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The Official WWE / NXT Discussion Thread *May Contain Spoilers*

Adam Ryland

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Rhodes continues to be awesome. I'd love to see him get a crack at Orton later this year.


The Teddy/Aksana segments are actually bordering on M rated with the sexual innuendo. Times are changing.


Gabriel v Kidd was a good match and Bryan v Del Rio was even better. I hope real Sin Cara comes back next month with a new outfit and kicks fake Sin Cara's ass.


Michael Cole was on fire during the Bryan/Del Rio match but he rambled on so much there wasn't any room for play-by-play commentary. I like Booker's excitement but sometimes he's annoying.


The Divas division is slowly becoming watchable.


That was one of the best non-PPV royals I've seen. SD trumped Raw this week. Only Punk saved Raw from being average. Henry v Orton should be good feud so long as they keep it short.

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If we are discussing Bret Hart, we need to talk about his gross misuse in WCW...Truely sad


Yeah it's pretty amazing how they managed to mess that up. I mean, the guy had CRAZY babyface sympathy due to the Montreal Screwjob and was insanely over. One would imagine the logical thing would then be to book him as an important babyface. But noooo.... he became insignificant nWo henchman #14. I'd like to have been a fly on the wall for that decisionmaking.

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Yeah it's pretty amazing how they managed to mess that up. I mean, the guy had CRAZY babyface sympathy due to the Montreal Screwjob and was insanely over. One would imagine the logical thing would then be to book him as an important babyface. But noooo.... he became insignificant nWo henchman #14. I'd like to have been a fly on the wall for that decisionmaking.


To avoid all sorts of side-tracking from others, let's just say that Bret has more than one reason to take issue with Hogan and Nash over.

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He constantly cheated on her with a variety of women when on the road with WWF. He admitted it himself.


But don't tell anyone that I told you, because then VTial will come down on me for saying something about Bret Hart that is not "he is a lovable unicorn".


This is just low. **** off Hive. If you don't understand what I said then act like you don't understand and just shove it or make sure you know what's being said before you babble on further. I don't take kindly to people who put words in my mouth. Especially when I couldn't have been any more clearer in my previous posts by saying I'm not saying Bret should be treated as a perfect human being.

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This is just low. **** off Hive. If you don't understand what I said then act like you don't understand and just shove it or make sure you know what's being said before you babble on further. I don't take kindly to people who put words in my mouth.


Woah, watch your language there champ. Take yourself seriously much and can't take a joke? Mmm?


Especially when I couldn't have been any more clearer in my previous posts by saying I'm not saying Bret should be treated as a perfect human being.


This is a joke, right? Your first 2-3 posts on the matter in no way conveyed what you were trying to say. Or maybe I just didn't get it because of the language barrier, can't rule that out of course.


Either way, I still don't get why you decided to take an exception to me trying to cut an age-old argument short by suggesting that Bret and Shawn might *both* have been acting up, instead of just picking a side and viewing it all as black and white. Like some others tend to do.

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Guys, I'm sure neither of you intended to actually offend the other one originally. Things get lost when translating from spoken word (where you can see a persons face, hear how they mean what they are saying, etc.) to posts in a forum, where you can't see expressions on faces and the like.


I would really give each other the benefit of the doubt here, and move on.

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This is just low. **** off Hive. If you don't understand what I said then act like you don't understand and just shove it or make sure you know what's being said before you babble on further. I don't take kindly to people who put words in my mouth. Especially when I couldn't have been any more clearer in my previous posts by saying I'm not saying Bret should be treated as a perfect human being.


:p Remind me to put VTial on my list of "people who I shouldn't joke with", along with Arrows. (Also, this post is a joke if you were wondering)

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AM Raw always takes me by surprise. It's 1 AM on a Saturday Night - or Sunday Morning, I suppose - I just got done watching seventy straight Law and Order: SVU's, and then boom, the WWE opening comes up and I'm like "Woah, what the Hell is this?!" :p
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Guys, I'm sure neither of you intended to actually offend the other one originally. Things get lost when translating from spoken word (where you can see a persons face, hear how they mean what they are saying, etc.) to posts in a forum, where you can't see expressions on faces and the like.


I would really give each other the benefit of the doubt here, and move on.


It's not something that's lost in translation. There are jokes and there are words that simply mean "this guy is saying it like this so don't bring that up".


From the get go up to now, Hive had one pattern with my original post:


Evidence A:


I still don't understand your point at all or why you decided to address me.


Evidence B:


because then VTial will come down on me for saying something about Bret Hart that is not "he is a lovable unicorn".


Evidence C:


Either way, I still don't get why you decided to take an exception to me trying


I've been patient with Hive. When he said he didn't understand my point, I answered it and cleared any doubt that I might be targeting him.


dj you even wrote something about Bret and I replied to you.


When Hive replied back with the unhelpful and vague "I still don't understand your point at all or why you decided to address me." - I took that as him not desiring to understand it and left it alone by saying nevermind.


...but I can only take so much. Hive kept insisting on this idea that I'm targeting him and now he's putting words in my mouth and throwing sarcastic jokes that paint me as saying something that I didn't say. Not only that, it painted me as trying to insinuate that Bret should never be criticized. That's why I came down on him. I watch my words but sometimes when you have posters insinuating insulting things that can easily get past a mod radar, you just have to throw down an offensive word so that the guy understands I'm not going to let his accusations stand just because he can phrase it in a way that won't get him modded.

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Recently released WWE talent Harry Smith (a/k/a David Hart Smith), who rarely speaks ill of anyone, is very upset with his former employer. The son of the late "British Bulldog" Davey Boy Smith stated on his Facebook account on Saturday that after much pleading, WWE did not return all of the Hart family possessions he had lent for their memorabilia display at WrestleMania Axxess. This includes his father's ring gear and ring gear of the late Owen Hart, among other priceless possessions. WWE did, however, send him a framed picture of Mae Young as a goodwill gesture. He is further agitated that WWE would call him two weeks after his dismissal from the organization asking for the items he received back.


"Well I'm not one to bury any companies or people but I'm afraid I have no choice here. The WWE after great difficulty of my begging, finally sent me back "some" but not all of my familie's possessions from the Hall of Fame/Fan axxess. This includes, my dad's ring gear, my ring gear, owen hart's blue blazer masks, and singlet and lots of priceless family possessions. They sent a framed picture of my dad smashed, half the other stuff missing but they threw in a Mae Young framed picture," Smith wrote.


"Then they have the nerve to call me, two weeks after firing me, sniffing around asking if they can have it back for their precious Hall of Fame/fan axxess. Even though I am expendable talent, they wouldn't mind just keeping my family's last remaining wrestling stuff.


"Anyone can feel free to post this on dirt sites as I feel the world should know about how selfish and inconsiderate the WWE truly is."


Harry's mother, Diana Hart Smith, is also upset with WWE as she feels they carelessly handled her framed drawing of her late husband (click here to view the smashed picture of Davey). She says it was "the last straw."


She wrote on Facebook, "This is my drawing of Davey's, and the more info I am sent about this disrespectful injustice, the more shocked I am--this is the second time this has happened with this drawing, and they never took care of it the first time. And then to ask two weeks after Harry's release if we can lend more items to Hall of Fame Fan axxess. These things are from Davey and Owen, my father, all legendary people who are no longer alive and it is difficult to fathom giving up these things which we would never be able to see, since it would go to the WWE HOF Fan Access. These are family possessions and unless Georgia, Harry or I, in the Smith household specifically, are at WWE Fan Access, we cannot see for ourselves.


"These aren't belongings of just some random old friends--they are lost family members. With Harry's release, I really doubt I would be flying to Connecticut to see my Hall of Fame memorabilia, and I would probably end up paying admission too. The smashed picture of Davey, which I drew of him, was the last straw, and this is the second time it has happened.


"I wonder what the significance of sending an 8 x 10 pic of Mae Young to Harry, Georgia and me was?"


Straight up dickery from the WWE.

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Absolute proof of Punk's pull: He's coming out in a shirt and shorts. From what I've heard, Vince really hates him dressing that way, thinks he looks completely different. I actually thought the same when I saw him at an indy show, he was dressed like Cena for God's sakes, even had the cap...


The boots with the kickpads and the "X" wrist-tape probably help, though. :p

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