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The Official WWE / NXT Discussion Thread *May Contain Spoilers*

Adam Ryland

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With Edge gone, WWE is now paying for not establishing anyone. See now on Smackdown you have Del Rio, Christian, Rhodes, Mysterio, Big Show, Barrett, Kingston and Kane. Guys who are good but not have had that main event push(except Kane, Show and Barrett for like four months).


However, this is the time to really start push Kingston, Barrett, Rhodes and others gradually.


Just because someone doesn't hold a title doesn't mean that haven't and cant be that guy.


Show and Kane are old and would be more of trans. champs now. Rey has been there, Christian is over with the fans and Rio is probably going to win at Extreme Rules. Kingston hasn't been pushed like that because in my opinion he lacks a little on the Mic. SD is the second brand though and if anything they can move a person from Raw over to SD to take over a feud with Del Rio. I can't remember either the last time WWE built a PPV off a SD mainevent. Hell Del Rio was the Rumble winner and him and Edge went on first.

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Internet popularity doesn't equal WWE success.


Ryder already was doing a webshow directly on wwe.com a while back and that didn't give him any pushes. Sure it gave him the woo woo woo character but outside of a short fued with Christian on ECW, he's been nothing but a jobber with untapped potential.


But trust me, I would LOVE a push for Ryder. He is one of my favorites along with Christian, Santino, and now Sin Cara.


No, the woo woo woo thing came from the Miz and Morrison making fun of Zack Ryder on the Dirt Sheet.

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I don't see them not pushing Zach as a "bad" thing. I haven't seen anything that says anything but "Hey, I'm a goofball fan just happy to be here." The character in my opinion is worse for a push then Santino's character... Both comedy acts, but at least Santino is funny. His web stuff is worse then I would expect from most of the people here... I think Astils stuff is better (for example). I'm glad he does it, I think it's fun for people, but there is nothing that says "Oh my god, they made a horrible mistake by not pushing Zach!!"


I felt that way about Morrison as well though, and he has really come up in ranks (to me). I don't see him as a main eventer, but I see him as that guy that can do anything they need him for, in between Mid and Upper Mid.


Now that video by Venis... Take out all the cursing, and that was a kick butt promo.

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Val Venis with a pretty funny and profane rant against John Morrison:




Only thing I hated about this vid was the comments some marks made about Val trying to get back in the business which is BS because Val spoke from the heart and seeing how WWE is PG and all he would have NOT cursed as much as he did. Still funny as hell though.

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Val Venis with a pretty funny and profane rant against John Morrison:




You know I agree with him, I mean if I had to choose between seeing Melina or Trish in a match it is Trish all day long. Trish is better in the ring in my opinion and is much better looking (sorry if that sounds sexist but that is the way I feel.).

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Trish, who hasn't been wrestling for years, is a much better wrestler at this point than Melina is and Trish got more charisma and is, as been said, better looking. Val is correct on everything he says, sure I like Morrison's in-ring abilities but he seems to be too attached to Melina.
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Trish didn't 'steal' the spot she had at Wrestlemania. Vince McMahon thought she would be the best person for the spot and gave it to her instead of Melina or any of the other women on the roster. He makes the call as to who goes in what spot in what match. He's the guy to be mad at.


And Val Venis was very obviously cutting a promo. Who knows why and, quite frankly, I don't care. But it was still just a promo.

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Val Venis with a pretty funny and profane rant against John Morrison:




I loved that video. Val Venis is great! While John Morrison is fun to watch wrestle I agree with how everyone views him. He is a wuss. He didn't step up to Batista because he fears him. It seems very obvious. He really does need to cut the ho loose and move on. His career would get better and he wouldn't get so much crap from other guys in the business. Nobody seems to respect him for what he allowed.

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Things like that make me sad Val never became a world champion. Often thought in my youth it was because he was similar to to Triple H. Same gravelly voice, long hair and beard, dark trunks etc.


Then Jericho mentioned in his book how nice Venis was and how he'd do a job for anyone. Just didn't care enough about his own career to be selfish enough to look after his spot.


People talk about O'Haire, Kennedy, Carlito, Benjamin and more as potential mega stars but every one of them lacked something, a look, charisma, wrestling ability, psychology, marketability.


Venis had it all.

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Could be the fact that he was lumbered with a Porn Star gimmick and managed to pull it off so well and successfully that not only was he not a forgetable flash-in-the-pan, he convinced someone with enough pull that he could run that gimmick and be Intercontinental Champion, and after Triple H, Rock, Owen Hart, Austin, Owen Hart, Austin, Rock, Triple H and Ken Shamrock so it was when the belt really meant something. If he hadn't made that gimmick work, that could have been his Isaac Yankem and we could be talking about how he deserves another title run before he hangs it up, just like Kane before his run last year (an equally nice and selfless guy by most reports).
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Val in real life is the blandest guys ever, and the porn star gimmick was what got him on TV. The idea that he would've gotten further without it in the Attitude era does not have a lot of support. Look at how much success Val had during his heel runs with the RTC or as Chief Morley. He's a solid worker, but without that gimmick he is extremely vanilla.


And yes, he's obviously cutting a promo to try to generate some heat among smarky marks. Matt Hardy acted all shocked and offended when Morley did the same thing to him a few months back.


Also while I have no problems with Trish getting the spot over Melina (who, last I checked, was still a heel anyway), the idea that right now Trish is a better wrestler doesn't particularly gel with Trish's performance since she came back this year and looked incredibly rusty.

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