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The Official WWE / NXT Discussion Thread *May Contain Spoilers*

Adam Ryland

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Somebody might need to go back to fact vs. opinion school. HBK's 15 pound weight difference is a fact. Cena's marketability is a fact. Cena being an all-time top draw is a fact. Here's more facts: Cena was WO wrestler of the year in 2007 and again in 2010, in addition to his five straight "most charismatic" awards. These are not opinions.


Wait, you're using kayfabe weights as fact? Seriously, LOOK at HBK and Cena. Then tell me that if HBK put on 15 pounds, he'd be as big as Cena.


Also, WO awards isn't exactly hard evidence. It is a *fact* that he won those awards, which are based solely on *opinion*.


I mean, you understand that it's the opinion of the WO staff that determines those awards, right? It's not a triathlon or any sport where Cena objectively beat other competitors.

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Former WWE star Colt Cabana was interviewed this week by the Miami Herald and had a lot to say about CM Punk's shoot promo from RAW. Colt says that Punk's rant was almost entirely reality-based and reflected the frustrations Punk has felt in WWE since his first days with the company.

“That whole thing has been building up forever,” Cabana said. “Personally, for almost forever, his whole time there, he is able to say this to me in the comfort of my house or his house.


“From being laughed at by the trainers in Ohio Valley Wrestling to Paul [Heyman] finally bringing him up and everybody treating him like dirt, telling him he has an attitude problem and calling him the ‘King of the Indies.’ Just looking down on him, he just felt shunned his whole time there. It was a complete struggle.”


Many are still under the impression that this angle is a storyline and that Punk will remain with WWE following his contract expiring the day after his title shot at Money In The Bank on 7/17, but Punk has been burnt out for a long time and is at the point where he just wants out.


“The power of him not really caring because he was ready to leave — I always said the power of not giving a **** is so important,” Cabana said. “He is really at the point where he just wants to get out of there. It’s too frustrating for him. If he said anything that made anybody mad, what are they going to do to him? Not re-sign him? He doesn’t want to be there."

“So I think that idea is so powerful. He is so strong in his beliefs with the straight edge lifestyle. By being how strong headed that he is, he was able to have the power to go out on television and say what probably every other wrestler has wanted to say. He made unbelievable television. He made unbelievable history in wrestling."


Punk may be on his way out of WWE, but Colt thinks his promo from RAW has the potential to change entire industry:



“He almost has the ability to change professional wrestling as we know it. It has been so stagnant and vanilla. It kind of shook up the wrestling world because of his real life frustrations.”


Interesting insight from Colt Cabana about the Punk situation.

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Cena debate still going? Lol, I think what gets tiresome with this argument is that I've been involved in it so many times in the past few years and it always goes the same way. I think people are being a bit immature in their responses to shawn as to be fair it's his second language and he still puts his points across really well, instead of commenting on the well put points he says. People just seem to focus on one point he said as a joke and a few things that he wasn't able to say with detail which is unfair.

I agree alot with what was said above. Maybe if wrestling in the 80s developed with small guys aswell as larger guys being booked equal then we'd be having a different conversation. I think there comes a point where someone is too small (Sin Cara) and too big (Khali) where it just doesn't look realistic. Though guys like Punk, Michaels, Jericho and Benoit who are small but not too small definitely have the same potential to get over as a Triple H, Brock Lesnar or a Cena.



The bold part.I mean...the whole post makes a good point, but finally someone notices what i've been trying to say for a long time. I've been treated unfairly on this argument. Wich makes me think that these types of reactions may be considered the exact opposite of what i was accused of doing. I was accused of beeing non rational in my hate for the man, and someone even said i hated him personally. I don't even know him. And i think there's enough documented interviews to prove that, at least acording to his colleagues, he's actually a nice guy. (Though his colleagues are collecting their pay checks in the same place that him, so that's debatable. But that's not the point.) So...the way some people handled what i said can be seen as the exact opposite of what i was accused of doing. And it certainly was not fair.



Wait, you're using kayfabe weights as fact? Seriously, LOOK at HBK and Cena. Then tell me that if HBK put on 15 pounds, he'd be as big as Cena.


Also, WO awards isn't exactly hard evidence. It is a *fact* that he won those awards, which are based solely on *opinion*.


I mean, you understand that it's the opinion of the WO staff that determines those awards, right? It's not a triathlon or any sport where Cena objectively beat other competitors.


AMEN! If i looked at awards i would say that HBK's 7 match PWI Match of the year Streak makes him the best of all time. It doesn't. But it certainly helps the believe that he's capable of pulling an A* match out of a broom. :D But it's just awards...chosen by a few guys...

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The bold part.I mean...the whole post makes a good point, but finally someone notices what i've been trying to say for a long time. I've been treated unfairly on this argument. Wich makes me think that these types of reactions may be considered the exact opposite of what i was accused of doing. I was accused of beeing non rational in my hate for the man, and someone even said i hated him personally. I don't even know him. And i think there's enough documented interviews to prove that, at least acording to his colleagues, he's actually a nice guy. (Though his colleagues are collecting their pay checks in the same place that him, so that's debatable. But that's not the point.) So...the way some people handled what i said can be seen as the exact opposite of what i was accused of doing. And it certainly was not fair.


Honestly, Shawn, I think that you often come across that way. It's the language barrier. You've got very good English, but something is lost in translation, I think. You basically come across as lacking moderation, which is common when you're having difficulty expressing yourself.


Honestly, once I realized this, which I did almost immediately after the first few times I spoke with you, you became a very likeable fellow. I'm sorry that I don't speak Portuguese and I can't talk to you on even terms, and you have to deal with being unable to express what you want to say. I've been in situations like that and it always really stinks.

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Honestly, Shawn, I think that you often come across that way. It's the language barrier. You've got very good English, but something is lost in translation, I think. You basically come across as lacking moderation, which is common when you're having difficulty expressing yourself.


Honestly, once I realized this, which I did almost immediately after the first few times I spoke with you, you became a very likeable fellow. I'm sorry that I don't speak Portuguese and I can't talk to you on even terms, and you have to deal with being unable to express what you want to say. I've been in situations like that and it always really stinks.


Maybe, but i really don't hate anyone, let alone John Cena. I never even met him. Disliking his character is one thing, hating the man is another. Still, i bet i did sound a little extreme. And it's normal, because with me beeing missunderstood, people "attacking me" and all that was going on, i guess a guy may end up lacking in moderation, even if not intended. But hey, glad to see that some you understood what was going on.

You know the funny part? Some of the guys that lashed out one me (so to speak) are actually guys who's opinion i respect in these forums. Out of my head i can remember Stennick as major example of this.


Ps: Linsolv, you're also on the people i respect and value their opinions on these forums category, btw. You usually can make wonderful solid debates always knowing what you're talking about.

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I mean, you understand that it's the opinion of the WO staff that determines those awards, right? It's not a triathlon or any sport where Cena objectively beat other competitors.

I mean, you understand that it's the readers votes that determines those awards, right?


And I'd say Cena has more than 15lbs on Shawn. A lot more, no matter what the era.

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The Cena debate seems to be neverending. Some people like the character, others don't. Can we leave it at that and move on?


So I'm kinda behind with WWE at the moment, I saw the Punk promo but missed the rest of Raw but have to say, whether it's a complete shoot or not, the execution of that promo was absolutely brilliant. Took me back to the days of Brian Pillman or Steve Austin when they appeared in ECW and tore into Bischoff and WCW. CM Punk certainly made people sit up and take notice.

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Wait, you're using kayfabe weights as fact? Seriously, LOOK at HBK and Cena. Then tell me that if HBK put on 15 pounds, he'd be as big as Cena.


Also, WO awards isn't exactly hard evidence. It is a *fact* that he won those awards, which are based solely on *opinion*.


I mean, you understand that it's the opinion of the WO staff that determines those awards, right? It's not a triathlon or any sport where Cena objectively beat other competitors.


I just, I don't even... Is this a real post or am I being punked? The point isn't that weights are true, it's that the idea that Cena was god-pushed because of his size is completely ridiculous when he's BILLED at 240. Seriously is this that hard to understand?


And yes, WO are based on "opinions," the opinions of thousands of people, which is then recorded and put into an award that has considerable recognition within the community. Seriously, this is how awards work in any field, so I'm not sure why it has to be explained. The point is Cena is objectively considered to be one of the best wrestlers on the planet, in addition to objectively drawing more money than anyone else. So the whole "oh he's easily replaceable/he can't work/he's only there because Vince loves big guys" was a combination of three untrue statements. Not just "oh that's your opinion that's fine" statements, but flat out directly in the face of reality.



Also, I'm sorry shawn michaels 82, but this persecution stuff you've had in your past few posts is ridiculous. It's not "unfair" for other people to judge the words that you say: as you said a few pages ago, everybody is entitled to their opinion. You're the one responding with a ridiculous amount of vitriol, calling "debate" shouting empty statements really loudly and waving your arms, ignoring other people's points, and then saying that people who disagree with you must be Cena marks. If people form an incorrect impression based on what you said, it's because of all the ridiculous things you said, not some intent to "attack" you.

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I just, I don't even... Is this a real post or am I being punked? The point isn't that weights are true, it's that the idea that Cena was god-pushed because of his size is completely ridiculous when he's BILLED at 240. Seriously is this that hard to understand?


And yes, WO are based on "opinions," the opinions of thousands of people, which is then recorded and put into an award that has considerable recognition within the community. Seriously, this is how awards work in any field, so I'm not sure why it has to be explained. The point is Cena is objectively considered to be one of the best wrestlers on the planet, in addition to objectively drawing more money than anyone else. So the whole "oh he's easily replaceable/he can't work/he's only there because Vince loves big guys" was a combination of three untrue statements. Not just "oh that's your opinion that's fine" statements, but flat out directly in the face of reality.



Also, I'm sorry shawn michaels 82, but this persecution stuff you've had in your past few posts is ridiculous. It's not "unfair" for other people to judge the words that you say: as you said a few pages ago, everybody is entitled to their opinion. You're the one responding with a ridiculous amount of vitriol, calling "debate" shouting empty statements really loudly and waving your arms, ignoring other people's points, and then saying that people who disagree with you must be Cena marks. If people form an incorrect impression based on what you said, it's because of all the ridiculous things you said, not some intent to "attack" you.


You sir, are beeing extremely incorrect. I believe i never use the word ridiculous towards your person or your actions, do not do the same with me. Now you're the one looking...you know what. :rolleyes:

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It's not just Vince though, outside of perhaps the modern age itself... But traditionally Big Guys have always been pushed because it's alot easier to get someone like that over. I can't help to feel sometimes it's a bit of lazyness, but in reality it's just hard for someone to look at someone like Sin Cara or Rey Mysterio (for example), and then look at someone like John Cena... and go "That guys going to kick Cena's butt!" IF it were a fight in real life, for example, most of us would put our money on Cena. You have to build these guys to make a believable match that in the right circumstance's, if things go their way (even if luck is involved), they could indeed kick someone like Cena's (using him as a generic muscular wrestling guy, not litterally saying Cena... I could have used Batista, The Rock, etc...) butt. This is harder to do then grabbing someone that's 7'+ and putting them in the ring with someone almost a foot shorter. Big show versus Miz is easy to believe that Big Show would win. Vice versa, you have to put in some believable (ring psychology as well) spots in the match, to have Miz bring it over to his level (He's chopping the Giant down!).


To me, it's actually smart booking, till you get guys talented enough to get a crowd to "believe" they can do it (Like Bryan Danielson/Daniel Bryan...). It's really hard to make a guy like me believe that doing flips and other acrobatics in the ring is going to beat the Big Show (for example)... or anyone for that matter. However, you mix high spots that make sense (where the guy doesn't have to wait on the ground for what seems like a minute), where it gets them out of trouble (By flipping over the guy trying to slam them/counter move), with some good technical skills (again, countering an otherwise hold or punch that should flatten them), I can suspend my belief.


I'm the size of Cena (for example, actually a little bigger/not ripped like him, but well built). I know what I'm capable of in a "real" fight. Smaller guys get mad when I say this, but all you average or bigger guys know what I'm talking about (Average being at LEAST 5' 10'', 200 lbs). When your dealing with a small guy, in a fight... Your conscious of the fact he's small, and it's almost like your fighting a girl... Unless your just really really mad at them, your trying as much not to hurt them as you are trying to keep them from hurting you (which is where we can lose it sometimes... if they get a good punch in that hurts, lol). Sometimes you don't have a choice, but the fact of the matter is, your in a lose/lose situation where most people around are concerned... "How could you hurt him, your twice his size!" and if they don't give up and you decide to end the fight without hurting him, everyone is like "How could you let a little guy beat you?" No different then fighting a girl... "How could you let a girl beat you?" compared to "How could you hurt her, she's a girl!"


Little guys don't understand that till I compare them to someone that would be compatible size to me and him... How would you feel about beating up a 12 year old? Same difference in almost everything, strength, size, etc. You can't possibly tell me you would hit a girl (for example), just to prove you can beat them up. I feel the same way if someone around 5'9", and under 190lbs tries to start a fight with me. There is nothing for me to prove... the hardest thing I have in a fight like that, is trying NOT to hurt them, and trying NOT to look like a bully. Your not going to hit a 12 year old reguardless, but lets say that's a 22 year old, but the same size as a 12 year old.... When someone is a half a foot shorter, or you have over 100 pounds on someone (not talking fat here), your uncomfortable hurting someone that much smaller then you. At least I am.


This is why it's so easy to get big guys over. Realistically, two guys on the same level of skill (in fighting), one with a 100 pound advantage and strength advantage, has definately got the upper hand, no matter how you slice it. You have to build up the smaller guy to be percieved as a better fighter/wrestler, or what have you.


If I were a small guy, I probably would be mad about the way smaller guys get treated in wrestling as well, since it's not "real"... The problem with it is that it's supposed to at least appear real, and realistically, half-pints aren't beating up men that look like a miniature incredible Hulk.


Completely agree with this, too. People act like Vince has this inexplicable love for big guys when really, what it is, he is just the most successful wrestling promotion in the history of professional wrestling. All promoters know that heavyweights sell, and not just in wrestling. Heavyweight boxers headlined boxing events for a hundred years until the sport became completely irrelevant. Heavyweight MMA bouts are still the ones that draw the huge numbers. And honestly, WCW was just as guilty of only focusing on heavyweights, and for the same reasons. I mean other than Benoit's one night title win in WCW, and the Arquette debacle, no other wrestlers under six feet tall, 225 pounds ever won that title. And the next smallest guy is Jeff Jarrett, a guy that many consider to be one of the worst WCW champions in its history.


Obviously it's not just being big, it's being big + something else, and smaller guys can still get to the top if their "something else" is enough, but if Eddie Guerrero is 6'2", he's a 10 time champion and still alive.


It's just easier to sell heavyweights to the general public, because there is that perception of "damn, that guy looks like he could kick me/my dad's ass," which honestly in a staged sport is more important than the actual quality of the wrestling. Hitman and HBK's time on top is pretty much exhibit A. Great workers, but nobody paid to see them fake fight each other.


And yes, I say this as a guy that's 6'4", and while I'm under 200 pounds, I was constantly bigger than everyone else all through school. But it's also the truth. Brock Lesnar wowed me in a way a guy like Chris Jericho didn't when I first saw them.

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Before i even read it, something poped up on my mind.. Sean X-Pac Waltman?? Isn't the X-Pac trademark owned by wwe?


I just searched the copyright and trademark records websites and all that I saw was that WWE owned pictures and music of X-Pac, but not the name self.

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You sir, are beeing extremely incorrect. I believe i never use the word ridiculous towards your person or your actions, do not do the same with me. Now you're the one looking...you know what. :rolleyes:


Yes because I'm the one making outrageous statements about how I'm the victim after saying knee-jerk, hilariously incorrect things about the business, then complaining that it's "unfair" that people tell me how ridiculous that makes me sound or proved me wrong with facts and reasoning while I called them marks. Waitaminute... that's not me!


And if I had made completely ludicrous assertions the way you did, I don't think I'd be particularly justified if someone called those statements ludicrous. Again, you're the person who said you didn't own the truth and everyone had their own opinions and etc., and my opinion is you are being outrageous in your sudden "oh everybody's picking on me" when you make inflammatory, outrageous statements, then completely dismiss/misunderstand everyone who disagrees with you, then proceed to label them, because obviously if they don't agree with you they are all part of one group of people who can't form rational thoughts based on their love of John Cena. Again, ridiculous.


Plus, I haven't called your person or your actions ridiculous, just the ridiculous things you said. But, in my opinion, your sudden "oh everybody was picking on me earlier" attitude is both hilarious and wrong. And so I'm not "beeing" extremely incorrect... as you said a few pages back, you don't own the truth.

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Speaking strictly about the UFC, the fights that draw the huge numbers have always been the ones based around big personalties rather than size. Take the name Brock Lesnar out of the equation, and UFC Heavyweight title fights have trailed behind the Light Heavyweight and Welterweight title fights when it comes to monetary success.


It's always been about personalties and size rather than strictly size on its own. Obviously, size helps, but if size is all you've got then you're not going to too far, but you'll get the chances smaller guys won't get.

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Speaking strictly about the UFC, the fights that draw the huge numbers have always been the ones based around big personalties rather than size. Take the name Brock Lesnar out of the equation, and UFC Heavyweight title fights have trailed behind the Light Heavyweight and Welterweight title fights when it comes to monetary success.


It's always been about personalties and size rather than strictly size on its own. Obviously, size helps, but if size is all you've got then you're not going to too far, but you'll get the chances smaller guys won't get.


Yeah definitely that's what I mean by size + something else. It's why Ali was a great champion, but Riddick Bowe wasn't. Bowe was bigger, but he was also completely forgettable.


But again, people act like this is peculiar to Vince. Like I said, I think it's telling that in WCW Chris Benoit is the only guy ever to be listed at under six feet tall to win the world title, discounting non-wrestlers. Meanwhile the Giant was champ his rookie year, a guy like Luger is a multi-time champ, and Vader is the #3 champion in terms of combined reign length. It's just how wrestling works.


Of course, as I said earlier, when this topic was introduced it made no sense because John Cena was inexplicably considered a "big guy" when in WCW he never would've even sniffed the world title unless he was on UPW level steroids.


Edit: Cena has said in the past he hasn't done steroids, but I'm sure the supplements he was on 11 years ago are no longer legal in America. Nobody should look as jacked as he did back then.

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Speaking strictly about the UFC, the fights that draw the huge numbers have always been the ones based around big personalties rather than size. Take the name Brock Lesnar out of the equation, and UFC Heavyweight title fights have trailed behind the Light Heavyweight and Welterweight title fights when it comes to monetary success.


It's always been about personalties and size rather than strictly size on its own. Obviously, size helps, but if size is all you've got then you're not going to too far, but you'll get the chances smaller guys won't get.

That's pretty much correct. The only one that I can think that is "successful" at least or twice when it comes drawing money is... Frank Mir and Shane Carwin. And both are against Brock Lesnar.


However, I think UFC's Brand is bigger than anyone oen star these days, except Brock Lesnar's. You have UFc on the event name, people are going to watch at least the Facebook Prelims. This might seem similar to WWE's brand strategy, but it actually works better for the UFC, because the UFC can't always depend on the popularity of their workers like WWE needs to. If someone pulls off a string of solid performances, regardless of name recgonition, they might have a chance to make it.

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Edit: Cena has said in the past he hasn't done steroids, but I'm sure the supplements he was on 11 years ago are no longer legal in America. Nobody should look as jacked as he did back then.

He looked shredded and jacked beyond belief back then. I mean, he looks good now, more size than definition, but back then he was ripped to shreds.


I think that's what people mean when they refer to Cena getting pushed due to size; not so much his mass or height but his very jacked physique.


EDIT: See here....



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Yes because I'm the one making outrageous statements about how I'm the victim after saying knee-jerk, hilariously incorrect things about the business, then complaining that it's "unfair" that people tell me how ridiculous that makes me sound or proved me wrong with facts and reasoning while I called them marks. Waitaminute... that's not me!


And if I had made completely ludicrous assertions the way you did, I don't think I'd be particularly justified if someone called those statements ludicrous. Again, you're the person who said you didn't own the truth and everyone had their own opinions and etc., and my opinion is you are being outrageous in your sudden "oh everybody's picking on me" when you make inflammatory, outrageous statements, then completely dismiss/misunderstand everyone who disagrees with you, then proceed to label them, because obviously if they don't agree with you they are all part of one group of people who can't form rational thoughts based on their love of John Cena. Again, ridiculous.


Plus, I haven't called your person or your actions ridiculous, just the ridiculous things you said. But, in my opinion, your sudden "oh everybody was picking on me earlier" attitude is both hilarious and wrong. And so I'm not "beeing" extremely incorrect... as you said a few pages back, you don't own the truth.


Well you also don't own the truth but you speak with an arrogant tone, as if you did. So, yeah...you're beeing incorrect. More than one person already understood my point of view perfectly, but you keep inflamming. You're the one posing as ridiculous right now with that tone. And i for one will not allow you to speak to me that way. Plus, i don't own the true, but i definitely own the righ to be respected. I never called your actions, words, or whatever, ridiculous. YOu did it. That is ridiculous. Now don't even bother asnwering my statements again. Arrogance is something i don't need, especially from...you. :D

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Well you also don't own the truth but you speak with an arrogant tone, as if you did. So, yeah...you're beeing incorrect. More than one person already understood my point of view perfectly, but you keep inflamming. You're the one posing as ridiculous right now with that tone. And i for one will not allow you to speak to me that way. Plus, i don't own the true, but i definitely own the righ to be respected. I never called your actions, words, or whatever, ridiculous. YOu did it. That is ridiculous. Now don't even bother asnwering my statements again. Arrogance is something i don't need, especially from...you. :D


Okay, do you not see a certain paradox here? Because my tone is "arrogant," I am "beeing" incorrect, even though you seem to acknowledge it's an opinion. But you're the one that said you had a right to an opinion.


Again, I believe your statements about being picked on were ridiculous, so I called it ridiculous. Not you, not your actions. You're the one that have apparently said it's "unfair" for people to pick apart the things you say. I have not disrespected you or insulted you in any way, nor have I flat out dismissed the things you say (the way you have).


Also I love the "this is the last thing I will say" line. It never gets old.

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Holy f... this pic is ridiculous! When I first skimmed it, I nearly thought it was a young Sid Vicious. :eek:

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I don't know which is more surprising: the fact that this arguement is still going on or that no one has put a stop to it yet? Honestly i think if it were any other thread it would've be locked by now.



Seriously though I think it would be best if everyone would just agree to disagree and leave the subject alone before people start taking shots at one another. Not trying to step on any toes or anything but surely I'm not the only one who thinks that 12 pages of this is enough?

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Former WWE star Colt Cabana was interviewed this week by the Miami Herald and had a lot to say about CM Punk's shoot promo from RAW. Colt says that Punk's rant was almost entirely reality-based and reflected the frustrations Punk has felt in WWE since his first days with the company.

“That whole thing has been building up forever,” Cabana said. “Personally, for almost forever, his whole time there, he is able to say this to me in the comfort of my house or his house.


“From being laughed at by the trainers in Ohio Valley Wrestling to Paul [Heyman] finally bringing him up and everybody treating him like dirt, telling him he has an attitude problem and calling him the ‘King of the Indies.’ Just looking down on him, he just felt shunned his whole time there. It was a complete struggle.”


Many are still under the impression that this angle is a storyline and that Punk will remain with WWE following his contract expiring the day after his title shot at Money In The Bank on 7/17, but Punk has been burnt out for a long time and is at the point where he just wants out.


“The power of him not really caring because he was ready to leave — I always said the power of not giving a **** is so important,” Cabana said. “He is really at the point where he just wants to get out of there. It’s too frustrating for him. If he said anything that made anybody mad, what are they going to do to him? Not re-sign him? He doesn’t want to be there."

“So I think that idea is so powerful. He is so strong in his beliefs with the straight edge lifestyle. By being how strong headed that he is, he was able to have the power to go out on television and say what probably every other wrestler has wanted to say. He made unbelievable television. He made unbelievable history in wrestling."


Punk may be on his way out of WWE, but Colt thinks his promo from RAW has the potential to change entire industry:



“He almost has the ability to change professional wrestling as we know it. It has been so stagnant and vanilla. It kind of shook up the wrestling world because of his real life frustrations.”


Interesting insight from Colt Cabana about the Punk situation.


On the Punk thing, while I still feel this is just a really good worked shoot thing, if you check out Cabana's Art of Wrestling podcast, he's got an interview with Punk recorded a year ago (found here: http://tsmradio.com/coltcabana/2010/08/05/aow-show-2/) that addresses his frustrations with bad fans, WWE's mismanagement of talent, and his idea for a WWE film that featured all of the WWE stars.

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