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The Official WWE / NXT Discussion Thread *May Contain Spoilers*

Adam Ryland

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As far as I'm concerned, Punk is the complete package. Is the the BEST worker in the ring? No, I guess not. I'd give the nod to Kurt Angle, probably, as my favorite between-the-ropes worker. But he's got a believable, well-performed arsenal in the ring, he's magic on the mic, he's got a good look, he can chain wrestle, he can brawl, he can do top-rope stuff...


Having everything is a major plus.


I'm going to agree with you here (a little anyways). I like Punk, huge fan of his right now... However, I can't really say he's great or even one of the best in WWE at the moment, inside the ring. I like his arsenal, sure... but he's borderline "good" at everything, not great at any one thing (inside the ring).


The reason I like Punk is because he makes me believe him. He's a great actor and talker, and has me sold. That's more important in a product like the WWE then anything, so it makes sense that he would be in the position he is now. Far as in the ring, the one thing I think he has over alot of the talent, is that he carries over his believability into the ring. Something called Psychology, which is lacking in alot of the younger guys these days, goes alot farther then what people think. IF I were to rate him on "basics" and "Psychology" *(TEW Terms), he would be one of the best on the roster. However, rating him on flying, technical, etc... at best average.


Psychology inside the ropes is something that feels as if it's becoming a lost art at times, and it's very refreshing to find a "CM Punk" amongst the talent.

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The opening segment of Raw was funny.


The 1v1 matches were good.


Wasn't expecting HBK and HHH to rip into each other that much, but it had to happen to move the Undertaker storyline along, and it was pretty intense. I'm praying for HHH v HBK instead, freeing up Taker for someone else.


Poor Zack #wwethesoapopera - Okay, the two segments weren't that bad and I did feel sorry for Zack.

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The opening segment of Raw was funny.


The 1v1 matches were good.


Wasn't expecting HBK and HHH to rip into each other that much, but it had to happen to move the Undertaker storyline along, and it was pretty intense. I'm praying for HHH v HBK instead, freeing up Taker for someone else.


Poor Zack #wwethesoapopera - Okay, the two segments weren't that bad and I did feel sorry for Zack.

Despite being good tag partners, I always find HBK vs HHH to be a bit awkward. It's like, the matches they have is less than the sum of the parts.

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The opening segment of Raw was funny.


OMG R-Truth had me laughing so hard. I even looked at my wrestling hating fiance and she was snickering. He has to be my favorite personality right now in all of wrestling. Love his promos when they give him time to talk.


Wasn't expecting HBK and HHH to rip into each other that much, but it had to happen to move the Undertaker storyline along, and it was pretty intense. I'm praying for HHH v HBK instead, freeing up Taker for someone else.


I'd love HHH vs HBK! That would make me so happy. I want Taker to face someone new.

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After seeing last night's RAW I honestly do thing they will be turning Cena heel and it will be horrible, a total failure that makes Austin's heel turn during the invasion angle look genius.


He's been inching closer and closer to that full breaking point for weeks and then instead of having him snap and become this beast annihilating everyone.....he steals his only friend's girl then nearly punches him while he's in a neck/back brace. It's another example of WWE seeing a problem then seeing the perfect solution to fix it....then going the completely opposite direction.


What they did right was definitely the entire HHH/HBK/Taker segment. That was just phenomenal story telling with each of them trying in one way or another to goad the other into fighting Taker and neither willing to then Taker demanding HHH again. I'm guessing the cutting of the hair is going to be explained as Taker destroying the Undertake brand based on HHH comparing Taker to a product for him to sell. I think by the time the match rolls around it will be ABA Taker in the match instead of The Dead Man. Whoever came up with that scenario needs to be writing the whole show.

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Soooo...looks like I'm alone in hating this R-Truth gimmick?


He's freaking hilarious, but I kinda wish they'd have him doing a more serious, but insane gimmick. I think he'd pull it off. He's a good worker and I don't think he needs to be relegated to comedy when Ryder and Santino are usually taking up a portion of the show with their own comedy.

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I don't know what to feel about R-Truth. He is funny, but at the same time he's so.. goofy. In the bad kind. There's a few good lines he's said in the past that he doesn't roll with, instead he keeps bringing back that spiders stuff which.. is meh. But man, when he was with Miz, on a Raw he retorted to one of Miz's lines with "Ninja, please!" It was so sudden I freakin' lost it. I'd say he's hit and miss.


But this Raw was gooood. So many things just clicked right, it's like Punk isn't even the highlight of the show anymore. Intense promo from Hunter and Shawn, I knew they'd do something worth remembering.


After seeing last night's RAW I honestly do thing they will be turning Cena heel and it will be horrible, a total failure that makes Austin's heel turn during the invasion angle look genius.


He's been inching closer and closer to that full breaking point for weeks and then instead of having him snap and become this beast annihilating everyone.....he steals his only friend's girl then nearly punches him while he's in a neck/back brace. It's another example of WWE seeing a problem then seeing the perfect solution to fix it....then going the completely opposite direction.


I don't think it ever looked Cena was gonna get to that point unless you were just exaggerating for point's sake. For what it's worth, I actually liked seeing him do something/almost do something dishonest for once. Headlines headlines, Cena is human after all. Love it. I'm even concerned with what they're gonna do with Eve cause clearly the crowd isn't gonna have any of it. Also felt sorry for Zack haha

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It's probably for the best cause his act got old quick, imo. use him in spades or something, if anything.


Yeah, but the WWE aren't known to push somebody that much and then randomly have them vanish. They haven't even mentioned him in the past two weeks. Did he get in trouble with managment or something? Because he hasn't even been wrestling on Superstars or NXT.

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The only reason I was tuning into WWE shows was Brodus Clay.

I never can quite figure you out. Everyone has "tells", "patterns", "tendencies", "things" that you can "figure" out what they like.


You are... so unique. I can never tell why or how you like someone. When I think you might dislike something, you actually love it. When I think you might think something is unique, you find it typical. When I find you actually best work under one kind of approach, you work in a totally opposite approach because you find it easier for you. You look for the things most in things that most people wouldn't look for in "them", and don't look for things most other people look for in "them".


By the way, I never made this clear before, because it seemed you gotten this impression before, I am not chastising you. I am... totally intrigued by how you go about your thought process and how you look for things. Because I don't know anyone that would look at things the way you do. It's quite fascinating. You are unique. Completely different from anyone I know. Everyone I know at some point strives to be unique but isn't. They always end up being not unique, as hard as they try to be. You don't try, you just ARE unique.


Quite honestly, I thought you would hate Brodus Clay. But there you go fascinating me once again. I have "patterns", "tells", and "tendencies". In fact, I'm often quite explicit and obvious about they are. I make them known. But I can't figure any of yours out. You are, again, unique AND fascinating.

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I never can quite figure you out. Everyone has "tells", "patterns", "tendencies", "things" that you can "figure" out what they like.


You are... so unique. I can never tell why or how you like someone. When I think you might dislike something, you actually love it. When I think you might think something is unique, you find it typical. When I find you actually best work under one kind of approach, you work in a totally opposite approach because you find it easier for you. You look for the things most in things that most people wouldn't look for in "them", and don't look for things most other people look for in "them".


By the way, I never made this clear before, because it seemed you gotten this impression before, I am not chastising you. I am... totally intrigued by how you go about your thought process and how you look for things. Because I don't know anyone that would look at things the way you do. It's quite fascinating. You are unique. Completely different from anyone I know. Everyone I know at some point strives to be unique but isn't. They always end up being not unique, as hard as they try to be. You don't try, you just ARE unique.


Quite honestly, I thought you would hate Brodus Clay. But there you go fascinating me once again. I have "patterns", "tells", and "tendencies". In fact, I'm often quite explicit and obvious about they are. I make them known. But I can't figure any of yours out. You are, again, unique AND fascinating.


I like variety. Brodus Clay was a breath of fresh air in a stale and stagnant show. I have my issues with the act (he comes across as a dorkier, perhaps mentally disabled Rikishi) but for a few minutes he's different and fun. I also love the entrance, as it reminds me of BxB Hulk's old gimmick. I've always thought coming out with dancing girls screams 'star'. Although I never would have considered going the "fat guy lol" route.


Generally I'm not much of a WWE fan any more. I prefer the indy/Japanese wrestling style, longer matches with a billion kick outs from a billion-and-one movez. "Good wrestling" doesn't draw me to WWE, because I see "better" elsewhere. Wacky characters are where it's at.

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Uh, what happened to Brodus Clay? He was getting this huge push with his new funkasaurus gimmick, and now he just disappeared. He hasn't been on Raw or Smackdown in the past two weeks. What the heck is the point of giving him a huge push, and then just taking him off of TV?



Botchamania reminded me about it... I'm pretty sure it's something to do with the fact he flubbed his line and dropped an F-bomb on RAW.


I think he was supposed to say "Or are you a funking chicken?" (or something like that) to Regal and then, well... didn't.

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