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The Official WWE / NXT Discussion Thread *May Contain Spoilers*

Adam Ryland

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John Cena vs Kane (full heel turn for Cena here or at Raw tomorrow)

Daniel Bryan © vs Big Show vs Mark Henry

CM Punk © vs Dolph Zigger (guest referee: John Lauranitis)



Winner: Dolph Ziggler

Longest Time in Match: Mark Henry

Shortest Time in Match: Chris Jericho (I think he'll take forever walking to the ring, and then jump over the top rope on his own)

Most Eliminations: Big Show

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John Cena vs Kane

With weeks of beatings, and torture, and Cena's new mean streak, it seems poised for Cena to pick up the win here. That is, unless, they go the overtly enraged route, and Cena gets DQed by beating Kane with a chair relentlessly.


Daniel Bryan © vs Big Show vs Mark Henry

Some kind of sneakiness ensues as Bryan clings to the title.


CM Punk © vs Dolph Zigger (guest referee: John Lauranitis)

If they give Punk and Ziggler the time and freedom to go, there's no losers. My guess is that this match will follow the pattern of the last few, and Punk gets "screwed" by an early bell.



Winner: CM Punk

Jericho's world ending doesn't need to include a victory, Sheamus and Barrett seem to have their own thing going, and Orton vs. anyone bores me no end. Besides, comparing Orton to Austin or Hogan makes me queasy (being a multitime Rumble winner)


Longest Time in Match: Sheamus

While not winning, I do see Sheamus making a spectacle as some sort of dominant force.


Shortest Time in Match: Michael Cole

And the wrestling world weeps once more.


Most Eliminations: Kane

I'm gonna guess that eliminations will be spread out, without a real dominating force, allowing Kane to get his 6 (I think?) to break Michael's record.

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I haven't attended a WWE show in 12 years, but I'll be going to the Rumble tonight. I've always loved the Rumble, so I couldn't pass this opportunity up.


John Cena vs Kane

Daniel Bryan © vs Big Show vs Mark Henry

CM Punk © vs Dolph Zigger (guest referee: John Lauranitis)



Winner: CM Punk

Longest Time in Match: The Miz

Shortest Time in Match: Chris Jericho (intentionally)

Most Eliminations: Kane

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When the brand split first started there was only 1 World title, 1 set of tag titles, and one divas title and it worked. Just do the world title like they are currently with the tag and divas with the champion being a free agent of sorts and defending the belt one month against a RAW star while feuding on Smackdown with one of theirs then the next month defend against a Smackdown star while building to the next RAW match. There's no reason they can't merge the top belts and make THE World title open branded. Plus it gives them the perfect reason to finally debut the new Belt they've apparently been sitting on for the past few years.


Then with the World title being open branded make the US and IC titles more rigid in which brand they are on and have that the only person who isn't featured on both shows so then the US title because RAW's big championship and the IC title Smackdown's and those champions become number one contender to the World title. Then you have a brand specific title for each brand and 3 open WORLD titles that go between the brands.

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Most Eliminations: Kane

I'm gonna guess that eliminations will be spread out, without a real dominating force, allowing Kane to get his 6 (I think?) to break Michael's record.


Um... Kane already has the record for the most eliminations in a single rumble match with 11. If you don't believe me go to youtube and search for the 2001 Royal Rumble match and see it for yourself.


Plus on WWE's The Rumble by the numbers videos that they use to hype the rumble every year they have always said that Kane has the record for the most eliminations in a single rumble match.

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Um... Kane already has the record for the most eliminations in a single rumble match with 11. If you don't believe me go to youtube and search for the 2001 Royal Rumble match and see it for yourself.


Plus on WWE's The Rumble by the numbers videos that they use to hype the rumble every year they have always said that Kane has the record for the most eliminations in a single rumble match.


I meant the all time eliminations record, which Michaels holds at 41 (I believe). 6 would give Kane 42, ergo the all time record.

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Out of interest isn't the record for the longest Royal Rumble appearance actually held by Benoit? Thought he was in for a couple minutes longer than Rey in the 2004 Rumble. 64 minutes if I recall.


Rey was in for a few seconds longer; 62:02 to Benoit's 61:30. I'm betting WWE are happy Rey holds the record because they can reference him, otherwise we'd for sure get someone going going close to 65 minutes just to have the record held by a guy they can actually talk about.


Also, we're not getting a WWE/World title unification match any time in near or distant future, so certain people need to stop talking about that like it might happen.

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Out of interest isn't the record for the longest Royal Rumble appearance actually held by Benoit? Thought he was in for a couple minutes longer than Rey in the 2004 Rumble. 64 minutes if I recall.


WWE: "Who? Benoit? We've never heard of anyone by this name, perhaps you are mistaken." - The official response to that question.


Actually though they are correct Benoit was in for 61 minutes in 2004 and Rey was in for 62 in 2006 beating the record Benoit previously held by just under a minute.

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Rey was in for a few seconds longer; 62:02 to Benoit's 61:30. I'm betting WWE are happy Rey holds the record because they can reference him, otherwise we'd for sure get someone going going close to 65 minutes just to have the record held by a guy they can actually talk about.


Also, we're not getting a WWE/World title unification match any time in near or distant future, so certain people need to stop talking about that like it might happen.


WWE: "Who? Benoit? We've never heard of anyone by this name, perhaps you are mistaken." - The official response to that question.


Actually though they are correct Benoit was in for 61 minutes in 2004 and Rey was in for 62 in 2006 beating the record Benoit previously held by just under a minute.


Fair enough. I must be mistaken.

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Also, we're not getting a WWE/World title unification match any time in near or distant future, so certain people need to stop talking about that like it might happen.

Two things.


1. Sarcasm goes well over the Internet.

2. I read something via one of the articles sent to me on Facebook a few weeks ago. Apparently it's been discussed very quietly, but nothing came of it. It won't happen anytime soon, but maybe in the future.

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About merging the titles, it's not like they couldn't test it out to see how it goes. They don't have to unify the titles and keep them unified, I figure they could pull the trigger on a certain superstar and let him have a dual title reign ala Jericho, with the no.1 contenders from each brand breathing down his neck. Would help them see how much of a good idea would one World title be, propel one of their main-event prospects to stardom if done right, plus I'm guessing the champ would be pulling heavy duty on schedule for a short period of time. If they're not comfortable with it, no damage done.


For the Rumble... I only have one prediction. Jericho. Or, well.. Bryan to lose, sweep in the Rumble and win it.

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About merging the titles, it's not like they couldn't test it out to see how it goes. They don't have to unify the titles and keep them unified, I figure they could pull the trigger on a certain superstar and let him have a dual title reign ala Jericho, with the no.1 contenders from each brand breathing down his neck. Would help them see how much of a good idea would one World title be, propel one of their main-event prospects to stardom if done right, plus I'm guessing the champ would be pulling heavy duty on schedule for a short period of time. If they're not comfortable with it, no damage done.


For the Rumble... I only have one prediction. Jericho. Or, well.. Bryan to lose, sweep in the Rumble and win it.



Bryan won..his title...:D

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Wow! WWE really dropped the ball on the 25th Royal Rumble. So many lower card guys and non/over the hill entrants. It felt like a preshow battle royal.


I agree. Before Sheamus came out you knew nno-one in the ring had a chance of winning. Don't understand at the very least why Kane wasn't in the match.


And few stand out moments. Kharma (which sadly only worked so well due to Cole being in the ring), Kofi's handstand, Duggan... not bothered about Road Dogg's appearance. Not sure why Brodus wasn't in as well. Glad Miz got the expected good showing.


But my question is if Sheamus goes after Bryan and we still get Punk vs Jericho at Mania, what the hell does Orton do? And I don't see Sheamus / Punk at Mania... Not that I mind, not the biggest Orton fan, but he is one of the WWE's top names. He needs a big match and surely isn't going to string out the Barrett feud that long. And the Rumble is the perfect time to start a new feud but... he didn't.


That just leaves Orton vs Undertaker... which is marginally better than Taker facing Triple H again, but again has been done before. Money in the Bank would be a waste so... they're going to string his feud out with Barrett to Mania, aren't they?

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There's always out of left field opponents. Del Rio and Christian are on the sidelines right now among other guys.


Anyway, Rumble... talk about some wires crossed. I could go so far into the average smark What Could Have Been? wagon of thoughts with a Jericho win.


Some parts of the Rumble felt underwhelming, but again they did a good job using what they had. They probably should've had Kane come out instead of Show, if anything.

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