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The Official WWE / NXT Discussion Thread *May Contain Spoilers*

Adam Ryland

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So why is it in ROH Punk constantly played second fiddle to Joe. I think he lose or tied Joe in all of their major matches.


Yet even then I thought Punk clearly was the better pro wrestler since despite what anyone says Pro Wrestling is a show with characters and Punk had a very interesting and somewhat original character compared to Joe.


I take great pleasure in knowing that Punk has been far more successful than Joe likely ever will be.

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So why is it in ROH Punk constantly played second fiddle to Joe. I think he lose or tied Joe in all of their major matches.


Yet even then I thought Punk clearly was the better pro wrestler since despite what anyone says Pro Wrestling is a show with characters and Punk had a very interesting and somewhat original character compared to Joe.


I take great pleasure in knowing that Punk has been far more successful than Joe likely ever will be.

In their famous trilogy of matches in 2004, they had two 1-hour draws before Joe won the final match. I would agree that Punk was more well-rounded, both back then and now; he was and is without a doubt more charismatic and a better talker. Of course, the most important thing in ROH is whether or not you can go in the ring. Who the better actual worker was back then is debatable. These days, I think it's clearly Punk, but he has either remained just as good or gotten better since then, while Joe is not what he used to be. In 2004, I'm not sure who I'd say the better "worker" was--they were both great.


Punk was over HUGE--and I think that's another reason he didn't beat Joe. Joe's title reign had gone on so long, and the guy that ended it was going to get a huge boost. Punk didn't need the title; he was already as over as anyone else in the company. Instead, they had Austin Aries dethrone Joe less than a month after the Joe/Punk trilogy ended, which turned Aries into a bonafide main eventer. I think they made the right decision.

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Yea, I agree


Hey, give WWE this, they are selling the crap out of him being gone...Not sure where they go from here, but they retroactively gave the finish last night alittle more juice by having Cena say he's done in the "wwe" instead of just raw, and playing it up with a strong segment.


Love the cena sucks vs lets go cena chants.



Also, Punk on commentary = gold. the problem is lawler, as someone else said a few pages ago just seems....disinterested as a face announcer.

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Yes, and the Undertaker is really a zombie.


Kane makes that fire come up from the ringposts all by himself you know. With magic. :eek:


I know you're bustin' his balls...


but that Gobbledy Gooker was really a giant wrestling turkey right?




He was a DANCING wrestling turkey.


Sorry to bring this back, but I actually lol'd for once :D

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