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The Official WWE / NXT Discussion Thread *May Contain Spoilers*

Adam Ryland

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I have read some reports that indicated that The Undertaker was going to skip WrestleMania 29, and come back for WrestleMania 30 to do his final match and retire afterwards.


A couple of months ago I read a report where a fan met Taker, the fan asked Taker if he would be at WrestleMania 29 because he only buys a ticket to see the Undertaker compete. The Undertaker responded with "Save your money".


This could be legit but it could easily be a work but the way I say it if Taker says something is or in this case isn't going to happen then it probably wont.

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Yes. "Reports" indicate Undertaker is very hurt still and not in great shape. He may take the year off or he may have had his last match against Triple H.



Or it's all a work to make us think there's no Undertaker match this year, then he pops up in the Rumble, everyone goes "holy @#%$! Undertaker!"


I don't know what's left for undertaker anyway. There's matches they could have. But outside of John Cena there's no huge opponents for Undertaker at WM left. I do NOT want to see him and HHH again. Theres always Lesnar or Punk, but those matches wouldn't be all that special anyway. I think Cena/Undertaker could be very special, but I don't know if they want to do that, or if that match would even be good to watch at this point. Lots of questions. Which is a good thing. I don't need to know whats happening around EVERY corner, do I?

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Yes. "Reports" indicate Undertaker is very hurt still and not in great shape. He may take the year off or he may have had his last match against Triple H.



Or it's all a work to make us think there's no Undertaker match this year, then he pops up in the Rumble, everyone goes "holy @#%$! Undertaker!"


I don't know what's left for undertaker anyway. There's matches they could have. But outside of John Cena there's no huge opponents for Undertaker at WM left. I do NOT want to see him and HHH again. Theres always Lesnar or Punk, but those matches wouldn't be all that special anyway. I think Cena/Undertaker could be very special, but I don't know if they want to do that, or if that match would even be good to watch at this point. Lots of questions. Which is a good thing. I don't need to know whats happening around EVERY corner, do I?


Punk vs. Taker at WrestleMania Not be special ARE YOU INSANE? Also I know that we have seen Brock vs. Taker before but seeing it again at Wrestlemania would be refreshing because the Brock Lesnar that Undertaker faced inside of Hell In a Cell isn't the same Brock Lesnar of today.

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No, I'm not insane. I don't think Punk/Undertaker is all that special, at least not right now. Would it be impossible to get behind? No. Would I watch it? Of course. But I think outside of Cena (since he has been "the guy" for so many years now) there's nothing left for Undertaker in today's WWE really. No need to come back and hurt himself for something less-cool than what we're used to.
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Yes. Reports indicate Undertaker is very hurt still and not in great shape. He may take the year off or he may have had his last match against Triple H.


Or it's all a work to make us think there's no Undertaker match this year, then he pops up in the Rumble, everyone goes "holy @#%$! Undertaker!"


I don't need to know whats happening around EVERY corner, do I?


Quotation marks don't stop reports from being true or not. I know you have what appears to be a real phobia about information but quotation marks don't actually do anything to protect you from it. And Undertaker's physical condition is in no way a work. The man is banged up and in rough shape. He has been for a while. The fact he has only worked once or twice a year over the past few years should be a big indication of that. Unless that is part of the big work to surprise us this year. You don't need to know what is coming around every corner, but you also don't need to stick your fingers in your ears and refuse to admit any report, hope the lack of quotation marks doesn't upset you, could possibly be true.

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Personally I'm not keen on seeing Taker again. Let him retire on a high. That being said, if WWE think they can get a good match out of him against someone big like Cena, they'll damn sure try to make it happen. Would be nice if he were able to put over younger guys like Ziggler and Bryan before bowing out but they only seem to want to put him in matches against other vets like Michaels & HHH.


SD highlights:


Orton vs Barrett

Divas tag match (mostly because of Kaitlyn)

JBL burying Matthews for his Orton snake references, dodgy maths and interaction with guest announcers

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No disrespect to Lawler but the announce situation has benefited from the change up. JR and JBL back in the mix, wrestlers guest announcing on SD. Breath of fresh air.


Silly me forgetting to mention Sandow & Bryan. I'd love to see them feud as solo acts next year. The promos alone would be hilarious.

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Quotation marks don't stop reports from being true or not. I know you have what appears to be a real phobia about information but quotation marks don't actually do anything to protect you from it. And Undertaker's physical condition is in no way a work. The man is banged up and in rough shape. He has been for a while. The fact he has only worked once or twice a year over the past few years should be a big indication of that. Unless that is part of the big work to surprise us this year. You don't need to know what is coming around every corner, but you also don't need to stick your fingers in your ears and refuse to admit any report, hope the lack of quotation marks doesn't upset you, could possibly be true.


Why are you so obsessed with what orifices I stick my fingers in?


I don't even know what you're talking about. I read something, brought it to the board for discussion. Chill out.

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Getting some nice, long matches tonight. Sure, the Divas match will be a five-minute quickie between main events... but the rest have been getting good time. Even Cesaro/Gabriel and the Random Tag Match.


Also, loving the chemistry the announcers have been getting.


JR: "Getting Mysterio to slow down is like trying to pour smoke through a keyhole."


Cole: "Who would want to pour smoke through a keyhole?"

JR: "Well, a Texan..."


You could hear JBL biting his lip to not laugh at that one...

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I wasn't sure how they were going to be able to keep the belt on Punk but still make Ryback look good. Well, they found a way! Was really hoping the cell was gonna break and Punk was going to fall through though.


Very interested to see where this goes from here. Rest of the PPV was okie. The people in the chat room I was in were all dumping on every match so much that it made it REALLY hard to enjoy the PPV.

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ADR v Orton - Average match. Too tame after being hyped as a personal feud. ADR botch didn't help. Should have been a street fight or a cell match.


Hell No v Rhodes Scholars - Biggest tag match of the year and it didn't disappoint. "The goat can fly!"


Kofi v Miz - These guys work well together. I was hoping for a Miz win but it made Kofi look good.


Cesaro v Gabriel - Good match between two good wrestlers. The crowd didn't appreciate it enough.


Luchadors v PTP - Fun bonus match. Perfect way to continue building up the tag division.


Sheamus v Show - Sheamus' top notch selling and the last 10 minutes made the match better than it looked on paper.


Eve v Layla v Kaitlyn - Decent match. Good to see Kaitlyn in a PPV match.


Punk v Ryback - Interesting match (though a bit on the short side) with an ending I don't think anyone would have predicted. I marked hard when they got on top of the cell but I still think they could have done more. Rematch please.


Overall: Why call it Hell in a Cell and only have 1 cell match? ADR v Orton was disappointing. Ziggler didn't even try to cash in on either champion. I would have gone nuts if he cashed in on Punk (or is he only allowed to cash in for the WHC title?) Announce team was good. The 2 main events were good but far from MOTY contenders. The ending of Ryback vs Punk and the midcard matches saved it from being a poor PPV but ultimately it felt like filler PPV leading into Survivor Series.

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It would have been stupid for Ziggler to cash in on Show because he wasn't really damaged much. He pretty much DOMINATED the entire match. That and I don't think he would have been able to get him down.


Punk and Ryback was great too and even before the post match (which was all kinds of greatness) the actual match was really solid and Ryback held up his end while Punk made him look like a legit threat. Punk also had much more offense than I expected and Ryback was selling it decently.

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Punk worked his tail off to carry the match and while Ryback didn't embarrass himself, there were several points where that came dangerously close to happening. The match was passable but that's being generous. I really hope this puts to rest the idea that Ryback is actually good or the totally absurd notion that Ryback is good and WWE are just keeping it under wraps. Punk made this match and while Ryback deserves credit for not outright stinking the place out, let's not fool ourselves into thinking anything other than Punk just about made a silk purse out of a sow's ear.
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Punk worked his tail off to carry the match and while Ryback didn't embarrass himself, there were several points where that came dangerously close to happening. The match was passable but that's being generous. I really hope this puts to rest the idea that Ryback is actually good or the totally absurd notion that Ryback is good and WWE are just keeping it under wraps. Punk made this match and while Ryback deserves credit for not outright stinking the place out, let's not fool ourselves into thinking anything other than Punk just about made a silk purse out of a sow's ear.


I agree, Ryback while over is painful to watch in the ring and isn't always going to have someone as good in the ring as Punk to feud with.

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