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The Official WWE / NXT Discussion Thread *May Contain Spoilers*

Adam Ryland

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Punk said that the WWE will be better off when Vince McMahon is dead and he called Vince out on how much of a hypocrite Vince is with his anti-bullying campaign. Those two things are far, far more serious than any lame "your wife wears the pants in the family" line.


And HHH didn't get any pops? At one point, he got the crowd to pop in support of Vince McMahon, and that pop was louder than anything Punk had gotten that segment.




You literally just summed up nearly every single highlight Punk has had in the past three months. In three months, the highlights for CM Punk, the hottest wrestler in years, have included getting the pin in a tag team main event on a single Raw, getting a hot-tag in a match on Raw, and (you forgot to mention) getting a laughably crooked pinfall on Cena at SS moments before dropping his title to ADR because of Nash's interference, two guys Punk has yet to get any amount of retribution on.


And people are honestly trying to say Punk hasn't been devalued since MitB? Seriously? Seriously? When you have to mention when a guy gets a hot-tag, I mean, come on, that's ridiculous. A hot-tag!


Damn, and I thought the IWC was notorious for pointing out or jotting down some of WWE's traditions or formalities, good or bad. Maybe that only occurs while we're watching Raw or a PPV?


In these respective terms, about the hot tag... there's more to it than the hot tag. But I never said it was an important feat, it's barely notable if anything, but it notifies nonetheless how comfortable they've gotten with Punk's top spot, and that he isn't made out to look like a joke, even despite H. All I was doing is answering to bookerman's laundry list of negatives that have "plagued" Punk - if he wants to point out the little things, so will I. That's all it comes down to.


Punk has had more than enough retribution on Del Rio, for the record. He didn't get any on Cena because of Cena's status which is a given. but you don't figure beating him twice in a row salvages that? Is that not part of the highlights for some reason? If not, fair enough. /shrug


Has Punk been devalued since MITB? To an extent yeah, my only point being that it's not as damning as you guys put it across. Trips has made a few favors to himself, but some of what he's offered has been to Punk's advantage too. Not in the best way, maybe not in the most optimal way, but H's involvement has some upsides to it. Because again, without H, where would've Punk landed? When the best Raw has to offer beyond Cena and Del Rio is the likes of Miz and Ziggler, forgive me if I'm not flustered by Punk's direction. Most of the answers to where would Punk land have been or would likely be some elaborate scenario where WWE could've done this and this, done that and that with Punk or Vince or Del Rio, etc that you guys can spend a few hours intricately thinking up.


Maybe I'm not undermined by Punk's direction because I expected him to take a backseat. Even the "hottest wrestler in years" wouldn't stop them from keeping their status quo, except this time Punk WILL be in the equation. H's involvement didn't prevent any of that, by the sounds of how the crowd took the storyline. If you wanna take more than the casual fans' input in the equation, well it looks like it's pretty down the middle among the IWC as well.

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Heard a snippet of HHH's interview on busted open radio.


"I was told early on you can either make money or make friends. I told Orton and Batista the same thing. It's a business, sometimes you've got to step on some toes...."


I'm not only looking at this in regards to how Punk was handled, but also HHH's actions in the past as well as the company going forward. Am I wrong in thinking that in HHH's world, he's of the mindset that right now he's the only one that can make the company money? I know I might be reaching, but is it possible right? And going forward, is he going to reward those who are willing to "step on toes" to become stars?


I think Punk has a similar mentality, but is less likely to use his position of power to repeatedly hold down others when giving them a win or two could draw more money for the company.


Granted, Orton and Batista are two guys that it took the WWE a while to figure out what to do with them before they reached Main Event status. Being buds with HHH helped. Ask Sheamus how being friends with HHH helped as well.


At some point, the purpose of the older talent isn't to remain on top, but to help elevate new guys on the way up as your own decent begins.

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Maybe I'm not undermined by Punk's direction because I expected him to take a backseat. Even the "hottest wrestler in years" wouldn't stop them from keeping their status quo, except this time Punk WILL be in the equation. H's involvement didn't prevent any of that, by the sounds of how the crowd took the storyline. If you wanna take more than the casual fans' input in the equation, well it looks like it's pretty down the middle among the IWC as well.


Yeah, I think I drank the "Punk is going to get a lot of love a hot act for the WWE" kool aid. That's probably some of my disappointment. I will say it would seem a lot harder to mess that angle/story than get it right...

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If you believe some of whats out there in the dirt sheets and what not... the "Summer of Punk" angle was set up and had a definitive ending... that was all ruined by whatever was going on with Kevin Nash not being able to wrestle.


Supposedly WWE is very happy with the way Punk carried himself during this summer, the way he publicized himself, and the way he got attention to the WWE from outside sources. They've also liked his merch figures.


So, again if you believe the dirt sheets at all, we should be seeing another huge CM Punk push comming forward.


Now I agree that Punk has been devalued a bit. You have to be a fool to say he hasn't been. But it's the exageration of Punk's supposedly lowering position in this company that I don't get.


Losing to Triple H wasn't as detrimental to his positioning as some of youa re making it out to be. Before the interferences, Punk arguably looked stronger than Triple H.


Punk has had top matches in every single pay per view since July and has had a ton of TV time. I wish they'd have done even more with him as well. Believe me. I just feel like sometimes people are a little unrealistic with what they expected his push to be. I think he should have the title. That's reasonable. He deserves it and he's earned it. I think a nice lengthy run is fair. But they have to keep everyone else around him strong or it's just John Cena all over again meaning a champ who beats seemingly far inferior competition.

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I still think Punk has a 98% chance to win the Rumbe.


Sure he has been cooled down but EVERYONE has. Orton, Cena, even Del Rio have all taken a backseat recently.


It's not like its just Punk.


Anyone can win the Rumble... They don't have to be hot. Look how many times people were totally out of action and come in on the Rumble as a surprise and won it.


I'm thinking/hoping, by that time Punk's going to be heavily involved in something.

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Heard a snippet of HHH's interview on busted open radio.


Triple H has given a lot of interviews over the last couple of months and they show two very clear things. First, he has the same narrow view of what constitutes a 'star' as Vince, that being size and/or look. Unless you match up on this, you simply cannot be a star and when guys in charge have a narrow idea on who can and cannot be a star, they're booking usually turns this into a self-fulfilling prophecy because it's the guys who fit their view who get the chances and the help while the guys who don't 'fit' get no help at all. Second, for a 'student of the game', he has a very superficial knowledge of wrestling history, outside of WWE.

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Triple H has given a lot of interviews over the last couple of months and they show two very clear things. First, he has the same narrow view of what constitutes a 'star' as Vince, that being size and/or look. Unless you match up on this, you simply cannot be a star and when guys in charge have a narrow idea on who can and cannot be a star, they're booking usually turns this into a self-fulfilling prophecy because it's the guys who fit their view who get the chances and the help while the guys who don't 'fit' get no help at all. Second, for a 'student of the game', he has a very superficial knowledge of wrestling history, outside of WWE.


Excellent points and it further makes his points about UFC evolving seem idiotic. Most of their best stars recently have been guys with good personalities who are then able to turn it up to "11". See Rocky, Austin, Punk, Jericho, Orton, Henry etc. Instead, they are searching for guys with good bodies who they hope to be able to teach to work and talk. Yet, they don't want to use managers or tag teams to cover up for the weaknesses. Go figure.

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I've gotta say, the crowd DESPISES Laurinitis. As soon as Vince started saying his title, they started booing like crazy. He's turned that tag line into something easy to boo.
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