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The Official WWE / NXT Discussion Thread *May Contain Spoilers*

Adam Ryland

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the matches against HBK and Edge were also really good. The Batista match was good considering it was Batista,


WM 24 is one of my favorite of the decade because the MITB, Edge/Taker, and the triple threat match that Orton retained (seriously, there was no way he would appear to win).


WM 25 had superrior undercard matches though (Matt vs Jeff comes to mind)


Been rewatching some of my favorite WM moments trying to get into the mood.

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that is because it was succeded by a few epic matches.


besides the Orton match, I had NEVER thought Taker could lose at Mania. Orton on his whole legend killer thing and everything but the match with Edge was good but they were in the ring against each other for like 6 of the previous 8 PPVs so it did not feel as special emotionally.

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As always late to the punch but I've been too busy/tired to catch the Rumble until last night.


Firstly, the first two matches each put me to sleep literally. I honestly think someone in the back is telling the wrestlers to do a move then stand/lie around doing nothing while they do a replay because the matches now are so slow and seem like a collection of moves rather than a match. I can't believe I used to whine about rest holds, in 2011 I would freaking kill for a rest hold over this nothingness. Oh Edge, what have you become?


Natalya is a better wrestler than Miz or Dolph Ziggler. In fact, I think most of the men in WWE are so minimalistic now that the divas are outworking them by a pretty wide margin 80% of the time.


I liked the Rumble, wasn't crazy about messing with tradition with 40 men but it was pretty good. I liked that the winner was a relatively new, was also a heel and a late entrant as it's a change from the few years there where babyfaces would run through the whole thing from the 1 or 2 spot.


I liked Punk and Danielson pretty much tying the whole first half of the rumble together and that they both got a decently long run. The teamwork aspect with Nexus and Later Cena and Hornswaggle was a nice change of pace from all the every man for himself stuff and Husky Harris again proved why he is awesome, he looked like he wanted to hurt people which is a lost art in the WWE. He was probably my favourite guy on the whole show.


Ted Dibiase Jr is so not-over that the crowd went silent when he showed up. Usually the fans get louder when a new entrant comes in, not quieter. I felt bad for him.


The John Morrison outside the ring spot was cool as I've been waiting forever for someone to exploit the whole "both feet must touch the ground" rule in some kind of creative way.


Diesel returning was cool but I was just waiting for one of his legs to snap. Booker T got a nice reaction but I am not particularly intereted in seeing him regularly.


Overall the rumble match was pretty fun, the other matches were entirely forgettable.

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You can still make it clear, and pretty obvious, that Sting will show up without having him on TV. Heck, why not really rub it in TNA's face and redo the angle from when Sting returned in 2006; have the lights go off when Undertaker's talking and when they go back on, a black coat and black baseball bat are in the ring at Undertaker's feet. If Sting were to come in and the idea is to keep him off of TV and he first shows himself at Wrestlemania, there are tons of angles they can do where it's pretty damn obvious Sting will be there without him having to show up. Make the hints a little more obvious each week so it builds up that way.


Like I've already said, I can see the merit in having Sting show up before Wrestlemania, it's just not something I'd go with.


Of course, this is dependant on Sting signing (possible but gets less likely with each year) and Undertaker being physically up to working a singles match at Wrestlemania, which still might not be the case.


Speaking of Undertaker-related vignettes, does anyone else remember this one:



A coat and bat would be obvious to old fans and TNA fans, but how many WWE fans are either of those? Honestly, how many WWE fans even know Sting that well? I bet it's a much smaller percentage than a lot of people think. If this was 2003, I might agree with you. But if your goal is to get as many buys as possible (which it is), having him on TV every week is going to get you a lot more buys. Then again, I'd hold Sting vs. Undertaker for Wrestlemania 28, so that's not the only thing we disagree on.


I do remember that one, and this one: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O-y7bjrlX98&. I was sad that neither of them went anywhere.


You know, guys, if I hadn't seen all this talk about it before watching the promo on Youtube last night, I don't think I'd even be trying to guess who it was at all. I'd be totally lost as to what it was even about. All I could tell about the scene was the cabin and the storm. The only way I even saw the human figure was because I was conditioned to look for it from all this chatter. In a way, I consider this a botched segment. It was so rainy and whomever was so obscured it would have been easy to miss the point entirely.


Lol, I think that means the segment worked perfectly, then. It wasn't supposed to make you say "OMG! Sting is coming!" at all. It's supposed to make you say "...what was that?" There's two more episodes of Raw between now and then, and I would bet my life that they each have a follow up video that reveals just a bit more. Then the final piece of the video airs on February 21, possibly ending with somebody showing up live at the arena.

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I like Alberto Del Rio but god he has the worst finisher EVER!!!! its an armbar AN ARMBAR!!!!


for years WWE has been telling me that moves like that are weak and can easily be countered so I find it hard to see the move as dangerous.


Until you break an arm due to one.


Yeah, arm bars are srs bidness.

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After having watched the Royal Rumble last night, I decided to youtube a couple of Alberto Del Rio matches (as I had seen him in pictures only prior to the Rumble). While he didn't really impress me hugely wrestling-wise in the few select matches I saw, I'd say his awesome facial expressions alone makes him deserve to headline Wrestlemania. To make it really interesting, though, they'd probably have to let Rey win the belt from Edge first.
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I like Alberto Del Rio but god he has the worst finisher EVER!!!! its an armbar AN ARMBAR!!!!


for years WWE has been telling me that moves like that are weak and can easily be countered so I find it hard to see the move as dangerous.


This is exactly what I think if he had a better finsher i might like him more

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Just remember that Wade Barretts Wasteland is the worst finisher ever and then compare the Cross Armbreaker to that and I think you know which one is better.

Yeah, if there is one finisher in WWE that I absolutely DO NOT buy, it's Wasteland. I have no problem with the Cross Armbreaker as a finish. It's not a move that's been used very often in WWE, so it hasn't been watered down through repeated use. It helps that it's been protected thus far, too. I haven't seen anyone survive when Alberto slaps it on.


To me, Wasteland is like a less-impressive looking Attitude Adjustment, which I've never thought looked very good to begin with.

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To juggalo: the Daily News is considered the most tabloid of the papers in NY.


According to who? The most tabloid of the papers in NYC is the POST, not the Daily News. Thank Rupert Murdoch, who imported several editors from The Sun when he bought the paper.


highly dobutful


Highly probable. Then again, you're probably judging her based on what she's done in WWE's powder puff style, not even knowing she's done several tours of Japan (one of which produced the "Nasty Nattie" heel character she used in Stampede). Do you honestly think Bryan Danielson would be the wrestler he is today if he had only come up through WWE's development system? Or has his international experience made him better and more versatile in the ring?


Dolph is far and away the better performer, with a far superior (and more developed) character. But in the ring? I haven't seen anything that would make me believe he could thrive in a more performance based product (like that which is common in Japan). Nattie's done it (and done it pretty well), Dolph hasn't.

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Dolph is far and away the better performer, with a far superior (and more developed) character. But in the ring? I haven't seen anything that would make me believe he could thrive in a more performance based product (like that which is common in Japan). Nattie's done it (and done it pretty well), Dolph hasn't.


See, I'm not even sure what Dolph's character is beyond being a guy who likes to bleach his hair and hang out with Vickie Guerrero. It's not that I hate him or anything so much as the current WWE system guys and the style they work does nothing for me.


Does anyone remember that episode of The Simpsons when they were playing tag and it was all with zero effort because the drab school uniforms were robbing them of their youthful exuberance?


"Now you are the one who is it"




That is how a lot of WWE matches feel to me these days when you get the super minimalist "less is more" WWE produced workers going at it.


"Now you are the one who is being bodyslammed"


"Understood, selling the lower back for approximately five seconds while you stand over me doing nothing"


Compared to that Natalya is perfectly fine in my book. I can understand people not getting into her but she does something that looks like wrestling and looks like it may sometimes hurt which instantly puts her a step ahead of a lot of the guys in my opinion. Plus she puts in effort and is perfectly capable of having fun little matches with the divas which I imagine takes some skill.

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Just remember that Wade Barretts Wasteland is the worst finisher ever and then compare the Cross Armbreaker to that and I think you know which one is better.


I'm enjoying WWE right now but my one problem is the lack of good finishers. All wrestlers should have 2 recognisable finishers.


I like Barrett but his matches aren't exciting enough because he's a generic brawler with 1 average finisher. And there's only so many times you can watch a match finish with a Spear or RKO without wanting to see something different. Funny that Cena gets hate for his limited moveset when, IMO, he's not the worst offender.


Some wrestlers like Bryan, Nattie and Del Rio are solid enough during their matches that they can get away with only 1 good finisher.

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