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The Official WWE / NXT Discussion Thread *May Contain Spoilers*

Adam Ryland

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Yeah very few are as bad as Dane Cook (I think he is one of the worst mainstream comedians.).


Haha. To be clear, I was simply using him as a reference for success. He's one of the bigger draws in comedy. I guess I feel "lukewarm" about Dane Cook. He's got some very funny bits, other stuff was just college girls giggling at the cute crazy guy on stage.


I do think if you are a wrestling fan Foley's act won't disappoint. He's just done more editing to his material to make it work better in the stand-up comedy scene as opposed to spoken word. I'd like to see Piper I hear he's doing some stand-up.

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Hands down my favourite SD of the year. A PPV quality Orton v Rhodes match to open. Big Show choke-slamming Christian. Sheamus v Barrett. Epico's impressive debut (I expect him and Hunico to form a tag team like they did in FCW). Bryan v Henry (with a briefcase cash-in fakeout!).


Looks like we could get a 5v5 Team Sheamus v Team Orton match at SS (Sheamus/Orton/Bryan/Sin Cara/DiBiase v Christian/Rhodes/Barrett/Hunico/Kidd).

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Am i the only one who dosen't like it when WWE shoots RAW in England because there is always the same set with a taxi & bus, the corny jokes and it always seems to be a rather poor show with no ground breaking moments, no clay debut (:confused: thought he may have debuted in the main event taking out Cena or Ryder) nice to see JoMo get a win though
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Am i the only one who dosen't like it when WWE shoots RAW in England because there is always the same set with a taxi & bus, the corny jokes and it always seems to be a rather poor show with no ground breaking moments, no clay debut (:confused: thought he may have debuted in the main event taking out Cena or Ryder) nice to see JoMo get a win though


I wonder will they go through a show in England without saying 'jolly old'? Yea nothing seemed to happen really, Nash's promo was the only positive to be honest in terms of story progression. They also did the usual on taped shows, editing in cheers after Cena spoke and editing out the boos he was getting.

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The #1 use of steroids is recovering from injury quicker. Steroids put your body in hyperdrive when trying to recover from injury. So it isn't always to get bigger and stronger. Maybe Evan was trying to recover from injuries or maybe he wanted to get bigger.


Word on the rumor sites is it was synthetic canniblis. I.e K2 or Spice. That's what there saying slater and young go tnailed for too. Alot of the talent use them because they were legal (at least till 2 months ago) and pot's against the wellness program.


They just started testing for it last month as part of the program, which could have led to them getting caught cold.


Because drinking yourself into a coma isn't a wellness violation, but taking a few puffs is :rolleyes:


(disclaimer: It's a private company and they can test for whatever they want, so i'm not excusing the talent. You sign the contract, your subject to whatever tests your employer wants to do. Just stating a personal opinion. on the hypocrisy of alcohol vs. weed in general)

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(disclaimer: It's a private company and they can test for whatever they want, so i'm not excusing the talent. You sign the contract, your subject to whatever tests your employer wants to do. Just stating a personal opinion. on the hypocrisy of alcohol vs. weed in general)


I'm quoting you, but I'm not necessarilly debating you... Meaning I can see your opinion, and just feel like stating mine, not saying either are more right...Although I do AGREE with you, you have to realise that weed in general isn't as "safe" as people percieve it to be... I love all the comedians that talk about it as much as anyone else does, but you have to see the whole viewpoint.


On Weed vs. Alcohol: I totally agree Alcohol is just as bad, when you think about health issues, and all types of addictive points as well... I want to make that perfectly clear, and that that debate is not why I quoted you. You were talking about the policy the WWE uses right now, so I want to share my thoughts there for a second. I believe the reason weed is on it, is only because it's illegal. Seems to me they put anything on their, that could cause bad publicity for them in the future, if someone is "caught" doing it. So far, alcohol hasn't been something that wrestling is associated with, as their are just as much alcoholics outside of wrestling as their are inside (as far as I know).


Now, on with a few points about weed, that are different from those about booze. The biggest point I have ever heard, and all you have to do is ask friends that are on harder drugs, and you will see the same pattern... but weed has been found as an introductive drug (not sure I'm saying that right). Meaning, people that do much harder drugs now, are often times introduced to the drug scene through reefer. Doesn't mean everyone goes on, which is a strong point that I want to come back to later.... what it does mean however, is there is a strong belief that most heavy drug addicts would never have gone that route, had they not had pot first. A misconception about pot, is that it is NOT addictive. That's actually not true, it is addictive in almost the exact same way smoking tobacco is addictive. You have several kinds of addiction associated with both, however, reefer is not chemically adictive (I believe I have that right)... However, habitually, it is very addictive. Some people actually think they have to have it to relax, every single night (same way some people have to have a drink every night). Doesn't mean if it's unavailable, your going to start shaking and bouncing off walls though... but it's there.


Back to another point... It doesn't mean everyone that smokes will go on down a horrible path into drug addiction. To be honest, I think the same can be said (or could have been said years ago anyways) about smoking tobacco... IF person "A" never smoked before they were of legal age, would they have ever tried Pot? IF Pot were as legal as alcohol, would it be an introductive drug, since it would be legal, and the "thrill" of doing something illegal wouldn't be there? Lots of other questions I could put up like that, that no one has been able to answer, and I wanted them up there so I don't look like a hypocrit or something when I say I agree with the WWE Policy. Alcohol is legal, pot is not. SO to me, it makes perfect scense. Doesn't mean to me that pot does anyone any worse then alcohol does. I've been a drinker, and at a time was a heavy drinker... Somehow I never become an alcoholic though, as I can go whole years without having a drink and don't think about, or miss it at all... I know other's that can't be awake longer then two hours, without shaking, unless they have a drink.


EDIT: After the bolded, I meant to put down that I know other's that have done illegal drugs in the same fashion... and could walk away without any problem. Meaning, some people just don't get "hooked", other's do... Me and my tobacco, for example, is a totally different issue... Hate that I smoke, can't seem to quit... everytime I think about not having another one, makes me want it more.

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The #1 use of steroids is recovering from injury quicker. Steroids put your body in hyperdrive when trying to recover from injury. So it isn't always to get bigger and stronger. Maybe Evan was trying to recover from injuries or maybe he wanted to get bigger.


Thing is. If he's hurt enough to have to take them to heal, he should not be in the ring. Just my opinion.



To go off what DJ said. There was a time when drinking and WWae could be linked heavily. Mostly due to Stone cold.


Now the whole drug issue. I used to think to each their own, but the problem is as DJ said pot is more of a starter. People do it for the thrill. Once it's gone they go in search of something else to give them that thrill or high, most times it's harder drugs, then your body craves that thrill.


It always makes me a bit sad when people take the route of drugs.


Drinking allbeit not in any way better, isn't always as bad. Studies show you are less likely to get addicted to alcohol than to caffeine.


Unfortunately sports have so many issues with drugs and the WWE has it's share.

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dj, the short version is what you're saying doesn't belong in the WWE discussion thread. The longer version is: don't go on a big rant about drugs (or anything, really), unless you have an extremely firm grasp of what you're talking about. A lot of the things you said are either totally incorrect, halfway correct, or not particularly relevant. For one thing, addiction is about brain chemistry. What you're talking about is far less addictive then alcohol or cigarettes. Also you might as well call those "gateway" drugs, too.


But again, this conversation doesn't belong here. On topic, Bourne continues to shoot himself in the foot every time he starts to get on a roll; first with injuries, now this.

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dj, the short version is what you're saying doesn't belong in the WWE discussion thread. The longer version is: don't go on a big rant about drugs (or anything, really), unless you have an extremely firm grasp of what you're talking about. A lot of the things you said are either totally incorrect, halfway correct, or not particularly relevant. For one thing, addiction is about brain chemistry. What you're talking about is far less addictive then alcohol or cigarettes. Also you might as well call those "gateway" drugs, too.


But again, this conversation doesn't belong here. On topic, Bourne continues to shoot himself in the foot every time he starts to get on a roll; first with injuries, now this.


I was going to respond, but it's obvious you didn't really read my post.

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I was going to respond, but it's obvious you didn't really read my post.


Since you were off-topic and rambling, all I can say is... good. Even if that means you feel the need to say something nonsensical like "it's obvious" I didn't read your post. Maybe your post didn't communicate what you thought it did?

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I was going to respond, but it's obvious you didn't really read my post.


Maybe you won't, but I will simply because I really dislike people who feel they are entitled to talk down to others no matter what kind of fool they look like.


LB. DJs post was on the topic being discussed ABOUT a WWE star. Was it exclusively about it? No.


That does not mean it was off topic. Drugs very. Even the legal ones that help you heal like the ones mentioned above. DJ was giving some examples of others. That's not off topic it's opening the discussion a little further. If you don't like it then well, we don't care.


You say it was incorrect. What part? Quite honestly I believe he has a good grasp on the topic.


Now back to being on topic.


Just seen something fantastic from my aunt. She sent me a pic she had taken a few years back in Michigan when she met a few of the superstars at a local event. Her friend owns a Harley shop. Undertaker was there signing autographs. She has a picture of him sitting on her bike. How cool is that?

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Since you were off-topic and rambling, all I can say is... good. Even if that means you feel the need to say something nonsensical like "it's obvious" I didn't read your post. Maybe your post didn't communicate what you thought it did?


It wasn't a rant, number one. I don't think anyone else felt it to be either.


Number two, you made a point I already made.


Number three, you didn't contradict anything I said, you just made it sound that way.

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Just seen something fantastic from my aunt. She sent me a pic she had taken a few years back in Michigan when she met a few of the superstars at a local event. Her friend owns a Harley shop. Undertaker was there signing autographs. She has a picture of him sitting on her bike. How cool is that?


I am not a huge Undertaker fan but that is really awesome! It would be more awesome if he rode her bike down to the ring when he was doing the BA gimmick. Still though a photo of that would be awesome.

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Last post wherin I talk about why off-topic stuff is, in fact, off-topic.


LB. DJs post was on the topic being discussed ABOUT a WWE star. Was it exclusively about it? No.


That does not mean it was off topic. Drugs very. Even the legal ones that help you heal like the ones mentioned above. DJ was giving some examples of others. That's not off topic it's opening the discussion a little further. If you don't like it then well, we don't care.


It's off-topic because it's three paragraphs about personal opinions on a divisive issue. It'd be like mentioning Kane appearing on Fox News and then going into three paragraphs of personal opinions about my own politics. It's the kind of post that starts arguments and offers almost nothing new in terms of insight. If he had just said "well it's the law," and left out all the other stuff, he would've basically said the same thing and not looked like he wanted to go on a soapbox about some drugs vs. other drugs.


I <3 the "we don't care" line from someone who introduces the post explaining their dislike of "talking down." I hope you appreciate the irony of standing up for someone whose rebuttal is "obviously you didn't read what I said." Because obviously a person couldn't possibly have misunderstood something that wasn't clear or hold a contrary opinion. Meanwhile I'm the bad guy because I said I thought a post was off-topic and didn't belong in a particular thread. But by all means, take a post not directed at you as an opportunity to tell people that you don't care what others think. And I already explained two specific issues where it wasn't correct, but my point was that it was off-topic.



It wasn't a rant, number one. I don't think anyone else felt it to be either.


Number two, you made a point I already made.


Number three, you didn't contradict anything I said, you just made it sound that way.


I never called it a rant, and I did contradict specific things you said. I don't know if there's just a clarity issue here or what. And once again, my point was that it was off-topic, so I'm not particularly interested in getting sucked into a drugs debate.


But again, all of this is off-topic, so let's move on.

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dj, the short version is what you're saying doesn't belong in the WWE discussion thread. The longer version is: don't go on a big rant about drugs (or anything, really), unless you have an extremely firm grasp of what you're talking about. A lot of the things you said are either totally incorrect, halfway correct, or not particularly relevant. For one thing, addiction is about brain chemistry. What you're talking about is far less addictive then alcohol or cigarettes. Also you might as well call those "gateway" drugs, too.


But again, this conversation doesn't belong here. On topic, Bourne continues to shoot himself in the foot every time he starts to get on a roll; first with injuries, now this.


Do you enjoy being a troll? You need to think before you type.


As for the *we don't care comment*. No I don't care. That's not talking down or telling you that you don't know what you're talking about.


Jugga that should be a no. She's not exactly appropriately dressed, if ever. :p. I'll ask her if she minds me showing and I'll pm you a link, but it's up to her.

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I wonder will they go through a show in England without saying 'jolly old'? Yea nothing seemed to happen really, Nash's promo was the only positive to be honest in terms of story progression. They also did the usual on taped shows, editing in cheers after Cena spoke and editing out the boos he was getting.


The Raw broadcast I watched must have been different. They were booing the crap out of Cena on my TV. They seemed to cheer most of the heels while faces didn't get much at all. In fact, Mason Ryan got almost nothing whereas Ziggler got a chant going haha.


Punk got a huge pop, but he seems to get that pretty steadily everywhere on TV.


I didn't feel like they put too crowd noise in at all. Certainly nothing on the level that TNA does it.

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The Raw broadcast I watched must have been different. They were booing the crap out of Cena on my TV. They seemed to cheer most of the heels while faces didn't get much at all. In fact, Mason Ryan got almost nothing whereas Ziggler got a chant going haha.


Punk got a huge pop, but he seems to get that pretty steadily everywhere on TV.


I didn't feel like they put too crowd noise in at all. Certainly nothing on the level that TNA does it.


In hindsight maybe the boos weren't as edited as I thought although it was pretty obvious that there was alot of piped in cheers during the opening promo in particular. Ryan wasn't going to get a pop in Liverpool lol, a big roided freak who's Welsh will struggle to get a pop outside Wales.


British crowds are always great, they just need more serious shows here in the future.

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I never called it a rant, and I did contradict specific things you said. I don't know if there's just a clarity issue here or what. And once again, my point was that it was off-topic, so I'm not particularly interested in getting sucked into a drugs debate.


But again, all of this is off-topic, so let's move on.


You brought up "brain chemistry". I don't know why, I never brought it up period, all I brought up is what is widely believed to be true, and I went out of my way to make sure people understand that I don't necessarily agree one way or the other... I've seen both sides of the debate happen.


There is not enough, or maybe there is too much, information out there to be able to say anything definate about it... All I can say is what I know to be definately believed widely.


As far as me not making myself (personally) clear or concise, is because I can honestly say I don't know what to believe personally, to have a clear and concise point to it... even wikipedia doesn't say anything totally clear.


Though the long-term effects of cannabis have been studied, there remains much to be concluded. Debated aspects include the possibility of cannabis dependence, the potential of cannabis as a "gateway drug", its effects on intelligence and memory, and the relationship, if any, of cannabis use to mental disorders such as schizophrenia and depression. On some topics, such as the drug's effects on the lungs, relatively little research has been conducted, leading to division as to the severity of its impact.


While cannabis has been correlated with the development of various mental disorders in multiple studies, these studies differ widely as to whether cannabis use is the cause of the mental problems, whether the mental problems encourage cannabis use, or whether both the cannabis use and the mental problems are the effects of some other cause. Still other studies encourage the use of cannabis in treating schizophrenia.[citation needed] Similarly, efforts to prove the "gateway drug" hypothesis that cannabis and alcohol make users more inclined to become addicted to "harder" drugs like cocaine and heroin have produced mixed results, with different studies finding varying degrees of correlation between the use of cannabis and other drugs, and some finding none.[citation needed] Generally, no scientific consensus exists regarding many of cannabis's long-term effects, despite a large number of studies.

Although they also have this:

Cannabis dependence is a condition defined in DSM-IV applying the general concept of substance dependence to cannabis.


Despite cannabis being one of the most widely used illicit drugs in the world, controlled trials for cannabis use disorder have only been reported in literature in the last 15 years. Although the chemicals in cannabis are not physically dependant, many clinicians continue to conclude that there are withdrawal syndromes associated with cannabis use. Research has shown that cannabis users may develop cannabis-related problems, including dependency.


Only a minority of cannabis users seek medical help with their addiction, but demand for treatment for cannabis use disorder is increasing internationally.[3] Evidence suggests that among those who have used cannabis more than a few times the risk of developing dependence is in the range of from 1 in 5 to 1 in 3; the more often cannabis has been used, and the longer it has been used, the higher the risk of the feeling of dependence. In addition, the majority of 'dependent' users continue to use cannabis without seeking treatment. Most users who are addicted to cannabis use it regulairly every 2-3 days, ranging from daily users to users who use frequently through the day.


Evidence for cannabis dependence comes from a number of sources including epidemiological surveys, studies of long-term users,clinical trials of people seeking treatment, controlled experiments on withdrawal and tolerance and laboratory studies on cannabis brain mechanisms. Budney et al. state that "clinical and epidemiological studies indicate that cannabis dependence is a relatively common phenomenon associated with significant psychosocial abnormality. Basic research has identified a neurobiological system specific to the actions of cannabinoids. Human and non-human studies have demonstrated a valid withdrawal syndrome that is relatively common among heavy marijuana users". In addition, clinical trials evaluating treatments for cannabis dependence indicate that, among other substance dependencies, cannabis dependency is responsive to intervention

You can go to many different websights, through many different books, and look up many different studies, and find (amazing as it might sound) totally opposite results, viewpoints etc.


As for me personally, I feel that weed is less harmfull then alcohol. I don't know that for fact, but it's what I believe. I don't smoke it, but then again I can get tested at any time my work feels, so that might have something to do with it. However, I can drink all I want without any fear of getting tested, because they don't test for that. Probably the same reason WWE doesn't test for it, because it's not illegal.


Addiction is not solely about "brain chemistry" either. There are habitual, physical, and psychological reason's a person can be addicted... A person addicted to porn, gambling, sex, or exercise, for example, isn't necessarily having a "brain chemistry" thing going on.


My problem with you is you have no idea what I know, and I have a feeling if you did, you would never have posted in the way in which you did. I said you obviously didn't read what I wrote, because obviously you missed everything I said, and you really didn't say anything that dissagreed with me, outside of saying I was wrong. All I had was an opinion as to why weed is still illegal, and on a list of drugs someone like WWE would test for. It would be no different if I said my favorite colour is blue, and you said "your totally incorrect".

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My problem with you is you have no idea what I know, and I have a feeling if you did, you would never have posted in the way in which you did. I said you obviously didn't read what I wrote, because obviously you missed everything I said, and you really didn't say anything that dissagreed with me, outside of saying I was wrong. All I had was an opinion as to why weed is still illegal, and on a list of drugs someone like WWE would test for. It would be no different if I said my favorite colour is blue, and you said "your totally incorrect".


My only "problem" is that after I say something is off-topic and should be dropped, you were more concerned that someone "dissagreed" with what you said (which is why this is an issue that doesn't belong in a WWE discussion thread) instead of letting it go and having the self-awareness to realize that "yeah, maybe a thread about Raw results isn't the place to talk at length about what drugs I personally find harmful." It's a discussion that inevitably leads to pointless arguing, which I have been trying to avoid. And still am.


Seriously. Let's. Move. On.

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