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The Official WWE / NXT Discussion Thread *May Contain Spoilers*

Adam Ryland

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The big 'wow' moment is when Sting finally appears on WWE TV and steps foot in a WWE ring. Fans have been wanting this for years. Why waste that on TV when you can, quite easily, build towards it happening at Wrestlemania and get them increasingly hyped up for something they have to pay to see. It would make a big deal, the debut of Sting in WWE, so much bigger and possibly even iconic if it happens on the biggest stage of them all.


I don't disagree. I just think it's a gamble. You're trying to drive up PPV numbers. Even when they had celebrities involved (Trump, Mayweather) or the return of an iconic name (Bret Hart) they still spent weeks and weeks using live appearances to promote them. And those WMs ended up doing huge numbers.


I just don't see the E doing something different for Sting.


Wow moment aside, you need to give consumers a reason to pay the exorbiatant amount the WM charges. IMO a Sting/Taker staredown on live TV does more than video promos and special effects.

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Having seen the video, it would never have actually crossed my mind that it was Sting - I thought of the Undertaker and Kane and the house that burned down.


That said, in my opinion if Sting wants to be remembered along with the likes of Hogan then he needs to finish his career in the WWE. He signs for one last, short run and Sting will be the legend in every SvR, he'll have the DVDs, the articles on WWE.com. If he stays with TNA, then he won't get that. I can't for the life of me imagine a Sting Retirement on iMPACT being particularly memorable...


As for the appearance of Sting, I'm with Peter. You'd need to see him to believe it, and a staredown for a couple of weeks would guarantee the build. Hey, just stick him in the rafters every week, worked for everyone else :D

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Everyone talks about Sting/Taker and even I admit that would be iconic. However, how about if Shawn Michaels takes one last step out of retirement and we have the face of WCW versus arguably the face of the WWF/E? Sting was the one performer that never left WCW for WWF/E. Shawn Michaels is the rare long-time performer that never left WWF/E for WCW. I think that could have some great build-up.
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Wow moment aside, you need to give consumers a reason to pay the exorbiatant amount the WM charges. IMO a Sting/Taker staredown on live TV does more than video promos and special effects.


You're giving them a reason. A moment they've all been waiting years to see. Sting stepping foot into a WWE ring and not only that, Sting facing The Undertaker. You don't need to do any more than promise the fans that that is exactly what they'll see at Wrestlemania. As for what it can add a Wrestlemania number, I think it will add a good size number. Maybe not huge numbers, but I think there are a good many people who would buy Wrestlemania solely because they know they'll see Sting debut and face off against The Undertaker. And I wouldn't want Sting's debut in WWE to be on TV. Frankly, I think it would cheapen the whole notion of Sting coming to WWE if he made his first apperance for WWE on TV. Sting's WWE debut is a Wrestlemania Moment if ever there was one.

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You're giving them a reason. A moment they've all been waiting years to see. Sting stepping foot into a WWE ring and not only that, Sting facing The Undertaker. You don't need to do any more than promise the fans that that is exactly what they'll see at Wrestlemania. As for what it can add a Wrestlemania number, I think it will add a good size number. Maybe not huge numbers, but I think there are a good many people who would buy Wrestlemania solely because they know they'll see Sting debut and face off against The Undertaker. And I wouldn't want Sting's debut in WWE to be on TV. Frankly, I think it would cheapen the whole notion of Sting coming to WWE if he made his first apperance for WWE on TV. Sting's WWE debut is a Wrestlemania Moment if ever there was one.


Meh. Agree to disagree. I see your point but I don't think it cheapens anything.


You're right that there'd be a lot of people who'd buy WM just to see Sting (myself included) but I still think weeks of build up and live appearances would be better than the video/SE approach.


And - by the same token - would probably result in some good numbers for Raw & SD which never hurts.


Just MO

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Everyone talks about Sting/Taker and even I admit that would be iconic. However, how about if Shawn Michaels takes one last step out of retirement and we have the face of WCW versus arguably the face of the WWF/E? Sting was the one performer that never left WCW for WWF/E. Shawn Michaels is the rare long-time performer that never left WWF/E for WCW. I think that could have some great build-up.


yeah..lots of fantasy booking scenarios out there. I'd love Sting/HBK and I'm sure Sting/HHH or Sting /Cena (especially) would be on a PPV in short order.

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I agree, Pete. While I wouldn't debut Sting by having him wrestle the Usos or whatever, I don't see how putting the guy on TV "cheapens" anything. If anything, it strengthens the feud because it tells you "hey, this guy is in shape to compete!" It tells the audience what they're getting without relying exclusively on special effects gimmickry.
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I can see the merits in the argument of putting Sting on TV to build the match. And if this was six months from now or any other time of the year, well, I'd still want his debut on PPV but I wouldn't be totally against something on Raw.


But if I'm given the choice of where to debut Sting, Raw or Wrestlemania, I don't really see how you can have it anywhere but Wrestlemania. The chance to debut a genuine icon of wrestling in WWE on the biggest stage of them all is one that will never happen again. I'd take the chance in a heartbeat.

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.But if I'm given the choice of where to debut Sting, Raw or Wrestlemania, I don't really see how you can have it anywhere but Wrestlemania. The chance to debut a genuine icon of wrestling in WWE on the biggest stage of them all is one that will never happen again. I'd take the chance in a heartbeat.


From strictly a fan's perspective? Sure.


BUt again - I'm just pointing out that from a business perspective -where you're trying to generate as much revenue as possible from this signing, before the impact (no pun intended) of Sting wears off - TV wouldn't be a bad thing.


I'm just sayin...totally see your point though

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From ewrestlingnews.com:


TNA sources have indicated that Sting did not sign a new contract for 2011, and many in the company have discussed that he may be heading to WWE.


This morning, the New York Daily news reported that Sting had signed a one-year deal with WWE. That is NOT confirmed though.

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I want surfer Sting in SvR. If I can get that without having to play around with CAW, then I will... I dunno what I'll do but it will be a definitely positive reaction.


If I were booking it (mind that I'm not a great booker) I would not put Sting in a match before WM. I'd have something like... having Miz or Nexus open RAW with some whiny speech, then BAM! Lights out, and everyone's knocked out as Taker shows up to call everyone on the planet a whimp, or something. Taker apparently likes to have a hand in that sort of thing, so go crazy. After a minute or two of that, again, lights out, and then have Sting be... wherever. On top of the Tron, on the stage, in the rafters, in the ring, whatever. Then you have a brief promo ("I want the streak, Mark!" or something), and he stalks off.


Then, the next week, Nexus is up to their old tricks and Sting starts to intervene. Then they decide to turn on him and he cleans up shop before walking off again. This somewhat has a few unintended effects—namely, that it sets up for a Nexus-Sting feud rather than a Taker-Sting feud—but there are few other groups who indiscriminantly attack people, and we want Sting to clean up 4-5 guys in a matter of seconds.


From that point on you have him show his face once or twice a show, not talking, and maybe have his music hit at convenient times with nothing really happening except the announcers going "OH MY GOD IS IT STING?!" Jerry Lawler can do that pretty well, I'd think.


Then I guess that actually gives Stinger something to do for the rest of the year, come to think of it.

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You're giving them a reason. A moment they've all been waiting years to see. Sting stepping foot into a WWE ring and not only that, Sting facing The Undertaker. You don't need to do any more than promise the fans that that is exactly what they'll see at Wrestlemania. As for what it can add a Wrestlemania number, I think it will add a good size number. Maybe not huge numbers, but I think there are a good many people who would buy Wrestlemania solely because they know they'll see Sting debut and face off against The Undertaker. And I wouldn't want Sting's debut in WWE to be on TV. Frankly, I think it would cheapen the whole notion of Sting coming to WWE if he made his first apperance for WWE on TV. Sting's WWE debut is a Wrestlemania Moment if ever there was one.


No, Peter's right. IMO, you can't promise fans something without having Sting on TV. They won't know they'll see him just because his logo showed up on the ring. The scenario you laid out would be fantastic for any other PPV, but Wrestlemania is the exception. It's the one PPV the whole year where you can't rely on fans to decide to buy to see IF something happens. They have to know it WILL happen. Sting absolutely should not wrestle. But he needs to be on TV.


I heard that they were going to do a Barrett vs. Taker Match at Mania but thinking about it now Barrett is in the Corre so it wouldn't make much sense. I desperately want to see Taker vs. Sting at Mania so I am all for it.


Why do you say it wouldn't make much sense? Barrett (along with two other Corre members, Slater and Gabriel) is still the that cost him his match with Kane and buried him. As much as I would love to see that match, there's an awful lot of hurdles to jump to get there...

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