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The Official WWE / NXT Discussion Thread *May Contain Spoilers*

Adam Ryland

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Favorites / Hopes at the moment?


Cena - Cena's always a favorite in the Rumble, no matter what. It's true that they try to stay in their comfort zone, leading me to think that Cena might be in there to win it again this year.


Mysterio - I like him, and I hope he gets another Title run soon, but I just can't believe that Mysterio would win again this year.


CM Punk - Punk's got a HUGE wave of momentum going into the Rumble, it's obvious that he's a thought to win it, no?


Alberto Del Rio - Probably won't win, because of being relatively new and all, but hey, it happened with Sheamus winning the title in his first year right?


Kofi Kingston / John Morrison - I like them both, but right now Kofi Kingston needs to stay in the Intercontinental Picture, because he's not going anywhere yet, as well as Morrison not being pushed yet I don't think. He's probably RAW's MITB guy for this year.


Ezekiel Jackson / Wade Barrett / Daniel Bryan - Okay, this probably won't happen, but I REALLY like these three, Zeke because of the brute factor, they're really pushing Barrett, and I just love Bryan Danielson.


For the returning guys -


I really hope they don't do an Undertaker win, or a Triple H win. I'd LOVE to see an Evan Bourne win ;-) but that won't happen. Not a chance. Maybe Christian, but the WWE has shown that they won't be planning on doing that any time soon. Hell, they'd probably push Yoshi Tatsu (Who I love, by the way) before they push Christian.

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I thought for sure CM Punk was going to walk out of the Rumble as the winner since he is probably the hottest act going. Now with the Barrett vs Punk stip I have my doubts. Maybe they continue the John Morrison push by letting him come out in the top 5 and lasting the whole way. That would break Shawn Michaels record of lasting from 1 to 30.
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Favorites / Hopes at the moment?


Cena - Cena's always a favorite in the Rumble, no matter what. It's true that they try to stay in their comfort zone, leading me to think that Cena might be in there to win it again this year.


Mysterio - I like him, and I hope he gets another Title run soon, but I just can't believe that Mysterio would win again this year.


CM Punk - Punk's got a HUGE wave of momentum going into the Rumble, it's obvious that he's a thought to win it, no?


Alberto Del Rio - Probably won't win, because of being relatively new and all, but hey, it happened with Sheamus winning the title in his first year right?


Kofi Kingston / John Morrison - I like them both, but right now Kofi Kingston needs to stay in the Intercontinental Picture, because he's not going anywhere yet, as well as Morrison not being pushed yet I don't think. He's probably RAW's MITB guy for this year.


Ezekiel Jackson / Wade Barrett / Daniel Bryan - Okay, this probably won't happen, but I REALLY like these three, Zeke because of the brute factor, they're really pushing Barrett, and I just love Bryan Danielson.


For the returning guys -


I really hope they don't do an Undertaker win, or a Triple H win. I'd LOVE to see an Evan Bourne win ;-) but that won't happen. Not a chance. Maybe Christian, but the WWE has shown that they won't be planning on doing that any time soon. Hell, they'd probably push Yoshi Tatsu (Who I love, by the way) before they push Christian.


My predicted WM match ups are


Barrett vs Taker

Edge vs Del Rio (title)

Miz vs Cena (unless there is something bigger for Cena like Jericho and we can have Miz vs Morrison)

Orton vs Punk (title)

Sheamus vs HHH

Money in the Bank - If Morrison isn't facing Miz I see him winning this. His time is coming to get the World Title shot. I see Kofi, Tyson Kidd, Daniel Bryan, Dolph Ziggler, and like Ezekiel Jackson or some of those Nexus guys involved.

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My predicted WM match ups are


Barrett vs Taker

Edge vs Del Rio (title)

Miz vs Cena (unless there is something bigger for Cena like Jericho and we can have Miz vs Morrison)

Orton vs Punk (title)

Sheamus vs HHH

Money in the Bank - If Morrison isn't facing Miz I see him winning this. His time is coming to get the World Title shot. I see Kofi, Tyson Kidd, Daniel Bryan, Dolph Ziggler, and like Ezekiel Jackson or some of those Nexus guys involved.


I don't see Barrett wrestling Taker at this years WM, think about it he (Barrett) has yet to appear at Mania so putting him in such a high profile match with Undertaker would probably not be good for him not that I don't think he would be able to do it but I do think that being in a match at his first mania is already pressure enough so I don't think putting him in a match with Taker is probably a good idea because that would probably be way to much pressure for him. I would like to see Taker vs. Cena at this years WM, this is probably Takers last mania so I think his last match at Mania should be epic, I could also see Taker vs. Kane 3 at Mania this year I know I have said this before in this thread and people said that they didn't need to do it but I feel like they do because they never finished their feud.

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They really need to stop the schizophrenic booking of Michael Cole. He goes from regular babyface announcer, to intolerable heel GM spokesman, to serious announcer hyping up the next PPV to heel cheerleader all in the space of five minutes and can jump from one persona to another at the drop of a hat. A new viewer to Raw would give themselves a migraine trying to make sense of Cole.
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A fun but very gimmicky Raw. Probably the weakest in the last 2 months. Enjoyed King/Cole/Ziggler/Vicky on commentary. And I like the idea of each brand having a heel stable. I bet it was HHH's idea.


Del Rio and Morrison (2 of my fav wrestlers right now) are still getting the biggest pushes entering the Rumble, as well as Punk and Barrett (don't think either will win though).

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I think Barrett beating Taker at his final Wrestlemania (if it's his last) would be great. He could then begin a streak of his own over the next few years. He could go on to say he is the only man to ever beat the Undertaker at Wrestlemania. No matter who he is feuding with that could be his claim to fame. While someone like Cena may call Barrett out on that being the only thing he ever did. Eventually Barrett would have more on his WWE resume but it would be a good start.
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I think Barrett beating Taker at his final Wrestlemania (if it's his last) would be great. He could then begin a streak of his own over the next few years. He could go on to say he is the only man to ever beat the Undertaker at Wrestlemania. No matter who he is feuding with that could be his claim to fame. While someone like Cena may call Barrett out on that being the only thing he ever did. Eventually Barrett would have more on his WWE resume but it would be a good start.


I did read somewhere (wrestlingexposed if i recall correctly) that the whole point of booking Taker vs Barrett in the WM (assuming it would happen) would be to give Taker an easy way to keep the streak alive and to make it easy on him on a phisicall level. People wouldn't expect him to go to on of those super intense phisical matches as he had with Shawn, in the previous years. So it would be an easy and phisically non demanding way to keep the streek alive.

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I did read somewhere (wrestlingexposed if i recall correctly) that the whole point of booking Taker vs Barrett in the WM (assuming it would happen) would be to give Taker an easy way to keep the streak alive and to make it easy on him on a phisicall level. People wouldn't expect him to go to on of those super intense phisical matches as he had with Shawn, in the previous years. So it would be an easy and phisically non demanding way to keep the streek alive.


I've never been a huge Undertaker fan in the first place so I wouldn't mind seeing him lose to a guy who could have a long lasting WWE career.


With that said I could see Undertaker retiring without ever losing at Wrestlemania.

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you don't have to be an Taker fan to understand the importance of the streak. If they were to give anyone permission to break it , I think it would be Punk simply because he is a heat magnet and has main evented numerous PPVs already. Giving it to a relative newcomer could be great, but MANY huge pushes have been halted recently (Swagger, Kofi, McIntre, Sheamus to an extent).


That is highly dobutful since taker said on many occasions the only person he would let end it was Kane. When you throw in their previous history of incidents (hi HiAC 09) it probably won't happen.

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If someone were to end the streak, I think it would have to be someone Undertaker respected and I think Undertaker would want/need to be involved in the booking of said person in the follow up, simply because I wouldn't trust creative on their own with something like this. I think Undertaker would want to know for damn sure that whoever beats him doesn't wind up right back where they started six-months down the line. In the end, I don't see the streak ending and there really isn't any point in doing so. Yeah, you could get some top new heel over with it, but WWE have done such a great job in making the streak mean something that I think ending the streak would end up like turning Austin heel and you'd only make fans tune out as a result.
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I don't see Barrett wrestling Taker at this years WM, think about it he (Barrett) has yet to appear at Mania so putting him in such a high profile match with Undertaker would probably not be good for him not that I don't think he would be able to do it but I do think that being in a match at his first mania is already pressure enough so I don't think putting him in a match with Taker is probably a good idea because that would probably be way to much pressure for him. I would like to see Taker vs. Cena at this years WM, this is probably Takers last mania so I think his last match at Mania should be epic, I could also see Taker vs. Kane 3 at Mania this year I know I have said this before in this thread and people said that they didn't need to do it but I feel like they do because they never finished their feud.


Ramble Ramble Ramble, and They did finish the feud, they buried Undertaker... literally.

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Ramble Ramble Ramble, and They did finish the feud, they buried Undertaker... literally.


Yes, but for every time Undertaker has been Buried, put in a casket, etc. I cannot think of many times he did not get his revenge, and to have him return without even a mention of the Kane fued would make him look weak. Someone has finally taken him out and he is unable to get retribution.

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I find it funny that the New Blood World Order has their own Wolfpac now.


This makes more sense over on the TNA discussion forum. I just don't know where your thinking most of the time, although some things I do agree with (the times I understand your thought process).


Trying to figure this one out, I'm going to believe your talking about Corre? And that Nexxus is what you call the New Blood World Order? In which (and I'm not sure) is a reference to the NWO (New World Order)?


IF any of this is correct, then you can make this connection anytime there is a stable in history. The difference's are huge as far as make-up is concerned, but every stable (heel versions) are always going to try to dominate the promotion (or in this case the brand), which is the only connection I see... The NWO had "Superstars", the Nexxus had relatively Unknown's. That might not seem like a difference to you, but to me that's a huge difference (especially since it has made a star out of the leader).


With the Nexxus being taken over by CM Punk at this point, I can't even think of a similar idea.... from anything... but maybe Raven and his flock. That's the only thing I ever think of with Punk though, from history.

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This makes more sense over on the TNA discussion forum. I just don't know where your thinking most of the time, although some things I do agree with (the times I understand your thought process).


Trying to figure this one out, I'm going to believe your talking about Corre? And that Nexxus is what you call the New Blood World Order? In which (and I'm not sure) is a reference to the NWO (New World Order)?


IF any of this is correct, then you can make this connection anytime there is a stable in history. The difference's are huge as far as make-up is concerned, but every stable (heel versions) are always going to try to dominate the promotion (or in this case the brand), which is the only connection I see... The NWO had "Superstars", the Nexxus had relatively Unknown's. That might not seem like a difference to you, but to me that's a huge difference (especially since it has made a star out of the leader).


With the Nexxus being taken over by CM Punk at this point, I can't even think of a similar idea.... from anything... but maybe Raven and his flock. That's the only thing I ever think of with Punk though, from history.


I always refer to the Nexus as the New Blood World Order because it started out just a combination of the NWO and the New Blood(WCW stable of young guys sick of being held down...). Obviously its not the exact same story, but it has similarities. Especially now that the team has split into two groups. I know the Nexus had unknowns and that's where the New Blood comes in. The Nexus invaded Raw and now they are invading Smackdown in the form of the Corre. I really think they'll end up coming out that they're working together.


Punk has made the Nexus interesting to me, which is why I started watching again. I actually have Raw and Smackdown both set on record entire series on my DVR which I haven't done in probably a few years. A lot of stuff still irritates me, but its at least watchable now that Punk is the focus of Raw and Wade is the focus of Smackdown with Dolph in the title picture(FINALLY!!).


For the most part, I refer to the Nexus as the New Blood World Order in a light hearted way because I know almost nothing in wrestling is ever original, but its fun to poke and prod some times :p

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