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The Official WWE / NXT Discussion Thread *May Contain Spoilers*

Adam Ryland

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Ugh I guess I wasn't expecting Maddox to win all that much, but WWE always does this to wrestlers. Take Josh for example, actually wrestled in independent promotions before going to WWE and became an announcer, then when he is put in a match they make it seem like he has no clue what to do and can't get anything at all on offense. Maddox, another indie and FCW wrestler, begins as a referee and then gets used as a referee would be expected to be used if he were in a match with a wrestler. If this is WWE's attempt to "stay within the relm of realism" it doesn't quite work now that everyone and their mother knows it's all written.


that doesn't quite work here because he already stated he was a wrestler first (last week) and wwe uploaded a match of his to their website

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I don't say this often, but Greg Maddox is a very attractive man. I can see the girls going nuts for him.


That said... I kept expecting punk to run in with a chair and blast Maddox with it for the DQ contract-win or something. That fact that nothing happened was somewhat disappointing... and makes me wonder where they're going with this. One of those "He doesn't have a WWE contract... but he is now an employee of Paul Heyman, Inc, and as such, will be accompanying me at all times" is probably where I'd go with it right now.


Also, yay Miz face turn. Gotta love the old, "Look, I don't like you. You don't like me. but we both -hate- that other guy, so let us work together."

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Ugh I guess I wasn't expecting Maddox to win all that much, but WWE always does this to wrestlers. Take Josh for example, actually wrestled in independent promotions before going to WWE and became an announcer, then when he is put in a match they make it seem like he has no clue what to do and can't get anything at all on offense. Maddox, another indie and FCW wrestler, begins as a referee and then gets used as a referee would be expected to be used if he were in a match with a wrestler. If this is WWE's attempt to "stay within the relm of realism" it doesn't quite work now that everyone and their mother knows it's all written.


I would have liked to have seen something a bit more sneakier for him. Maybe he'll maje an appearance to screw with Ryback at Survivor Series.


The Vicky/AJ/Dolph/Cena storyline keeps making me think of the Styles storyline he was (or is, haven't seen TNA in a while) what's next AJ will say she's pregnant with Cena's child(or Dolph's haha)


While I would have liked to see Maddox get some offense in, I didn't get the feeling that the character of Maddox didn't know what he was doing in the ring. All of his mannerisms felt like a cowardly heel, not one of a non-wrestler. That said, it's pretty clear that this isn't the last time we'll see Maddox. His talk with Heyman makes me think that he'll be interfering in the Triple Threat this Sunday.


Long term, I think this is the beginning of the end of Punk aligning himself with Heyman. I noticed that they've been arguing a little bit during their backstage segments and I think Heyman's plan of having Maddox interfere will happen without Punk knowledge, something I don't think Punk will take well. Their strained relationship will probably be broken at the Rumble with Punk losing the WWE title to The Rock leading to Punk/Brock at Mania.


Of course this leads me to a different point. I have no freaking clue what the hell they are going to do at WM29. The only match would even bet on at this point is Cena/Rock II for the WWE title and even then I could see Punk getting added to that match as well. I think it's due to the fact I don't know who is facing Taker this year. One time I thought it was going to be Brock, then I thought it was going to be Punk, and right now I think we are going to see the return of HBK with Taker vs. HHH vs. HBK (setting up Taker vs. Cena and HHH vs. HBK at WM30). Of course in a couple of weeks I could be back to Brock/Taker, Punk/Taker, or some other match.


And don't even get me started on the WHC match. That match in my head has changed so many times it's not even funny. Right now I'm guessing it will be The Miz challenging Ziggler for the title, but that could change in an hour's time.


Finally, I think the swerve in this AJ/Cena/Dolph/Vickie angle is that AJ was having an inappropriate relationship during her run as GM. The twist? It was with Ziggler. Why? Not freaking clue, just a feeling.

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Finally, I think the swerve in this AJ/Cena/Dolph/Vickie angle is that AJ was having an inappropriate relationship during her run as GM. The twist? It was with Ziggler. Why? Not freaking clue, just a feeling.


Because that's where it's going. I didn't really think this was hidden. I mean Ziggler came out with his arm around her saying "We all know what you love to do" lol.


That was pretty funny haha.


But yea Zigz def tagged it. I enjoyed Mick Foley's "Amy Schumer says hello!" lol


Oh wrestlers and their sex lives... always entertaining to me...

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Don't quote me on this, but apparently the most recent plan for Undertaker at Wrestlemania was Punk. For Lesnar, I think it was obvious from how Summerslam ended that he was set for a big rematch with Triple H and I can see that happening at Wrestlemania. Given how it involves Triple H getting a win back I would say that match is a lock.
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That's a hell of a wrestlemania right there.


If Taker isn't coming back, what happens to Punk with that card as is? Do they nix the heavily rumored (he's been hinting at it himself on twitter) Orton heel turn and have him feud with Punk?


I have a bit of a prediction where Ziggler cashes in on Big Show at Survivor Series after he and Sheamus have a brutal match. Big Show turns red mad, and flies ever closer to the "tweener" line which would free up Orton for that turn down the road. Because really, the really good bad guys can't ALWAYS beat up on Sheamus.

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That prospective lineup doesn't appeal to me much at all. Cena/Rock was an intriguing match with a unique atmosphere last year, but I have no interest in seeing it again. Ditto for Lesnar/HHH. If Brock works Mania, why not have him put over a younger guy that could benefit from a big win? Or maybe put him up against Taker if he's going to be on the show. Either of those would appeal to me far more than a rematch with Trips.
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That's a hell of a wrestlemania right there.


If Taker isn't coming back, what happens to Punk with that card as is? Do they nix the heavily rumored (he's been hinting at it himself on twitter) Orton heel turn and have him feud with Punk?


I have a bit of a prediction where Ziggler cashes in on Big Show at Survivor Series after he and Sheamus have a brutal match. Big Show turns red mad, and flies ever closer to the "tweener" line which would free up Orton for that turn down the road. Because really, the really good bad guys can't ALWAYS beat up on Sheamus.


They I am 99% sure if Taker doesnt work this year it will be Punk vs Lesnar


him and Heyman are already doubting each other and have been for weeks. Probably not for the title but that is a strong Co main event to Rock/Cena TWICE in a lifetime

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I feel like there is ZERO buzz about Survivor Series this year.


I agree, I have little to no interest in the card in general. That is pretty much my overall feelings about the WWE right now.


I mean I want to like the WWE but I just can't. I try to watch RAW and I find myself not interested in it after a few minutes. To me the WWE in general is just lacking something and I cannot put my fingure on what exactly it is that it is lacking.

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I like WWE's TV shows. They just have a hard time making me want to fork over $50 to watch their PPVs. I was never a monthly PPV kind of guy, but I'd say I bought 6-8 ppvs a year give or take if you include splitting it with friends.



I wonder if this year no one cares because most people think the champions will retain?

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I feel like there is ZERO buzz about Survivor Series this year.


Wasn't that said about LAST year's too? :p

In any case, Punk putting the belt up against monster-Ryback and healed Cena AT THE SAME TIME ZOMG HASHTAG-TRIPLETHREAT will definitely give his home stretch up to the Year-Long mark something for him to brag about should he walk out of the ring still WWE Champ.

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I know I should be pleased :p


I think it's the Roman Reigns part of the group which throws me off, He's never impressed me in NXT/WWE and kinda feel he has no place in this cool little group :D If it was Ohno with them on the other hand I would've popped but that because Ohno is my favourite along with Dean!

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Clay/Gabriel/Kidd/Lucadors v Tensai/Primo/Epico/PTP - Nicely balanced teams. Cara and Kidd were impressive. Entertaining opener and good for the tag division.


Kaitlyn vs Eve - 2 of the most watchable divas in a good match by diva standards. Shame Kaitlyn doesn't use her spear finisher.


Cesaro v Truth - Another good match for Cesaro. Love watching him.


Sheamus v Show - Started off as a boring carbon copy of their HIAC match but the electric chair spot, dodgy finish and post-match beatdown freshened it up just enough. Both men need to move on now.


Team Foley v Team Ziggler - Entertaining match. Unpredictable eliminations and good use of new and old rivalries. Ziggler winning was awesome! Orton heel Orton needs to happen soon.


Cena vs Punk vs Ryback - Hell yeah! They nailed it. I knew Punk was going to win but I was still on the edge of my seat a few times. And holy **** I was expecting Maddox interference not Nxt Invasion 2.0! Fingers crossed they prove more interesting than 3MB.


I'm shocked to say Survivor Series was good. Not the best PPV this year but far from the worst. And the main events were stronger than HIAC.

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