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The Official WWE / NXT Discussion Thread *May Contain Spoilers*

Adam Ryland

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Isn't Regal announcing on there too? I hate that because they have "veteran" announcers, they don't use the ones that can put the product over.


Striker and Regal are far more knowledgeable about the current roster than any of the other announcers.


My friend and I used to joke that if Mike Tenay and Matt Striker were ever in the same room the world would implode from how much wrestling knowledge was in one place.


Granted, Tenay hasn't really kept up it seems, but still.


Regal is, by far, my favorite announcer going right now. Not only does he do NXT, but he's working FCW as well, I think as both an announcer and "scout" as it were. And the man is just golden. I admit to being biased, since I've been a fan of Regal for so long as I can remember, but darnit, when you can mention your girlfriend from England named "Vinegar" Vera, who works at a Fish & Chips shop, during an FCW title match, you have a gift.


Striker wasn't a terrible wrestler either. Why did he retire? Health problems?


I remember Josh Mathews and Striker on ECW during some of the Swagger/Christian matches. That was full of announcing goodness.


If I'm not mistaken, Striker messed up his shoulder, didn't he? That's why he became a manager in the first place? And since they won't give him time at the table, why can't the man be a manager to the stars? Not like the WWE is lacking in people who can't "work the stick" as it were.

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I'm pretty sure Striker has heat with Lawler and Cole because of his commentary style (i.e not giving them all the time to commentate, being knowledgeable of the indies and actually sounding like he gives a s**t). As to why he stopped wrestling, probably because he wasn't exactly getting anywhere on ECW, and his mic skills were by far superior to his in-ring skills.
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According to Ryan Clark(who lists no sources whatsoever), the Kings of Wrestling are going to go straight to the main roster and bypass developmental.


In that case they will spend 3 months as a team 2 months as singles and then the old creative has nothing for you.

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Because WWE doesn't have anything for two ripped 6'5" guys who can talk. ;)


This they are freakishly tall, and Claudio especially looks pretty FN huge.


Also they just had a singles match for the PWG title on Saturday before Steen challenged Claudio to a match afterward and took the title. Debut sooner rather than later?

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wait, there is a new WWE Title belt


Only technically. From the looks of there's maybe a few very minor changes but it's still basically the same POS we've had for years now. Seeing that officially kills my excitement for the entire story. Unless Punk runs out and trashes the "new" title then I'm done thinking this story is going anywhere but back to Cena being the face of the show as always.

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