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The Official WWE / NXT Discussion Thread *May Contain Spoilers*

Adam Ryland

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Reckon there's a good opportunity for Cena to turn heel with the return of Triple H. They won't do it, just a thought I've had as to a possible way they could do it.


HHH returns and has his little feud with Sheamus while Cena continues his feud with Nexus, showing a couple of signs of getting annoyed that no one ever comes to his aid when he gets beaten down by Nexus.


Cena gets eliminated by HHH in the rumble, who later gets eliminated himself. Cena starts to turn and attacks someone random (Mark Henry, R-Truth - take your pick) He has a couple of segments involving Triple H that lead to them taking on two heels and Cena gets beaten down when Triple H is taken out. The next week Cena and HHH team again, and Cena suddenly assaults Triple H and beats him down. The next week he comes out and says if it wasn't for him their might not even be a WWE now, because of him standing up to the Nexus, everyone else in the WWE still has a job yet none of them come to help him when he gets beaten down, then says Triple H had the nerve to eliminate me from the Rumble when if anyone deserves to fight for the championship at Mania, it is Cena. Cena says where was Triple H when Cena was standing up to the Nexus and says even when Cena was fighting for everyone, there were still people booing him but Triple H comes back to the heroes welcome, well he's had enough, he's sick of the fans, he's sick of fighting everyone elses battles and he's sick of Triple H.....

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I wish Cena would turn, however they have long missed their opportunity. Now too many people are rallying/wanting it for it to truly make a large impact. Not that it wouldnt still be a big deal, just not as big as if Cena had been revealed as the mastermind behind Nexus a while ago, with the whole thing a ploy for him to get the WWE title back somehow.




Anyone ordering TLC tonight? I'm on the fence and have to decide soon obviously.


On paper the card looks like what it looks like, a gimmick filled spotfest with likely half decent wrestling. But if I wanted to see that I'd just order a ROH PPV (and Final Battle didnt interest me at all). I dont really see too much of a reason to order (although I may just do it, nothing else to do tonight, lol).


I could see CM Punk returning, costing Orton his match with Miz. Punk is slated to return to house shows next week or so. And his promo about how someone wronged him and he never forgets and blah blah blah, I think could reference Orton costing him his first WWE belt. So it fits.


What would make me want to order this:


-- The World Heavyweight belt switching hands. Gong = distraction = Del Rio winning! I can hope.


-- CM Punk returning to the ring.


-- Possibly finally pulling the trigger on a Morrison push. Morrison vs. Miz for the WWE title! Who'd of thunk it? And a HHH return to help that along fits, but I actually have been enjoying HHHless WWE. I see Sheamus and Morrison curtain jerking tonight which isnt a bad thing either.


-- Maybe WWE finally giving women's wrestling a chance. Have Beth turn on Natalya and do an ultimate best of 100000000 series. lol.


-- That said there are only 6 matches, and WWE made the decision to cut it to there from 7. So obviously either: a) Matches are going to get time to be good or b) there is enough storylines/angles going on like a Punk or HHH return or Beth turn to warrent the extra time.

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found a way to watch it online, and its sucked thus far.


Ziggler vs. Swagger vs. Kofi

-- Nothing happened. Literally. I cant even remember a spot besides a sleeper on the ladder. Finish was Swagger and Kofi fighting for the belt, they drop it, Ziggler grabs it and wins.


Nattie and Beth vs. Laycool

-- I remember why women dont work gimmick matches more often now. It was just them stalling all the time. Hold someone in military press for 30 seconds so Michelle can get in.... over and over. Finish was anti climactic. Nattie just pushing them through the table. Luckily the botch actually helped save face.


Not a good start..... So far 1/3 of the matches have happened in 30 minutes, and they both sucked, good thing I saved my 50 bucks.

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found a way to watch it online, and its sucked thus far.


Ziggler vs. Swagger vs. Kofi

-- Nothing happened. Literally. I cant even remember a spot besides a sleeper on the ladder. Finish was Swagger and Kofi fighting for the belt, they drop it, Ziggler grabs it and wins.


Nattie and Beth vs. Laycool

-- I remember why women dont work gimmick matches more often now. It was just them stalling all the time. Hold someone in military press for 30 seconds so Michelle can get in.... over and over. Finish was anti climactic. Nattie just pushing them through the table. Luckily the botch actually helped save face.


Not a good start..... So far 1/3 of the matches have happened in 30 minutes, and they both sucked, good thing I saved my 50 bucks.


I agree it really has been bad

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However, we just got the match of the night. Great work from both JM and King Pale.


Wasnt that good. Been let down. It was a ladder match after all, and there was really only one BIG spot, and one other cool spot (the ankle thing with the ladder). Dunno. Let down so far. Dont see Miz vs. Orton saving it either. Whens the last time Orton honestly had a GREAT match? Been a long long time. He has okay matches, watchable matches, but a great one? Rarely.

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Can someone PM me a link to a stream


found a way to watch it online, and its sucked thus far.


You two sicken me. It's jerks like you two who make the PPV prices go up, so people like us who pay for it and watch it legally have to pay more money. Thanks a lot. Plus, you two are basically ripping off the WWE and the pro wrestlers, who are PROVIDING the entertainment that you are stealing. Jerks.

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You two sicken me. It's jerks like you two who make the PPV prices go up, so people like us who pay for it and watch it legally have to pay more money. Thanks a lot. Plus, you two are basically ripping off the WWE and the pro wrestlers, who are PROVIDING the entertainment that you are stealing. Jerks.


LMAO I find it hard to believe that you havernt done it

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No, Wrestling Century. People who pirate don't actually hurt sales. Most people who pirate video are the people who would skip a $50 PPV rather than watch it, except if they get to pirate it. They're basically ripping off WWE, sure. But are they ripping off CM Punk? Is his paycheck getting hurt by them streaming? No, it's not. Vince's maybe, but should I be looking out for a billionaire's interests? Where's he when I need to go to college to become a productive member of society? OH, so you're saying that I should feel morally obligated because I'm a proletariat and he's a captain of industry? I refuse.


Secondly, I think MrCanada was actually saying that they're not providing him with entertainment.


EDIT: I will, however, agree with lazorbeak below. I don't have a problem with people who pirate media, but... site run by GDS might not be the place.

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Can someone PM me a link to a stream


found a way to watch it online, and its sucked thus far.


Ziggler vs. Swagger vs. Kofi

-- Nothing happened. Literally. I cant even remember a spot besides a sleeper on the ladder. Finish was Swagger and Kofi fighting for the belt, they drop it, Ziggler grabs it and wins.


Nattie and Beth vs. Laycool

-- I remember why women dont work gimmick matches more often now. It was just them stalling all the time. Hold someone in military press for 30 seconds so Michelle can get in.... over and over. Finish was anti climactic. Nattie just pushing them through the table. Luckily the botch actually helped save face.


Not a good start..... So far 1/3 of the matches have happened in 30 minutes, and they both sucked, good thing I saved my 50 bucks.


Can someone recommend me to a way to do illegal things? Because on a sponsored site for commercial products seems like the place to talk about how I don't pay for the media I watch. Seriously as annoying as the boy's club at EWB can be, thank goodness they don't put up with this garbage.

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LOL yeah and I bet you download pirated Music, Movies and Software. dont say you dont cause everyone does


Get off your high horse


Some people don't.


But Wrestling Century -- ever been walking through the mall, and then looked into an electronics store as you passed by? Then you saw, as it happens, a new Blu-Ray movie showing on a TV, so you sort of look over without stopping? YOU HURT THE ECONOMY BY YOUR LOGIC.


The simple fact is that pirating does not hurt the economy. People who are willing to buy still do. People who aren't pirate. It tends to actually help brand strength because the simple fact is that every person who is a fan of yours is another chance for someone who WILL pay to see that person and say, I wanna be like that guy.

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