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The Official WWE / NXT Discussion Thread *May Contain Spoilers*

Adam Ryland

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hasn't he been acting that way in every face to face promo though? He's basically playing the Rock as a joke. I'm not sure it had anything to do with his family and I think part of it was due to the unexpected crowd chants. Even though Cena is from Boston the crowd is often against him and if I recall he got negative reactions during the video promo earlier in the night. To suddenly have the crowd crap on Dwayne "the tooth fairy" Johnson was kinda funny and Rock did fairly well at maintaining his composure. (PS Cena should actually start calling him that to incite even more crowd chants, if he really wanted to rattle the Rock, pay a production guy to switch the music to some sort of tooth fairy themed music as the Rock is part way into his entrance)


I thought it was good. But I'm not so sure I'm looking forward to a supershow of cena rap and sing-a-long with the rock next week though. Both should be entertaining, but that's not why I watch, I like in ring action.

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I'm pretty sure they use the term 'amateur' loosely, especially if directed at Cena.


Raw was okay. While I liked Rock's history lessons, the amount of time taken for this feud is challenging my interest in it - and yet absolutely nothing intriguing with this year's Royal Rumble winner. The hottest rising babyface on the roster, and the upper-midcard babyface pool isn't all that to begin with, at least try to set Sheamus apart with something interesting other than a new finisher.

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Yeah, it would be cool if they put as much effort into Bryan/Sheamus as they did Bryan/Show. It seems like a waste at this point to even put the belt on Sheamus at WM if the "moment" doesn't feel that special.


I like Rock/Cena, even though I wish it had something else going on other than the same trash talk every time.


HHH/HBK/Taker great as expected.


I really like these long term match build ups. I hope they do the same thing in 2012. Give us a Rock/??? announcement for Summer Slam.

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I don't think so. His point is well taken. All the people talking "for the love of the game" BS are delusional. How many people who promote that idealistic tripe are actually practicing what they preach? For the most part, they 'he should've' without looking in the mirror. If YOU aren't doing what you love, regardless of the material rewards, why should anyone else?


He loved football too (even won a national title) but I don't think any of his teammates would give up the chance to switch places with him if they could. Does that mean Warren Sapp doesn't love the game?


And the people upthread trying to say Will Smith isn't much of an actor need to get a grip too. Tell that to his accountants. You ask any of your indy darlings what they'd give for the ability to turn a weak ass script like Wild Wild West into a 200+ million worldwide gross and see what they say. Seven Pounds was awesome, I dunt care what you say.


This is all pure truth right here.


Somebody said they liked Rock back in the 90's, because he loved wrestling not the money...did he love wrestling when he was playing football for the Miami Hurricanes? Did he love wrestling when he was in the CFL? Did he "sellout" his football aspirations when he became a pro wrestler? Professional wrestler was his JOB. Just like actor is now his job. Just like it's John Cena's job. Don't get me wrong, I have a ton of respect for Cena and his passion for the WWE. But do you think Cena would be in the WWE if he was good enough to play football professionally? What about if his bodybuilding career took off? Hell, John Cena tried out LIMO DRIVING before he decided to pursue professional wrestling.


Every person in the WWE is there because of they money they make. They like wrestling, they might love it, and I don't doubt that most of them are completely dedicated to their job (a lot of people, myself included, are simply wired to give complete dedicatation to their job, regardless of how much they enjoy it) - but that's what it is to each and every one of them. A job. And if a better job came along - and I guarantee everybody there has something they'd consider a better job, just like the vast majority of people on this planet - they'd take it. Cena saying he'd never do what Rock did is completely hollow to me, because he never had the opportunity. He never had a chance to be a full time actor, he never even had a chance to be a full time rapper. Maybe he's right, maybe he wouldn't have, but nobody knows that until you're in that situation.


And of course Will Smith is a good actor. How can anybody even say otherwise?


hasn't he been acting that way in every face to face promo though? He's basically playing the Rock as a joke.


Bingo. I've never quite been able to grasp why people think Cena's a bad actor or he's not showing emotion because he acts a certain way...like, you've never seen somebody act that way in that situation in real life? I know I have. It's not like he's out there trying to act serious and completely failing. He's conveying the emotions he's trying to, and doing it well.

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It's not all pure truth, it's pure opinion and everyone has one.


Just because YOU would take this over that, or whatever, doesn't mean someone else would.


Also, the point was made that The Rock never showed signs that he even wanted to be in wrestling for a good while, and could have. The WWE/F gave him time off to make any movies, meaning he could take as much time off as he wanted, he chose not to do it period.


The point that was made, just in case someone else wants to make a debate about something that wasn't debated (again), here it is:


IF you LOVE something, and were able to do what you wanted, and still be able to do it... Would you? Meaning, IF The Rock LOVES wrestling, and he was able to make any movies he wanted to, pluss time off when he wanted, then whey didn't he do that? It was stated that the WWE/F obviously was giving him time off whenever he wanted to do his acting.


Now, I don't know if I agree with that or not, because I don't know how much is true. I do know that WWF/E let his contract expire, but I don't know the actual reason for it. I only know what has been released since all this stuff started, which I can't take as seriousness, because it could be all part of the storylines going on.


Also, it was noted that John Cena movies do make money, and he could be a bankable Actor if he so chose to do so. His movies made money, even as second rate WWE Films.


Money is only as important as you let it be in your life. It's not the driving force in mine, and I'm perfectly happy most of the time, and alot of that has to be with liking my job.


=Also, I'm one of those people that believe The Rock has toned down to "let" Cena look good, and I think it's working. The only problem with it, is it looks like he's going to have to keep doing it all the way to Wrestlemania, which kind of sucks.

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I agree...was actually starting to like Cena...but that was bush league


Triple agree, waited through a year and a half worth of hype for it to come off as IMO a huge let down. Imagine the intensity most others would have brought, Cena has dropped even further down my opinion poll. His chance to prove he can hang with the real big boys on the mic (one of his biggest assets) and he's blown it thus far big time. I watched the promo most Cena fans were raving about last week and while agree it's prob his best Rock promo yet it's far from the standard guys like Rock, Austin etc were cutting every week.


Jericho vs Punk has become my most anticipated match on the card, loved there promo last week.

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I don't think so. His point is well taken. All the people talking "for the love of the game" BS are delusional. How many people who promote that idealistic tripe are actually practicing what they preach? For the most part, they 'he should've' without looking in the mirror. If YOU aren't doing what you love, regardless of the material rewards, why should anyone else?


I'm doing what I love regardless of the material rewards (or rather lack thereof) and therefore I have every right to diss The Rock. We aren't all money grubbing sellouts like you Remi. You filthy greedy soulless corporate monster :p How do you sleep at night? On a pile of money surrounded by beautiful women? You sicken me!


But then you know ... Maybe Rock loves making movies too? It's not like he went and became an accountant or something *shudder*. There are so many more reasons to dislike The Rock than the fact he went into movies. Like his childish promos, his baldness, his crappy tattooes, the fact The Rock drinking game shortened my life significantly or just that people still love the guy even though he's nowhere near as entertaining as he once was.

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Bingo. I've never quite been able to grasp why people think Cena's a bad actor or he's not showing emotion because he acts a certain way...like, you've never seen somebody act that way in that situation in real life? I know I have. It's not like he's out there trying to act serious and completely failing. He's conveying the emotions he's trying to, and doing it well.


It's not that, neither of those things. People act like that yes, it's just that Cena is making the tone of the feud a tad hollow. He comes off a scathing no-nonsense promo bashing The Rock shoot-style, people all over the world and on Twitter eat it up, and the next week he pulls.. those things. There's times when he pulls it well, then there's other times where he should just put certain quirks aside for a sec. People want him to be edgy, he might as well bring it out if he's been feuding with a guy for an effin year /shrug

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But then you know ... Maybe Rock loves making movies too? It's not like he went and became an accountant or something *shudder*. There are so many more reasons to dislike The Rock than the fact he went into movies. Like his childish promos, his baldness, his crappy tattooes, the fact The Rock drinking game shortened my life significantly or just that people still love the guy even though he's nowhere near as entertaining as he once was.


Great point. Without knowing him personally, I would say what Rock loves most is entertaining. Performing for people. He probably loves being famous and all that goes with that. I'm sure if he was a better singer(not that he's terrible, but he's obviously not recording studio good), he'd be doing that too. Professional wrestling was just an avenue for him to do something he loves. He found a better way to do what he loves and he moved on.


It's not that, neither of those things. People act like that yes, it's just that Cena is making the tone of the feud a tad hollow. He comes off a scathing no-nonsense promo bashing The Rock shoot-style, people all over the world and on Twitter eat it up, and the next week he pulls.. those things. There's times when he pulls it well, then there's other times where he should just put certain quirks aside for a sec. People want him to be edgy, he might as well bring it out if he's been feuding with a guy for an effin year /shrug


I was just making the point that, if you don't like what he's doing, he's not doing it for lack of talent. That's just the way he's portraying his character. If you don't like the way he's potraying his character, fair enough, but most comments I've seen are implying that he's incapable of anything else and that's just not the case.


Personally, I don't have a problem with the way he acted. He was making fun of the Rock before Rock came out, and he continued making fun of him while he was out there. It fit with the tone of his entire promo. I actually thought the serious, empty arena promo seemed more out of place. I would've preferred to see that the week before WrestleMania, or even better at WrestleMania itself.

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I never personally implied it was through lack of talent. More [slightly] lack of judgment than anything. I don't wanna take anything away from Cena, he's been doing a good job through this feud, and he is talented, and his tone did fit with the promo in itself.. just how much of it are we gonna be seeing? We saw the same thing around Survivor Series build-up.. not to mention after Rock gave him a Rock Bottom at the PPV, the next Raw he jostled off to the ring laughing it off. It's.. I mean, I get that it just shows how "John Cena" is( if so well figures /shrug), but I was just hoping then, at last, after that promo two weeks ago he would finally up the ante a bit in tension level. But then again, I also thought "embracing the hate" through his feud with Kane would mean another thing. So much for me and all those raised hopes, right?
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I never personally implied it was through lack of talent. More [slightly] lack of judgment than anything. I don't wanna take anything away from Cena, he's been doing a good job through this feud, and he is talented, and his tone did fit with the promo in itself.. just how much of it are we gonna be seeing? We saw the same thing around Survivor Series build-up.. not to mention after Rock gave him a Rock Bottom at the PPV, the next Raw he jostled off to the ring laughing it off. It's.. I mean, I get that it just shows how "John Cena" is( if so well figures /shrug), but I was just hoping then, at last, after that promo two weeks ago he would finally up the ante a bit in tension level. But then again, I also thought "embracing the hate" through his feud with Kane would mean another thing. So much for me and all those raised hopes, right?


Your just frustrated, because Cena could be doing SO much better with this. It's almost as if he's been told to "Hey, tone it down a bit" every other week or something.


It's kind of the same way people are feeling about The Rock. Like he's purposely "holding back" to help John Cena look good. Then you look at John Cena and you "feel" if that's the case it's working, and then Cena pulls back yet again and you go /sigh.


Here's what I'm starting to think. I'm thinking everyone is right. The Rock comes out, pops from the crowd are outragious, "Hey Rock, we want this thing to build up into something bigger then anything before, can you tone it down a bit for now, let's give it to them in small bits." At the same time "Cena, you need to come out strong" and when Cena does, then the same type of advice comes back "Cena, your doing a little too good out there for now, we want this to build bigger then anything we ever did before, so let's tone it down tonight."


Bassically, I'm saying both are holding back. Hopefully I'm right, and hopefully I'm right in expecting things to heat up tremendously real fast. I'm hoping they both go all out before Wrestlemania, only to "pull back" at the end of the match, whomever winning giving the other some respect.


That's how I was hoping things went, till someone told me Rock is contracted for another match, or more match's or whatever. IF that's the case, I see Rock going over, and this thing continueing another year the same way till NEXT Wrestlemania, and then having Cena go over and the whole respect thing happening at that point.


Yeah, I don't see Cena winning if Rock is scheduled for next Wrestlemania as well... However, I DO see him winning if Rock is scheduled for TWO more Wrestlemania's after this one.

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The feud is increasing in intensity. No doubt. Rock was very intense this week, what does Cena have to be so worked up about? He's out there to cut Rock down, and is having fun with it. Rock is the one having to suffer the personal shots and constant attacks and he's the one that's snapped first.


They had 4 weeks left, they don't need to make it as tense as they can as quick as they can. I'm sure in the Raw before Mania, or even 2 Raws before Mania both men will be bubbling with intensity.


By having them both wracked with intensity, with weeks to go, runs the risk of the feud burning out with or without physical confrontation before Mania.



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i liked RAW, both Rock and Cena segments were funny, Clay wasn't as good as before he went but good to see him back on tv, getting kinda intrigued in Cena/Rock mania match aswell as Punk/Jericho match, Taker/HHH still lacking that thing that makes me hyped for it to happen a third time
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Opening Raw segment: That is the kind of John Cena I find entertaining!


Same, although that's not surprising considering it was that which got him hugely over in the first place. We need the Thuganomics back every week.


Rock's concert was brilliant (mentioning Cena's wife in relation to Eve was the highlight) up until "We will rock you". Jericho dissing Punk's use of the Straight Edge lifestyle was perfect, Punk's reaction really helped make the match seem alot more serious (something which Cena-Rock has yet to do).


Team Santino vs. Team Otunga lol. They're just throwing the midcard into this obviously.

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I loved Raw, but I guess it's the girl in me, if Punks father IS an alcoholic and WWE is turning it into a story line I'll be sorely disappointed.


I wasn't happy when they did it with Eddie and his family after his death, plus Lawlers issues. It just irks me to no end.


Pretty sure that's legit, but Punk's brought it up and used it in angles/promos in ROH so not sure you can blame the 'E for this one



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Pretty sure that's legit, but Punk's brought it up and used it in angles/promos in ROH so not sure you can blame the 'E for this one




Yeah, seeing as it is something Punk has used before in ROH something Punk suggested them using in the feud.


I'll let that slide then. I just think its kinda sucky.


I guess as long as he's okay with it it's all good.

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