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The Official WWE / NXT Discussion Thread *May Contain Spoilers*

Adam Ryland

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Dude. You flat out asked:




...and then I tell you. If you don't want to know, don't ask.


..yes, that's why I expected you to answer and you did.


And in no way did I chastitise WWE for not doing exactly what I would have done, I chastitise WWE for doing one of the few outcomes of the match I did not like: Triple H cleanly pinning Punk. There's a huge difference.


Because you had a different vision. We can agree on that, right? By all means, you're allowed to think so when they do something bad. If you think Punk should've gone over, that's cool It's not my problem. I'm talking about that fine line when someone has something mapped in their mind and when they do something different you deem it with terms that are hard to swallow considering the timing. Just define what you mean by unnecessary and pointless.


When people take overness and wins/losses too much into account plays a part in it too. I forgot that one. :o


And seriously, are you saying that if anyone feels like critizing WWE we should just shut up and do a diary instead? Because it sounds like that's what you're saying. And if that is indeed your viewpoint, all I have to say is this: :rolleyes:


Not precisely. If all someone does is come in here and preach how things need to be done better, well... make a diary of it. I'm not the first one to tell you this, won't be the last. I don't agree with a lot of things they do myself. If I choose to talk about them, I will. I'll vent. But there's a reason I'm still watching, right? I'm not gonna spend all that time watching and also venting incessantly if scenarios are all etched in my own mind.


Oh but if they do that, I'm sure you won't complain one bit about it and just do a diary instead. Or alternatively, shut up and love it untill you see where the storyline ends. Because that's what good fanboys do.


It doesn't work like that and I'm not even a fanboy. I've watched like four SmackDown! shows in months. I'm just not jumping the gun every time I see a decision I dislike and call it "pointless", mostly because I always ask myself if that's the right term for. But see, I even called Cena's title win pointless. You'd think that would be hypocritical of me, and it slightly is. Thing is, what most would consider is that a title win opens a new chapter, especially if Cena wins it because he eventually keeps it for a while and new challengers crop up around him.


But in this case, despite HHH going over Punk, you know the storyline would still be going on. The overbooking clearly demonstrated this isn't over by a long shot and that Punk may still have a hefty role in the whole ordeal. You called the decision unnecessary fearing what has little chance to happen(the proverbial HHH shovel), which is easy to see if you just.. wait. That's what I was saying all along. But yet again: the wait and see mantra doesn't work every time. Don't get me wrong. But in such cases, you saw it with your own eyes how the ending of the match came about. it's pretty clear you have to sit tight and see where it goes.


See, when Christian lost the title within five days, I didn't accept it. You know what, I was told the same thing and that stuff is gonna keep happening.


Let me ask you the following then: who or what gained from Triple H going cleanly over Punk?


Punk gained motive. He got a reason to stay in Triple H's face, because he didn't lose cleanly. He has motive to go after two of Raw's brightest prospects. But on a whole, nothing much was gained just as much as nothing was lost either because Trips isn't a full-time wrestler anymore. It matters considerably less who he beats than if Cena or Orton did.


It's a different cloth from Vince McMahon's authority style. Vince was the frail authority who would get in the ring and have little chance of going over his opponent. Trips is a powerful figure, on both sides of the coin. I guess I expected him to go over people from the get-go. The only thing is, Punk isn't a victim as you make it out to be.

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I do believe the plan going into this past PPV was for Kevin Nash and CM Punk to go at it. Rumor had it there was some sort of health issue with Nash. Whatever the case, the Triple H thing was a last minute replacement.


That's dirt sheet info so it's not very reliable, but Triple H was on Opie and Anthony last week and when mentioning the match had said that it was a "last minute thing" and that he'd been going crazy trying to get back into ring shape.


If thats the case, it's an upgrade in match quality if you ask me getting HHH instead of Nash. The match was decent, although extremely overbooked.

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- Henry pinning Orton cleanly to become a world champion. OMG... wtf? HENRY??? Why oh why....?


It was suggested that someone new like Brodus Clay should have been used instead but would could anyone but Henry have pulled off a win against Orton without making Orton look weak? I had my doubts at first but I think it's great they surprised me by main eventing Henry.


- Del Rio losing the other world title to Super Cena after an unspectacular title run that lasted... 1 month or so? Thank God they had Del Rio win both the Royal Rumble and Money in The Bank for this major payoff. And good thing we saw the title back on Cena, it's been so long since he last ruined another guy's momentum by getting it for no reason. At least a couple of months.


If ADR wins the Triple Threat HIAC match will people still think WWE blew this storyline? I honestly have no idea who will win this match which is exciting. Anyway, ADR is still relatively new. Would it really hurt him to not have a decent title reign so early in his career?


- Triple H winning against Punk. Seriously, that was just so extremely silly and unnecessary.


The result didn't matter to me. What mattered was that I enjoyed the match.

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One thing for the HitC 3 way....the enemy of my enemy is my friend.


From Punk's perspective, who is the bigger enemy? The man who cheaply took his title or the the man who represents everything that he's been rallying against the last few months?


This is what I gather through everything.... far as what he thinks character wise, taking all the promo's and such that I've listened to under consideration. If I may, getting in his "character's" mind, because we all know Punk in real life supports and appreciates John Cena... taking that aside though, and looking just at the character's thoughts:


Punk doesn't dislike Cena, actually likes him more then most. His fight is more with "management" and Cena just happens to embody exactly what his fight is against "The Right Look" and all. Not a personal thing against Cena though... his character actually likes Cena. Beating Cena however, prooves his position.


He has nothing against ADR either, as he feels ADR did exactly what most MITB winner's do. He himself did it as well, is his position.


He's been Rallying against the "system", not any particular person, although HHH has been the guy he "thought" he was against till recently. He bassically said his fight is against Johnny Ace.


Punk's walking into this with nothing to lose and everything to gain. ADR is walking into this with nothing to lose, and everything to gain. Cena is walking into a disaster no matter how it ends up, because he has to win it back if he loses it, and if he loses it most around the IWC will be happy and mad as soon as he gets it back... which will happen. IF Cena win's, IWC people (not all, but most) will feel like he's burrying them, even if it is a back and forth match with everyone looking like they have a chance.


That last part is my prediction.

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Ok i thought so but mind was not as nice :p


this literally made me LOL.


BTW for our board users with Netflix streaming, the "OMG! 50 Moments in WWE History" dvd is up there as of this week and it's pretty decent. I couldn't sit down and watch it in one sitting, but I've had it on a few times here and there. Pretty entertaining stuff. Plus moments I completely forgot about, like the Hollywood Backlot Brawl at WM12 with Golddust and Piper lol.

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Ok i thought so but mind was not as nice :p


I'm just curious, so I'm going to say what most of the people I know call it...


IWC = Idiotic Wrestling Community, at least in the majority of area's outside of a Wrestling community.


I don't necessarily agree with it, since I consider myself part of a Wrestling community, although only here.


Most people refering to the IWC are talking about specific people that call everyone else that actually enjoys it "Sheep", or don't agree that a character is "Stale", or quickly say "They dropped the ball on him". People that fail to acknowledge that the reason nothing compares to "their" era, is moreso because they were at a very impressionable age, and didn't know half of what they do now about it. People that are negative about everything to do with it. People that claim to know what will sell tickets' although they watch illegal streams, and therefore hurt ticket sells worse then anyone else. Think they know more then the general fan, yet act just like a kid when their "favorites" don't win everything, because they feel that "their" favorites, and only "their" favorites, deserve to win.


People that don't do all these things, aren't really thought of as the "IWC" in the negative sense. Of course those that do, and think of themselves as the all knowing "IWC", are exactly the one's that it does apply to.

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I was thinking about Mania today and i was wondering...if Rock/Cena is for the wwe title and Daniel Bryan is caving in mitb at Mania, then what will the royal rumble winner do?


Many possibilities include Bryan squeezing his way in the Rumble winner vs. champion making it a triple threat, or just not having Rock vs. Cena for the title.

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Rock won't be in the Rumble other than to get rid of Cena. I think Cena will be close to winning which will allow the commentary to talk about how that would impact Wrestlemania and Cena vs Rock. Then Cena will get eliminated by whoever ends up winning.


Daniel Bryan could either use the MITB to create a triple threat or to have a 1 vs 1 match up with whoever the champ on Smackdown is.


As of now I could see CM Punk facing ADR for the World Title. Punk with HHH in his corner, and ADR with Laurinitis, Vince, or Steph in his.


Obviously we are a long ways away from Wrestlemania though.

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Kind of Spoiler


This is kind of a spoiler, but it's a general spoiler, nothing specific (might be... we know accuracy at these sights aren't always accurate).



As the head of WWE’s revamped talent development program, Triple H has a lot of influence over which talents are signed and featured on WWE television. It’s been reported that Triple H is serious about introducing new talents through ‘coming soon’ vignettes, as we saw with the first two people signed under Triple H – Sin Cara and Karma.


Now -Triple H is said to have his sights set on a new objective – rebuilding WWE’s tag team division.


WWE is looking to recruit tag teams from other promotions, including Ring of Honor’s Kings of Wrestling & Brisco Brothers as well as TNA tag team Beer Money, when they become free agents.


Regarding the recent WWE tryouts for the Kings of Wrestling (Chris Hero & Claudio Castagnoli), the latest word is that the KoW will be introduced as a tag team, not singles wrestlers.

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One idea Lagana floated I think was have the Rumble winner face the Undertaker in an attempt to end the streak. Make it a one time deal.


Really, I'd keep the title out of the Rock/Cena match. It can still headline WM and the title match can be the semi-main. From either side, you either have Cena win and keep the title which probably upsets even more fans or Rock wins and may/may not be available to defend it. In addition, a guy who has barely wrestled in 7+ years comes back and beats the Champ. Makes the champ look like a chump.

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One idea Lagana floated I think was have the Rumble winner face the Undertaker in an attempt to end the streak. Make it a one time deal.


Really, I'd keep the title out of the Rock/Cena match. It can still headline WM and the title match can be the semi-main. From either side, you either have Cena win and keep the title which probably upsets even more fans or Rock wins and may/may not be available to defend it. In addition, a guy who has barely wrestled in 7+ years comes back and beats the Champ. Makes the champ look like a chump.


I would as well, but the thing is that John Cena told The Rock face to face, that he was going to have the belt, and it would be for the title... and he said it on RAW. So I doubt very much they will have it differently, because the fact it's one of the reason's people want tickets.


One thing that I can see, as a reason to have it for the title, is because it gives fans of The Rock hope, that if he win's the title, he will defend the title regularly (be back in wrestling as an in ring performer). Now, I know no one here believes that is a possibility that can happen, but I believe millions of fans do believe that's a possibility, and as such, is a gimmick for the match to be bigger then it would be, to just have John Cena vs. The rock. I think they're right too.... I just wouldn't have done it that way, because I think they could built this for at least a three year period, and have it that much bigger.


What I would do: I would have Cena lose the title right before Wrestlemania (if he still has it). I would then have The Rock beat him at Wrestlemania, but I would definately set it up so that Cena had a good excuse for the loss, but of course I wouldn't have Cena cry about it... I would have other's talk about it all the time till "Finally!" The Rock comes back to defend the match, and give Cena another try. Wrestlemania match comes up (non-title/2013), and Cena wins..> But this time The Rock has a great excuse as to why he lost (Be it interferrence, or whatever).


That's two years down, only one to go (long term story). During all this, The Rock and Cena start having mutual respect for one another, but yet... They haven't proven who is the best either, so the feud becomes bigger... The Rock becomes more active in at least the PPV's. I mean, so much so that they security and all heck breaks out everytime they are around each other till "Finally" the third Wrestlemania match, and Cena win's, The Rock show's respect, and the torch is passed. At this third Wrestlemania, I would have it for the title, perhaps having The Rock win (being the last entry) at the Royal Rumble to face him.


"It doesn't matter what we think!" (Rock voice) though.


The reason I bring this up? I'm calling it right now... It's totally obvious that the title will be on the line for this match, and has been all year, yet... there are going to be people saying how "dumb" that is. To me, it's only silly to believe it's going to be any other way.:cool:

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I would as well, but the thing is that John Cena told The Rock face to face, that he was going to have the belt, and it would be for the title... and he said it on RAW. So I doubt very much they will have it differently, because the fact it's one of the reason's people want tickets.


One thing that I can see, as a reason to have it for the title, is because it gives fans of The Rock hope, that if he win's the title, he will defend the title regularly (be back in wrestling as an in ring performer). Now, I know no one here believes that is a possibility that can happen, but I believe millions of fans do believe that's a possibility, and as such, is a gimmick for the match to be bigger then it would be, to just have John Cena vs. The rock. I think they're right too.... I just wouldn't have done it that way, because I think they could built this for at least a three year period, and have it that much bigger.


What I would do: I would have Cena lose the title right before Wrestlemania (if he still has it). I would then have The Rock beat him at Wrestlemania, but I would definately set it up so that Cena had a good excuse for the loss, but of course I wouldn't have Cena cry about it... I would have other's talk about it all the time till "Finally!" The Rock comes back to defend the match, and give Cena another try. Wrestlemania match comes up (non-title/2013), and Cena wins..> But this time The Rock has a great excuse as to why he lost (Be it interferrence, or whatever).


That's two years down, only one to go (long term story). During all this, The Rock and Cena start having mutual respect for one another, but yet... They haven't proven who is the best either, so the feud becomes bigger... The Rock becomes more active in at least the PPV's. I mean, so much so that they security and all heck breaks out everytime they are around each other till "Finally" the third Wrestlemania match, and Cena win's, The Rock show's respect, and the torch is passed. At this third Wrestlemania, I would have it for the title, perhaps having The Rock win (being the last entry) at the Royal Rumble to face him.


"It doesn't matter what we think!" (Rock voice) though.


The reason I bring this up? I'm calling it right now... It's totally obvious that the title will be on the line for this match, and has been all year, yet... there are going to be people saying how "dumb" that is. To me, it's only silly to believe it's going to be any other way.:cool:


I don't think the title will be on the line between Rock and Cena. Personally don't care if it is either. I think the WWE is teasing that it may be on the line though. I don't even think they know exactly if it will be for a belt. Things seem to change in creative a lot over the course of a few months.

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I would as well, but the thing is that John Cena told The Rock face to face, that he was going to have the belt, and it would be for the title... and he said it on RAW. So I doubt very much they will have it differently, because the fact it's one of the reason's people want tickets.


One thing that I can see, as a reason to have it for the title, is because it gives fans of The Rock hope, that if he win's the title, he will defend the title regularly (be back in wrestling as an in ring performer). Now, I know no one here believes that is a possibility that can happen, but I believe millions of fans do believe that's a possibility, and as such, is a gimmick for the match to be bigger then it would be, to just have John Cena vs. The rock. I think they're right too.... I just wouldn't have done it that way, because I think they could built this for at least a three year period, and have it that much bigger.


What I would do: I would have Cena lose the title right before Wrestlemania (if he still has it). I would then have The Rock beat him at Wrestlemania, but I would definately set it up so that Cena had a good excuse for the loss, but of course I wouldn't have Cena cry about it... I would have other's talk about it all the time till "Finally!" The Rock comes back to defend the match, and give Cena another try. Wrestlemania match comes up (non-title/2013), and Cena wins..> But this time The Rock has a great excuse as to why he lost (Be it interferrence, or whatever).


That's two years down, only one to go (long term story). During all this, The Rock and Cena start having mutual respect for one another, but yet... They haven't proven who is the best either, so the feud becomes bigger... The Rock becomes more active in at least the PPV's. I mean, so much so that they security and all heck breaks out everytime they are around each other till "Finally" the third Wrestlemania match, and Cena win's, The Rock show's respect, and the torch is passed. At this third Wrestlemania, I would have it for the title, perhaps having The Rock win (being the last entry) at the Royal Rumble to face him.


"It doesn't matter what we think!" (Rock voice) though.


The reason I bring this up? I'm calling it right now... It's totally obvious that the title will be on the line for this match, and has been all year, yet... there are going to be people saying how "dumb" that is. To me, it's only silly to believe it's going to be any other way.:cool:


That was also May 2 which is ancient history to a majority of wrestling fans. If the WWE promotes it as having the title, then it will have the title. I don't think they NEED to have the title involved to pop the buyrate, but as demented as Vince is right now (read likely changing the title at NoC to pop a higher rating Monday night...even though it neuters someone they spent almost a year building up...ADR). If they have any foresight, you promote the match without the title involved and if it's needed you can always work it in. Little harder to do it the other way.


I like the long term idea and think that in many other companies it would have a chance of working and being successful. WWE is too shortsighted to ever do something like that. They've had enough trouble just with Rock/Cena this year.


My $.02

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