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The Official WWE / NXT Discussion Thread *May Contain Spoilers*

Adam Ryland

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I honestly couldn't tell you the IWC's opinions. I quit reading sites aside from here about a year and a half ago. I'm just baffled by booking these days, which extends to TNA and ROH.


The only place I follow at all that I can't really complain about is Chikara, and even the start of the BDK breakup makes me sad there, though all good things must come to an end.


I just really hoped Punk would see a good legit title run from this. It was a good story. It's a shame his run got cut off at the legs after a month, especially since we know once John gets number 12 he's holding it until at least Mania.


I'm emotionally invested in Punk more so than anyone else in the wrestling business.


In my opinion, I don't see this being a real concern though. I mean, I understand how invested you are, but CM Punk got bassically everyone invested from that first promo onward.


Someone mentioned earlier that it has some similarities between The Rock (established/establishment) and Austin... where Austin was being held back. Kind of feeling this, with the difference in that Punk and Cena are having to establish that without the aid of Vince McMahan... It's not going to be easy, but they are doing great with the beginning of it. To be honest, I would rather see Punk vs. Cena then The Rock vs. anyone, or Austin vs. anyone, at this point. That's how much I'm into it.


I didn't get to see this PPV yet, but reading about it here I've put together a couple pieces, at least about Punk/Cena. The match itself, without anything else, sounds as though it left people wanting more. This is good, it sets up something down the road. What happened after the match is what has my interest. You have a rare appearance happen, and ADR cashing in his MITB. That's good, because now you have that out of the way for WM. Sets up the Mysterio vs. ADR match, and sets up something else.... A common enemy for CM Punk and Cena. To me, this means we aren't going to see a Heel Cena anytime soon, no matter how much I was hoping. He won't be "Letting his heel persona shine through". Takes Punk off him though. That's good, since they don't need Punk making him look bad. No matter what happens from here, it can only make things more interesting, at least for me...


Speculations going on, and I can't help to think we might be seeing a Punk vs. Del Rio, and Cena vs. Diesal (or did they actually call him Nash?). Is HHH Going to get involved with WM down the line? I don't know, but Punk would be the better choice for him, because it would be something we haven't seen before. Cena's already taken. I don't see Austin playing second fiddle to The Rock, for some reason... He might, but I think what someone else said about "next time" would be more fitting for him.


Either way, I'm hoping HHH does start getting more and more involved in everything, and ends up having to have match's again. I know people are worried about him, but I just want to see it, because to me it would be entertaining. I dont' know how HHH will be if in charge, as opposed to being another guy on the roster who happens to be married to the boss daughter. He has to know that everyone is going to blame him for everything that ends up being dumb, not just the good things that come up.

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I really hope Triple H has one more match with Undertaker (If he can go) at next years Mania. Triple H could go on saying that he was this close to defeating the Undertaker at last years WM and then say that this time he will do it. Their match last year was amazing and providing that Undertaker can go (It's a big If from what I have heard) it would be only the second match to happen three times at Mania. Plus if Undertaker does have one more match at WM and goes 20 and 0 who else on the current roster would be believable enough to be able to end the streak. Cena but he is already wrestling the Rock and I wouldn't want to see that match at WM because I would be scared to death that the streak would end. Like I said though the only possibility for me for Taker at this point at WM would be Trips anything else would be a major letdown to me. Unless they pushed someone strong enough to make people believe that Taker could be beaten by whoever they decided to put in a match with Taker if it wasn't Triple H.
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I really hope Triple H has one more match with Undertaker (If he can go) at next years Mania. Triple H could go on saying that he was this close to defeating the Undertaker at last years WM and then say that this time he will do it. Their match last year was amazing and providing that Undertaker can go (It's a big If from what I have heard) it would be only the second match to happen three times at Mania. Plus if Undertaker does have one more match at WM and goes 20 and 0 who else on the current roster would be believable enough to be able to end the streak. Cena but he is already wrestling the Rock and I wouldn't want to see that match at WM because I would be scared to death that the streak would end. Like I said though the only possibility for me for Taker at this point at WM would be Trips anything else would be a major letdown to me. Unless they pushed someone strong enough to make people believe that Taker could be beaten by whoever they decided to put in a match with Taker if it wasn't Triple H.


Punk could be an interesting opponent depending on how the next 8 months go. He's got a level of interest and a surge of strong performances and strong booking then he's believable.


If it looks like he's catching on Austin / Rock style then being the one to end Taker's streak could put him over the top (although if the match goes ahead I'd rather see Taker win).

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What is Punk going to gain from being involved with Kevin Nash? Is Nash going to 'put him over' like he did Rey? I can understand ADR getting the title and don't have a problem with the manner it was done, but why does it have to be Kevin Nash? OK, that's mostly a rhetorical question because Nash is tight with Triple H so we know why Nash is in the spot, but what is Punk going to gain from this? He can't GTS Nash. Nash can barely move and any match over two minutes is going to suck balls. A quickie submission win that nobody will take seriously? Even if this part of a slow build to Punk/HHH, Nash being involved isn't going to lead to anything good happening for Punk. Nash has nothing to offer and Punk has nothing to gain from it.


Punk/Cena was good but not at the level of their Mitb match. It was shorter which meant my prediction of it meaning less botches was spot-on. The drama was great throughout with Triple H not overshadowing things. The wrestling was of a high quality and everything looked crisp. The finish of Cena having his foot on the ropes gives Cena an out and a reason to get title matches with ADR so in that sense the title matches are logical, but it's still the same routine of Cena always being in the title picture.


Oh, and the commentary was completely insufferable.

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What is Punk going to gain from being involved with Kevin Nash? Is Nash going to 'put him over' like he did Rey? I can understand ADR getting the title and don't have a problem with the manner it was done, but why does it have to be Kevin Nash? OK, that's mostly a rhetorical question because Nash is tight with Triple H so we know why Nash is in the spot, but what is Punk going to gain from this? He can't GTS Nash. Nash can barely move and any match over two minutes is going to suck balls. A quickie submission win that nobody will take seriously? Even if this part of a slow build to Punk/HHH, Nash being involved isn't going to lead to anything good happening for Punk. Nash has nothing to offer and Punk has nothing to gain from it.


I think this is alot bigger than Nash randomly just attacking Punk, probably something to do with Johnny Ace and Vince McMahon undermining Triple H's control (Triple H looked shocked when Nash powerbombed Punk). I can't see them just placing Punk and Nash in a random feud, where's the sense in that?


I also didn't like the way they kept hinting that Triple H and Stephanie were going to screw Punk out of the title (Stephanie in Cena's lockeroom etc.). It made it a bit obvious that it wasn't going to happen.

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I find it ironic that Arrows loves CM Punk and Chikara, since Punk loathes Chikara.


There some "You must feel exactly the same way" rule I haven't seen before?


Chikara's light hearted and fun for the family, while still providing glimpses of some solid wrestling. Been to the only show they've held close to where I live and loved it. Already got my front row seat for when they come back.

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There some "You must feel exactly the same way" rule I haven't seen before?


Chikara's light hearted and fun for the family, while still providing glimpses of some solid wrestling. Been to the only show they've held close to where I live and loved it. Already got my front row seat for when they come back.


I didn't say anything was wrong with it. Just that it was ironic.

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6 Man Tag Match - Decent opener. Kofi and Miz were booked strong. Obvious Rey would win it.


Sheamus v Henry - Henry got the job done again and Sheamus gets over big time as a face despite the loss.


Kelly v Beth - Best divas match in a while and it lasted more a few minutes. Not sure about Beth's ironic barbie look, though.


Bryan v Barrett - Good match. Some new moves from Bryan and Barrett pulls out a surprise win.


Orton v Christian - Edge turning on Christian was awesome. Great match again. Would have been a fitting finale but the feud rolls on.


Cena v Punk - Just as good as the MITB match with some solid countering from both guys. I can't believe they let Punk beat Cena in back-to-back PPVs! So Del Rio beats Rey on Raw and we get Face Punk v Del Rio at Night of Champions. Does Cena get a rematch? Triple Threat match at NOC perhaps?


Consistent PPV that built on MITB with 2 great main events and good matches involving two of my favs Sheamus and Bryan.

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Quick thought. What if Johnny Ace was the one to "hire" Kevin Nash?


Pretty much what I'm leaning towards. Ace can't get Punk to conform to being a company man. Cena refuses to back up Ace and was the cause of Vince losing his job. Both guys have treated Ace like garbage, so neither man can be trusted.


That leaves Ace with no company man, so he gives the opportunity to ADR, who of course accepts the deal. ADR puts his career in the hands of Ace. Ace now needs someone to make sure ADR gets the job done, and goes with Kevin Nash. Reason: Not only will Nash protect ADR and Ace from Punk and Cena, but from HHH as well. HHH and Nash are buddies, and now we're going to see if HHH really is all about the business, or if he'll going to back to his old ways and let his friends control his decisions.


If Stephanie gets involved, I see her siding with Ace and Rio, and trying to convince her husband to follow Ace's lead.


Meanwhile, Punk and Cena try to get HHH to do the right thing. Cena can continue to deliver is passionate promos at HHH, since he's really good at that. Then have Punk continue to go off like a loose cannon on Ace and Nash.

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Melina beat up the Nexus last week?


Not what Arrows said, is it? He said if you walk backstage you'll be in a cop car.


Try and walk backstage at a wrestling show, see how fast you're in a cop car.





Enjoyed the PPV, and I've recently been thinking I enjoy the 'overbooking' of main events. They stopped doing it for years but the last two have been great. Adds unpredictability to the match and gives it several new routes to go on Raw, which just keeps you hooked.


Yeah, good show.

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Enjoyed the PPV, and I've recently been thinking I enjoy the 'overbooking' of main events.


I find it to be the exact opposite. Of course we all knew from the start that Triple H refereeing would make it a tainted finish by any standards but not only was it a referee mistake on part of Triple H, it was Kevin Nash post-match attack and the ADR cashing in. That's just way too much overbooking to my taste. :o


btw, I couldn't care less about ADR being champion. Takes away momentum from the Cena/Punk storyline but also I feel that he's not going to get any momentum behind him, nor the crowd's hatred. Also he's lost quite a lot matches recently which brings up another question of him not looking like a valid title holder, atleast not in my eyes.


ADR will be dropping the title within a month to either Rey, Cena or Punk if WWE's rapidfire, change-plans-the-same-day-as-PPV-is-being-held style continues.

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