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The Official WWE / NXT Discussion Thread *May Contain Spoilers*

Adam Ryland

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What happened with Buff in the WWF? I remember WCW had a match on Raw after it was bought out and I think it was Buff vs Booker T or something but I don't remember seeing Bagwell after that.


Apparantly WWE was dissapointed with the crowd reaction and Bagwell's general attitude.

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C all of the above.


Booker and Bagwell had a match full of rest holds in the main event of Monday Night Raw which bored the crowd. Then Bagwell claimed to have an injury that no one could find. Then he got into a fist fight with Helms. Then his mother called the company demanding he get time off for this phantom injury.

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C all of the above.


Booker and Bagwell had a match full of rest holds in the main event of Monday Night Raw which bored the crowd. Then Bagwell claimed to have an injury that no one could find. Then he got into a fist fight with Helms. Then his mother called the company demanding he get time off for this phantom injury.


Honestly that is hilarious. He had his mom call for him. Wonder how things would have went if Booker and Buff actually put on a good match. Think Smackdown would have become WCW Nitro or something?

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Im pretty sure that was the plan, but for the same reasons the invasion didnt work like we feel it could (lack of big WCW names) I dont blame them for not going through with it.


At the time every single pro wrestling show on television was under the Viacom banner. UPN didn't want to take Smackdown off of the air which at the time was a ratings monster for them and replace it with a failed company and a failed companies television show. Not even for Vince McMahon especially since this was RIGHT after the XFL had failed miserably.


So without UPN wanting to replace Smackdown with Nitro and without TNN wanting to add ANOTHER wrestling show to its stock of three or four at the time. And without Viacom wanting to be another NBC and get into bed with Vince on another project (even if that project was wrestling) WCW really had no option and thats why the Invasion happened.


Remember WCW was sold to Fusient Media and the only reason Vince got it was because Turner Networks were ending all WCW programming and not a single other network was interesting in the show. Without television the product was virtually worthless and Vince would have had the same problem shopping it to other networks would have yielded the same results.


I guess you could argue that Buff/Booker is a success then Helms and Kidman tear down the house on Smackdown which leads to a big time jump in the ratings and then Vince can go to Viacom or UPN or whoever and get Nitro back on the air that way.

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My favourite Bagwell anecdote came from Gary Michael Capetta's book. Bagwell took his wife with him on the road and thought it would be a good idea to stay at the Super 8 while in Kansas City. Which it would have been. Had it not been the same hotel where he would screw the local rats. Very predictably, she found out and flew home in a rage.


Any know for a fact is the RAW Roulette is fixed or they shoot the wheel till it falls on what they want.

Yeah, they spend countless hours just filming that wheel going around and around until it falls on the right option.

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Apologies if this has been covered before, but I couldn't spot it in the last couple of pages.


I'm in the middle of watching last Friday's Smackdown...when did Daniel Bryan become so confident on the mic!? He was reasonable on NXT (certainly not deserving of the terrible charisma reputation he had going into it), but the segment between Rhodes and Bryan was very, very good. And I don't normally like Rhodes either. And boy did Dusty get a pop when Bryan mentioned his name! :D

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Like I said before, WCW's environment encouraged Bagwell's vices. For Nash, it encouraged his more selfish, mercenary behaviors. For Bagwell, it was his sense of entitlement and prvilege (regarldess of position), ennui (not wanting to work hard near the end of WCW), and ego (that guy's not going over me!)


Bagwell reminds me of an jerkish and less talented 90's version of the Miz. While he had special in-ring skills, he was well-rounded and had just enough in-ring talent, along with decent performance skills to be someone with his looks and charisma.


Problem was, like Alex Wright, he never made it anywhere.


On that note, I think Alex Wright's situation is much more disappointing than Bagwell's situation. At least Bagwell made it to the midcard... everyone thought Wright was going to be somebody. But somehow, like Barry Windham, he ever seemed to go anywhere, even when everyone thought, at least initially, that he was a future star.


Over time, though, he just was there. If Bagwell was involved in Midcard fueds, then there was even less for Wright. Quite sad.

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With all the WCW talk figured I could post this.:)


-Diamond Dallas Page revealed on Twitter that he’s backstage in Las Vegas for tonight’s WWE RAW. Page posted a picture of himself and several WWE crew members in front of a steel cage – a strong indication that we’ll see a cage match on tonight’s show. DDP is expected to make a cameo on tonight’s show to promote the new Best of WCW Nitro DVD set.

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On that note, I think Alex Wright's situation is much more disappointing than Bagwell's situation. At least Bagwell made it to the midcard... everyone thought Wright was going to be somebody. But somehow, like Barry Windham, he ever seemed to go anywhere, even when everyone thought, at least initially, that he was a future star.


Over time, though, he just was there. If Bagwell was involved in Midcard fueds, then there was even less for Wright. Quite sad.


Bagwell had a much better look than Wright, more charisma and was better on the mic (though it should be said that I rate Wright's evil German promos very highly!). About Barry Windham... the guy was a Horseman and a former world champion. And, iirc, he also won both the US title and the tag team title. He didn't get a long run as a main eventer, but he got there at least for a while.

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Like I said before, WCW's environment encouraged Bagwell's vices. For Nash, it encouraged his more selfish, mercenary behaviors. For Bagwell, it was his sense of entitlement and prvilege (regarldess of position), ennui (not wanting to work hard near the end of WCW), and ego (that guy's not going over me!)


Bagwell reminds me of an jerkish and less talented 90's version of the Miz. While he had special in-ring skills, he was well-rounded and had just enough in-ring talent, along with decent performance skills to be someone with his looks and charisma.


Problem was, like Alex Wright, he never made it anywhere.


On that note, I think Alex Wright's situation is much more disappointing than Bagwell's situation. At least Bagwell made it to the midcard... everyone thought Wright was going to be somebody. But somehow, like Barry Windham, he ever seemed to go anywhere, even when everyone thought, at least initially, that he was a future star.


Over time, though, he just was there. If Bagwell was involved in Midcard fueds, then there was even less for Wright. Quite sad.


This reminds me of the poster calling R-Truth a career jobber a few pages ago... just what do you consider the "midcard" if Alex Wright isn't in it? He was a staple of the midcard, working a program with Jericho over the TV title, feuding with McMichael over Debra, programs with Regal and Finlay. Yes, he never got out of WCW's enormous midcard, but to make it sound like he wasn't a midcarder is underselling him by a pretty significant margin.


As far as Bagwell, I agree that he was never anything special. Even at the best of times, he was only billed at 6'1 and even back when people liked him his style didn't fit what WCW's heavyweight division was doing; there just wasn't that extra special something that makes him anything more than a US champion type guy for me. Your world champ really should be the best at something, whether he's the best wrestler, has the best promo skills, the best look, whatever, and Bagwell was none of those.

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exactly they worked.at a pace too slow for 5 minutes. More.time would have.allowed them to turn up the pace gradually and it wouldnt feel rushed. That seemed to be a mere tease.


Oohh, I see what you're saying.


Also, I'm praying DDP shows up.


Am I the only one kind of digging Mark Henry right now?

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