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The Official WWE / NXT Discussion Thread *May Contain Spoilers*

Adam Ryland

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It's a little internet nickname for Christian. I'm fairly sure it refers to how people say X-Mas instead of Christmas. So instead of Christian, it's Xian. They used to say it a lot on thewrestlingfan, and it just kind of stuck with me, I guess.

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what do u mean?


Mike Adamle was an insult to wrestling because he was just as bad as Mark Madden, maybe even worse.


McCool is an insult to women's wrestling and if it wasn't for her husband I doubt she'd have such a prominent spot in the division. She's an awful worker, mic skills suck, no charisma, and horrible actress.


Layla has gotten better, but McCool is just awful.

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You must have low standards for women's wrestlers then. Natalya, Gail Kim, Beth Phoenix are far better than her and the poor man's Beautiful People gimmick didn't help her at all. Every time she cuts a promo it sounds forced and unbelievable.


I just know every time I've seen her in person, most of the arena empties to go to the rest room/merch booth/refreshment stand.

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On the matter of Michelle McCool, I don't know. Lord knows she's better as a heel then her stupid face push with Palumbo and Jamie Noble, and her in-ring work has improved noticeably over the years.


But she was the first WWE Divas Champion, beating Natalya with a sharpshooter. She unified the titles and is pretty much the central focus of Diva-allotted time on Smackdown and Raw when she held the belt.


She's the Greg Gagne of the Divas Division, I guess.

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I just know every time I've seen her in person, most of the arena empties to go to the rest room/merch booth/refreshment stand.



thats the situation for every Diva's match, regardless of who's in it.


Diva's matches are watch the hotties bounce down for the entrance, then go get a snack.


Unless they let the few actual workers they have like beth, kong, and natty have more than 2 minutes, that will continue to be the case.


As for mccool, i dont think shes great, but she's far better than alot of the so called women's wrestlers in the company, excluding the above 3.

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You must have low standards for women's wrestlers then. Natalya, Gail Kim, Beth Phoenix are far better than her and the poor man's Beautiful People gimmick didn't help her at all. Every time she cuts a promo it sounds forced and unbelievable.


I just know every time I've seen her in person, most of the arena empties to go to the rest room/merch booth/refreshment stand.

I have to say this. The WWE doesn't really care much about the division as a whole. It's not that they don't care about each individual person (that's a different story altogether) but the division as a whole is a "just in case" division.


The fact that McCool doesn't fit all their OWN criteria is proof of this. They are just bouncing the titles off one worker to another every few months, with little to no reason. They aren't trying to build anyone or any real fueds. And they are perfectly content to do that.

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I have to say this. The WWE doesn't really care much about the division as a whole. It's not that they don't care about each individual person (that's a different story altogether) but the division as a whole is a "just in case" division.


The fact that McCool doesn't fit all their OWN criteria is proof of this. They are just bouncing the titles off one worker to another every few months, with little to no reason. They aren't trying to build anyone or any real fueds. And they are perfectly content to do that.


It seems like they might be now with Eve and Lay-Cool things going on

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It seems like they might be now with Eve and Lay-Cool things going on

Not really. Trust me, this is just another "filler" story WWE has to do, if the even go through with it. If you watch WWE's patterns, they have been doing this for the past 2 or 3 years.


Besides, McCool isn't someone they can build a division around. And you know what? I don't think the WWE is trying to build it around her. Unless they are trying to build it around Layla, they are just doing the "pass the title along" thing they have been doing.

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Problem with the divas division is that they just don't use the right people.


Imagine a division consisting of Mickie James, Beth Phoenix, Natalya, Awesome Kong, Gail Kim, Melina, Michelle McCool, Maryse and Kelly Kelly being looked at properly by someone with a bit of booking ability.


You've got a mix there of some actual decent wrestlers like Natalya, Mickie, Beth and Gail Kim, a big monster in Awesome Kong, decent enough workers like Melina and Michelle, Maryse who is not too bad either, and Kelly Kelly who you can build on and seems keen to get better. Hell if you get Victoria back as well it would be spot on.


Used to love the days of Lita vs Trish, they put on some really decent matches with the odd spot or bump, but since they left it's not been close.

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Problem with the divas division is that they just don't use the right people.


Imagine a division consisting of Mickie James, Beth Phoenix, Natalya, Awesome Kong, Gail Kim, Melina, Michelle McCool, Maryse and Kelly Kelly being looked at properly by someone with a bit of booking ability.


You've got a mix there of some actual decent wrestlers like Natalya, Mickie, Beth and Gail Kim, a big monster in Awesome Kong, decent enough workers like Melina and Michelle, Maryse who is not too bad either, and Kelly Kelly who you can build on and seems keen to get better. Hell if you get Victoria back as well it would be spot on.


Used to love the days of Lita vs Trish, they put on some really decent matches with the odd spot or bump, but since they left it's not been close.


I can't help but to agree with you here. Thing is, if they go this way or that way instead of to WWE, they are looked at as "too good" for WWE, or not the "Steriotypical" beach babe/cheerleader they've been using for..ever.


Just looking at first Beth, then Nadya, and now they are going to bring in Kong. I can't help but to think someone is saying, "Hey, there might be something we can do here besides eye candy", and since they can't get "too" eyecandy with a PG product, that in and of itself might be a good thing for the Women's division. Then again, Kong might come out with smoke and stink everywhere, and do a little convulsions as she comes up to the ring, and start eating worms.... Who knows, lol.

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I can't help but to agree with you here. Thing is, if they go this way or that way instead of to WWE, they are looked at as "too good" for WWE, or not the "Steriotypical" beach babe/cheerleader they've been using for..ever.


Just looking at first Beth, then Nadya, and now they are going to bring in Kong. I can't help but to think someone is saying, "Hey, there might be something we can do here besides eye candy", and since they can't get "too" eyecandy with a PG product, that in and of itself might be a good thing for the Women's division. Then again, Kong might come out with smoke and stink everywhere, and do a little convulsions as she comes up to the ring, and start eating worms.... Who knows, lol.

Except again, the real issue behind all of this, is the WWE simply doesn't care enough to run a good Diva's division, like I said before. We can find tons of explanations why they aren't doing to well, but they all lead back to the WWE not caring enough about the Division itself.

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Except again, the real issue behind all of this, is the WWE simply doesn't care enough to run a good Diva's division, like I said before. We can find tons of explanations why they aren't doing to well, but they all lead back to the WWE not caring enough about the Division itself.


Yup. The now defunct Cruiserweight Division sat in a similar boat, without any real focus or purpose, despite containing a rather servicable cast of wrestlers. The Divas role in the WWE as a whole has been defined for years and adding Awesome Kong, Mickie James, Cheerleader Melissa, anyone else, etc alone isn't going to change that... what's the expression I'm looking for... something about moving deck chairs on the Titanic.

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Yup. The now defunct Cruiserweight Division sat in a similar boat, without any real focus or purpose, despite containing a rather servicable cast of wrestlers. The Divas role in the WWE as a whole has been defined for years and adding Awesome Kong, Mickie James, Cheerleader Melissa, anyone else, etc alone isn't going to change that... what's the expression I'm looking for... something about moving deck chairs on the Titanic.


I prefer the phrase "wizzing in a hurricane" :p

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Two guys who went off for a successful sojourn to TNA before coming back to WWE in matches for the titles at Extreme Rules? Perhaps Vince has learnt to turn the page.


Or perhaps it's just more fortunate that there was a retiree and someone in the dog house to open up the spot.

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Two guys who went off for a successful sojourn to TNA before coming back to WWE in matches for the titles at Extreme Rules? Perhaps Vince has learnt to turn the page.


Or perhaps it's just more fortunate that there was a retiree and someone in teh dog house to open up the spot.


I think it is more of the case that he doesn't really have anyone to put in those matches at this point.

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Christian has feuded with Del Rio beginning with the injury write-off last Fall and ever since he came back from it.


R-Truth last summer was booked in the MITB while The Miz was not. However, The Miz injured the crap out of Truth taking Truth's place. The Miz won MITB and is the current WWE Champion.


At least it took these guys more than a year to earn these shots versus couple weeks from entering a company. That's why Primo got a lot of shots in at Sin Cara so they can say "he's facing better competition." Hence, you book your company guys better than opposing companies talents and you'll see why WCW was booked that way in 2001.

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The USA network sent out the following today…




The entire roster of WWE Superstars and Divas will take part in the 2011 WWE Draft next week, April 25, on MONDAY NIGHT RAW live on USA Network at 9/8c.


In a thrilling night of television, all WWE Superstars and Divas, including WWE Champion The Miz, John Cena, Randy Orton, Rey Mysterio, Big Show, Alberto Del Rio and Sin Cara along with WWE Divas Champion Brie Bella, Eve and Kelly Kelly could be drafted to either RAW or SmackDown.


After Monday Night's momentous draft, John Cena could be on "Friday Night Smackdown," which airs each week on Syfy at 8/7c and Rey Mysterio could be coming to MONDAY NIGHT RAW.


The Annual WWE Draft is a chance to renew old rivalries or have WWE Superstars face off against each other for the very first time, bringing a new and fresh feel to each show.




Just seen that on another forum, from 411mania. I have no clue whether this is considered a reputable site as I don't use sites like this or pwmania at all really. Interesting if true.


EDIT: I will pont out that having gone to wwe.com I can find absolutely no mention of it what so ever.

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A draft episode that is 2 hours. I dont know how to react to this. Prolly minimal storytelling in favor of draftees doing their face offs and the like.


I'm guessing they would have held it in June on one of the three-hour Raws, which is how long draft shows usually are, but with Edge retiring they moved it forward. The draft would be a lot more effective if wres...entertainers didn't move from show to show with great regularity throughout the year.

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I've said this one or two years ago, that the WWE was moving away from the Brand Split, and everyone said I was way off that they were even considering.


Now, it's a brand split in name only. They move people around as much as they like. It's not as if the draft matters all that much in the past, and it certainly doesn't matter much today. They are just shifiting people around, and it won't be long until they decide to get rid of it. I givee it 5 years, tops, if not sooner. If the brand split lasts 10 years from this year onward, I'll be amazed.

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