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The Official WWE / NXT Discussion Thread *May Contain Spoilers*

Adam Ryland

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I just want to say it was more then just a couple people chanting what to Taker. The segment until Triple H came out was pretty flat and boring. I'm sorry, but I thought it was great just because how bad it was going. I don't blame it on Taker, but there wasn't alot of emotion going into the promo anyways. He's a vet, he dealt with it well enough. As far as I can tell it all stopped once it started getting good anyways. It's not like anyone truly missed anything, Taker was just reguritating the same things that've been said the past few weeks anyways.


Out of interest, where was the show held?

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RF Video is releasing ECW DVDs...


Cactus Jack: The ECW Collection

ECW: Raven vs Sandman

Public Enemy in ECW

ECW: Dreamer vs Raven


I read a review of the Raven vs Dreamer set and RF Video copyrights are slapped on everything in it, but I thought WWE bought the entire ECW library?


Sorry to double post but


RF Video owns the right to the video, as well so to speak. Or I believe at least, what they taped they own the rights too. They have alot of ECW stuff, including all the comm. tapes and years of telivision..

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I just want to say it was more then just a couple people chanting what to Taker. The segment until Triple H came out was pretty flat and boring. I'm sorry, but I thought it was great just because how bad it was going. I don't blame it on Taker, but there wasn't alot of emotion going into the promo anyways. He's a vet, he dealt with it well enough. As far as I can tell it all stopped once it started getting good anyways. It's not like anyone truly missed anything, Taker was just reguritating the same things that've been said the past few weeks anyways.


Out of interest, where was the show held?



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It was a SEVENTEEN MINUTE long promo. I'm sorry, but if I was there, I'd be yelling "boring" and "overrated" and the like as well.


Undertaker's promos have been boring hell for a long time. Him being the "last of a dying breed" doesn't change that. Do something new. Turn heel. Hell, do the Big Evil stuff again. It was insanely more interesting and entertaining then more of the same old same old.


Am I trying to disrespect Undertaker? No, but if someone is boring me then I don't care how legendary they are, they're boring.

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I don't know about that, the chant that your fellow countrymen do is really annoying. The, "Who are u!" chant is what I am talking about...or whatever it is they are saying.:D


I think you will find it is, "Oooooooo R YA!"


If we are talking about painfully tedious chants, the "USA, USA" chant that you guys do whenever there is a competitor in the ring that isn't American, or, and this is my favourite, when none of the competitors in the ring are American. :D


Don't bring a knife to a gun fight my good sir, otherwise I will bust a cap in your bottom! :p

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I think you will find it is, "Oooooooo R YA!"


If we are talking about painfully tedious chants, the "USA, USA" chant that you guys do whenever there is a competitor in the ring that isn't American, or, and this is my favourite, when none of the competitors in the ring are American. :D


Don't bring a knife to a gun fight my good sir, otherwise I will bust a cap in your bottom! :p


There was a TNA match a couple of weeks ago when all the people in the ring were Americans and the crowd started to chant, "USA! USA!" Taz pointed out on commentary that everyone was from America.:D


So you will not get me to disagree with you on the USA chant.

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There was a TNA match a couple of weeks ago when all the people in the ring were Americans and the crowd started to chant, "USA! USA!" Taz pointed out on commentary that everyone was from America.:D


So you will not get me to disagree with you on the USA chant.


There was also a time when Hernandez was facing Magnus I believe it was and the crowd started chanting USA and it was in favor of Magnus...sooo...


Yeah, that chant is annoying. At one Raw I went to there was a USA Chant and I started chanting Canada. Got a few people to join in. It was fun.

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There was also a time when Hernandez was facing Magnus I believe it was and the crowd started chanting USA and it was in favor of Magnus...sooo...


Yeah, that chant is annoying. At one Raw I went to there was a USA Chant and I started chanting Canada. Got a few people to join in. It was fun.


That's just as bad... Chanting Canada when your from the USA... bassically it's the same thing that was being discussed, but backwards/vise versa, or however you say it... But I like that you did it, lol.


It reminds me of a Browns vs Steelers game I went to as a teenager. I'm from Cleveland, and everyone on the train/rapid transit/whatever you want to call it, we were all bummed because Cleveland lost, and well, we get rowdy. For some reason when I was getting off, a guy said "Yeah, those ref's cheated us didn't they?" I replied "I'm a Pittsburgh stealer's fan!" and jumped off just before the doors shut. There was so much junk that flied up against the door windows, I thought they were going to break, but I thought it was the funniest thing. My friends did too, because they couldn't quit talking about it for like a month.

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That's just as bad... Chanting Canada when your from the USA... bassically it's the same thing that was being discussed, but backwards/vise versa, or however you say it... But I like that you did it, lol.


It reminds me of a Browns vs Steelers game I went to as a teenager. I'm from Cleveland, and everyone on the train/rapid transit/whatever you want to call it, we were all bummed because Cleveland lost, and well, we get rowdy. For some reason when I was getting off, a guy said "Yeah, those ref's cheated us didn't they?" I replied "I'm a Pittsburgh stealer's fan!" and jumped off just before the doors shut. There was so much junk that flied up against the door windows, I thought they were going to break, but I thought it was the funniest thing. My friends did too, because they couldn't quit talking about it for like a month.


I'm a Brown's fan, I should be throwing junk at you too :p


The USA chants only seem appropriate if it's ya know, meaningful. Like if the wrestler the American is facing is someone the USA is at odds with in real life, like Russia at one point, or Middle Eastern and the heel is playing up to that role.

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It was a SEVENTEEN MINUTE long promo. I'm sorry, but if I was there, I'd be yelling "boring" and "overrated" and the like as well.


They started during the first minute. Length of the promo had nothing to do with it. This build is the first we've seen of Taker since last Mania. It's not being tired of him. It was just idiots being idiots.

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There was also a time when Hernandez was facing Magnus I believe it was and the crowd started chanting USA and it was in favor of Magnus...sooo...


Yeah, that chant is annoying. At one Raw I went to there was a USA Chant and I started chanting Canada. Got a few people to join in. It was fun.


Reminds me of an incident that happened to me a while back.


I was on holiday two years ago during the World Cup and in the game between Spain and Germany, there were a hoard of Spanish students there who all heartily sang their national anthem at the start of the game.


Me, being the equal opportunist that I am, decided it was only fair to stand up in a room where I was outnumbered 150 to 1 and blast the German national anthem at the top of my lungs with my hand on my heart.


This was all well and good until I realised that I only knew the National Socialist (points for knowing what I mean) version of the German national anthem. I had committed myself by this point however, and realised I now had to finish. :p


To give credit to the Spanish exchange students, they cheered and clapped when I finished.

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They started during the first minute. Length of the promo had nothing to do with it. This build is the first we've seen of Taker since last Mania. It's not being tired of him. It was just idiots being idiots.


So people are allowed to crap all over Cena, Sting, Flair, Angle, Hogan, Foley, and Jericho, but Undertaker is off limits?

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So people are allowed to crap all over Cena, Sting, Flair, Angle, Hogan, Foley, and Jericho, but Undertaker is off limits?


When it's a small few, and the rest of the crowd is telling them to shut up, yes. This isn't about who, I'm no Taker mark and don't give a rip about his 'pull'.

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Just thought I would mention this since people were talking about the "What?" chants last night, I did go to the show and I wasn't a part of the people saying what.


A fan behind me during the Taker, Triple H segment made a good point they said that half of todays WWE fans are too young to even know where the What chant came from. I couldn't agree more and it seems that people say what just to say it and they don't remember what wrestler started the whole thing.

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So people are allowed to crap all over Cena, Sting, Flair, Angle, Hogan, Foley, and Jericho, but Undertaker is off limits?


I believe the difference here and why people are making such a big deal about it is that throughout their careers guys like Cena, Sting, Flair, Angle, Hogan, Foley, and Jericho have all either had their moments of serious regret where they either said or did something to merit a disrespectful reaction. Or have burned out the audience by portraying the same character for so long without any sort of change that the audience is sick of it. In Taker's case however he has done nothing really to merit such a response. He makes sure to keep the character fresh in some way whenever he returns with it so he's not got that "we've seen this already" factor of Cena, Jericho, and Foley to a certain extent. He protects the character and makes sure whatever the situation that he's taken seriously unlike Sting, Flair, Hogan, and Foley. And he's never had a really embarrassing media moment for fans to tear apart like Angle, Hogan, and Flair all have.


What it comes down to is The Undertaker is one of the few wrestlers going these days who has earned every ounce of respect he gets and then some not only for his in ring work but also how he carries himself outside of the ring. That's where the crowd last night was completely in the wrong and just being idiots for the sake of being idiots, because unlike nearly anyone else you could name The Undertaker has earned truck loads of respect and he hasn't really done anything over his career to lose any of that respect.

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Reminds me of an incident that happened to me a while back.


I was on holiday two years ago during the World Cup and in the game between Spain and Germany, there were a hoard of Spanish students there who all heartily sang their national anthem at the start of the game.


Me, being the equal opportunist that I am, decided it was only fair to stand up in a room where I was outnumbered 150 to 1 and blast the German national anthem at the top of my lungs with my hand on my heart.


This was all well and good until I realised that I only knew the National Socialist (points for knowing what I mean) version of the German national anthem. I had committed myself by this point however, and realised I now had to finish. :p


To give credit to the Spanish exchange students, they cheered and clapped when I finished.


This is awesome, I can totally relate. It's the only version of the anthem I know as well, and I too enjoy singing it when Germany plays. Just for the hell of it. :D

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The anti-Cena stuff started off with a VERY small minority. So that's a load of crap.


But when it started, Cena didn't deserve half the accolades he deserves today. He was just a WWE champion climbing the ranks who had to prove himself. On the other vein, someone like Triple H... a certified Hall of Famer, would he get some crap flung at him, no one would probably say a word. Because his career has been riddled with polarized opinions. Someone like Taker has that special something, and it's largely known that he generates unprecedented respect from behind the curtains just like within the WWE fanbase.


Say, if HBK was still wrestling, and he was out there cutting a promo, I'd bet a bottom dollar all the detractors in the crowd calling him out would get told to shut up too. It may sound trite but it is what it is; at some point, if your status within your profession speaks for itself things like that are gonna happen.

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Just thought I would mention this since people were talking about the "What?" chants last night, I did go to the show and I wasn't a part of the people saying what.


A fan behind me during the Taker, Triple H segment made a good point they said that half of todays WWE fans are too young to even know where the What chant came from. I couldn't agree more and it seems that people say what just to say it and they don't remember what wrestler started the whole thing.

True that! But good luck finding out WHY the what?! got started in the first place!


I remember Stone Cold came up with the What when he was trying to call Christian (personally, not in the ring or anything) and the phone had terrible reception and Stone Cold would keep saying 'WHAT?!'

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