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The Official WWE / NXT Discussion Thread *May Contain Spoilers*

Adam Ryland

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Why are people obsessing over this "girl"? It was just some weird crap they threw in a video promo package.


They said in that video something along the lines of "As I ask when and where I should come, they said it's up to her" and continue up till jericho comes out to point that this girl was the one bring Jericho back. It is a major point that has yet to be answered. Go back and watch all the video it mentions her as the reason he was coming back and that she had a certain power.

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You'r on the internet right.....so you're part of the IWC.....Which means you're one of these IWC brats you talk about? It point blank sucked you can't defend it, it just was not done well at all.


I hope Jericho does a full two hour Raw of high fives, and you watch the whole thing. You know you will even if you say you will not. You know it, I know it, and so does Jericho. It was done amazingly awesome. I know this because we wouldn't be taking the time right now to argue over this if it hadn't been an effective segment. And I hope you keep arguing it because it just makes the return that much better.


So what if I'm part of the IWC? I can still make up names for you guys.

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I hope Jericho does a full two hour Raw of high fives, and you watch the whole thing. You know you will even if you say you will not. You know it, I know it, and so does Jericho. It was done amazingly awesome. I know this because we wouldn't be taking the time right now to argue over this if it hadn't been an effective segment. And I hope you keep arguing it because it just makes the return that much better.


No I won't watch next week anyway pretty much. I watch WWE every now and then, and TNA most of the time, but this is the last straw for WWE it has so many wholes and it is just worse than Russo booking.

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1) I stand by the "She" being just some dumb crap they put in a video.


2) Even if it is to be taken literally, can I propose the idea that MAYBE just MAYBE... they're planning a longer angle than a one-week reveal on Raw?


I'm thinking Steph McMahon being the women and her coming on later most likely I can't think of another woman that makes much sense...but then again Jericho don't fit with the promos so who knows

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You guys look too deep into these videos. It's WWE, ffs. I remember when people were going ape shit over some 1's looking like Sting's scorpion or something. omg anuhlyze duh kluez!


No but it's like having a video with butterflies and flower in a sunny town with kids running around playing happy, being the promo video for an Undertaker or Kane return. It just doesn't match up.

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Yeap it was amazing.....amazingly bad


We really need a like button!! :p


Why are people obsessing over this "girl"? It was just some weird crap they threw in a video promo package.


Why? Because they hyped it. It's like they were showing us something cool, and giving us strawberry Shortcake.


Oh c'mon... you KNOW you want to give it shot. It's not going to hurt. You can quit anytime you want to.




Fine, let's just get it over with so you can brag to all your buddies! :p

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I tend to stay away from this thread, but I figured I'd pop in and just add the following from Scott Keith's (is he still relevant?) review:

And now, the end of the world. And the mystery man is…Chris Jericho. What, a wrestler LIE to his fans? On TWITTER? Anyway, he celebrates his return for a long, long time with goofy babyface mannerisms, and he doesn’t actually say anything, finally walking out after an eternity with the crowd turning on him. Spinal Tap once said that there’s a fine between stupidity and genius, and this was walking that line. I think that the over-the-top promos were intended as a parody of exactly those sort of promos, and really there’s no deeper meaning behind any of them besides Jericho ****ing with people. If so, he’s a great man. Jericho as delusional genius could be pretty awesome, though, especially if he’s programmed against CM Punk.

Sums up my thoughts pretty well.

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I'll give that this may turn great, but as for that angle it was hard to watch. The type of stuff that is just awkward on every level. Also, the Kane coming out of the ring was dumb. Truth quacking was dumb. Just an overall dumb show, and a waste of a debut.
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ultimately, like i said, the goal of a guy like Jericho and his mysterious return is to leave the viewers with more questions then answers. That is the beginning of every "big" wrestling angle. This is not new. This is pretty standard wrestling stuff by now.


They've been asking questions for months now, though. That's where I think the big disconnect is. If tonight was the start of the angle, sure. But it's not. There's been months of hype videos leading up to this. It's not unreasonable for people to expect some sort of satisfying payoff on the date these videos have been mentioning. Some explanation, some start of a feud, something.


Instead, like you said, there's mostly just more questions. And I don't think people should be surprised if others are disappointed by that, especially with the WWE's track record of resolving the questions they ask in these sorts of angles.

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Also, the Kane coming out of the ring was dumb.


I'm actually a fan of the whole Kane/Undertaker coming up out of the ring. And him grabbing Zack Ryder trying to pull him down into the 'abyss' was done pretty well, I think. Then again, I'm not a Ryder fan so sucking him down into the abyss would draw cheers from me.

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I can't believe how many people here are apparently incapable of discussing opinions without being total dicks to each other.


I actually think this debate has been mostly civil. Just disagreements. No name calling. Well, until your post I guess :-P




Back to your point, I understand why people are disappointed. I said that earlier. I get it.


One of these guys said something along the lines of "Only hard core Jericho fans a WWE mark can defend that."


I'm simply trying to illustrate the alternative point of view. It's a let down in the sense that we didn't get answers. Again, I get it. No one is wrong for wanting more. I guess I just am glad to have him back and don't think it should be nearly as upsetting as it seems to be to some people. Not just here, but all over the place.


It's wrestling. It IS the beginning of a angle. A hype video series promoting a big return generally doesn't produce this huge reveal. Again, it's generally to promote the START of something bigger.

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What is he supposed to do? Interrupt CM Punk like all the IWC wanted him to, and cut a standard Y2J promo with all the catchphrases and typical explanation as to why he's back? I mean, I'm all for a Jericho promo, but the stunt he pulled was so much better. I'll admit, I was even a bit semi-pissed half way through when he wouldn't just speak. But then I saw what he was doing, and how well he was at mocking the fans. Eh, w/e, either you'll watch it and enjoy/complain about it, or you'll go away. Either way I'm happy.


Kane has always been a part of dumb angles and stunts. This is standard Kane here. He's done worse things for those of you who missed 2002, and whatever year it was that he chased Lita around.

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Fine, let's just get it over with so you can brag to all your buddies! :p


Just to clarify, we're still talking about the Jericho angle, yes? ;)


I can't believe how many people here are apparently incapable of discussing opinions without being total dicks to each other.


Quoted For Truth. I may have came off as a dick when I mocked that one poster about an opinion, but that's because I just think it's ridiculous that people can't accept others' opinions for being OPINIONS. If someone isn't thrilled with this angle, so be it. I'm not going to try to force someone to like it if they disliked it (though I may feel they should give it more time.).


It's fine to be let down by Jericho's return. Like I said, I admittedly was at first as well, I understand the let down, but I think it could evolve into something pretty good too even if I don't have much faith in WWE these days.


To finish it off, I think it's fine to have differing point of views and talk about it, debate, etc. It'd be pretty boring if you couldn't. But when it gets heated (which I don't think this one ever got too heated anyways besides homeboy calling people marks and fanboys) it's just pointless. You're not going to change another person's point of view. Just deal with it and move on.


EDIT: Back on subject of WWE Discussion. I sadly missed pretty much the whole Punk-Ziggler WWE Championship match, but caught the very ending. How was the match? Ziggler has become one of my favorite WWE wrestlers, err, superstars and Punk has been a favorite of mine for a long time. Just wondering how their match was.

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I actually think this debate has been mostly civil. Just disagreements. No name calling. Well, until your post I guess :-P


Seriously? Just on a quick skim, there's people calling others who disagreed with them 'fanboys', 'marks', 'geeks', and 'dorks', and that's not to mention at least a half-dozen other snide disparagements. If you think that's civil, you have a really messed up standard for civil discussions.

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I can't believe how many people here are apparently incapable of discussing opinions without being total dicks to each other.


I'm sorry I'll be nicer. :)


Just to clarify, we're still talking about the Jericho angle, yes? ;)


If course. What kinda girl do you take me for?? :D


Not a Kane fan, but enjoyed tonight with him.


Also. People are not looking for Chris to be a Punk knockoff. Just want this to make sense. Even Jericho fans should realize it was poorly done. I didn't even watch the whole promo because it bored me. I switched to family guy.


You can love the guy and still admit it was lame, we won't hold it against you!

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Jericho's return was amazing. IWC dorks will either love it or hate it. I'm more looking forward to the people who hate it, it's going to be hilarious to see how Jericho tortures them. Do your magic, Chris.
I understood what he was doing as soon as he started pointing out to the crowd. I told everyone watching, watch him turn everyone against him! I was actually excited to see that done. Felt it was pretty good, and I got a good kick out of it.


The man did a heel turn without speaking lol... how do people not appreciate this?

This is what I appreciate as well. Never quite seen it done so easily, if ever, before.

Only the biggest WWE fanboys and Chris Jericho marks will like this and thats it. It was very poorly done, all the dark hype videos , the girl, and we get a happy go luck silent man that at the end frowns, and that frown signals to the WWE/Jericho marks that it's a heel turn.....RUSSO SWERVE

I was actually going to do something with this post I thought would be funny, and bassically I was going to start a sentence and not finish it, in the spirit of the Jericho return... but I am scared it might be taken offensively, which wouldn't be what I would want.


This is Jericho's character as he was before he left. He has a scheme up his sleeve, and I'm going to admit that whatever it is, it's going to be a let-down. I know this already because of it's exactly what happened with his last return... Nothing really. This might lead to something better, but I really doubt it will live up to expectations.


The point is, he did his thing, and in the scope of a few minutes, went from the brightest star, to being boo'd, without saying one thing. We know he's a heel for sure now, but that's all we really know, and probably all he wanted to do.

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Anyway, I'll say that I was disappointed by the Jericho segment. Not because I thought it was bad necessarily, but more because I thought it could have been much better.


I did love the Kane stuff, though. I'm a big fan when they go batshit insane with Kane or Taker because me and one of my buddies love to joke about it. There's ways they could seriously pull off the silly stuff, but screaming "he's dragging him to the abyss" isn't one.

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Anyway, I'll say that I was disappointed by the Jericho segment. Not because I thought it was bad necessarily, but more because I thought it could have been much better.


I did love the Kane stuff, though. I'm a big fan when they go batshit insane with Kane or Taker because me and one of my buddies love to joke about it. There's ways they could seriously pull off the silly stuff, but screaming "he's dragging him to the abyss" isn't one.


I really wish they would have said "He's dragging him straight to hell!"


I laughed, but it would have made me laugh even more.

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