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The Official WWE / NXT Discussion Thread *May Contain Spoilers*

Adam Ryland

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So apparently wwe.com had Orton out for a few weeks.


Problem. The injury they had listed doesn't mesh with the time off.


Two hurniated discs equates to surgery and about 6 months.


They really should make their injuries more....realistic??


Well, if Triple H can compete just over 2 months after "fracturing his back" ...

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The different percentages of my expectations for the mystery man tonight. Don't know how else to phrase that :p


50% sure it's Jericho

5% sure it's Shane McMahon

5% sure it's Vince

40% sure it's Undertaker


If it's Undertaker, I'll be letdown. I just want him to go away and stay away.

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I thought this was interesting. They say Orton actually had more main event television matches than Cena. How long until the fans start getting bored with him and HIS 5 moves of doom?


Maybe a while, because Orton's actually laid down for guys like Ziggler, Miz, Christian and Barrett. (You could say Cena has too, but he's a longer lasting effect for obv reasons)


That said, I find Cena slightly more exciting to watch in the ring than Orton.

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Did you guys know that Orton easily has the best win/loss record in the WWE this year? I find that interesting because of the narrative that has developed regarding how Orton has been putting over so many guys. Don't get me wrong, Orton's certainly not burying guys, but the typical pattern has been for every one cheap win a heel gets, Orton gets two or three clean wins. That's not exactly ideal for Orton's opponents.
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Did you guys know that Orton easily has the best win/loss record in the WWE this year? I find that interesting because of the narrative that has developed regarding how Orton has been putting over so many guys. Don't get me wrong, Orton's certainly not burying guys, but the typical pattern has been for every one cheap win a heel gets, Orton gets two or three clean wins. That's not exactly ideal for Orton's opponents.


Outside of the "obvious" times people were burried for a reason, most of the time people say "This guys burrying that guy", the term "Burrying" is being miss-used, in a big way. Poeple will say someone burried someone just because they won the match, which is improper use of the term. The term "burried" is whent they make the opponant look really weak AND makes them look really bad. A good example of miss-use of the term, is when they are building a storyline around two top Face's (say Cena and HHH), and they send out all the bad Tag Teams (one team at a time) to beat him up, and the face's overcomes the odds... It's part of a storyline, and it's done to make the Face look appropriately superior, not to burry the tag division... especially when no one in the tag teams involved were even close to the Face's card positioning. The fact is, if a Tag Team looks like they might have a chance, it's actually helping them, not burrying them.


Definately one of the terms that always urks me a bit, when miss-used. It's only possible to put someone over if you win more then lose. SO it is proper to say anyone beating Orton is being made to look more threatening, as long as Orton is still on top.


Let's say Undertaker all the sudden starts losing to all the other Main Eventers... He's not "Putting them over" if he is losing all the time... He's being de-pushed, but not really burried unless they have someone like Hornswoggle beat him legitimately.


MVP had a huge losing streak, that actually made him more popular and turned him face. This is NOT burrying him, although people were screaming (not here, as it's rare for more then one or two people to scream silliness here) he was getting burried the whole time. He honestly come out of the whole thing looking better then ever.


I read other forums, but I don't think I ever post outside of here. Alot more level headed people on this forum.


EDIT: Alot of other sights that post stuff, go by who they like, rather then what is really happening. That's why Orton is seen as "putting over" and people like Cena are seen as "Burrying others".

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I hate this, usually I completely disagree with DJChris and his different look at things than the rest of the world. As well as usually I agree completely with what OSB says to the point where I have to check and make sure some alternate personality of mine didn't create an account and name it OldStingBerg.


This time though DJChris is on point that when Orton does something people view it was "putting over" and when Cena does something its seen as "burying". The only thing more strange than that is the fact that people think Randy Orton is entertaining. I think I can count on one hand how many of his promo's I've actually said "damn that was awesome". He's went through about seven different character changes since becoming a main eventer and I still think his RNN Updates was the most entertaining he's ever been.


Old Sting Berg is right though you can't really get put over if you beat a guy once and he beats you three more times before or after that. The idea of being put over is that USUALLY at the end of the feud you either win the big blowoff match or you put up such an amazing fight and battle that everyone including your opponent has to recognize you as dangerous, great, never say die whatever it is you're trying to get over.


I don't really watch the WWE anymore but they don't do this with any of their guys. CM Punk cut two historically great promos (I'm not even a huge Punk guy). Then he won the WWE Title in match of the year. Then he sort of randomly came back and lost the WWE Title without ever defending it once. Was Punk put over? Sure. Was Punk's momentum lost? Yes. Its sort of the two steps forward one step back booking. Was Punk in a better place at the end of that loss than he was before he cut that promo sure. Was he as white hot as he was after that first promo he cut? Not even halfway.


Its just the new way of booking. You have two mega stars. Orton and Cena. Beyond that you have everybody else. Guys like Punk, Del Rio, Sheamous, Henry, and anybody else will shine for a month or two and then take a backseat for a month or two or in some cases for good.

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Can someone PLEASE explain to me what the hell just happen? i mean that was one of the most POINTLESS returns EVER.



just when the E does something to happen, they have to go and messed it up. Christ, I am going to have to play TEW and get that "crappy" visual of what I just saw...


Thank WWE.

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Can someone PLEASE explain to me what the hell just happen? i mean that was one of the most POINTLESS returns EVER.



just when the E does something to happen, they have to go and messed it up. Christ, I am going to have to play TEW and get that "crappy" visual of what I just saw...


Thank WWE.


There has to be more.

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