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The Official WWE / NXT Discussion Thread *May Contain Spoilers*

Adam Ryland

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A coat and bat would be obvious to old fans and TNA fans, but how many WWE fans are either of those? Honestly, how many WWE fans even know Sting that well? I bet it's a much smaller percentage than a lot of people think. If this was 2003, I might agree with you. But if your goal is to get as many buys as possible (which it is), having him on TV every week is going to get you a lot more buys. Then again, I'd hold Sting vs. Undertaker for Wrestlemania 28, so that's not the only thing we disagree on.


And this is where you lost all credibility. Sting has been black coat and baseball for almost 14-years, on a nationally televised program with that persona for 9 of those years, and you don't think WWE fans know Sting 'that well'? And having Sting appear weekly to build is no guarantee to get 'a lot more buys' because depending on what they do, it could turn a genuinely big deal into just another angle; look how the bungled Bret Hart. But like I said, you lost credibility with that, very, simple statement, so it's not worth debating any more.

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Nattie's done it (and done it pretty well), Dolph hasn't.


Sorry, Remi, but even though the match was good (more on that in a minute) the size difference between Nattie and Kong, along with the Puro style of having super-exaggerated facial expressions had me lol'ing all day~.


That said, might just be that I was watching TNA back when they were selling Kong as this incredible monster, but seeing Nattie hit a German Suplex on her like it was nothing did surprise me.

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And this is where you lost all credibility. Sting has been black coat and baseball for almost 14-years, on a nationally televised program with that persona for 9 of those years, and you don't think WWE fans know Sting 'that well'? And having Sting appear weekly to build is no guarantee to get 'a lot more buys' because depending on what they do, it could turn a genuinely big deal into just another angle; look how the bungled Bret Hart. But like I said, you lost credibility with that, very, simple statement, so it's not worth debating any more.


Say what? Sting hasn't been on a nationally televised program with anything near WWE's ratings in a decade. And in that decade, WWE has consciously marketed to young fans, fans that would have been between 0 and 5 when Sting wrestled Flair on the last Nitro. These fans don't watch TNA for the 2 months a year he shows up, and they likely know nothing about the character other than what they've heard from older fans.


So no, he didn't lose credibility with that, very, simple statement. I think he makes a good point.

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Say what? Sting hasn't been on a nationally televised program with anything near WWE's ratings in a decade. And in that decade, WWE has consciously marketed to young fans, fans that would have been between 0 and 5 when Sting wrestled Flair on the last Nitro. These fans don't watch TNA for the 2 months a year he shows up, and they likely know nothing about the character other than what they've heard from older fans.


So no, he didn't lose credibility with that, very, simple statement. I think he makes a good point.


I agree with Lazor, just because some of us remember Surfer Sting, doesn't mean every wrestling fan out there will!

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And this is where you lost all credibility. Sting has been black coat and baseball for almost 14-years, on a nationally televised program with that persona for 9 of those years, and you don't think WWE fans know Sting 'that well'? And having Sting appear weekly to build is no guarantee to get 'a lot more buys' because depending on what they do, it could turn a genuinely big deal into just another angle; look how the bungled Bret Hart. But like I said, you lost credibility with that, very, simple statement, so it's not worth debating any more.


Wow. Calm down. Candyman has a very valid point. WWE fans are not internet wrestling fans. Big segments of their audience are WWE fans only, have barely a passing interest in any outside companies, and - based on their ratings - tend to be a little too young to remember Sting in his prime in WCW ( or WCW period, for that matter)


You're making the common mistake of the internet wrestling nerd that ALL fans are also internet wrestling nerds.


I'd say at least a third of the current WWE viewers will have - at best - a passing knowledge of Sting when he shows up.

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Does anyone remember that episode of The Simpsons when they were playing tag and it was all with zero effort because the drab school uniforms were robbing them of their youthful exuberance?


"Now you are the one who is it"




That is how a lot of WWE matches feel to me these days when you get the super minimalist "less is more" WWE produced workers going at it.


"Now you are the one who is being bodyslammed"


"Understood, selling the lower back for approximately five seconds while you stand over me doing nothing"



Totally agree. I'm sure others could deliver a diatribe on this, but I think a lot of it comes down to the cookie cutter nature of the E's development system. They look for ONE type, try to make them work ONE style, and do everything they can to only promote from within.


This mind-set means that they can guaranteee themselves more workers of a certain skill-set that have proven to be marketable and successful in the past, but it also drains the roster of any idiosyncratic originality. There's literally ZERO chance of someone like a Mick Foley or even a Jake Roberts becoming a star in the current system. Hell, Bryan Danielson and Mistico have proven themselves as successful headline material draws all over the globe, and I seriously doubt they'll succeed in the E.


The WWE spent s much time trying to find a way to make their talent evaluation easy to predict, that they kinda forgot predictable' isn't always a good thing.

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Regarding Sting, he didn’t sign with TNA. Despite it being reported otherwise, several WWE sources say he has not signed with WWE. WWE produced videos to build to the return of The Undertaker on 2/21, which aired on both Raw and Smackdown and garnered an incredible amount of talk, particularly because people convinced themselves the videos weren’t for Undertaker. It has been confirmed that was the person the videos were for, and the Save Mart Center in Fresno was told to promote the show locally as “The return of The Undertaker.”


Hopefully he still signs.

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My three top picks for the 2-21-11 angle: Kevin Nash, Sting, and The Undertaker. My first thought was Undertaker, but when I heard about all the Sting talk, the trench coat and some wishful thinking took over.


Only reason I thought Nash was because of all the talking he did on Twitter about a Grand Torino type character way back when. I know he returned at the Rumble, but I did think it was possible that this was for more of an official in-ring return, if he's going to come back.


A friend of mine thought it might be Amazing Kong, and I think that might also be a possibility, but the video felt like a guy to me, and also felt like an older guy at that - someone with more experience, more respect possibly, a veteran.


The video had a 'new sheriff in town/old sheriff back in town' vibe to me.


That's my take on the matter anyway. Of course, I could be wrong.



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I was thinking about this 2 21 11 code if its not Sting or Taker who else could it be?


Could it be some of the injury/time off returns like HHH, Christian, Jericho or maybe Evan Bourne(not likely).

What about Paul Bearer where did he disappear? havent seen him for some time now, could he be involved in this message? and a build up towards Taker vs Kane match at mania?

Or could it be someone returning, there was rumours that JBL would return some months ago.

Could it be Brock Lesnar thats back for around a month since this is the day after EC in a build up towards him facing taker at mania? there was at least some rumours of that a while back when Undertaker was and watched MMA last year and talked to Brock.

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Wow. Calm down. Candyman has a very valid point. WWE fans are not internet wrestling fans. Big segments of their audience are WWE fans only, have barely a passing interest in any outside companies, and - based on their ratings - tend to be a little too young to remember Sting in his prime in WCW ( or WCW period, for that matter)


You're making the common mistake of the internet wrestling nerd that ALL fans are also internet wrestling nerds.


I'd say at least a third of the current WWE viewers will have - at best - a passing knowledge of Sting when he shows up.


Didn't they pop pretty hard for Diesel at the Rumble?

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Didn't they pop pretty hard for Diesel at the Rumble?


Boston is a smarky town and Nash has more of a history with the WWE.


I'm not saying that none of the fans will pops for Sting or that no one knows him. I'm saying that it's foolish to assume Sting is a 'household' name when it comes to wrestling fans like a Hogan or a Rock where he's going to be instantly recognizable the second he steps foot into the arena.


This for instance...


Say what? Sting hasn't been on a nationally televised program with anything near WWE's ratings in a decade. And in that decade, WWE has consciously marketed to young fans, fans that would have been between 0 and 5 when Sting wrestled Flair on the last Nitro. These fans don't watch TNA for the 2 months a year he shows up, and they likely know nothing about the character other than what they've heard from older fans.


..is entirely true. How many of these 11 year old kids who got into wrestling by watching John Cena when they were 5 are going to really KNOW Sting?

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Yes. Yes, they did. Bunch of nerds.


Oh calm down. FYI any time I refer to fans on this forum (including myself) I refer to them as 'internet wrestling nerds'


Because it's true. You/we are.


If you know WAAAAAY more about wrestling than the average fan, if you visit more than one site to get news on wrestling, if you can have extended discussion about the wrestling industry and know insider terms like it's everyday vocabulary, and ESPECIALLY if you take the time to play a game which simulates managing and booking an imaginary wrestling promotion, then you're an internet wrestling nerd.


Which is totaly ok. You just need to know that about yourself and understand that you know about and care waaaaay more than most of the viewing audience out there.

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You can educate those young fans pretty quickly. I figure there would be enough adults in any live crowd who would know him and be excited, to get that good first pop (maybe go someplace where WCW ran a lot, just to be sure) Enough cool hype videos and superstars putting him over as a big deal, and kids will get the idea. I don't see it as that different to the Bret Hart deal. He was pretty special... at first.
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You can educate those young fans pretty quickly. I figure there would be enough adults in any live crowd who would know him and be excited, to get that good first pop (maybe go someplace where WCW ran a lot, just to be sure) Enough cool hype videos and superstars putting him over as a big deal, and kids will get the idea. I don't see it as that different to the Bret Hart deal. He was pretty special... at first.


Totally agree here too. This point came up because Cady said that a 'coat and a bat' reference would get lost on the fans who don't know Sting that well.


And I agree.



Which - going back to the initial disagrement - is why I think it will take more than some mysterious vignettes to get Sting over. IMO, along with those things you mentioned, he'd need to show up at the arena before WM to drive home that he's a BIG deal

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