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The Official WWE / NXT Discussion Thread *May Contain Spoilers*

Adam Ryland

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Ussually, when someone is about to do a finisher (Punk included), they let everyone know thats what they are doing (Kane holding up his hand ready to choke slam, Punk doing that "Go To Sleep" thing he does with his hands, The Slit Throat, the HBK stomp in the corner, etc.).


They "ussually" let everyone know it's coming. I can't think of anyone that hasn't done it without telegraphing it though. Just normally they do. For some reason it impressed milamber that Punk didn't Telegraph it "this" time.

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What's interesting about Jericho is that despite his unchanged look he doesn't seem to emulate as much his 2008 gimmick(still has shades of it which is fine), and rather seems to be more himself than anything else. Not that I disliked his 08 gimmick but I thought it got really played out by the end of his run. Kinda looks like he'll be a hybrid between the conscious respectable heel and the whiny jackass heel he was in 02.


Another spot I liked very much was at the beginning of the 6-pack challenge - everyone rushing on Jericho. For his "Chris Jericho wannabe" comments. I bet you Jericho himself pushed for that little spot.


I don't think HBK will come back, but I'm rather pleasantly surprised theyre kicking HHH/Taker into high gear so early. Even if it still wasn't my ideal match.

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What's interesting about Jericho is that despite his unchanged look he doesn't seem to emulate as much his 2008 gimmick(still has shades of it which is fine), and rather seems to be more himself than anything else. Not that I disliked his 08 gimmick but I thought it got really played out by the end of his run. Kinda looks like he'll be a hybrid between the conscious respectable heel and the whiny jackass heel he was in 02.


Another spot I liked very much was at the beginning of the 6-pack challenge - everyone rushing on Jericho. For his "Chris Jericho wannabe" comments. I bet you Jericho himself pushed for that little spot.


I don't think HBK will come back, but I'm rather pleasantly surprised theyre kicking HHH/Taker into high gear so early. Even if it still wasn't my ideal match.


And i'm curious to see how HBK will play out on helping to build the feud. His appearance next week should be good. He always does good guest spots.

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What if HBK costs HHH the match at Wrestlemania so HHH can't be the one to do it. Then those 2 face each other again the following month for the 5,000,000th time!


Also just read that Sting almost signed with WWE last year and has almost signed 3 or 4 times before.




But those 5.000.000 times were awesome. :D

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For wrestling fans you guys miss stuff!


Michaels will never again be cleared to wrestle another match. It sucks because I <3 him.


False, that's Edge. Shawn didn't retire due to injuries, he retired because he wanted to. He can still wrestle. Doctors won't forbid him from doing it.

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I dont think Michaels is wrestling again. Can he? From what I understand he CAN. He just has said repeatedly that he doesn't want to anymore ever.


I think with a guy like Michaels you are talking about one of the very best in the history of the art. He's done it all and done it better than just about any save a very short (and i mean SHORT) list. I think he knows and understands his best years are behind him and doesn't want to be remembered as an old guy trying to hang on, but rather the "Mr. Wrestlemania" type of great wrestler that he was.


And also... he made a ton of money. He probably wants to enjoy that and his family while he still can. Healthily.

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I dont think Michaels is wrestling again. Can he? From what I understand he CAN. He just has said repeatedly that he doesn't want to anymore ever.


I think with a guy like Michaels you are talking about one of the very best in the history of the art. He's done it all and done it better than just about any save a very short (and i mean SHORT) list. I think he knows and understands his best years are behind him and doesn't want to be remembered as an old guy trying to hang on, but rather the "Mr. Wrestlemania" type of great wrestler that he was.


And also... he made a ton of money. He probably wants to enjoy that and his family while he still can. Healthily.


How much money he has made probably doesn't play much of a role in him never wrestling again. I am sure he is getting paid to help hype the Taker vs HHH match.


Plus HBK would still put on a better match than most of the roster so I don't think he has to worry about "losing a step."

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HBK stated on a Bill Simmons podcast that he stopped wrestling because his kids were getting older and he wanted to spend time with them. Following him on Twitter, he does travel some, but isn't doing nearly the grind that he was on with the WWE. I think he's happy with his career and isn't looking to "go back on the road" again full-time.
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Ya I wasn't trying to say he'll never need to make another dollar. I was trying to illustrate the point that he's probably not in Ric Flair's shoes where the man had to (has to?) work well beyond what he should have.


As for him losing a step, he just did. All men do. It's ok. But to claim he'd outwork WWE's upper crust talent if he hit the road every week again? Gotta disagree there.


Just sayin' Michaels most likely wont be working int he ring ever again. ONE MORE MATCH? Possible. I just doubt it. Everything I've heard from the man and those around him indicates he doesn't really miss the road grind and the injuries.

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Ya I wasn't trying to say he'll never need to make another dollar. I was trying to illustrate the point that he's probably not in Ric Flair's shoes where the man had to (has to?) work well beyond what he should have.


As for him losing a step, he just did. All men do. It's ok. But to claim he'd outwork WWE's upper crust talent if he hit the road every week again? Gotta disagree there.


Just sayin' Michaels most likely wont be working int he ring ever again. ONE MORE MATCH? Possible. I just doubt it. Everything I've heard from the man and those around him indicates he doesn't really miss the road grind and the injuries.


I just don't think working a PPV and maybe 2 RAWs in a month counts as being on the road grind again. That would be about 8 days out of the month that he isn't home probably.


I've never said he would return full time because I don't think that would happen.


As for guys who he wouldn't outwork in the ring arguably...


CM Punk

Daniel Bryan


Randy Orton


Can't think of anyone else who would be putting on better matches than him. I say arguably because I think HBK can put together a match better than Orton for sure. Y2J has put on weight since his better days and is also older. So that leaves 2 guys who I think can actually out work HBK off the top of my head right now.

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Fair enough. I'm not going to sit here and argue opinion with you. You think Shawn was still good in the end of his career. I think he was too, just to a much lesser degree than he had been.


The last I saw of Shawn Michaels was a guy who had a hard time standing up on the top rope anymore. He wasn't moving around as much and was much stiffer than the guy who gave me most of my favorite matches of all time. But that's me and what I saw.

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Fair enough. I'm not going to sit here and argue opinion with you. You think Shawn was still good in the end of his career. I think he was too, just to a much lesser degree than he had been.


The last I saw of Shawn Michaels was a guy who had a hard time standing up on the top rope anymore. He wasn't moving around as much and was much stiffer than the guy who gave me most of my favorite matches of all time. But that's me and what I saw.


Yeah I won't disagree with that either. Glad we can agree to disagree.


If he were to come back for a match or two I wouldn't want it to be against HHH. I'd want it to be with someone like a Wade Barrett. A guy who hasn't faced him and could greatly benefit from a match with him.

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I'm sad we never got a proper Michaels/Morrison feud as I always felt like they could bring out the best in one another, and heel Morrison was basically the Heart Break Kid gimmick circa 1992. Yes Morrison was/is spottier in the ring and on the mic, but try not to improve when you're working with Shawn Michaels.
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I remember a while back I watched an interview with Michaels after he retired and he was asked if he were to have one more match who would it be against and why.


His answer was Sting he said that he was the one guy in his era that he never got to have a match with of the guys that he wanted to. Plus not to mention that HBK was always in WWE and Sting was always in WCW so it couldn't have happened but if it could have I think it would have been awesome, it looks great on paper and I think they could've done some great things in the ring with each other.

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