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The Official WWE / NXT Discussion Thread *May Contain Spoilers*

Adam Ryland

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The face almost looks photoshopped on to :eek:


Or maybe that somebody had shrunk Lex Luger. :)


On the John Cena image from when he was still a "bodybuilder", he has explained the reason his images always looks photoshopped (and they do).


He used a tanning lotion on his body, to help make him look more cut. Alot of bodybuilders do this or similar. He never put it on his face, so his face is pale/normal, while his body is all tan.


Tanning helps highlight your muscle's, helping with that ripped look. This can be achieved without using steriods, although I believe as someone else said that he probably had a supplement back then, that's not legal now-a-days. I believe that, because of the way he talks about them. He's never done anything Illegal, but .... there is always an added phrase in there that makes me believe he did use something that might have been legal at the time he used it, but is not now. I think he means that to come out, for some reason. Kind of like when the Benoit thing happened, all the other wrestler's were completely sure Benoit was murdered, etc... but when the camera was on Cena, all he said was "I didn't know the guy as well as alot of people did, but let me just say this. Hold off thinking anything till all the facts come in. Be carefull with this one." It was something similar, that made me feel uneasy, and to this day I believe he felt Benoit did it before anyone else even thought that way.


Back to bodybuilding.... What alot of bodybuilder's do (and most are steriod user's, I'm just giving the information I know as fact), is bulk up on the off season (Carb up was what we used to call it). Sometimes they might even look a little fat, or at least chunky. The workouts are with heavy weights, shorter repititions, and less sets. This makes your muscle's grow faster. At a certain point, they begin to get ready for the competition. They start eating a totally different diet, almost a total non-fat diet/kind of. The intention is to lose all the fat to highlight the muscle growth. The more fat you get rid of, the more ripped you become. At the same time, the workouts change to lighter weights, more reps, and more sets. Cardio is even used to help get rid of the fat.


If you work at it, anyone can have a similar look, but it takes alot of dedication, and sometimes years of training (depending on your body). I knew guys I played sports with that never touched steroids, that could get ripped and bulk up easily, and seen other's that worked alot hard (at least it seemed like it), and couldn't get 1/10th of the results. This is due to genetic variations, something you can't really controll. This is also why alot of guys started using steroids, that wrestle. They don't just do it for muscle gain, some used them for weight gain period. Just so they could look bigger, because you know some people can eat and eat, and not gain... other's can watch them eat, and gain 10 pounds, lol.

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I don't like Cena as a performer. I think he's extremely bland in the ring and I hate his gimmick with a passion. And don't get me started on his wrestling attire... I'm really not into rap or hip hop or whatever.


But... I achnowledge his insane value to the company. Could someone else in the wrestling world today become as over with the fans given the same push? I don't know. Maybe, maybe not. But what I am 100 % sure of is that noone else could be as important to the company as Cena is. That many is a true company man who breathes WWE. He's hard-working, devoted, loyal, easy-going, stays out of trouble with the law, does no drugs (that we've heard of), does tons of charity and other great PR for WWE... I imagine that he's any promoter's dream.


If I were Vince, and had to choose between pushing Cena and someone who is perhaps more talented as a wrestler but has more risque attached (like Orton, whom I actually like a great deal), I too would choose Cena. It makes the most financial sense.

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True, but wasn't Daniel's release because of some choking he did with a cable or something? I don't even remember that well.

Daniel's release was because he choked Justin Roberts with his tie. As I recall, someone connected to Mattel or one of the sponsors complained about it, considering it too graphic for the product they were associated with. Daniel really was fired, but it was the similar deal to when they released Jamie Noble over the steroid problem; as long as he stayed out of TNA, he'd be brought back when the heat died down.


Cena can be replaced in that they can always find someone else they can get behind and find a way, and have the patience, to make into a super over babyface who is the face of the company. But there is a lot that Cena does, Make a Wish, etc, that requires more than just the company getting behind them, that adds to the package that a lot of guys would crack under the pressure of doing.

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Christian vs. Sin cara match before the break:


Christian: I can't see with these lights!




That was funny. Good to see Rhodes' push continue. Solid SD again. I'm enjoying WWE a lot this year -- they seem to be getting their act together.

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I feel really sorry for CM Punk. ECW Champion, Intercontinental Champion, Tag Team Champion, 3 time World Heavyweight Champion, 2 time Money in the Bank winner, 3 year running Slammy award winner, staple in the Main Event for the best part of the last few years... he's been really hard done by.


That isn't a dig at Punk, that's a counterpoint to all the people arguing how badly he's been treated. Sure, he's lost a lot for a Main Eventer (memorably in his feuds vs Mysterio, Big Show and Randy Orton), but he's being booked better than 90% of the roster. He's hardly a missed opportunity.

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I don't like Cena as a performer. I think he's extremely bland in the ring and I hate his gimmick with a passion. And don't get me started on his wrestling attire... I'm really not into rap or hip hop or whatever.


But... I achnowledge his insane value to the company. Could someone else in the wrestling world today become as over with the fans given the same push? I don't know. Maybe, maybe not. But what I am 100 % sure of is that noone else could be as important to the company as Cena is. That many is a true company man who breathes WWE. He's hard-working, devoted, loyal, easy-going, stays out of trouble with the law, does no drugs (that we've heard of), does tons of charity and other great PR for WWE... I imagine that he's any promoter's dream.


If I were Vince, and had to choose between pushing Cena and someone who is perhaps more talented as a wrestler but has more risque attached (like Orton, whom I actually like a great deal), I too would choose Cena. It makes the most financial sense.


With this can totally agree. Except the drugs part. Because, and i can be wrong, a friend of mine, who really marks for cena, told me we once admited (not directly, but underlying) in some way to have done steroids before (i believe it were steroids he said) on a monday night raw. So, this was told to me by a guy who really likes cena, i didn't hear it. As isaid, i may be wrong. Is english isn't thag godd, so he might have missunderstood something that Cena said. Still, i can agree with what was said. Not with Stennicks claim of him beeing irreplaceable and i'll explain why.


Let's get out of the Cena realm and look at things from a different point of view. Leonel Messi is the world's greatest football player. (Soccer) Would Barcelona replace him easily if he decided to leave? Nope. Is there someone ready to take his place if he left now? Sure, Barcelona has some fine thecnician players, such as Iniesta, for example. Of course they are no messi, granted that much. Could there be someone in this world to be equal or better then Messi? Sure, but they may not have been discovered yet, or may not have grown as players, or may not have enough playing time to be noticed. (The same as not beeing pushed.) So...could John Cena be replaced just like that if he left now? Sure, maybe not, i'll agree on that one, (we can't be sure, as we don't know the capabilities and personalitiesof all the wwe workers, including developlent) it would be very hard or amlost impossible to replace him instantly. But not impossible. And i'm sure that there are more guys with his type of attitude in this world. Maybe they remain undiscovered, or never signed with the E for some reason. One thing is for sure, the bigger you get, the harder it remains to stay clean and have a good attitude.Maybe that's why it will be harder to find a replacement for Cena. Because Vince tends to chose the "big guys" (not literally giants, but i already explained what i mean by big) and those are rarely clean in wrestling. At least so it seams. Sure, none big guys aren't that clean either. But you get my point. No one is irreplaceable. There's always someone who can do as much or more than us. But sure, i admit it would be hard to replace him in a short time, but in a long term it could be done. Besides, you only get big if you get pushed to be big, no matter how good you are.


Daniel's release was because he choked Justin Roberts with his tie. As I recall, someone connected to Mattel or one of the sponsors complained about it, considering it too graphic for the product they were associated with. Daniel really was fired, but it was the similar deal to when they released Jamie Noble over the steroid problem; as long as he stayed out of TNA, he'd be brought back when the heat died down.


Cena can be replaced in that they can always find someone else they can get behind and find a way, and have the patience, to make into a super over babyface who is the face of the company. But there is a lot that Cena does, Make a Wish, etc, that requires more than just the company getting behind them, that adds to the package that a lot of guys would crack under the pressure of doing.


True, but we can't assume he's the only guy in the wold that can do it. But sure, replacing him wouldn't be made in days.


As for Punk...i sure hope he's not going the same way as Danielson. I'd rather see him staying now, while the angle is hot, so he can get more over and have his chance to "shine."

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I feel really sorry for CM Punk. ECW Champion, Intercontinental Champion, Tag Team Champion, 3 time World Heavyweight Champion, 2 time Money in the Bank winner, 3 year running Slammy award winner, staple in the Main Event for the best part of the last few years... he's been really hard done by.


That isn't a dig at Punk, that's a counterpoint to all the people arguing how badly he's been treated. Sure, he's lost a lot for a Main Eventer (memorably in his feuds vs Mysterio, Big Show and Randy Orton), but he's being booked better than 90% of the roster. He's hardly a missed opportunity.


Since when did any of the stuff in bold matter? Him being dominated by Orton in his feud with him hardly improved the situation. Add in the fact that he has lost the vast majority of his matches on PPV in the past couple of years. Colt Cabana would hardly randomly come out and say he is being mistreated if he wasn't. I mean what would be the point? Punk hasn't been in a show carrying feud since 2009 as far as I recall.

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Since when did any of the stuff in bold matter? Him being dominated by Orton in his feud with him hardly improved the situation.


It doesn't, but there's only so much you can hold one of the top 2 titles, and this is an indication of what else he's been doing. And I was as frustrated as anyone else by his third straight ppv loss to Orton, but it hasn't hurt Punk in the slightest as he's still involved in the hottest storyline going.


Sure, he hasn't been treated like Cena, Orton, Rock, Austin, Taker, HBK and Triple H... but that's about it, he's been treated as well or better than everyone else in the last 6 years. Although someone will let me know who I've missed from that list, but I wouldn't say he's been treated any worse than Kane, Big Show, Mysterio or Jeff Hardy. Maybe Edge, yes, he probably should also be on the list.

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What makes no sense to me about Orton face feuds is, he beats the heels cleanly time and time again and the heels don't ever get anywhere in the feud besides beating him down randomly.


Isn't it supposed to be the heel cheats to beat the face for the duration of the feud and the blow off is the face finally gets the win in the last match?


That really irritates me. Plus, there's the whole thing of Orton being a face in the first place. He injured Punk to take him out of the Scramble match at Unforgiven, yet he's the good guy when Punk wants retribution?

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What makes no sense to me about Orton face feuds is, he beats the heels cleanly time and time again and the heels don't ever get anywhere in the feud besides beating him down randomly.


Isn't it supposed to be the heel cheats to beat the face for the duration of the feud and the blow off is the face finally gets the win in the last match?


That really irritates me. Plus, there's the whole thing of Orton being a face in the first place. He injured Punk to take him out of the Scramble match at Unforgiven, yet he's the good guy when Punk wants retribution?


What annoys me about that feud was that Orton single-handedly not only beat Punk but an entire stable of evil heels. Pretty hard to take them serious as dangerous heels when they're outfought being 4 or 5 to 1.

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What makes no sense to me about Orton face feuds is, he beats the heels cleanly time and time again and the heels don't ever get anywhere in the feud besides beating him down randomly.


Isn't it supposed to be the heel cheats to beat the face for the duration of the feud and the blow off is the face finally gets the win in the last match?


That really irritates me. Plus, there's the whole thing of Orton being a face in the first place. He injured Punk to take him out of the Scramble match at Unforgiven, yet he's the good guy when Punk wants retribution?


Actually no. That's just a way to book it. Of course it would make much more sense to book it as they book it, if Punk came out victorious in the last match, like orton did to hbk when shawn superkicked him for almost two months on a row. And sure, the heel cheating and making the face endure hell to lose the retribution final match is classic booking, but it's not the only way to go. That was actually one of the early things that EWR thought to the beginners:The principles of booking a feud are doing it even or letting the advantadge go largely to one of the sides, regardless of dispositions. This opens up a bunch of secondary options, but that's another story, for another post.)

So if they want to build up Orton at a Cena Level, or close to him in the hierarchy, than it makes sense that they book it this way. I do it with some starts i want to push, at the expense of guys i want to "depush".


Sure, doesn't mean i like what they do to Punk, but i understand where they go with it. The fact is that if they wanted to feed orton with someone, they could at least chose another worker...oh well. Maybe now, with all the buzz, we'll see Punk at a higher level...if he comes back while there's still a buzz...of if he doesn't leave period. I'd truly like the E to surprise me with this whole punk deal, but they will probably find a way to screw it up.

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Actually no. That's just a way to book it. Of course it would make much more sense to book it as they book it, if Punk came out victorious in the last match, like orton did to hbk when shawn superkicked him for almost two months on a row. And sure, the heel cheating and making the face endure hell to lose the retribution final match is classic booking, but it's not the only way to go. That was actually one of the early things that EWR thought to the beginners:The principles of booking a feud are doing it even or letting the advantadge go largely to one of the sides, regardless of dispositions. This opens up a bunch of secondary options, but that's another story, for another post.)

So if they want to build up Orton at a Cena Level, or close to him in the hierarchy, than it makes sense that they book it this way. I do it with some starts i want to push, at the expense of guys i want to "depush".


Sure, doesn't mean i like what they do to Punk, but i understand where they go with it. The fact is that if they wanted to feed orton with someone, they could at least chose another worker...oh well. Maybe now, with all the buzz, we'll see Punk at a higher level...if he comes back while there's still a buzz...of if he doesn't leave period. I'd truly like the E to surprise me with this whole punk deal, but they will probably find a way to screw it up.


They didn't do it just to Punk though, they're doing it to Christian as well.

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...Are you mixing up Slater and Gabriel?


In a sense. I know Gabriel is a true-blue died-in-the-wool high flyer, where I think of Slater as... sorta like a Japanese Junior. Which for the most part I lump in with the flying wrestling styles. I don't know if I am accurately describing him but I also don't like his stupid hair and his stupid voice, so I don't really feel like he deserves a fair shake. I just don't like him. It's rude and I try to just keep my thoughts to myself.


[snip] Cena can be replaced in that they can always find someone else they can get behind and find a way, and have the patience, to make into a super over babyface who is the face of the company. But there is a lot that Cena does, Make a Wish, etc, that requires more than just the company getting behind them, that adds to the package that a lot of guys would crack under the pressure of doing.


Now that I would agree with 100%, and honestly it's another kinda frustrating thing about Cena, lol. He's a geniunely nice guy who works super hard. Why is it that his hard work pays off, and people like him? I work hard and get nowhere, and nobody likes me. But in all seriousness Cena is a gift to WWE as far as his back-stage activities with charity and PR events and things of that nature. It's like the guy never gets tired.

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They didn't do it just to Punk though, they're doing it to Christian as well.


So true! And i hate them for that. Christian is on my list of favourites, so i really dislike that. Especially since some WWE guys, like Jim Ross, implied that his 5 day title reign was not part of burying him, or miss treating him as always, but instead part of something bigger. Really?? After 3 losses with orton...is anyone still taking him that seriously as a title contender?? That turn could have been great! When i saw him losing the title after 5 days, i actually thought they were going to make something right, for a change... I mean...the heel turn coming out of it had a lot of potential.... and now it's gone. Oh well...

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In a sense. I know Gabriel is a true-blue died-in-the-wool high flyer' date=' where I think of Slater as... sorta like a Japanese Junior. Which for the most part I lump in with the flying wrestling styles. I don't know if I am accurately describing him but I also don't like his stupid hair and his stupid voice, so I don't really feel like he deserves a fair shake. I just don't like him. It's rude and I try to just keep my thoughts to myself. [/quote']


Hm. Dunno, I just never really thought of Slater as a high flier, so that post kinda confused me... :p But then, I stopped watching shortly before the Nexus first popped up and didn't come back until the RR, so maybe I just missed that side of him.


I agree that his voice is a little goofy, but I actually kind of like that. His character's kinda goofy too, so it suits him. :p


There is something about his face, though... I can't really pinpoint it, but he looks really weird to me. Maybe it depends on the angle, but sometimes when I look at him, his face looks... misshapen. Like his forehead sticks out a little too much, or something, I don't know.

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Really not sure how you can say they've dropped the ball on the whole Christian thing. Sure, I was pissed when he lost the title 5 days after winning it but I'm happy enough with how things have gone since then. He is still in the main event a few months later on his own merits rather than off the whole Edge retirement angle and I believe that he is getting the title again soon enough. Even if he doesn't he is in a much better position now than say 6 months ago. I like the way the whole story has developed so far and am looking forward to where it is heading.
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Hm. Dunno, I just never really thought of Slater as a high flier, so that post kinda confused me... :p But then, I stopped watching shortly before the Nexus first popped up and didn't come back until the RR, so maybe I just missed that side of him.


I agree that his voice is a little goofy, but I actually kind of like that. His character's kinda goofy too, so it suits him. :p


There is something about his face, though... I can't really pinpoint it, but he looks really weird to me. Maybe it depends on the angle, but sometimes when I look at him, his face looks... misshapen. Like his forehead sticks out a little too much, or something, I don't know.


Rocky Dennis?

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IMO, Heath Slater has no bussiness being a Heel. He doesn't have the talent for it, can't pull it off realistically, and well.... It's obvious he is a good guy that would give you the shirt off his back if you needed it, in real life.


Turn him face, he might go a little farther, but again, it's going to be hard to get past that look. He just looks like someone I wouldn't bet winning anything, lol.


I don't dislike him though.

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Really not sure how you can say they've dropped the ball on the whole Christian thing. Sure, I was pissed when he lost the title 5 days after winning it but I'm happy enough with how things have gone since then. He is still in the main event a few months later on his own merits rather than off the whole Edge retirement angle and I believe that he is getting the title again soon enough. Even if he doesn't he is in a much better position now than say 6 months ago. I like the way the whole story has developed so far and am looking forward to where it is heading.



I always get suspicious of the E nowadays. Besides they're doing him the same thing they did to punk and Barrett. Feeding him to Orton. How good can that be in the long run?

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