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The Official WWE / NXT Discussion Thread *May Contain Spoilers*

Adam Ryland

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How? Raw is tomorrow night. There isn't another Raw house show before Raw tomorrow.


and truthfully, I thought the title switch happened Saturday, not Sunday. So that's probably why I was thinking the way I was :p


They do this sort of thing once a year or so, to promote the 'fact' that anything can happen in the WWE. And also to drum up ticket sales to meaningless house shows.


I've been to two WWE house shows and one TNA house show. The TNA house was my best wrestling show experience, but I had A LOT of fun at both WWE shows. They were both ECW/Smackdown shows. I've been to countless Raw and Smackdown shows and even Unforgiven 2008(great show still), but house shows are just fun because the wrestlers can go out there and just have fun instead of adhering to strict TV guidelines.


During a match Morrison had with Dreamer at one show someone randomly yelled "RICK RUDE!" at Morrison and the match stopped and Morrison started doing the Rick Rude dance thing and Dreamer and Morrison just laughed it up and then there started to be Rick Rude comparisons on WWECW after that.


House shows are a fun experience.

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Sure there is, in Cairo or Rio or somewhere.


Like when Buddy Rogers won the first WWWF title in Rio.:D


Back in the mid to late 1980's and early 1990's house shows were great. They would bulid up feuds at house shows just for that market. Heck there was a stretch of a couple of years where the Providence Civic Center (the arena closest to me) was the home of the King of the Ring Tournament. Those were good times.


I have actually been to a WWE house show since probably 1993 or so but there was a time when they were great. That being said, I am a little shocked that they switched the tag titles at a house show but it is probably as Rone Rivendale said they want to make it seem that anything can happen even at house shows.


I think that is the right thing to do, because most people go to house shows thinking nothing will happen. If people think that something can happen, maybe more people will attend house shows thus making more money for the promotion. After all there was a time when house shows were huge revenue streams and they might still be if the WWE makes it seem like they still matter.


Do I think they will make them important again? Still I would not be opposed to seeing it happen.


I am actually going to a TNA house show this Friday and I can't wait to go!

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So... Cena heel turn is definitely beginning.


Thoughts? :D


I don't think it'll be a heel turn. I'd just like to see him change his attitude and be more serious and vicious (like he is when somebody does him wrong). He can be more aggressive and not pander as much and still keep his face status.

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So... Cena heel turn is definitely beginning.


Thoughts? :D


I don't think so. I think what we're going to get instead is simply Cena becoming more intense and less cartoonish while remaining a face. Which actually could work and get some of if not all of the smarks behind Cena too IF they go all the way with it and have him intense in the ring AND on promos.


Either way realistically if they do turn Cena heel all that I see happening is after a month or two of heel Cena he's flipped and the smarks start to cheer him while the kids boo him. Intense face Cena is the best route at this point because if done right it can get everyone behind Cena instead of keeping the crowd split.

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Was in the 5th row corner of the floor at RAW tonight. Fun effin' show.


Jericho cracks me up. Brodus Clay is AWESOME in this gimmick, I don't care what anybody says. WWE doesn't need another monster heel with Henry doin his thing. Give the guy a personality, he was way over with the fans. Down the line when they need someone to step up for that monster heel role, he can always just act pissed that he got stuck in this role.


Johnny Ace is really coming into his own on the mic. Punk was, well, Punk. Superstars matches before:


Santino and Mason Ryan d. Tyler Reks and (?) - I didn't see who Reks partner was, because we didn't get to our seats yet. Got in just as the match was winning and the faces were celebrating.


Jinder Mahal d. Alex Riley - From what I saw, Riley looked good. U-S-A chants throughout the match. Jinder wins with Camel Clutch.


After it went off air, Cena and Kane had a match. There was a pretty cool sequence where Cena was going for the 5 knuckle shuffle and, as he leaned over Kane, Kane grabbed him by the throat. Led into a string of finisher teases/reversals. The big red machine grabbed a chair and gave Cena a shot to the stomach, leading to a DQ. Kane walked away up the ramp, got to the top and came back down. They brawled until Cena reversed a tombstone into the AA.


Cena is wayyyyyyyyyyyyy over with the crowd. Doubled the volume of anyone that night, and they were surprisingly good for a SoCal crowd.


Can't wait until Feb 13th. Going to RAW again, this time 2nd row ringside (bottom of the screen, where the camera shoots from.)


Biased perhaps, but this was the best RAW i can remember for the past 10-12 months. Solid all around (minus Perez, but the rest of the show made up for it.)

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Ok as the biggest Y2J critic on these boards right now (maybe not but whatever) I have to admit... I laughed when he got in the ring, did his thing, and walked out after tagging Bryan. It was funny.


The Brodus Clay segment didn't seem as funny as last week to me. I don't mind the gimmick though as long as RAW isn't overloaded with comedy acts. I am talking about Santino, Ryder, and Clay. I feel like we are at max capacity now.

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Prediction: Jonny Ace and Mick Foley competing in the Rumble and eliminating each other.


Shame they changed the Tag Title off-air. I like Primo, Epico & Rosa. Bourne pulled off some great moves and Kofi took a nasty-looking bump in the Raw rematch. Now hurry up and introduce a 2nd heel tag team before the division loses steam again.


Ryder v Swagger - Good move to get Swagger some momentum. Then they let loose Temporary Heel Cena on his ass, which was good to see.


Brodus rocks! Way funnier than Santino.


Now Bryan's question to AJ on SD: "How much do you love me?" makes sense. I thought he wanted some lovin' but they planned the incident all along! Credit to WWE creative for nailing this feud so far.


Punk/Jericho/Bryan v Ziggler/Henry/Otunga - Jericho and Bryan on the face side despite being sneaky heels? I like how WWE creative are making wrestler turns interesting and not rushing them. That was more fun than most main event tag matches on Raw.


Punk was back to his best on the mic after being shackled by creative recently. Good Raw with solid prep work for the Rumble.

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Is it too early for Wrestlemania 28 card predictions? Here's mine (subject to change).


- John Cena vs The Rock

- Dolph Ziggler vs Mick Foley

- Sheamus vs Barrett

- Career vs Streak Match: HHH vs Undertaker

- MITB Ladder Match: ADR v Miz v Kane v Henry v Christian v Truth v DiBiase v Big Show v Ryder v Mysterio

- Tag Title: Epico & Primo vs Air Boom

- IC Title: Cody Rhodes vs Goldust

- Divas Title: Layla v Beth Phoenix

- WHC: Daniel Bryan vs Randy Orton

- WWE Title: CM Punk vs Chris Jericho


Only match I don't want to see is HHH v Undertaker. I'd rather Bryan or Barrett take a crack at the streak.

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I've only got 4 definites at the minute, doubt there'll be a MITB match although they might need one if they want more people on the main card.


- John Cena vs. The Rock

- WWE Title: CM Punk vs. Chris Jericho (possible Ziggler involvement, depends what happens at the Rumble).

- HHH vs. Undertaker (I hope I'm wrong as this would be another terrible buildup like last year).

- Wade Barrett vs. Randy Orton (seems likely after Barrett took Orton out)


The rest I have no idea, will definitely know alot more after the Royal Rumble.

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I don't know about HHH vs. Undertaker. My thoughts are perhaps they won't "redo" that exactly, but possibly have someone else come out to challenge him, and have HHH in the place of HBK bassically letting them know "You can't win!" off mic, but visible to see in the ring.


Just get the feeling there's going to be a swerve for Wrestlemania, that we aren't able to see at the moment. Who else could it be? I don't know exactly... Mark Henry maybe, Big Show, perhaps Punk wants to prove he's better then HHH by beating the Phenom? I don't know. I just know I can't help but to feel that there will be a swerve, and HHH isn't going to be the opponant.

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Am I the only one thinking Evan Bourne is purposely getting suspended again and again until they finally fire him?


It's really an interesting move some people have used since the wellness policy was put in place to use it to get out of their contracts either purposely or just by happenstance. The wellness policy is becoming more like the midcarder's get out of jail free card than it is a way to keep the roster clean.

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Am I the only one thinking Evan Bourne is purposely getting suspended again and again until they finally fire him?


It's really an interesting move some people have used since the wellness policy was put in place to use it to get out of their contracts either purposely or just by happenstance. The wellness policy is becoming more like the midcarder's get out of jail free card than it is a way to keep the roster clean.


I really don't think so. Hes getting a good push and alot of air time. He is over and to be honest before he got injured he was getting a better push. Comes back and wins a title "all be it the tag title but still". If he wanted out i think he would be stupid.

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I really don't think so. Hes getting a good push and alot of air time. He is over and to be honest before he got injured he was getting a better push. Comes back and wins a title "all be it the tag title but still". If he wanted out i think he would be stupid.


I don't think it is stupid if he is unhappy though.


Now with that said I don't think he is trying to get out of his contract though. What would he do if he was released? Wrestle on the indy circuit? Sure he may make more money over the next few years but then what? I don't think he wants that.

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He may have won the tag titles but when has he been booked to look like a legit champion? The last time he looked like a legit star was when he was Cena's little buddy for a couple of weeks and then they never followed up on it. He could easily go to ROH or TNA and make just as much money as in WWE while also being free to do stuff he likes to do and not having to worry about being suspended for pot. Getting out of WWE at this point would be a win/win for him. Plus if I'm not mistaken he's spoken out a few times in the past about being unhappy in WWE.
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I don't think it'll be a heel turn. I'd just like to see him change his attitude and be more serious and vicious (like he is when somebody does him wrong). He can be more aggressive and not pander as much and still keep his face status.


Just to let you know, you're responding to the same guy who said to trust him and that the It Begins videos were not for Jericho returning, which was an assertion based on in-character tweeting from Jericho, even when it wasn't the best kept secret that the videos were for Jericho.


Some people need to stop reading things that aren't there just because they've come up with some weird logic that insists two and two is really five and 'this time' they're for sure turning Cena heel. Cena isn't turning. Not until the last cent has been wrung from the cash chow that is Cena are they turning him heel and that hasn't come close to happening.

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Just to let you know, you're responding to the same guy who said to trust him and that the It Begins videos were not for Jericho returning, which was an assertion based on in-character tweeting from Jericho, even when it wasn't the best kept secret that the videos were for Jericho.


Some people need to stop reading things that aren't there just because they've come up with some weird logic that insists two and two is really five and 'this time' they're for sure turning Cena heel. Cena isn't turning. Not until the last cent has been wrung from the cash chow that is Cena are they turning him heel and that hasn't come close to happening.


I was wondering how long it would take before someone made a "Jericho Wont return" comment lol


But I agree I doubt Cena would be turning heel

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