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The Official WWE / NXT Discussion Thread *May Contain Spoilers*

Adam Ryland

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Hey is it just me or does anyone else think Rock's sharpshooter is horrendous? It doesn't look remotely painful. He just kinda crosses the feet and holds on to them.


In all honesty, more times then not during that match, I thought Cena was legitamately hurt... like before the match even started or something I missed towards the beginning.


Til' I hear otherwise, I'm not going to be too critical of The Rock on this one, as I have been in the past. To be honest, I thought he looked better then I remembered him, and he did the job for Cena big time, without losing.... If anyone understands what I mean by that. I'm not unhappy with his performance at all... I just didn't like the finish, felt too... I don't know, Flash-Pin like to me, and it just didn't feel like it fit there... I didn't want no one to pass out, or someone to look like they needed to be carried out or anything like that, just expected a different finish there... Like, I think it would have been cool if Rock used Cena's finisher to end it. Rock Bottum has never worked for a finisher for me... or Book End, or whatever.

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Luck struck gold for me tonight, and I got to see the show live as it happened at at someone's house, all I had to do was chip in a little on some vittles, so good times there.




I was thrilled as I could be when The Great One won. Sadly, out of my group of people, I was just about the only one happy about that. I got a couple of dirty looks, but still, I danced to the tune of Walkin' On Sunshine, just like I said I would, should The Rock emerge victorious, and a great time was had, (at least by me).


Trips vs Taker, and Punk vs Jericho were both very good as well, in my humble opinion. Also, I was very glad that Kane (quite surprisingly) got the win in his match. Nothing at all against Orton, but Kane doesn't always get his due, so it was nice to see him get a win like this at Mania.


Not really so sure about the rest of the show though, apart from those big 'main events'. Not so sure about The Undertaker's haircut either; someone in my group said his head looked like a peeled onion. Surely, that can't be a good thing.

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Oh how I marked seeing Rock win. I was one of those who expected Cena to win all year long. All people kept saying throughout boards were Hogan/Rock, Hogan/Rock. I also thought Rock would've put Cena over like a million dollars(in a way he did) but damn.


Sheamus vs Bryan... What the hell. Here's the thing, I got into the movie theater right in the middle of the HIAC match(great bout), you couldn't imagine my reaction when I read the live coverage. Did their road agent take an absence of leave or what? I get that it wasn't the most hyped match on the card but come on WWE.


Apparently WWE wanted to break the Chavo Guerrero vs Kane record a few years ago and they didnt so it was freaking pointless... poor Daniel Bryan.

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Few Mania thoughts - The Rock has always had a terrible Sharpshooter. D.Bryan wasn't buried, he'll be champ again (happy to bet anyone that disagrees :p ). Taker vs HHH shouldn't/didn't need to be in a HIAC. Rock gassed 6 minutes in. Vince is the master of swerve, the finish wasn't a shock. Santino needs a push. Could've done without the song and dance. Ric Flair can still afford a nice suit.
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Few Mania thoughts - The Rock has always had a terrible Sharpshooter. D.Bryan wasn't buried, he'll be champ again (happy to bet anyone that disagrees :p ). Taker vs HHH shouldn't/didn't need to be in a HIAC. Rock gassed 6 minutes in. Vince is the master of swerve, the finish wasn't a shock. Santino needs a push. Could've done without the song and dance. Ric Flair can still afford a nice suit.


I don't disagree with Bryan Daniel becoming champ again, I do however think the belt doesn't really mean much these days anyway. You've only got to see how many times someone has been a "World Champ" these days to realise the belts don't mean as much as they used to. I wasn't happy with the 18 second "match" because when the divas match (which was god awful - can Kelly Kelly do one move without screaming like a porn star with an unmentionable up her unmentionable?) and the Funkasaurus got more time than Daniel Bryan and Sheamus I just kinda realised winning the Royal Rumble and winning titles in WWE are just "giimmicks and have no prestige whatsoever.


A match I was really looking forward to, Kane v Orton and I wasn't disappointed. Ortons selling at the end of the match was brilliant. He really made Kane look good, without damaging his own status as a top face. I don't know if many will agree with me on this match and I maybe being biased due to the fact I like Kane.


Cody v Big Show was... average at best I would say. I like Cody Rhodes and no doubt he'll get the belt back somewhere down the road. I just don't think Big Show and Rhodes mesh in the ring - however that said, after all the years service I could kind of see Big Show being given this victory, however I think Show as IC Champion is more a "thank you" for his years of loyalty more than being the guy to take a long run with the belt, but I could be wrong.


The Divas tag match gets about this much written about it... NOTHING!


I really enjoyed the Taker/HHH match. I was sceptical at first but was entertained, and even though in the back of my mind I knew the streak wouldn't end, at one point I thought I may have been wrong. For me, I think this was one of the more intense matches on the card afterwards, and I'm glad they gave it that "End of an Era" tag line because I wouldn't want to see it again - just because this one was so good. Shawn Michaels was great too. His emotion and conflict was portrayed brilliantly. You'll never see 3 wrestlers like these again. A dying breed, called characters - not generic cocky heel #134 vs. generic babyface #232. This was Triple H, The Game, The Cerebral Assassin against The Deadman, The Demon of Death Valley, The Undertaker! Must say though, Undertakers haircut was a bit suspect lol.


Hall of Fame inductees, I thought were great this year. I really would like Demolition in there one year - hey if Koko can do it then surely the first team to win the tag belts 3 times (I think that's right) could get a crack! lol.


Team Teddy v Team Long wasn't bad. Too many people involved in the match and maybe a 4 v 4 would have been better - I think Mark Henry and Khali could have been left out of it. Aksana looked hot... so boosted my interests lol.


One of the matches I bought the PPV for, CM Punk v Chris Jericho I thought was pretty awesome. I must admit though I was getting really tired by this point and struggling to keep my eyes open (I rarely stay up til stupid o'clock these days). however the match itself was good enough to stop me from finally succumbing to the heavy eyelids. The belief that Punk was going to lose the belt was there too. They genuinley amde you think "whoa, his reigns about to end" and I loved that. Plenty of back and forth, and neither man looked weak at the end of this one. Finish was spot on as well.


I'm sure I've missed something... oh yeah the Main Event. The only reason any of the audience bought the PPV. The only reason any of the live audience turned up. (Or so we'd been led to believe). I didn't care for it at all. Am I insane? some may think so. I just did not enjoy this match at all. I wanted to, hell I bought the PPV to eb entertained. My reasons for my dislike of this match was cecause The Rock looked like a guy who had been away from the ring too long, which i know he has been, but still that doesn't mean I have to like the match or cut any slack. This was a match hyped for a year, the main event of the biggest wrestlnig event of the year, and based on performance looked like a match you could have stuck somewhere in the middle of a Raw or Smackdown! card. Rock blew up a few minutes in and looked tired and breathless! I really was disappointed. Going into this match I wanted The Great One to win, I wanted him to destroy Cena, but by about the 8th minute I was bored and couldn't get myself back into the match. I ended up not caring who won and just wanted the match to end so I could go to sleep. I honestly hope that's the last time we see The Rock wrestle, because the ring rust was way too obvious for all to see, and at a huge event like Wrestlemania, you want to see a good match. Thank god this was "Once in a Lifetime".


All in all I thought this years event was good and I enjoyed the majority of the show. It was also the first WWE PPV I've watched since last years Wrestlemania - and worth the money I paid overall I thought. Just wishing the main event had been better. Just my opinions on the show.

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The opener put me on a downer for the whole show, I didn't enjoy a second of it after (okay Jericho won me over for a second with the "hit me" chair thing)


WWE does not know funny - Foley in that segment made me sad as to what a pathetic joke he is. Mankind is my favourite, but Foley is a joke.


All those people in the back, I may be being naive but you think maybe someone would've stood up and said Bryan deserves better (Michaels, Regal, Punk) but I suppose they're not risking their own backs. I will never ever pay a single penny to the WWE - I hate everything they're about they're a wrestling company who despise wrestling and their audience.


I'm also tired of finisher fests, we saw too many finishers in the big matches, the Tombstone has been kicked out of for the last 5 years, I know he only wrestles once a year and it doesn't kill the move too much but to me it does. The story of the match was good but sometimes I think finishers get mistaken for drama and it's a bit cheap to me. I hate The Rock :(


I know for a fact I would have had such a more open mind to this show if Bryan, and Sheamus for that matter, would've got a decent match but this company really, really pissed me off last night. Not sure I can face watching them for a while now :(


I've never enjoyed a wrestling show less than I enjoyed this, Cena / Rock lacked the aura and big time feel and just turned into another dull match IMO.

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Im alittle disappointed that The Rock didnt give Cena a "Bring It" gesture.


Anyone notice David Otunga didnt get tagged at all in his match? Team Johnny was always going to win 4 of the 6 have been in and out of the mainevent and well Team Teddy was full of midcarders.


Found it funny that Bryan/Sheamus was bumped last year from the main card and this year were only given like 30 seconds. Second year in a row that the world title match has been the opening match of the show.

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I think the biggest thing that annoyed me is how over with the crowd both Sheamus and Bryan are, and to waste that seems foolish. Kavetch about the IWC all you want, you had the entire front row with YES signs, and the crowd pretty much chanting for Bryan through much of the Orton v. Kane match, and some others as well. Just seems like a dumb move, ala Christian losing the title to Orton right away. Just because you can do it and make it work doesn't mean there wasn't a better way to tell the same story.
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I think the biggest thing that annoyed me is how over with the crowd both Sheamus and Bryan are, and to waste that seems foolish. Kavetch about the IWC all you want, you had the entire front row with YES signs, and the crowd pretty much chanting for Bryan through much of the Orton v. Kane match, and some others as well. Just seems like a dumb move, ala Christian losing the title to Orton right away. Just because you can do it and make it work doesn't mean there wasn't a better way to tell the same story.


I agree and not saying I would have had the same thing happen if I was in charge of booking. To let 18 seconds of a show ruin a whole 4 hours though is a bit extreme. Espescially since it was just the 1st 18 seconds of the show basically.


I wanted to see Bryan vs Sheamus and I thought it could have been the best match going into Mania. Yes it ended up being the worst match of the night since it wasn't really a match.


Lately I've been trying to watch wrestling for what it is and not letting it be so serious for me. It's working for me. It is why I didn't read too much of the stuff online during the show until Rock vs Cena pretty much and the divas match because I knew people would sway my own thoughts on the show. I may do the same with RAW tonight and from now on with most shows.


I do want Bryan to become the top heel in the WWE though. I think that would be great. Then down the line we may be able to get a great feud with CM Punk vs Daniel Bryan for whichever World Title.

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I really think people are overracting to the Daniel Bryan incident. In my opinion people from day one for this guy have really just had a "thing" for him. He really is this generation's He Who Shall Not Be Named. A guy that interent and indy fans adore, he's got great technical skill and the first thing you read on a fantasy booking site is this guy being pushed to a World Championship.


First it was changing his name around people were upset about that, then they were upset about his losing streak on NXT, then they wanted to convince themselves it was the start of a story where he'd win the whole thing. Then they thought the Michael Cole storyline would somehow catupult him to the United States Championship and freeing him up from NXT was good. Then he was fired and they were upset about that, THEN that was a work and he would come back.


I could go on but my point is people on the internet have maginfied his every move since before the WWE knew anything more about this kid than he was jobbing to Cena on that nights Velocity. I like Bryan, I think he's talented, I loved his stuff in ROH but looking at the guy I don't see the next main event draw. I'm personally stunned he got a chance to run with the ball for as long as he did. Honky Tonk Man had the same thing happen to him and so did Triple H and they turned out ok. It was one match at Mania and people on here are saying how they're put off from wrestling forever.


The problem is those same people will be complaining two weeks from now that he still doesn't have the championship back or whatever else is wrong. I think sometimes internet fans place themselves above regular fans so they have to take things to extreme. Instead of saying "dang Daniel Bryan is my favorite wrestler and he got humilated at Wrestlemania just like HTM and just like HHH" instead of just saying that people have to go on some big epilogue about how the WWE isn't about wrestling and how they're done watching it.


I'm not singling anyone out because its been about a dozen people. Saying things like "I'm done with the WWE" and "The WWE doesn't care about wrestling" and "The titles are just gimmicks". First of all the WHC title is indeed just a meaningless gimmick and has been since it became the title on Smackdown. That being said you don't honestly believe they will put the WWE title on anyone do you? "The title changes hands more now days than back in tha day". Of course it does. How many times would Christian and Randy Orton face each other on tv back in the day? Maybe ONCE in three months. Now they face each other three times in a week in some cases. At the height of the Wrestling craze there was pro wrestling on six days a week. Monday, Weds, Thurs, Fri, Sat and Sunday. All of those nights had superstar vs. superstar.


I will once again point out that my grandmother who was in her 70's would react the same way. We would rent the pay per views and when that damned Ric Flair cheated to hold onto the Title for another time she'd get upset and start hollering how she wasn't going to watch any more of these pay per views, they were a waste of time and money and how these guys all went to the bar afterwards together anyway. She was a mark (like we all are) a fan whatever you want to call it. When HER guy didn't win or didn't get the moment she wanted she felt jilted and put off and lashed out. Thats exactly what is going on here. I don't honestly believe anyone on this board is never going to watch the WWE again and won't be in here three weeks from now commenting on storylines.


The honest truth about Wrestlemania is the three matches they built the show around delivered in some fashion or another. The honest truth is Punk/Jericho wasn't AS good as it should have bee. The ending was all sorts of awesome but it started slow and certainly wasn't the MOTYC that everyone thought it would be. And honestly Cena/Rock was a bit better than it should have been since The Rock hasn't wrestled a singles match in NINE years.

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The ending was a fantastic display of ring psychology. The last five minutes might be The Last Five Minutes of the Year Canidate but the entire match was not the show stealer it was supposed to be and in fact only truly got kicked into that high gear the last half or so. To each their own although I have a hard time believing anyone on the interet is going to say that Chris Jericho and CM Punk had a bad match together unless it was blatantly obvious. I'm not into stars but I'd say this was in the **** range and if you take away that awesome ending its a ***. To each their own. John Cena and CM Punk had better matches than Jericho and Punk had a Wrestlemania. All of the Cena/Punk matches were better IMO. Which is funny because John is supposed to be some lug that doesn't know what he's doing so clearly it was all CM Punk carrying him. However if that was the case then shouldn't Jericho a man that clearly does know what he's doing blow those matches out of the water? Its not like it was just the storyline because Punk/Jericho had by far the best storyline of Wrestlemania and maybe the best storyline in the last two years with regards to Mania storylines.
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Instead of saying "dang Daniel Bryan is my favorite wrestler and he got humilated at Wrestlemania just like HTM and just like HHH" instead of just saying that people have to go on some big epilogue about how the WWE isn't about wrestling and how they're done watching it.

For me, it's a combination of last night AND last year. Two years in a row, I've been excited to watch my favorite wrestler, the guy who (along with Punk and Samoa Joe) is the reason I didn't stop watching wrestling like nine years ago, wrestle on the biggest night of the year. And two years in a row, it hasn't happened.

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