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The Official WWE / NXT Discussion Thread *May Contain Spoilers*

Adam Ryland

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Going to be honest about this "Zack" stuff... I'm kind of baffled. I would think 8 out of 10 of you guys could do a better youtube video, without aide (which I'm sure he had). I honestly thought you guys were making fun of him, or being sarcastic at first. After watching that stuff, the only thing amazing is that he is still in the WWE, to be honest.
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Why get freakin' Snooki in I though TNA were bad getting their Shore crap iin but WWE? I expected better, speaking of expecting I can't wait until TNA mention this >: (


Austin should be your better, well depending on how you see it. With him confirmed and Rock even being possible, everything else is just extra padding to me.


I really think WWE is gonna notch a surprise push on Ryder someday. Least I hope so/

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Speaking of which, anyone think that their might be some sort of interaction between Austin and Rock? That'd be kind of fun, if just for nostalgia.

Not yet, probably. Hopefully soon, though. Just a staredown between the Rock and Stone Cold Steve Austin is enough to sizzle people.

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It is a little needless. What I sort of don't like is how they mention Orton punting McGuillicutty last week, but make no mention of him doing the same thing to take out Harris last month. He's slowly taking out every one of Punk's cohorts, you'd think they'd be listing them all off.


By the way, haven't watched any of NXT this season aside from the finale, but from what I did see, I kind of like Clay, I found him to be a pretty effective heel.

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Jerry should come out and show off some old video footage from ten years ago to Michael Cole, reminded everyone what a giant ***** he really is. Remember when Stone Cold beat the crap out of him? Hmmm, when he comes back tonight, maybe he should do it again...it has been 10 years....hahaha
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