk is talented enough to be the top heel and now that he IS the top heel because honestly CM Punk as far as the entire WWE goes is atleast behind Sheamus, Kane, The Miz, and Nexus as a group.


Punk is talented but once again I don't see him fitting in as a heel on RAW and getting any big feuds to start with.

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