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The Official WWE / NXT Discussion Thread *May Contain Spoilers*

Adam Ryland

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The type of character that she is and was playing and how well she executes it is hotter then she objectively is. First nerd girl and now crazy chick pretty much two staple smark favs.


But just looking at pictures etc of her she is not that hot, not saying ugly but not as hot as a lot of other current and former women characters. Which is also in her favor as that makes her less generic. Hope that came across well.


She needs to eat a chicken thigh once in a while. I dont like when ribs stick out further than breasts

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Speaking of wit funny stuff for a while now on youtube if you haven't checked it out yet:


WWE in 5 minutes


Love the idea of this, but they have a habit of recapping insufferable segments in a way that's... well... insufferable. You can lampshade something as going on forever, without making it go forever in your own video.


Love the presentation of the Ryback matches though. Gold.

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or you could watch her old SD matches from late last year :)



I wasn't impressed with her ring work then either.


She's not all that great. She skipps out to the ring once in a while in some random outfit...acts like a hoe, then walks away...if that's what the WWE is turning to for entertainment it's in a sad shape.

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Ouch, I have plenty to say but don't want to get too complex since being an airhead hoe who acts like every girl in a night club in California seems to be all some people can understand..


That only works if someone is trying to bang you, and only continues to work up until you have successfully been banged. :p

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I wasn't impressed with her ring work then either.


She's not all that great. She skipps out to the ring once in a while in some random outfit...acts like a hoe, then walks away...if that's what the WWE is turning to for entertainment it's in a sad shape.


I can think of a few divas in the past that acted more hoe'ish then AJ, to be honest... Talking about people like Mickey James, Trish Stratus, etc. AJ doesn't come across that way because her character is nuts. My opinion is that she reminds me more of Victoria/Tara then any other diva in the past as far as character is concerned.


I just don't get the hate there. She's playing a confused, slightly disturbed, slightly crazy character that really can't be held accountable for her actions because of the character she portrays. Something any movie could get away with, without any hating on it, but somehow, someone, mistakes wrestling as if it's an actual competition. It's a sitcom/soap opera/updated vaudeville show, that mixes physical entertainment with special effects and character progression centered around a focal piece (belt, briefcase, popular character or interesting character or whatever else they think will hold attention). There was a time that holding a special urn was a center piece. Someone coming back "from the dead", etc.


What makes AJ special is that she is acting circles around most of the other talent... she could be a major character in an actual movie the way she is doing this so effortlessly, and live. Basically, she doesn't have to do ANY ring work to be an asset.


Like it or not, WWE is always going to have these types of things going on, good or bad, as it's the reason they are the success that they are. They are blessed to have someone like AJ in the company, that can do these things well. I don't even really like the story-line so far, but I can see the magic AJ is creating with it.

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I can think of a few divas in the past that acted more hoe'ish then AJ, to be honest... Talking about people like Mickey James, Trish Stratus, etc. AJ doesn't come across that way because her character is nuts. My opinion is that she reminds me more of Victoria/Tara then any other diva in the past as far as character is concerned.


I just don't get the hate there. She's playing a confused, slightly disturbed, slightly crazy character that really can't be held accountable for her actions because of the character she portrays. Something any movie could get away with, without any hating on it, but somehow, someone, mistakes wrestling as if it's an actual competition. It's a sitcom/soap opera/updated vaudeville show, that mixes physical entertainment with special effects and character progression centered around a focal piece (belt, briefcase, popular character or interesting character or whatever else they think will hold attention). There was a time that holding a special urn was a center piece. Someone coming back "from the dead", etc.


What makes AJ special is that she is acting circles around most of the other talent... she could be a major character in an actual movie the way she is doing this so effortlessly, and live. Basically, she doesn't have to do ANY ring work to be an asset.


Like it or not, WWE is always going to have these types of things going on, good or bad, as it's the reason they are the success that they are. They are blessed to have someone like AJ in the company, that can do these things well. I don't even really like the story-line so far, but I can see the magic AJ is creating with it.



I'm not doubting her acting at all. I jus think it's the stupidest thing I've seen in the WWE for a long long time.


I guess it's more of a personal opinion, I didn't care for her early on when she first came to the WWE, there are few Divas I've actually liked.

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I'm not doubting her acting at all. I jus think it's the stupidest thing I've seen in the WWE for a long long time.


I guess it's more of a personal opinion, I didn't care for her early on when she first came to the WWE, there are few Divas I've actually liked.


I liked the other girl myself, but I'm becoming a fan of AJ just because of her acting skills, which seem splendid. Every time I've heard actual actor's talk about what kind of acting is hardest to do, the answers are always comedy or crazy, like Jack Nicholsen in "The Shining" or even Heath Ledger as Joker, etc. The other thing I've heard them say was harder, was doing it "live". All these things AJ has done in a way that makes me believe her character, which if you would have asked me before all this happened, I would never believe I would.


You know how some people come to the ring and look as if they are forcing themselves to talk... yet others can come out and seem to be completely in control. Randy Orton looks forced (for example), Kane looks forced, Undertaker seems forced, as opposed to say Cena almost looking like he's holding back, as opposed to Punk's matter-of-fact ease on the mic, or The Miz trying to find the right time to throw in his catch phraze. She on the other hand, can do it with a look, to where I know by looking at her reactions that she's unstable.


EDIT: Meant to throw in there that personally I'm not a fan of the story so far either, so in that regard we agree.

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I liked the other girl myself, but I'm becoming a fan of AJ just because of her acting skills, which seem splendid. Every time I've heard actual actor's talk about what kind of acting is hardest to do, the answers are always comedy or crazy, like Jack Nicholsen in "The Shining" or even Heath Ledger as Joker, etc. The other thing I've heard them say was harder, was doing it "live". All these things AJ has done in a way that makes me believe her character, which if you would have asked me before all this happened, I would never believe I would.


You know how some people come to the ring and look as if they are forcing themselves to talk... yet others can come out and seem to be completely in control. Randy Orton looks forced (for example), Kane looks forced, Undertaker seems forced, as opposed to say Cena almost looking like he's holding back, as opposed to Punk's matter-of-fact ease on the mic, or The Miz trying to find the right time to throw in his catch phraze. She on the other hand, can do it with a look, to where I know by looking at her reactions that she's unstable.


EDIT: Meant to throw in there that personally I'm not a fan of the story so far either, so in that regard we agree.


Very few actually have decent Mic skills. I like Cena yeah he's holding back I think due to the whole "PG" thing I think.


Punk...I like him on the Mic, and Bryan is getting a lot better. I like R-truths crazy act. I'm not sure why the AJ act bothers me when Truth is doing something close to it just less.....skankafied. I guess that's my problem with it. If she'd tone that done a little I would probably be okay.


I start to get into the story a little, then poof she's too damn crazy for me to even care about anymore. They should rein it in a little but I may be in the minority in that aspect.

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petercrimson, please just get out of the WWE Thread if you are going to do nothing but bash on the product. Criticizing the product is fine, but you obviously don't like the product, since you said "sports entertainment crap" when referring to the WWE product. That's fine if you don't like the "Sports Entertainment" style, but that's what WWE has been since the 80's. Please, I'm just trying to lurk and see what people's opinions on this week's Raw are, and you keep interrupting the conversation and starting arguments.
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petercrimson, please just get out of the WWE Thread if you are going to do nothing but bash on the product. Criticizing the product is fine, but you obviously don't like the product, since you said "sports entertainment crap" when referring to the WWE product. That's fine if you don't like the "Sports Entertainment" style, but that's what WWE has been since the 80's. Please, I'm just trying to lurk and see what people's opinions on this week's Raw are, and you keep interrupting the conversation and starting arguments.



To be honest "sports entertainment crap' is a good description. Ask anyone who participates in a sport professionally or leisure they will tell you WWE isn't considered a sport and they themselves use the same term. It's not as close minded a statement as you may think it is...


I admit most of these guys are in great shape and probably work harder than people in some sports (baseball is one of them) but it's still a general term used when referring to the WWE.

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To be honest "sports entertainment crap' is a good description. Ask anyone who participates in a sport professionally or leisure they will tell you WWE isn't considered a sport and they themselves use the same term. It's not as close minded a statement as you may think it is...


I admit most of these guys are in great shape and probably work harder than people in some sports (baseball is one of them) but it's still a general term used when referring to the WWE.


Well, the "crap" part is what we call it, the rest though I agree with.


Wrestling has been sports entertainment for a century though, not just since the 80's. Vince just gave it a name.

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Well, the "crap" part is what we call it, the rest though I agree with.


Wrestling has been sports entertainment for a century though, not just since the 80's. Vince just gave it a name.


Not to jump in on a discussion but...


It may have been Sports Entertainment for a century, but it's been the past 30 years that it's been constantly thrown in our face.

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petercrimson, please just get out of the WWE Thread if you are going to do nothing but bash on the product. Criticizing the product is fine, but you obviously don't like the product, since you said "sports entertainment crap" when referring to the WWE product. That's fine if you don't like the "Sports Entertainment" style, but that's what WWE has been since the 80's. Please, I'm just trying to lurk and see what people's opinions on this week's Raw are, and you keep interrupting the conversation and starting arguments.


I don't think he dislikes sports entertainment, he dislikes BAD sports entertainment.

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Not to jump in on a discussion but...


It may have been Sports Entertainment for a century, but it's been the past 30 years that it's been constantly thrown in our face.

I've never understood the "Thown in our face" comments. What does that mean? That it's much more obvious now? Is it more literal? With me, the only thing that I can see different is that wrestlers in the last 30 years have openly admitted to it, rather then pretending. However, the rest of the world already knew... I use 100 years because around that time it had a huge slump because it was all over the papers about it being "fake". Ever since, most of the civilized public has known of it's pre-determined match's just from simply watching. Vince said in an interview he just didn't want to belittle his audience with that pretense, as he knows everyone is smarter then that. Yes, you will find here and there people who swear "this" or "that" was real, but for the most part, wrestling has been "entertainment" and not thought of as an actual sport for 100 years (actually longer).

I don't think he dislikes sports entertainment, he dislikes BAD sports entertainment.

/agree. Watching Raw right now is like one long commercial for their 1000th episode.

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I just dislike the term because it's like they are ashamed to call themselves wrestling. Sports Entertainment is just a bad euphemism that Vince used to con advertisers that they started to believe themselves. Its being ashamed of being a wrestling company when making wrestling shows. While WWWF/WWF/WWE has always focused a bit more on the entertainment aspect of wrestling it wasn't like the others didn't do the same or even worse (Memphis).
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MLT, you should love AJ. Crazy chick going after two muscular dudes at the same time.


I thought you liked Twilight.




The books, I liked the books. :p Besides aren't you the one working on a mafia game dedicated to Twilight...:D


I don't think he dislikes sports entertainment, he dislikes BAD sports entertainment.


I so wish I had a like button. ;)

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I just dislike the term because it's like they are ashamed to call themselves wrestling. Sports Entertainment is just a bad euphemism that Vince used to con advertisers that they started to believe themselves. Its being ashamed of being a wrestling company when making wrestling shows.


I've heard this before, but can't find anything (quotes or video's) that support that's what its about. Right around the time they changed their name to WWE I heard this very strongly, but found that they couldn't use the term WWF anymore, because it was taken by someone else. I heard it again when they changed to just WWE, but when I look around for actual facts about it, I here that it has to do with them going into other area's, and produced by World Wrestling Entertainment, doesn't sound right for movies (and whatever other area's/business ventures they are talking about). Perhaps people close to Vince (or "them") might have said something, but... It's hard for me to take anyone's word if they have any bitterness in them. If (for example), someone could show me something from HHH or Cena or even Punk that said something similar, I could probably understand where these thoughts come from more easily.


Other then that, just saying "Everyone knows why" or "It's completely obvious" etc.. It can make sense, but it also makes sense what the actual comments I've read said. I mean, from another interview Vince did a few years back, they asked what he would do if WWE fell, and he said he was only sure that he would be in the wrestling business in some capacity, because he loved it more then anything. Doesn't sound like someone embarrassed to be in Wrestling, to me. Perhaps embarrassed to act as if it's an actual sport (I would feel foolish if I acted like that), but not the business itself.

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I've never understood the "Thown in our face" comments. What does that mean? That it's much more obvious now? Is it more literal? With me, the only thing that I can see different is that wrestlers in the last 30 years have openly admitted to it, rather then pretending. However, the rest of the world already knew... I use 100 years because around that time it had a huge slump because it was all over the papers about it being "fake". Ever since, most of the civilized public has known of it's pre-determined match's just from simply watching. Vince said in an interview he just didn't want to belittle his audience with that pretense, as he knows everyone is smarter then that. Yes, you will find here and there people who swear "this" or "that" was real, but for the most part, wrestling has been "entertainment" and not thought of as an actual sport for 100 years (actually longer).



Look, I'm sorry you don't like the term, but the feeling still stands. NWO was great because it felt "real". People loved Austin vs McMahon because of the real life feelings toward bosses. It honestly wasn't long ago that heels we're being run out of buildings by crazy fans with knives. Saying that the large part of wrestling's audience pre-1980, found the wrestling to be fake... Is a bit silly.


I admit. I don't want the old southern style back, but I do watch most of my wrestling from outside of the country, because at least the sports aspect of wrestling is whats important. I'd rather watch something where the marque word is wrestling. I know WWE isn't ever going to do that again, but I do take offense to you saying Vince was doing anything BUT mocking his fans intellegence the past 30 years. Especially to the fans that take any real interest in the buisness past his company.

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