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The Official WWE / NXT Discussion Thread *May Contain Spoilers*

Adam Ryland

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That would be Cena 2 Rock 0...


I'd say Rock 1. I thought Cena was gonna address the passion thing but I guess he could attack the only weak spot possible. But yeah, Cena's brought it again.


I was fairly content with Raw being Miz-free, though. :p


Mediocre matches, great Raw in terms of hype and entertainment. So many things to list, but for now Cole's temper tantrum sticks to mind the most.

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I have to say.... I disliked him A LOT at first.... I thought he would amount to nothing when he first joined the WWE... Hell, I didn't even think he would make it this far as an active competitor in the company as a whole.... BUT...


I believe the Miz is Awesome!


Call me a full-fledged convert; I love this guy. He plays his heel-schtick perfectly every time. Tonight, he took it to a whole new level in my mind. Sure, he did mess up slightly on his promo at one point but overall he blew it out of the water. Honestly, with Jericho gone now, the Miz really stands as THE best Heel in the WWE (maybe only challenged by CM Punk; who I love soooo very much as well).


I've always been a heel guy; however, he really proved his worth to me; and has for quite some time really.


That is all.





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I have to say.... I disliked him A LOT at first.... I thought he would amount to nothing when he first joined the WWE... Hell, I didn't even think he would make it this far as an active competitor in the company as a whole.... BUT...


I believe the Miz is Awesome!


Call me a full-fledged convert; I love this guy. He plays his heel-schtick perfectly every time. Tonight, he took it to a whole new level in my mind. Sure, he did mess up slightly on his promo at one point but overall he blew it out of the water. Honestly, with Jericho gone now, the Miz really stands as THE best Heel in the WWE (maybe only challenged by CM Punk; who I love soooo very much as well).


I've always been a heel guy; however, he really proved his worth to me; and has for quite some time really.


That is all.






... We'll agree to disagree.

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He's the best the WWE will have in a long while. He's certainly a reprieve from Cena. He's nowhere near as good as Edge or Jericho was, but he's the best they got.


Like I said, we'll agree to disagree. I respect his hardwork in making it to the top, but I don't see him as the top heel. Or a good wrestler.

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Like I said, we'll agree to disagree. I respect his hardwork in making it to the top, but I don't see him as the top heel. Or a good wrestler.


He's not a great wrestler from a traditional standard but he is for the modern-day product for the WWE; one much like the late 80's and early 90's where Entertainment was FAR more important than anything else. Hulk Hogan, and the Ultimate Warrior, are two examples of guys who were terrible in the ring but became big due to their persona's. Now, I'm not saying the Miz will EVER get to that point, as it's almost impossible, but what I am saying is that he's done a great job of conveying a unique persona within a mold of luke-warm standards as of late.


Will he wrestle circles around people? No. Then again, given the WWE's product style, such a fact isn't needed really. The bigger draw from a WWE standpoint is whether or not you can entertain....


In my eyes, he does exactly that... Entertain.


That said, I totally understand why Hash (or anyone for that matter) would still not like the guy. Even as I wrote it out I knew there would be some blow-back. All in all, I guess I'm just saying I, myself, am a Fan of his work; nothing more than that I guess. :D

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Like I said, we'll agree to disagree. I respect his hardwork in making it to the top, but I don't see him as the top heel. Or a good wrestler.


I get the not a good wrestler thing, although i think he's improved leaps and bounds since he tagged with morrision two years ago and is getting pretty solid in the ring now, but not spectacular.


But if you don't think he's a a good to great heel mic skill wise....I just don't know what your looking for out of a brash heel playing the "****y kid" gimmick to prefection.


I'm a convert too, kid belongs. When they first split Him and JoMo up i thought he'd be stuck with his goofy hat in the midcard forever. He's proved me wrong.


Also I like the trust shown in ziggler, hope he makes it up the card. The thing is, and this applies to Jomo too, that you can only go so far on smackdown.


Your reward for looking like you belong in the B brands main event scene is a promotion to raw to see what you've got. Unfortunately by it's very top heavy nature, that tends to be sink or swim. Punk swam, Jomo sank.


Hopefully ziggler swims.

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He's not a great wrestler from a traditional standard but he is for the modern-day product for the WWE; one much like the late 80's and early 90's where Entertainment was FAR more important than anything else. Hulk Hogan, and the Ultimate Warrior, are two examples of guys who were terrible in the ring but became big due to their persona's. Now, I'm not saying the Miz will EVER get to that point, as it's almost impossible, but what I am saying is that he's done a great job of conveying a unique persona within a mold of luke-warm standards as of late.


Will he wrestle circles around people? No. Then again, given the WWE's product style, such a fact isn't needed really. The bigger draw from a WWE standpoint is whether or not you can entertain....


In my eyes, he does exactly that... Entertain.


That said, I totally understand why Hash (or anyone for that matter) would still not like the guy. Even as I wrote it out I knew there would be some blow-back. All in all, I guess I'm just saying I, myself, am a Fan of his work; nothing more than that I guess. :D

I agree. For what WWE needs, he meets their demands. In fact, he FAR exceeds it.


In TEW terms, he's a guy with good performance skills with weak "Top-Row skills", but great Entertainment skills. Let's compare that to guy like Ted Dibiase Jr. Decent wrestler, decent looks but not so good in psychology, selling, on the mic, and has the charisma of a piece of wood. The Miz is little worse than Dibiase in terms of wrestling, but has decent psychology and selling, great mic work, great charisma.


As a guy that criticizes the WWE a lot (and you can't say I don't), I would say the Miz is close as we are going to get to someone that doesn't tick all the wrong boxes for the generic IWC fan, AND meets the WWE's needs. All that's all we can hope for. And this comes from a guy that criticizes them.

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He's not a great wrestler from a traditional standard but he is for the modern-day product for the WWE; one much like the late 80's and early 90's where Entertainment was FAR more important than anything else. Hulk Hogan, and the Ultimate Warrior, are two examples of guys who were terrible in the ring but became big due to their persona's. Now, I'm not saying the Miz will EVER get to that point, as it's almost impossible, but what I am saying is that he's done a great job of conveying a unique persona within a mold of luke-warm standards as of late.

1. It's not because of a traditional standard or what not. I just don't like him based on my standards for liking a wrestler or not. Also, Hogan used to be epic in the ring. Look for his Japan/early stuff.


Will he wrestle circles around people? No. Then again, given the WWE's product style, such a fact isn't needed really. The bigger draw from a WWE standpoint is whether or not you can entertain....


In my eyes, he does exactly that... Entertain.

I'm no ROHbot demanding wrestling 24/7 (Though Final Countdown did introduce me to them). I'm just not entertained by The Miz, like I'm not entertained by Triple H, or Randy Orton or Matt Hardy, or Rey Mysterio. His character is not entertaining, his ring work - while improving - is not entertaning, and the same goes for his mic-work. I'm just not a fan. *shrugs*


But if you don't think he's a a good to great heel mic skill wise....I just don't know what your looking for out of a brash heel playing the "****y kid" gimmick to prefection.

****y kid? And here I thought he was playing the egomaniac.
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1. It's not because of a traditional standard or what not. I just don't like him based on my standards for liking a wrestler or not. Also, Hogan used to be epic in the ring. Look for his Japan/early stuff.



I'm no ROHbot demanding wrestling 24/7 (Though Final Countdown did introduce me to them). I'm just not entertained by The Miz, like I'm not entertained by Triple H, or Randy Orton or Matt Hardy, or Rey Mysterio. His character is not entertaining, his ring work - while improving - is not entertaning, and the same goes for his mic-work. I'm just not a fan. *shrugs*


****y kid? And here I thought he was playing the egomaniac.

Those are fair points. But as a guy who feels that the WWE disappointed me in the past, the Miz is the least worst option right now.

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I'm not entertained by Miz either, still. He's come a long way(sometimes I watch his first segments in WWE for laughs) he's hustling his way through the business, all talent no doubt, but the way he brings it, mannerisms and style abound, it's just.. I don't know. Not the first time I've seen an extra EXTRA face close-up of him last night(though I guess the cameraman had it in for his money, did it for Cena/Cole too). And I thought The Rock had it going in terms of Large Ham but The Miz takes it to eleven.
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