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The Official WWE / NXT Discussion Thread *May Contain Spoilers*

Adam Ryland

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Apparently, and I don't really get the logic, Vince's edict is that when it comes to building their upcoming Wrestlemania match, their previous match didn't happen. I don't think they're claiming they never wrestled before at Wrestlemania, just that they're ignoring its existence. It makes no sense on any level but so far, like you said, they haven't made one mention of their previous match so the edict would seem to be in place.


If someone can make sense of this reasoning, I'd really like to hear it.


Being that they appeal to mostly kids nowadays that (a lot of them) aren't even aware they already had a wrestlemania match, why bring it up so they can know its a rehash.

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I don't think it would be that hard. You just need a month of HHH talking about his past and how what Sheamus did is something he would have done in the past. Throw in Sheamus doubting it for a bit and the crowed always wondering if this if today is the day HHH turns on him and it seems like an easy storyline to write.


Exactly. It would give Triple H something to do that doesn't involve him having to wrestle every week and it could do wonders for Sheamus.

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I wouldn't mind HHH mentoring Sheamus as long as it started with 1 more match between the 2. HHH could win in a hard fought match after the match HHH could be about to smash Sheamus with the sledgehammer only to slowly bring it down and extend a hand to help him up off the mat. Sheamus could look confused and leave the ring with a look of confusion on his face. The next night HHH explains his actions and how he respects Sheamus and thinks that Sheamus could be as great if not better than himself someday but it would take a lot of work.


The torch gets passed and now HHH takes it on himself to help Sheamus.

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I am shocked on how much HEEL HEAT Cole has gotten over the last few weeks. I mean WWE has built this fued beautifully between Cole vs King.


The WWE has turned it around for me, so to speak. 3 weeks ago, I wouldnt have DREAMT of ordering this years Wrestlemania, ESPECIALLY now that I am not in Iraq anymore= NO More Free PPV's But now, after bringing back the Rock (Yes, I am a loyal member of Team Rock) fueding with John Cena (who they have legit heat with each other) and then bringing such names as JBL, Trish Stratus, Booker T and everyone like that.



I might be wrong, but I SERIOUSLY doubt it.

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