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The Official WWE / NXT Discussion Thread *May Contain Spoilers*

Adam Ryland

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Yeah not buying that, just getting hits and increasing Goldberg comparisons. Nobody had problems when he was Sheffield or in FCW. Dude has been wrestling for 8 years now and preparing for it for 10. If he was really that bad he would have been cut long ago. The continual jobbers is just his current gimmick.


You do realize that guys in FCW are mostly green rookies who will go along with whatever they're told whilst the guys on the WWE roster are mostly veterans who will, and have, the voice and position to complain? You do know that how long he's been in wrestling has no bearing on his ability, that it's about how much he actually works and if he has the capability to learn and get better? You are aware that WWE and Vince have a long and storied fetish for guys who look like Ryback and have been known to give guys with the right look chance after chance even when their ability is sub-par? I'm guessing the answer to all three of those questions is 'No'.

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Not sure that I agree. I think he's in the same camp with RVD. He can hit some flashy moves, and at one point he was certainly very over. But I think a main event run would likely show his limitations pretty quickly when it comes to storytelling in a solo match and cutting a promo. I think the IC/tag division is probably where he belongs, where he's a fun attraction, but not a main eventer.


Also, looking at WWE's roster, is anybody healthy?


I disagree. He doesn't sell well. takes away from the matches.


He's better than most at selling, just about everybody in the WWE is horrible at it. I think it's more he can't cut a "championship" promo, probably never will, so it's tough to see him in that role. Probably going to be a Rey Mysterio type of guy for the rest of his career. Maybe he can get over with the Cruiserweights on WWE Network. But, I doubt it.


It's not a lack of selling, it's a lack of psychology. RVD could sell like he had been shot, but then he would get up back immediately.


The problem with Kofi isn't selling, though. Actually, it's not just him. He's a lot of sizzle, no steak, but he's not the only like that in the WWE. There's a lot of workers in the WWE with not a lot steak either, and they don't even have the sizzle. And I like of those workers. The main issue is, he doesn't really fit the WWE style. He has a very Modern style that looks more X-Division than the Entertainment style that the WWE is looking for.

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You do realize that guys in FCW are mostly green rookies who will go along with whatever they're told whilst the guys on the WWE roster are mostly veterans who will, and have, the voice and position to complain? You do know that how long he's been in wrestling has no bearing on his ability, that it's about how much he actually works and if he has the capability to learn and get better? You are aware that WWE and Vince have a long and storied fetish for guys who look like Ryback and have been known to give guys with the right look chance after chance even when their ability is sub-par? I'm guessing the answer to all three of those questions is 'No'.




You do realize Meltzer is full of shit most of the time right? This is just one lazy ass story with semi believability due to that history / perception and the goldberg comparisons that creates easy hits for the site.

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It's not a lack of selling, it's a lack of psychology. RVD could sell like he had been shot, but then he would get up back immediately.


The problem with Kofi isn't selling, though. Actually, it's not just him. He's a lot of sizzle, no steak, but he's not the only like that in the WWE. There's a lot of workers in the WWE with not a lot steak either, and they don't even have the sizzle. And I like of those workers. The main issue is, he doesn't really fit the WWE style. He has a very Modern style that looks more X-Division than the Entertainment style that the WWE is looking for.


Yeah, actually all of this. Poor psychology.


In the WWE? I thought that was only in FCW?


Yeah, but they can't give his character to someone else.

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Ok lets go deeper into it. Most of those muscle bound guys in FCW tend to get cut if they don't improve or remain unsafe in the ring. They sure as hell generally don't make the main roster. Dude has been in dev and then on tv for 8 years. If he still wasn't safe no matter his look he would have been cut ages ago.
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Not that this probably matters, and I know who'll dismiss this out of hand, but the story about Ryback is pretty close to accurate. But go ahead with being dismissive and insular.


Prove it! btw being contrary and not just taking spoon fed info from dirtsheets isn't the same as being dismissive and insular.

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Ok lets go deeper into it. Most of those muscle bound guys in FCW tend to get cut if they don't improve or remain unsafe in the ring. They sure as hell generally don't make the main roster. Dude has been in dev and then on tv for 8 years. If he still wasn't safe no matter his look he would have been cut ages ago.

I would think it's like with Batista. He's probably very stiff and intense, but I don't think Ryback's specifically hurt anyone yet. Your probably very sore after you face him though, I would bet.


Yeah, actually all of this. Poor psychology.


To be fair, it's not his fault. It's not like WWE puts a huge premium on Psychology (which is a huge mistake). Kofi has charisma to burn, and a lot of flashiness, decent selling, but he doesn't have the psychology to put together (but it's not that bad, but not that good either)-however, the WWE isn't exactly a good place to develop psychology. The few that do (Punk and Danielson), learned it outside of the WWE, not within it.

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Yeah but there have been legions of Batista look guys before and after him. If you where not up to snuff you where gone pretty fast. Luke who won tough enough, so a lot invested in him, that body guard guy for Tyson Kidd, and hell Rob Terry and a lot of other guys that never made television. He might be a little stiff like you said but that's far away from unsafe. And sorry I went a bit off the wall there but calling me dismissive and insular just because I am arguing against you is not my cup of tea. You give your arguments I give mine, maybe we both learn something maybe we stand by our arguments etc. I wasn't being dismissive or insular I was counter arguing big difference.


On Kofi, I think its more his consistency that's the problem in TEW terms as he seems to miss spots sometimes etc and then the psychology part kicks in as almost all matches are scripted these days. Having a high flying style doesn't necessarily mean bad psychology.

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Yeah but there have been legions of Batista look guys before and after him. If you where not up to snuff you where gone pretty fast. Luke who won tough enough, so a lot invested in him, that body guard guy for Tyson Kidd, and hell Rob Terry and a lot of other guys that never made television. He might be a little stiff like you said but that's far away from unsafe. And sorry I went a bit off the wall there but calling me dismissive and insular just because I am arguing against you is not my cup of tea. You give your arguments I give mine, maybe we both learn something maybe we stand by our arguments etc. I wasn't being dismissive or insular I was counter arguing big difference.


On Kofi, I think its more his consistency that's the problem in TEW terms as he seems to miss spots sometimes etc and then the psychology part kicks in as almost all matches are scripted these days. Having a high flying style doesn't necessarily mean bad psychology.

I think you are attributing those arguments to the wrong person. I never said you were dismissive and insular, and I never said he was unsafe.


As for Kofi, he's exactly the right style for what the WWE wants. He's a decent high-flyer, but they want a entertainer.

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It's not a lack of selling, it's a lack of psychology. RVD could sell like he had been shot, but then he would get up back immediately.


The problem with Kofi isn't selling, though. Actually, it's not just him. He's a lot of sizzle, no steak, but he's not the only like that in the WWE. There's a lot of workers in the WWE with not a lot steak either, and they don't even have the sizzle. And I like of those workers. The main issue is, he doesn't really fit the WWE style. He has a very Modern style that looks more X-Division than the Entertainment style that the WWE is looking for.


That was the ECW style. Because Hulk Hogan made "hulking up" popular many of the underground fans viewed selling the big comeback as "selling out." He's never evolved out of it. Old dogs, new tricks.

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I think you are attributing those arguments to the wrong person. I never said you were dismissive and insular, and I never said he was unsafe.


As for Kofi, he's exactly the right style for what the WWE wants. He's a decent high-flyer, but they want a entertainer.


Yeah sorry just didn't want to triple posts. And thought it would be clear I wasn't referring to you. As far as Kofi and entertaining goes the chances he did get to show character he did pretty well and it was in a face role which is even harder. Kinda like Morrison who is a great heel promo but crappy face promo but has a for WWE face moveset. One of the reasons Morrison could do better in TNA where he can be heel and have that moveset as enough other guys have movesets like it, Morgan is kind of the opposite look and moveset more suited to WWE. But that's a different discussion entirely.

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RVD was particularly bad about this, though. His matches tend to be great when they are together, but they can end up as gaint cluster**** of spotfests (literally).


Yeah sorry just didn't want to triple posts. And thought it would be clear I wasn't referring to you.


It's okay. I'm just a bit sensitive right now, because someone else has accused of my doing and saying something about them, and I haven't. :)

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Ryback's stuff looks like it hurts. It doesn't take someone with a keen eye of the biz to see this man works stiffer than most do in WWE. The story probably is made up garbage, but it's most likely made up around some sense of reality. Without doing a single interview I can probably tell you there are guys who don't look forward to working with Ryback.


The part of the story I have a hard time believing is that this has anything to do with crushing jobbers. Common sense would dictate that most of their talent is locked up in a feud of some sort, and they really don't have a lot for him at the moment so they're building him with jobbers. It's funny and it's over so they probably aren't in a terrible hurry to change it.


I think we'll see him in something decent soon though.

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Entertaining opening segment on SD.


Strange that the main event was used as an opener. But it was one of the best WWE tag matches I've seen in a long time.


Nice confrontation between Johnny and Cena. This Cena I like.


Fingers crossed they feed Ryback 3 guys at NWO.


Just found out Miz is filming The Marine 3 after they ditched Orton. Face turn could be on the horizon.

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According to Gene Okerlund, Savage denied entry into the Hall of Fame


When asked why the "Macho Man" isn't in the Hall, he responded, "Are you telling me that the WWE hadn’t made an overture to Randy about being in the Hall of Fame? That’s BS. They asked him many times and he declined. For whatever reason, that’s what I’m still trying to figure out."



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