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The Official WWE / NXT Discussion Thread *May Contain Spoilers*

Adam Ryland

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Soooo you think that the WWE is going to intentionally screw over thier number 1 (by some counts) or at worse 2nd merch draw to "send a message" to nerds?


Real talk for a minute. All WWE cares about is money. They don't care who's it is, as long as it's green.


Both Bryan and Punk, but especially punk, are making them a buttload right now in merch. why would they risk that to prove some point to the internet?


This is a match they hope will help a weak, throw away PPV that they shouldn't even have in the first place not a message to the IWC. if anything it's an olive branch "please buy our ppv!!! we put your favorites on it!!"


In a sports entertainment model where you are in the storylines is all that matters to your long-term prospects. How much money is Sheamus really making the WWE right now? Every ad for Over The Limit right now is about Randy Orton. Cena is getting all of the Raw rub. It's clear where creative want their bread to be buttered moving forward. Orton/Sheamus/Cena/Lesnar. Everybody else can job to Brodus Clay and Lord Tensai...

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RAW is going to be 3-hours now.


When did being a WWE fan become such a commitment? I remember the days when I stayed up late on a Friday night to watch the UK showing on RAW, and that was it. Two hours of TV and I knew everything I needed for schoolyard conversations/fights.


I haven't watched a PPV in one sitting in a long time. I simply can't find the time. No way I could do it weekly. Good thing I don't watch RAW anyway.

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RAW is going to be 3-hours now.


When did being a WWE fan become such a commitment? I remember the days when I stayed up late on a Friday night to watch the UK showing on RAW, and that was it. Two hours of TV and I knew everything I needed for schoolyard conversations/fights.


I haven't watched a PPV in one sitting in a long time. I simply can't find the time. No way I could do it weekly. Good thing I don't watch RAW anyway.

What're you talking about?! Remember how great it was when Nitro went to 3 hours?!


Oh, wait...

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Punk on SD! Big Johnny got a huge amount of heat from the crowd.


Sandow holding the mic like a wine glass and Tatsu calling him a chicken was funny :) Not sure about the pink tights but Sandow's modified neckbreaker was cool.


Bryan on commentary = Yes! Punk v Kane was a surprisingly good match with a great finish.


Orton and Sheamus are a good match in the ring. The Fatal 4-Way should be fun.

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My attention span has decreased dramatically in terms of watching Raw lately, if it goes to three hours then I probably just won't bother. Thinking about how tedious the replays and Did You Know facts and adverts are gonna be, just irks me. Especially the replays, I've seen Raws in the past where they replay a superstar's words in a promo... without anything else happening. Of course, there can be an optimistic outlook on how they'll probably put more time on the midcard, but they could just as well put more time on the main-eventers too. Either way.. bah.
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In a sports entertainment model where you are in the storylines is all that matters to your long-term prospects. How much money is Sheamus really making the WWE right now? Every ad for Over The Limit right now is about Randy Orton. Cena is getting all of the Raw rub. It's clear where creative want their bread to be buttered moving forward. Orton/Sheamus/Cena/Lesnar. Everybody else can job to Brodus Clay and Lord Tensai...


Amen. WWE is all about winning streaks to big guys atm. Tensay, Ryback, Clay. I mean....what the hell?? John Cena and then CM punk losing to Tensai? Preposterous! That's the kind of push that will make people resent him. And punk keeps losing or beein beaten up more times then a WWE CHAMP should be! Bad booking, i say. And Bryan? His win over Ryder was his first clean win in a long time, or one of the few. Someone should tell wwe creatives that it's okay for a hell to win cleanly from time to time, epecially if he's being pushed as a legithimate athlete and a master of submission.


And what's next for TEnsai? The guy won versus the WWE Champion, and Cena...i mean, if we follow logic, he's currently the top guy on the roster, at least until someone beats him. And i mean...really, Albert and that ridiculous gimmick beating the WWE CHampion? Dear God... The funny thing here is that we all know how this ends. Cena beats TEnsai, winning streak ends, Tensai drops down the card, TEnsay eventually get the boot on the ass and is fired again. Anyway, the WWE is really getting boring again. THing were looking good, but after WM it's been all the way down since then. I like the 3hrs RAW, because despite everything, i'm still a sports entertainement fan, and there's still some good things to see on WWE. But it could be much better. LEt's wait and see.

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I thought I read a few months ago that Superstars was being axed after its current contract runs out. I doubt they'll cut Smackdown.


Isn't SD being successfull on Syfy? I doubt they'll cut it. They're just taking advantage of the end of the brand split. BEcause let's be honest, the brand split only exists in theory these days. And that's fine, we can have great talent on both shows. But of course they had to screw that too. :D

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Over the Limit Should Be Replaced with King of the Ring


I agree. Over the Limit is really just a warm-down PPV from Extreme Rules.


My predictions:


Kane vs. Zack Ryder

Kofi Kingston & R-Truth © vs. Dolph Ziggler & Jack Swagger

Sheamus © vs. Chris Jericho vs. Randy Orton vs. Alberto Del Rio

CM Punk © vs. Daniel Bryan - Who better to dethrone Punk. Bryan is hot and the momentum doesn't need to stop now. And I'd like to see the feud continue in the background until WM 29.

Layla © vs. Beth Phoenix

John Cena vs. John Laurinaitis


And I'm praying for Sandow or Cesaro get the filler match instead of Brodus.

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I agree. Over the Limit is really just a warm-down PPV. But, the WWE has the roster to run 12 great PPVs, so it should run 12 great PPVs.


Kane vs. Zack Ryder in 4:01 via sadness; Kane sits in the back ready for when he gets squashed on RAW by Brodus Clay...


Battle Royale: Who ****ing cares?


Kofi Kingston & R-Truth © vs. Dolph Ziggler & Jack Swagger - 8:15; via pinfall. Yeah, don't even know why this is on the card really. If the champs don't retain it'll be the worst booking decision since The Gobbledy Gooker was still in his egg.


Layla © vs. Beth Phoenix at 5:46 via DQ after Kharma "runs" in and destroys Beth as Layla runs off with her belt... sets up feud for No Way Out... maybe?


CM Punk © vs. Daniel Bryan at 15:18 via pinfall; - Words cannot describe how disappointed I am right now.


Sheamus© vs. Chris Jericho vs. Randy Orton vs. Alberto Del Rio - over Del Rio at 18:14 via pinfall; Orton is the guy right now and this just screams set-up feud for Orton-Lesnar's cage-match at No Way Out. Weather that includes Sheamus or not in some way, who cares?


John Cena vs. John Laurinaitis at 11:08 via pinfall following botched interference from Joe Laurinaitis and actual interference from Dean Ambrose...


Projected Show Grade: D

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I agree. Over the Limit is really just a warm-down PPV. But, the WWE has the roster to run 12 great PPVs, so it should run 12 great PPVs.



Kane vs. Zack Ryder in 4:01 via sadness; Kane sits in the back ready for when he gets squashed on RAW by Brodus Clay...


Kofi Kingston & R-Truth © vs. Dolph Ziggler & Jack Swagger - 8:15; via pinfall. Yeah, don't even know why this is on the card really. If the champs don't retain it'll be the worst booking decision since The Gobbledy Gooker was still in his egg.


Layla © vs. Beth Phoenix at 5:46 via DQ after Kharma "runs" in and destroys Beth as Layla runs off with her belt... sets up feud for No Way Out... maybe?


Sheamus© vs. Chris Jericho vs. Randy Orton vs. Alberto Del Rio - over Del Rio at 16:14 via pinfall;Orton is the guy right now and this just screams set-up feud for Orton-Lesnar's cage-match at No Way Out. Weather that includes Sheamus or not in some way, who cares?


John Cena vs. John Laurinaitis at 13:11 via pinfall following botched interference from Joe Laurinaitis and actual interference from Dean Ambrose...


CM Punk © vs. Daniel Bryan at 46:18 via technical submission due to Anaconda Vice; - Punk's the moneymaker here, you do not slay the golden goose. You give him a career building match against a long-term rival... This will do nicely.


Highly doubt they'll get anywhere near that amount of time...Probably 15-20 minutes tops.

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Highly doubt they'll get anywhere near that amount of time...Probably 15-20 minutes tops.


There's only 5 matches on this card... Unless Cena-Johnny is going 30, they've got to get the typical 1hr 15-1hr 30 of match time. Unless they're going to have Paul Heyman do a 40min Brock Lesnar legal skit... Which... probably could happen actually...

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A battle royal has been added to the show and the winner faces either the US or IC champion later in the show. That takes up more time.


I'd love Punk and Bryan to get a ton of time, I just don't think it'll happen.


If Johnny Ace has kept even in decent shape, his match with Cena shouldn't be too bad. They may blow up his accomplishments on Raw, but the dude was a pretty good wrestler. He just had nowhere near the amount of charisma his brother had.

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A battle royal has been added to the show and the winner faces either the US or IC champion later in the show. That takes up more time.


I'd love Punk and Bryan to get a ton of time, I just don't think it'll happen.


If Johnny Ace has kept even in decent shape, his match with Cena shouldn't be too bad. They may blow up his accomplishments on Raw, but the dude was a pretty good wrestler. He just had nowhere near the amount of charisma his brother had.


They also reordered the card and buried it behind the Tag-Title match and almost surely, the US/IC title match. Who's booking this card? TEW AI?

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Striker and Mathews should just announce the entire show instead of just the pre show...


Cole and King don't hold a candle to them


Also, I expect Big Show and/or Lesnar getting involved in Johnny Ace/Cena


Cole is terribly underrated. And king does fine when he brings his A-game. Sure, he had a lot of chemistry with JR, so it's hard to top that, but they do fine. But hey, everything is better then the 5 time...5 time....5 time.... World chump, Booker T. :D

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