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The Official WWE / NXT Discussion Thread *May Contain Spoilers*

Adam Ryland

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Triple H and Brock was boring.


Jericho and Ziggler though? Phenomenal. I wish they had more time.


Kofi & Truth vs Prime Time Players was pretty good. Titus has gotten so much better.




Also, I can't believe Kevin Rudolf is only 29, the dude looks like he's in his 40's


HHH and Brock was boring as hell.. I love how they dragged out H's Exit expecting a standing ovation or something.


And Ziggler/Jericho, of course it was great, its Jericho, he can have a great match with anyone!


And the I agree on the Kevin Rudolf comment lol, I loved how he got NO crowd reaction

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Triple H and Brock was boring.


Jericho and Ziggler though? Phenomenal. I wish they had more time.


Kofi & Truth vs Prime Time Players was pretty good. Titus has gotten so much better.




Also, I can't believe Kevin Rudolf is only 29, the dude looks like he's in his 40's


Couldn't agree more--especially since Jericho did his Walls of Jericho the old school way with the knee in the back!


And Titus is WAY better then he used to be...except for that barking crap LOL.

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Couldn't agree more--especially since Jericho did his Walls of Jericho the old school way with the knee in the back!


And Titus is WAY better then he used to be...except for that barking crap LOL.


Hey, don't knock the dog bark. It's like the only thing I'm fine with Titus saying... er, shouting. >_>


AW might've proven himself to be a twat, but the PTP really do need some sort of mouthpiece.

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Hey, don't knock the dog bark. It's like the only thing I'm fine with Titus saying... er, shouting. >_>


AW might've proven himself to be a twat, but the PTP really do need some sort of mouthpiece.


Yeah it was just bad timing for AW--had this been the attitude era...blah, blah, blah. I'm still wondering who could be PTP's mouthpiece.

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Yeah it was just bad timing for AW--had this been the attitude era...blah, blah, blah. I'm still wondering who could be PTP's mouthpiece.


They could just do what they should've done a few years ago and finally cut Vickie's ties to Dolph. She could do wonders for guys like Young and O'Neil.

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Cesaro v Santino - Happy Cesaro won the US title. Shame it didn't make the main show.


Ziggler v Jericho - Great opening match. Didn't mind Jericho going over because he was due a big win and Ziggler is still on track to main event.


Bryan v Kane - Would have preferred Orton to Kane but it was a decent match. The flying headbutt into a chokeslam was cool.


Rey v Miz - Suprisingly enjoyable match thanks to some well-scripted spots and 2 new moves in Miz's arsenal.


Del Rio v Sheamus - I've enjoyed the build-up in this feud and got the physical brawl I expected. Dodgy finish bought it down a notch - planned or mistake? Not happy Del Rio lost after they built him up to look so dangerous, though. Which SD heel is badass enough to beat Sheamus without him looking weak? Ziggler cash-in after a Del Rio revenge beating on Sheamus seems to be the only option now.


PTP v Kofi/Truth - Fun match. Wrong result.


Cena v Show v Punk - Cena and Punk not enough to make it the main event? Part of disrespect angle I guess. I always worry about Big Show's ability in big matches but he stole the show in this one and looked a legitimate threat to the title. Double submission on Show was a nice touch.


Lesnar v HHH - Looked legit brutal at times. For me it lived up to the hype, I only wish it had lasted another 5 minutes, maybe a couple more spots outside the ring. Thought HHH did well post-match after the disheartening "You tapped out" chants.


Overall, pretty good PPV. Predictable results and no match of the year contender but none of the matches were a letdown, IMO. I feel that WWE are starting to find consistency with their PPVs this year, which makes me happy.

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I can't be the only one upset that Big Show dominates the triple threat match and as such made the pace of the match REALLY SLOW. It picked up at times and we probably get Cena vs Punk next month, but I guess they were saving Punk vs Cena and not showing much in the match last night.


Good, solid show and biggest surprise of the night is HHH tapping clean to Lesnar

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Overall, pretty good PPV. Predictable results and no match of the year contender but none of the matches were a letdown, IMO. I feel that WWE are starting to find consistency with their PPVs this year, which makes me happy.


Predictable? I guessed wrong on half these matches and I can usually predict them all. I saw Ziggler beating Jericho. I saw Kane beating Bryan. I saw the PTP getting the rub and taking the Tag Belts. And I def saw HHH beating the part time wrestler Brock Lesnar.


Agree that it was a solid PPV though. I enjoyed every match on the card, although I was sad to miss Cesaro v Santino (saw the highlights on YouTube though thru WWE's channel)

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I'll do this for fun, but going to use milamber's post because, well, I like it:).

Cesaro v Santino - Happy Cesaro won the US title. Shame it didn't make the main show.
I'm split. To me I don't know how over Cesaro will ever get, as he's lacking in entertainment skills, at least to me. This five language thing could be a great thing, but with him it just feels like he practice's it, to give him something, anything, to make him seem a little interesting. To me, he looks like a fighter, which is good. He looks good in the ring, and that's a good thing. Just don't know if he will ever be able to hold his own, so.... I'm split.


Ziggler v Jericho - Great opening match. Didn't mind Jericho going over because he was due a big win and Ziggler is still on track to main event.
I don't mind Jericho going over, because I think he's leaving for a while, to promote his band. IF Ziggler gets the title, it will be a great way to bring back this feud in the future... Ziggler getting the belt, he win's non-stop keeping the belt, even if it means cheating. Who can stop him???!! After being away for almost a year, Jericho's music hits, and the history is already there for a great future feud.


As far as the match, it was placed well. I really didn't like the Jericho injury, and playing it up as much as they did. Wasn't the best match on the card either, but I'm sure there will be those that claim that Ziggler stole the show, but he didn't... at least not IMO.


Bryan v Kane - Would have preferred Orton to Kane but it was a decent match. The flying headbutt into a chokeslam was cool.
Bryan=Golden... The chants for him lasted throughout the PPV at times. I thought this was a good match, but didn't quite like Kane at the end... felt forced.


One thing I'm getting sick of, only because it's really taking away from the whole thing. Saying "The WWE Universe is actually making fun of him!" When it's totally obvious to even a six year old, that's not why they are chanting for him. They love him, and it's obvious. You can't downplay the obvious, and it's taking away from every segment Bryan is in.. I would much rather they ignore it, or talk about it more objectionably.


Bryan=Gold. He's great with the crowd, I can't help but encourage him every time he gets out of the ring to "Set the crowd straight". I thought he would lose because of the crowd, but they had the right outcome here. He's legitimately over and although I don't think he needed the win, it was a nice enhancement to his gimmick.


Rey v Miz - Suprisingly enjoyable match thanks to some well-scripted spots and 2 new moves in Miz's arsenal.
/nod, Loved this match more then I thought I would. Mysterio let me down a little, but over-all one of the better match's... although It's hard for me to actually find a bad match in the whole PPV. Miz Impressed me.


Del Rio v Sheamus - I've enjoyed the build-up in this feud and got the physical brawl I expected. Dodgy finish bought it down a notch - planned or mistake? Not happy Del Rio lost after they built him up to look so dangerous, though. Which SD heel is badass enough to beat Sheamus without him looking weak? Ziggler cash-in after a Del Rio revenge beating on Sheamus seems to be the only option now.
Actually, I liked the ending, because now Del Rio has a GREAT excuse to keep this thing going. Sheamus felt legitimately over for this as well. The crowd was totally behind him.


PTP v Kofi/Truth - Fun match. Wrong result.
AW not being there is really sucking. PTP feels like Enhanced Talent instead of Prime Time Players, to me. I respectfully disagree, the right team won here. PTP needs alot more publicity/something.... anything. A couple of weeks ago I would have agreed with you though.


The match itself was a lot better then the crowd would lead you to believe... I felt like it deserved much more then they gave it, but that's how it goes when you fire the reason the tag division was so interesting.


Cena v Show v Punk - Cena and Punk not enough to make it the main event? Part of disrespect angle I guess. I always worry about Big Show's ability in big matches but he stole the show in this one and looked a legitimate threat to the title. Double submission on Show was a nice touch.
They actually let Show use his strength quite a bit in this match, which gave him that "Giant" feel. He was strong in this match, but it made things slower (at least to start out). The match picked up after the restart, and I loved the ending. Giant looked strong, Cena looked good, and Punk looked smart. I think that's what they were trying to do, and it worked.


Lesnar v HHH - Looked legit brutal at times. For me it lived up to the hype, I only wish it had lasted another 5 minutes, maybe a couple more spots outside the ring. Thought HHH did well post-match after the disheartening "You tapped out" chants.
/nod, one thing I really liked about this whole thing, is it felt like they were going for realism. The Lesnar "My stomach!" was good, and plays into his real life physical problems... helped legitimize HHH being able to actually come close. The right outcome to this as well.


NOTE: I think HHH was hinting at "Last Match" for him, at the end.


Overall, pretty good PPV. Predictable results and no match of the year contender but none of the matches were a letdown, IMO. I feel that WWE are starting to find consistency with their PPVs this year, which makes me happy.

There was no bad match's, but they didn't have any real filler match's either. No Diva's for example... outside of as dancers for the song.


I actually liked it quite a bit, because of that. We went from one match to the next, not a lot of fluff, outside of promo videos that to me enhanced the match's just right. I was expecting about 10 promo's for Lesnar and HHH, but it wasn't so. Overall I rate this PPV high, but as you said, no match of the year candidates.

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I wasn't really that nuts about this PPV either way. Didn't hate it but I didn't love it. The vibe just wasn't there for me this time. I feel Like Cena vs Punk is a much better match if there's no Big Show in it. The Lesnar/HHH match was boring to me. It didn't have the back and forth drama that the Cena/Lesnar match did and I was somewhat disappointed. The rest of the matches were just kinda there, not a ton of heat for me personally. Even Jericho/Ziggler- it was a good match but I mean the build wasn't all that interesting to me and I just didn't get all that excited about it.


The booking was a little stupid too. Like what the hell was going on at the end of that Shamus match? And why did we have to watch Triple H hobble towards the stage for several minutes after his fight whimpering "I'm sorry"? Daniel Bryan / Kane was this weird booking because they really didn't have much of a build either. Then you get these two guys who are both kind of heel/tweeners and it got this bizarre crowd reaction. I'm wondering where they're going with Bryan they seem on the fence about whether to embrace this momentum he has and push him as a "mean babyface" type of character or if they wanna stick straight up heel with him.


Bear in mind I'm not sitting here saying it stunk. It wasn't a BAD ppv. I just didn't think it was a very good one. I hope Cena and Punk feud going forward and they face off again. Especially if it's all ties into whats going to happen down the road with the big winter PPVs coming up.

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I wasn't really that nuts about this PPV either way. Didn't hate it but I didn't love it. The vibe just wasn't there for me this time. I feel Like Cena vs Punk is a much better match if there's no Big Show in it. The Lesnar/HHH match was boring to me. It didn't have the back and forth drama that the Cena/Lesnar match did and I was somewhat disappointed. The rest of the matches were just kinda there, not a ton of heat for me personally. Even Jericho/Ziggler- it was a good match but I mean the build wasn't all that interesting to me and I just didn't get all that excited about it.


The booking was a little stupid too. Like what the hell was going on at the end of that Shamus match? And why did we have to watch Triple H hobble towards the stage for several minutes after his fight whimpering "I'm sorry"? Daniel Bryan / Kane was this weird booking because they really didn't have much of a build either. Then you get these two guys who are both kind of heel/tweeners and it got this bizarre crowd reaction. I'm wondering where they're going with Bryan they seem on the fence about whether to embrace this momentum he has and push him as a "mean babyface" type of character or if they wanna stick straight up heel with him.


Bear in mind I'm not sitting here saying it stunk. It wasn't a BAD ppv. I just didn't think it was a very good one. I hope Cena and Punk feud going forward and they face off again. Especially if it's all ties into whats going to happen down the road with the big winter PPVs coming up.


THe thing about Lesnar's matches which is begining to bother me is that they want to make him look legit and strong, which is fine, but they can do it without the constant brawling, and UFC references. Lesnar is a talented wrestler and part of the drama of that match went away because it's hard to tell a story in the ring without the wrestling part. It might have worked well with Cena, but one time is enough. i would like to see Lesnar wrestling instead of all this crap. Oh well...

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I feel like Lesnar's match with Cena was exciting and different. They actually told a story in that ring that night. It was a good match. Not a great, amazing, zomg 5 star +++ super awesome match. But it was a good main event. Lesnar definitely went straight-up brawl in that one. Definitely was shooting it up a bit too. No question. But he still told a story in a wrestling match. End of story, liked it.


The HHH match didn't have that. It had a great build and everything. Had the shooting and the brawling. But in the ring it was just... blah. It didn't really move me. I could be alone in that opinion but just sensing the general reactions from this board, my facebook, and the people I watched it with, I'm not. Wasn't terrible, it certainly didn't stink up the joint, just wasn't a very good match.


So to address the posts above me, I can't say you guys are WRONG for wanting to see Lesnar do more traditional wrestling, but I don't. For one, he did use some wrestling moves in both matches. He's a capable storyteller and seller and whatnot so I don't feel his overtly brawling style was too distracting. I just think with Cena it was exciting because I hadn't really seen two styles interact like that. Whereas with HHH it was kinda "oh this crap again".


I think he would pose an interesting threat to the Undertaker should they want to challenge the streak again. I know early rumors pointed to Cena/Undertaker but I like Brock/Undertaker alot better right now. I just think those two could really do something different. I just don't know if it would have that epic feel that we are accustomed to now with 'Taker and Wrestlemania.

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THe thing about Lesnar's matches which is begining to bother me is that they want to make him look legit and strong, which is fine, but they can do it without the constant brawling, and UFC references. Lesnar is a talented wrestler and part of the drama of that match went away because it's hard to tell a story in the ring without the wrestling part. It might have worked well with Cena, but one time is enough. i would like to see Lesnar wrestling instead of all this crap. Oh well...


They're trying to tap into the UFC audience, where he pulled bigger PPV #s than the WWE ever has for any Wrestlemania. I'm fine with doing it, but by having him do stupid things like pull guard to sell the "keymura" a submission he never once used, or even attempted, in a singe fight is really dumb and undermines the shoot aspect. He's a great top position grappler. Let him go ham with 8000 hammerfists and destroy people, like a monster heel should anyway.


The Cena match was good, but the Cena comeback was poorly done. Triple H wasn't over as a babyface with the crowd at all. And they didn't even bother to do a proper build. He just came off as another power hunger former-pro wrestler who can't say goodbye. The WWE has done way too many retirement angles in the past 10 years for wrestlers far more over than Trips, and this probably wasn't even the end for him...


That's what hurt the match. Brock was great in that match, wonderful psychology, great athleticism throughout the match. Stephanie and Trips just couldn't get out of his way, didn't put in the work to get him over.


P.S. Paul Heyman is still the man.

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Finished RAW.... The WWE: Where our heels have legitimate reasons to be pissed, and our babyfaces are half-witted trolls...



I DO agree with you, but to be fair I'm simply giving all this time. Triple H said on a radio show I listen to about a year ago that he wanted to see WWE go into a traditional in-ring product while telling more realistic and interesting stories outside of the ring. So maybe they're going to embrace these heels that people like to watch, and I guess Punk will go in that direction. And maybe they'll let the heels like Ziggler and Bryan gain popularity and charisma. We'll just see I guess.


Anymore I get so confused by why they do some of the things they do. I might need to take a little break from wrestling for a month or two.

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Just in: Austin Expected To Wrestle Final Match At WrestleMania 30


- Coming out of the SummerSlam weekend events in Los Angeles, word from sources is that Steve Austin will indeed be wrestling one more match with WWE but that match most likely will not take place at WrestleMania 29 in 2013.


Austin’s final match isn’t expected to happen until WrestleMania 30 in 2014.


The story is that Austin won’t come back for anything but a WrestleMania main event. Those familiar with Austin’s situation note that he’s not physically or mentally ready for the match to take place next year.


Source: PWInsider

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You do realize WM this year set a PPV record for highest all time right?


Not untrue... but...


Brock's UFC PPVs were scratching a million buys. WWE without wrestlemania has a hard time getting past 400,000. UFC's Brock PPVs did better than your average WWE ppvs do.


Of course, getting REAL buyrates for both companies is a bit of a mystery but still. Still, I don't see how Makhai can be wrong when all WWE has done with Brock has built up his UFC resume. It's incorpiorated into his on-screen background and his in-ring style. And they talk about it ad nauseum. So they're OBVIOUSLY trying to tap into something with his legit background, and honestly, who wouldn't? Guy was UFC champion for christ sakes.

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