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The Official WWE / NXT Discussion Thread *May Contain Spoilers*

Adam Ryland

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Sounds like an amazing PPV.(only made it through a few bits)


Glad to see Danielson win. I would like to see him cash it in at Wrestlemania. Yeah, Bryans not gonna sell tickets, but come on they have The Rock to do that. I just think it would be a cool moment for an underdog like Bryan to wait until the biggest show of the year to claim that spotlight. Only thing is, is that it's 9 months away so they would have to work really hard at keeping him as a strong competitor for that long. He probably will cash it in and lose, but w/e, it's Daniel Bryan ffs, I never would have even expected him to win a MITB. Bryans getting pretty good treatment for a guy who isn't your typical WWE "superstar."


Punk/Cena was craaaazy. My heart jumped when Cena knocked out Laurintis, ****in' hilarious. I doubted the whole storyline last week, but it looks like they're actually gonna go somewhere with all of this. My guess is they pretty much signed Punk to a deal which just promised him a vacation between now and Summer Slam. If this was all 100% work then that was just an amazing month of story telling.


I'm rly having a hard time even predicting where this goes from here. Punk is supposed to be gone, and Cena fired... They could make some really good TV out of this, and for once do angles that take place outside of the arena. Punk on the run playing the villain, Cena trying to get his job back, and Vince trying to fix the damage that's been done to his company. Does Punk defend the belt in another company? Can ADR cash in his MITB at THAT company? jesus, just so many scenarios that could happen.

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Excellent ppv (not quite from top to bottom as the Divas match was poor) and one of those nights that reminds me why despite all the WWE's failings, I keep coming back from time to time - their ability to deliver memorable nights like this. Those oh so precious nuggets of gold.


Kudos to the WWE for their handling of Punk/Cena and the amount of time they gave it. Great crowd, great booking. I was pretty sceptical throughout a lot of the bout, but really became invested when Punk escaped the second STF and became legitimately excited that we might see a Pepsi Plunge when both men went to the turnbuckle for what turned out to be a hurricanrana by Punk. :rolleyes: Anyway, I marked out for the win and marked out even more for the KO on ADR when he ran in.


Now comes the acid test of the storyline... what happens now?


Highly enjoyable MiTB matches too. The RAW one was a bit more botchy (shame that Rey caused the ladder to rock backward for the finish especially), but still had enough highspots and moments to keep it interesting. Bourne's SSP in the aisle was arguably the best spot. I did really find the announcing really uneccessary after the Daniel Bryan match... way to signpost that he's going to be the man who cashes in his shot and doesn't get the belt. Just seemed OTT, especially when it wasn't followed up for ADR, but it's a minor criticism.


Orton vs Christian was better than I anticipated. Nice to see Xtian with the gold again, although I'm yet to be convinced it's a worthwhile pay-off for his previous short reign debacle, although on balance, he'll probably be stronger as a heel champion rather than a face, but he could have turned whilst holding the belt anyway... still, what's done is done, he's got it again now.


The rest... already covered the Divas match. BS/Henry was enjoyable for what it was. A nice change of pace on the ppv and kinda surprising how easily Henry ploughed through Show. I'm not really too sure where Henry goes though, because this must be Mark Henry push x 526 and ultimately, I can only see him being built up before being served to Orton.


Overall though, an awesome night of wrestling. Luckily, this was free on Sky Sports because I'm not convinced that going in, I would have had the faith to pay for it and I'd have been gutted to miss it as it went down.


Must see RAW tonight for definite.

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Who actually thought both Christian and Punk would walk out with the titles? Lol, when Del Rio came down I thought "It looks like the predictions are goig to be correct". Punk is the new Stone Cold, no one will forget this. It's like when Austin won King Of The Ring in 96. I wonder if Cena will take a break (due to being jaded) and Punk will become the new megaface for a few months?
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That. Was. Awesome.


Punk literally escaping Chicago with the belt. D Bryan (as Booker annoyingly says constantly) holding the MiTB. Christian with the World Title. This all feels surreal.


Now just got to wait to see where they are going with Punk. But after that show I truly believe it will be magical.

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Guys, also. We finally got we wanted. Excitement, right champions, great matches. I just woke up at 14.30PM :D



Buy stuff. Order stuff. Watch stuff. Buy DVD's (especially MitB, shirts, watch RAW & SD! if you're at the States, order PPV's. Let's make it clear this is what we want.


*ordering his CM Punk shirts*

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SD Ladder Match - Fun opening match. Sheamus' power bomb on Sin Cara looked nasty. I would have picked Sheamus, Barrett or Rhodes to win but Daniel Bryan? OMFG! I assume this is to make Bryan SD's number 2 face.


Henry v Big Show - Not my favourite type of match-up but I like Heel Henry and Big Show's selling of his leg injury.


Raw Ladder Match - Good use of the small ladders. Loads of high flying spots. Miz cops a spectacular injury and the crowd pops when he rushes back in. The crowd go nuts as Del Rio unmasks Rey and wins!


Christian v Orton - I thought it was one match too many going in but the strength of the feud and the performances made this a good match yet again. I wasn't sure which way it would go but I like the way it ended.


Punk v Cena - Punk's entrance getting bigger pop than Cena and Orton usually get = Awesome. Match of the Year that got better as it went along, with a Wrestlemania Main Event feel to it. Punk was on top form as expected. Props to Cena for pulling out some unique variations of his usual moves plus a couple of different ones (especially after getting injured). Punk winning the epic battle and avoiding losing the belt to Del Rio with Vince looking sick to the stomach was perfect. The WWE creative team are finally delivering.


Best PPV of the year so far. Looking forward to Summerslam.

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was there live. Awesome crowd aside from the drunk guy next to me. Awesome main event. A couple of questions....


The guy in the black was colt cabana, right?

who was the guy next to him?


who was the guy with vince, laurinitis (sp?)?


Could you here on TV if they rung the bell when ADR came in. I think it'd be hilarious if that counts as his match, given all of the destiny talk.

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who was the guy with vince, laurinitis (sp?)?


Could you here on TV if they rung the bell when ADR came in. I think it'd be hilarious if that counts as his match, given all of the destiny talk.


John Laurinaitis (born July 31, 1965) is an executive with WWE. He was previously a professional wrestler known as Johnny Ace, and is credited as the inventor of the "Ace Crusher" maneuver. He is also the younger brother of Joe Laurinaitis (Road Warrior Animal; one half of the wrestling tag team The Road Warriors), and the uncle of James Laurinaitis, former Ohio State standout and currently a linebacker for the St. Louis Rams.



Could you here on TV if they rung the bell when ADR came in. I think it'd be hilarious if that counts as his match, given all of the destiny talk.



No? It never rang. Did it ring live? :eek: Atleast I didn't hear it at all. Also it was announced that the bell did not ring when Punk escaped to the crowd.

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Who actually thought both Christian and Punk would walk out with the titles? Lol, when Del Rio came down I thought "It looks like the predictions are goig to be correct". Punk is the new Stone Cold, no one will forget this. It's like when Austin won King Of The Ring in 96. I wonder if Cena will take a break (due to being jaded) and Punk will become the new megaface for a few months?


Yeah I'm wondering now. I don't want to second guess it too much but the commentators were still putting Punk over as a heel, but the way he went out and stuck it to Vince, surely he's gonna have everyone behind him now and they may have to adjust.

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John Cena wont get enough credit for what he did last night. He put over punk perfectly and was better than punk in the ring. I know the story is punk is awesome which is true but Cena needs some credit too. Great guy. Great match. Cena is just perfect at not overselling himself when crowds are against him, see 2006 ONS and last night.


The story was punk last night and Cena never took away from that at all, even though he got as much heat as punk got pops.

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Is it just me or does the one shadow in the background look like someone holding a gun to their own head? Please tell I'm not the only one who sees that.


No. Definitely not the only one. But like Brother Eigan's post about the big one not what came to mind when I saw it. Although I can certainly see that dimension since you bring it up.

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MITB Dark Match: Santino Marella & Vladimir Kozlov beat WWE Tag Team Champions David Otunga & Michael McGillicutty when Santino pinned Otunga.


From pwmania.com:


STAMFORD, Conn. – In accordance with its Talent Wellness Program, WWE has suspended Luis Ignascio Urive Alvirde (Sin Cara) for 30 days for his first violation of the company’s policy.


Injury looked pretty legit but I guess not. Miz's injury I'm sure was legit and I wouldn't be surprised if it was his idea to return to the ring. And Cena looked to be wrestling through pain for awhile.


Thanks to Chris Brainard for the following:


After CM Punk left through the crowd, Vince McMahon stood there shocked on the apron looking out into the crowd for a few minutes before slowly walking towards the back. He waited for Johnny Ace, who was being helped by two referees. Vince then nailed Johnny, laying him out before walking off.

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