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The Official WWE / NXT Discussion Thread *May Contain Spoilers*

Adam Ryland

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Probably not, I tend to be more harsh on the WWF because I am not a fan of Vince. So anything they do that I can even make a remote negative connection to, I will.


May not like the guy, but many respect him.



He really did hiss? I thought that was just something some people were saying for fun. Wow, haha.


Yeah, when he was holding the Miz at bay. They pushed in on Orton in the ring, and he dropped his head a little, and clenched his teeth, and let out this hiss ... it was really surreal. I'm waiting for that point when he starts flickering his tongue during promos. lol


Funny thing about that. People say he's actually hissing off camera too. That's creepy!!!

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SD taping is coming here in late March. Im thinking about going since its so close to 'mania and something earth shattering could happen (however dobutful).


It could be a good deal since some of Superstars is taped beforehand.


EDIT: SD spoilers in white if you won't be able to watch on Friday


Slater/Gabriel are back with Barret, heelping him jump Big Show as well as with Zeke (who switches brands every month lol) ..

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My thoughts on the Nexus situation, spoilered as it pertains to this coming Friday's Smackdown.


I'm wondering if this whole Nexus divide is actually a huge swerve, and they are all together as one still. They have said they are going to be stronger than ever and they've said for a long time that there is a greater cause or something like that. And Punk himself said something along the lines of taking over the WWE.


So you have Punk leading his guys on Raw, and Barrett leading the others on Smackdown along with their newest recruit (Ezekiel Jackson). Then when the time is right they regroup. Barrett was never ousted from the group, he just went to Smackdown under that ruse so they could slowly take over the WWE?


Just a thought.

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My thoughts on the Nexus situation, spoilered as it pertains to this coming Friday's Smackdown.




More thoughts:


I like that idea as long as they can make the combining of two factions better than the combination between "They" and Fortune. Huh, not hard.


It would also be good if one group turned face and they feuded for a while somewhere down the line (at or preferably post WM). It would have to be Barrett's group that turned face, but that puts forth the question can Barrett sell himself as a face or not. He makes an excellent heel, but I didn't see any of NXT so I don't know if he has / can do a face as well. Considering Barrett has gone straight after Big Show I don't see it happening, but it could have been interesting.

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May not like the guy, but many respect him.


I really do not think many respect him either. People might fear him but not sure many respect him. I will say he is one hell of a promoter, maybe the best of all time (Either that or he is right behind P.T. Barnum.).


He is a an all right business man, and before anyone jumps down my throat about him being a billionaire, remember that was pretty much made off of wrestling alone. Yes he understands the wrestling business but each time he has ventured outside of wrestling he has failed for the most part (I say most part because his films unit seems to be doing okay.).


Now do I personally have respect for him? Not at all. How can you respect someone who has a wrestler die at an event and yet continues the show? And then the following night he exploits the death under the guise that it is a tribute show. A man who turned a blind eye while in the 1980's a good portion of his locker room were doing hardcore drugs. And let us not forget the steroids.


Okay my rant about Vince is done.:D

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I really do not think many respect him either. People might fear him but not sure many respect him. I will say he is one hell of a promoter, maybe the best of all time (Either that or he is right behind P.T. Barnum.).


He is a an all right business man, and before anyone jumps down my throat about him being a billionaire, remember that was pretty much made off of wrestling alone. Yes he understands the wrestling business but each time he has ventured outside of wrestling he has failed for the most part (I say most part because his films unit seems to be doing okay.).


Now do I personally have respect for him? Not at all. How can you respect someone who has a wrestler die at an event and yet continues the show? And then the following night he exploits the death under the guise that it is a tribute show. A man who turned a blind eye while in the 1980's a good portion of his locker room were doing hardcore drugs. And let us not forget the steroids.


Okay my rant about Vince is done.:D


Oh, I think it's fairly safe to say that many respect him. Lots of WWE fans actually do the bow thing to him when he appears on WWE shows, wouldn't be surprised if some dyed-in-the-wool WWE marks all but worship him.


Not sure exactly how it is that Vince gets a pass on the whole steroids thing, but from where I'm sitting, it seems like he kind of does. He has his little controversies, here and there, but they always seem to pass him by and then fade away. I always wonder how it is that WWE manages to avoid any real long-term effects from even things like the Benoit thing, (seems it's rarely even mentioned anymore).


Since this whole drug problem in wrestling came to light, I've been more than a little disturbed by the fact that protecting the business seems to be more important to those in it that actually trying to solve the problem.


Sorry if I've slipped off topic a bit, I kind of just started typing and ran with it.



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Nice to see more crossing over of the Brands.


Ricardo Rodriguez is awesome! I hope after Wrestlemania when (fingers crossed) Del Rio is World Heavyweight Champion, Rodriguez puts on his Lucha mask and turns on Del Rio (with a little help from Rey).


Also hope Husky/McGilicutty get some Tag Team action soon against Kozlov/Santino. And for Slater/Gabriel to turn face.

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That's the thing though. It looked extremely outlandish and fairly unrealistic, but for at least a split second, he made a big portion of viewers believe he was actually gonna do it. And that, to me, is awesome.

Who are these people that believed Punk was actually going to throw himself off the Titantron?

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Gauging by the reaction he got right after the fakeout, it's safe to say quite a few people expected it.. of course hindsight will fool us, as by now it sounds fairly stupid because he obviously didn't go through with it, but on the moment... who knows what can be running through one's mind. We had already seen crazy ish happen beforehand during the show.


That's what entertainment can be about, suspending belief. If they were only setting up things that didn't look unrealistic and had a plausible chance of happening, then things would look a bit tamer.

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I realize I'm behind the curve, but I just caught Friday's Smackdown. Wow was that a great show, top to bottom. Even the divas angle is interesting in an attempt to get people to care about McIntyre, who hasn't really done much lately. But the fatal four way, Ziggler/Kofi, the title match, and especially the main event were all awesome matches and the crowd was going nuts for all of it. If Alberto Del Rio isn't champion on Smackdown by June, something has gone horribly awry. He is the total package: great look, great facial expressions, great athleticism. I have a hard time thinking of the last time a guy made his debut for WWE looking this complete, and that includes Sheamus and Brock Lesnar, who both won world titles in their first year. He is completely ready now, just showcase him for a few months and then give him the belt. I mean an MMA and greco-roman background, from one of the most famous families in Mexico, experience all over, amazing charisma, and a fantastic build make him look not just like a future champion, but somebody to build a company around.


It's even more amazing because he spent his first 7-8 years as a technico and has far less experience as a rudo, yet he's this good at it.

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That's what entertainment can be about, suspending belief. If they were only setting up things that didn't look unrealistic and had a plausible chance of happening, then things would look a bit tamer.


Suspension of disbelief can only go so far. If Punk had teased shaving his head again, which would have played into his past with the idea that he was willing to humiliate himself again to prove his manhood, that would be something people could suspend their disbelief over. Punk throwing himself off the Titantron? Anyone who seriously thought that was going to happen probably couldn't tell their arse from a hole in the ground. Suspension of disbelief only works if you can reasonably believe that what is being presented to you could actually happen in some way. Punk throwing himself off the Titantron was crossing the line into complete absurdity and made the whole angle, that being Punk teasing he was going to do something to hurt himself but then renege, into a waste of time. And believe it or not, you can do crazy, wild or exciting stuff that you can suspend your disbelief over.

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Suspension of disbelief can only go so far. If Punk had teased shaving his head again, which would have played into his past with the idea that he was willing to humiliate himself again to prove his manhood, that would be something people could suspend their disbelief over. Punk throwing himself off the Titantron? Anyone who seriously thought that was going to happen probably couldn't tell their arse from a hole in the ground. Suspension of disbelief only works if you can reasonably believe that what is being presented to you could actually happen in some way. Punk throwing himself off the Titantron was crossing the line into complete absurdity and made the whole angle, that being Punk teasing he was going to do something to hurt himself but then renege, into a waste of time. And believe it or not, you can do crazy, wild or exciting stuff that you can suspend your disbelief over.


I just remember when LOD Hawk jumped off the back of the Titantron. That is what I thought was going to happen.

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Suspension of disbelief can only go so far. If Punk had teased shaving his head again, which would have played into his past with the idea that he was willing to humiliate himself again to prove his manhood, that would be something people could suspend their disbelief over. Punk throwing himself off the Titantron? Anyone who seriously thought that was going to happen probably couldn't tell their arse from a hole in the ground. Suspension of disbelief only works if you can reasonably believe that what is being presented to you could actually happen in some way. Punk throwing himself off the Titantron was crossing the line into complete absurdity and made the whole angle, that being Punk teasing he was going to do something to hurt himself but then renege, into a waste of time. And believe it or not, you can do crazy, wild or exciting stuff that you can suspend your disbelief over.


Again I seriously think hindsight's playing a part here, or your veiled interest in the show or even one's level of open-mindedness on a second-per-second basis, as I'd doubt every single person clicked the "it's not gonna happen" mindset the whole ride through. Especially among the marks anyway; they don't know any better. Some of them knowing in their minds everything's planned/scripted probably thought there was a big mattress under or something - not trying to go too technical with this but I personally wouldn't write anything off.


There's a difference between "oh my God, he's gonna do it!" as soon as he announces it, and your judgment building doubt as seconds go by and you see Punk doing his.. ritual-like posing as the crowd shushes down to see what's gonna happen next.

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As much as I like Morrison and his chemistry with Punk, it's hard for me to watch their matches from that summer considering the details of Morrison winning that belt (filling in for Chris Benoit at Vengeance). Not sure why it bothers me more than actually seeing him in older matches, but it just makes me queasy knowing the storyline was planned to be Punk vs. Benoit at Summerslam.
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As much as I like Morrison and his chemistry with Punk, it's hard for me to watch their matches from that summer considering the details of Morrison winning that belt (filling in for Chris Benoit at Vengeance). Not sure why it bothers me more than actually seeing him in older matches, but it just makes me queasy knowing the storyline was planned to be Punk vs. Benoit at Summerslam.


how do you feel about HHH getting the game gimmick?


if it actually was meant for owen

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how do you feel about HHH getting the game gimmick?


if it actually was meant for owen


Owen died in an accident, so it's not really the same thing at all. Also they hadn't already given Owen the gimmick, then just moved it on to someone else after his death. That situation is just conjecture.


But anyway I'd rather talk about how great Alberto Del Rio is.

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Owen died in an accident, so it's not really the same thing at all. Also they hadn't already given Owen the gimmick, then just moved it on to someone else after his death. That situation is just conjecture.


But anyway I'd rather talk about how great Alberto Del Rio is.


I bet they also planned to give Benoit the rock star makeover :o

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idk though


on SD Del Rio has a LOT of heel competition like Barret, Kane,and Ziggler but Morrison only has Orton and cena and cena will probably not go for the title until the program with Punk is over.


Thing is the RAW Title will be the Main Event of WrestleMania, and Morrison ain't headlining that show. So he'd have to win and lose it before then, which I don't see happening.

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Thing is the RAW Title will be the Main Event of WrestleMania, and Morrison ain't headlining that show. So he'd have to win and lose it before then, which I don't see happening.


I agree, I think they shall play it safe with both titles. Have Randy Orton or Cena win the title at WM have one of the two hold it for a bit. Take the title off of them an give it to a transitional champion and then have Morrison win it at Summer Slam.


Same goes for Del Rio, I just can't see him in the co-Main or Main Event at WM. Not yet that is, so maybe he wins the title at whatever the event is after WM.

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