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The Official WWE / NXT Discussion Thread *May Contain Spoilers*

Adam Ryland

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WWE Championship: The Rock vs. John Cena

Die Rocky Die


The Undertaker vs. CM Punk

Taker is well past his prime and Punk is the hottest thing going. It's time.


Brock Lesnar vs. Triple H

I WANT HHH to win but he doesn't need to be in the ring anymore and I am sure he is perfectly fine being a behind the scenes guy now with his growing family. And remember, fired is NEVER forever in the WWE.


The Shield vs. Big Show, Randy Orton and Sheamus

I love the Shield but I am going against the group here. I think this is one of those 'feel good' matches where the Faces need to win. Maybe it'll lead to a perm-face Big Show as well.


World Heavyweight Championship: Alberto Del Rio vs. Jack Swagger

Swagger wins so Dolph can cash in and win the belt without making Del Rio look weak. Big E could even be the reason Del Rio loses to Swagger


Ryback vs. Mark Henry

This seems to be the most obvious of all the WM matches. I don't see how Henry can win this. Wins and losses usually don't matter, but I really feel a loss here would kill Ryback's main event push


Chris Jericho vs. Fandango

Debut match at WM? I think something special begins with a win over Y2J.


Tag Team Championship: Hell No vs. Zig-E & AJ

I only pick Hell No because Dolph is going to cash in and win the belt. I don't see him holding both titles at once.


Tons of Funk vs Rhodes Scholars

I agree with the person who said this match could help reignite the diva's division. But I am leaning with the Bellas winning the match being the fuel. Maybe even some "vintage" twin magic.


Intercontinental Championship: Miz vs. Barrett

Miz needs the belt right now more than Barrett does. That's the only reason I have.

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Brock Lesnar vs. Triple H The game looks in good shape and I think they will try and get a new contract out of Lesnar. So I don't think the feud will end here. I'm hoping HHH has a year or two more of in-ring stuff left in the tank because he really is that damn good. :)


According to some of the reports I read he (Lesnar) has already signed a two year extention that will see him wrestling up until Wrestlemania 31. The deal is said to be similar to his current deal so he will make 5 million dollars each year.


Decided to add my WM predictions here instead of making a double post.


WWE Championship: The Rock vs. John Cena

This one seems like a no brainer, I would love for the Rock to win again to be honest even though I can't stand his schtick anymore. However logic says that Cena wins and then they have their rubber match at Wrestlemania 30 (even though I hate the thought of the same match happening three years in a row)


The Undertaker vs. CM Punk

I have always been in the camp of people that have said that the streak should never end, especially after Michaels failed to do it I said that if the greatest wrestler of all time couldn't end it than no one should. However with Punk I think it's time plus all good things must come to an end.


Brock Lesnar vs. Triple H

Triple H probably won't retire here, if it wasn't for the stipulation that Triple H would have to retire if he lost than I would definately say Brock Lesnar but since that stipulation was announced it seems as it Triple H is going to win and then they will end up doing a third match at this years Summerslam.


The Shield vs. Big Show, Randy Orton and Sheamus

The Shield needs to keep their momentum, to me once they lose (unless done creatively) they will lose all of their momentum.


World Heavyweight Championship: Alberto Del Rio vs. Jack Swagger

I realistically can't see Swagger winning this maybe after the pot DUI incident he might have won and been given another chance with the belt but since he will probably be suspended for 30 days post mania I am going with Del Rio. If Swagger does win I could see Ziggler cashing in on him and winning the belt and even if Del Rio wins I could see a Ziggler cash in.


Ryback vs. Mark Henry

I honestly don't care.


Chris Jericho vs. Fandango

Chris Jericho is a guy who likes to put people over and that is what I see happening here, plus Jericho's deal was said only to be a short term deal through wrestlemania so if he won on the last night of his current contract (unless it was extended) it wouldn't make much sense to me.


Tag Team Championship: Hell No vs. Dolph Ziggler and Big E. Langston

I hate the idea of Langston having a title because he sucks but Hell no will most likely split up and feud after Wrestlemania.


Tons of Funk vs Rhodes Scholars

If Ton's of Funk win I RIOT.


Intercontinental Championship: Miz vs. Barrett

Miz is an awful face and I am really high on Barrett so I hope he wins although sadly he probably wont.

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On an unrelated note, I'm watching the Best of Raw/Smackdown 2011 and got to Edge's retirement speech and got teary eyed all over again. Edge and Christian are two of my all time favorite workers, both as a tag team and as singles wrestlers.


Anyway, WM29 predictions.


Wade Barrett(c) vs Miz

Tons of Funk & Funkadactyls vs Rhodes Scholars & Bella Twins

Team Hell No© vs Dolph Ziggler & Big E Langston

Ryback vs Mark Henry

Chris Jericho vs Fandango

Sheamus, Orton, Big Show vs The Shield

Brock Lesnar vs Triple H

The Undertaker vs CM Punk

Alberto Del Rio© vs Jack Swagger

The Rock© vs John Cena


I do think Ziggler will cash in on Del Rio. I like the one theory I read that Zig-E win the tag titles, Ziggler wins WHC, and AJ wins Divas title on Raw and they hold all the gold.

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I think Dolph and Big E lose. I see Dolph having a feud with Cena after WM. There's been rumors that John Cena and Ryback are going to be involved in a feud together so it could begin with a Cena/Ryback vs Dolph/Big E kind of situation.


Whereas I think Team Hell No should feud with Prime Time Players. And lose to them. Bring up the "new" team. Let them get a shot at some popularity. I think if they were on TV more people would really get behind them, probably even as babyfaces someday.


I definitely think Fandango needs to beat Jericho is some cheesy, awful, real quick and cheap pin. His entrance needs to be longer than the match. This will really piss people off. He's one of only two guys (Him and Swagger) that are heels that people actually despise so I think you need to develop him right now and lift him up the card. An appalling, cheap win over Jericho accomplishes this better than a good match actually does IMO.


Otherwise I'm pretty much in agreement with the concensus here. I see Cena and Taker winning their matches.


I'm curious if the HHH/Brock match ends in a screwjob, possibly even involving Shawn Michaels. Just seems like a screwjob is coming involving Big Johnny somehow.

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I think Dolph and Big E lose. I see Dolph having a feud with Cena after WM. There's been rumors that John Cena and Ryback are going to be involved in a feud together so it could begin with a Cena/Ryback vs Dolph/Big E kind of situation.


Why would Dolph go back into a feud with Cena? Especially considering he is going to be world champion within the next 3 months and Cena will be WWE champion.


In all likelihood I think Cena's not turning heel and his first challenge for the title is vs One of the Shield after they dispatch of Orton/Sheamus/Show.

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I will join in the prediction party.


The Rock vs. John Cena

-Cena gets revenge for last year, and this sets up a rubber match down the road (although I am hoping not WM 30...we don't need this match 3 years in a row).


The Undertaker vs. CM Punk

-While Punk is one of the most likely people to end the streak in recent years I cannot see it happening. Punk would be able to run with being the streak breaker and make the most out of it, but I think the streak has come to far now for it to be broken.


Triple H vs. Brock Lesnar

-Can't see HHH retiring yet. Although Lesnar could win if it is just a storyline retirement (or a corporate retirement not an in ring one.)


Alberto Del Rio vs. Jack Swagger

-Rooting for a Ziggler cash in after this match, and it would probably have more impact if he cashes on Del Rio.


The Shield vs. Orton/Sheamus/Show

-The Shield should win this one as they have been shown to work as a team, while Orton, Sheamus and Show have been thrown together. Would be a bit anti-climatic for The Shield to lose here.


Ryback vs. Mark Henry

-Put over the newer guy and give him some momentum to move on with. I see Ryback being a possibility for first shot at Cena, so he should win here.


Fandango vs. Chris Jericho

-Fandango should not win here for me. My booking would be he taps to the Walls of Jericho, but attacks after the match getting him some good heat on the night, and going forward. Have the fans chanting you tapped out at him to goad him into matches in the future, even if they can't pronounce his name.


Team Hell No vs. Ziggler/Big E.

-Yep, I am in the camp of Ziggler walks out a double champion. It would be a good story Ziggler having to wrestle twice a night defending titles, and it would allow Bryan/Kane to possibly break-up.


Wade Barrett vs. The Miz

-Hope rather than expectation. Barrett's reign shouldn't end now, and even if it did it deserves a better end than a pre-show.


Edit - Missed:


Tons of Funk + Funkadactyls vs. Team Rhodes Scholars + Bella Twins

-This match will probably to cool off the crowd at a late stage, and sadly it will probably just provide comic relief with Tons of Funk having a dance post match.

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I don't usually go for predictions like this, but all I will say is I don't think HHH, Undertaker and Cena will all win. One of them will definitely lose. The three biggest matches on the card with relatively easy predictions gives me that feeling.


I also have a good feeling Del Rio will retain and Jericho will win, giving Fandango the riding coattails effect.

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I rarely predict WWE shows 'cause mainly I'm just not that into their "product" but what the heck...It's Wrestle Frickin' Mania!


Wade Barrett vs The Miz

What I want to happen: Barrett completely destroys the Miz (sooo not a Miz fan :p)

What I think will happen: Barrett wins


Tons of Funk etc...

What I want: Rhodes Scholars win - Cody & Damien are potential main eventers, or atleast serious upper mid-card guys, not jobbers for comedy acts

What I think will happen: Tons of Funk win and celebrate 'cause we all know Vince loves to watch two "chunky" guys dancing :( (even if they lose, I predict Brodus & Albert dance at some point tonight)


Edit: I know you need some filler even at WrestleMania, but am I the only one who thinks this is barely qualifies as a featured match on WWE Saturday Morning Slam or whatever it's called?


Hell No vs Dolph & Big E

What I want: Bryan turns on Kane or Kane turns on Bryan and they feud

What I think will happen: See above


Ryback vs Mark Henry

What I want: The match to be cancelled :cool: (sorry - I like Mark Henry...Ryback bores me to tears)

What I think will happen: Ryback wins...he's the up and comer who needs the win


The Sheild vs Random Unused Babyfaces

What I want: The Sheild wins, without needing Orton to turn on his partners...The WWE desperately needs to build it's young talent up, here's a good place to start

What I think will happen: The Sheild wins, either through shenanigans or an Orton heel turn


Jericho vs Fandango

What I want: Jericho wins a close match (Fandango can look good in a loss and post match attack)

What I think will happen: Fandango with the tainted win (All Jericho fanboyness aside, probably the right call)


HHH vs Brrrroooooockkkkk Lesnar

What I want: Lesnar via Heyman interference, Trips can move to a Authority Figure role now

What I think: HHH via botched interference by Heyman, followed by a 15 minute HHH promo :mad:


Del RRRRRRRRio vs Swagger

What I want: Dos Caras Jr (not Alberto Del Rio, that guy is lame) to beat Swagger clean ;)

What I think: Del Rio wins followed by Ziggler FAILED MITB cash in


CM Punk vs The Undertaker

What I want: I'm on the record saying Punk and Taker should both be wrestling other people not each other, but I guess I'd rather see Undertaker win

What I think: Taker wins


Rock vs John Cena - Once in a lifetime...again

What I want: Cena goes full on heel and destroys Rocky with a steel chair OR Rock wins clean

What I think will happen: Cena wins...handshake...all the little kids cheer...YEAH :rolleyes:

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WWE Championship: The Rock vs. John Cena - Part-time wrestler vs Vinnie Mac's meal ticket among babyfaces. This one's going to be easy to predict. Though I hope the rubber match does not take place at WM30. We don't need THRICE in a Lifetime!


The Undertaker vs. CM Punk - 20-1. Taker's a sentimental favorite, especially following Paul Bearer's passing, but if there's someone on the active roster worthy to break the streak, it's The Best in the World.


Brock Lesnar vs. Triple H - Too early for Triple H to call it a career.


The Shield vs. Big Show, Randy Orton and Sheamus - I'm among those predicting an Orton heel turn will take place. He's been begging for a heel turn for quite a while, and he just might get it here.


World Heavyweight Championship: Alberto Del Rio vs. Jack Swagger - Tough call, but Del Rio vs Ziggler post-cash-in seems like the next logical feud. And I agree there's a chance the WWE is waiting for WM29 to wrap up before punishing Swagger for his DUI.


Ryback vs. Mark Henry - Feed him more...momentum. Not a fan of either of them, but I predict Ryback wins the match and the feud and moves on to another one (please, not Cena), while Henry returns to squashing the likes of Zack Ryder, Yoshi Tatsu, Alex Riley, etc.


Chris Jericho vs. Fandango - In as much as I've been a Jerichoholic since his WCW days, he's the gatekeeper here. I expect a strong debut for the wrestler formerly known as Johnny Curtis.


Tag Team Championship: Hell No vs. Zig-E & AJ - Maybe Team Hell No isn't on the same page after all...perhaps it's also time for either the Big Red Machine or the Goatface to turn heel, but probably not at 'Mania.


Tons of Funk vs Rhodes Scholars - This should have been the pre-show, IMHO. Still, I prefer intellectual bromance and Twin Magic to two dancing monsters regardless of who their valets are.


Intercontinental Championship: Miz vs. Barrett - This probably won't end Miz's awful face turn, but it's too early for Barrett to drop the title.

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Why would Dolph go back into a feud with Cena? Especially considering he is going to be world champion within the next 3 months and Cena will be WWE champion.


In all likelihood I think Cena's not turning heel and his first challenge for the title is vs One of the Shield after they dispatch of Orton/Sheamus/Show.


Ehh i just don't see a lot of top flight talent challenging Cena if the rumors of Punk, Rock, and Brock all being off of TV after WM. Dolph/Big E versus Cena & Ryback makes sense booking wise. Putting Big E and Ryback on TV more with good talkers makes booking sense to me. I'm not like saying this is a sure thing, it's more of a suggestion than a prediction i suppose.


Dolph can still win the HW title down the road so I don't know why that's a factor. Dude can lose every match between now and then and get a sneaky cash-in victory. It's instaheat for heels. It would actually make more sense to book Dolph weak before he gets the titles because people like him too much already. If he looks great and finally wins, he'll be getting a weird crowd reaction instead of the heel heat you want.


I don't hate the Shield idea that could work, but it doesn't help the Shield out at all. And doesn't do much for Cena either. So what, they'll beat down John Cena on Raw and lose the big matches and look poor not being able to take on the champ. Doesn't really seem to make sense to me to put them in an angle with Cena because there's no logical next step up for them after that feud. Only downward movement. Plus, who in that group do you see as a legitimate title contender right now?


Unless they're building a split for the Shield to launch their solo careers but I don't think that's happening just yet. WWE's traditional "milk the cow until it can't produce another ounce of milk" style of booking tells me they're going to have the Shield keep beating up people.

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Dolph can still win the HW title down the road so I don't know why that's a factor. Dude can lose every match between now and then and get a sneaky cash-in victory. It's instaheat for heels. It would actually make more sense to book Dolph weak before he gets the titles because people like him too much already. If he looks great and finally wins, he'll be getting a weird crowd reaction instead of the heel heat you want.


Yes but realistically speaking the MITB PPV is in 3 months so there is a 3 month time period before he cashes in at the very latest so it does him no good to put him in a program with Cena for a month before losing again and then cashing in.


I could see a heel Orton feuding with Cena again since it's been a long time since their last feud and it would allow other people (Sheamus, Ryback, Punk) to get built back up so that by mid summer they could potentially be the next feud.

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Yes but realistically speaking the MITB PPV is in 3 months so there is a 3 month time period before he cashes in at the very latest so it does him no good to put him in a program with Cena for a month before losing again and then cashing in.


I could see a heel Orton feuding with Cena again since it's been a long time since their last feud and it would allow other people (Sheamus, Ryback, Punk) to get built back up so that by mid summer they could potentially be the next feud.



I dont hate a heel Orton feuding with Cena either. But again, what does Dolphs cashing in have to do with him fighting Cena? He could conceivably lose every single match to Cena for the next 4-8 weeks and still get a nice cash-in before the PPV. In fact, that's precisely how I would do it. Another quick feud with Dolph where Cena wins and looks great would help out both guys. Dolph looking bad BEFORE the cash-in draws some serious heat IMO.

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I dont hate a heel Orton feuding with Cena either. But again, what does Dolphs cashing in have to do with him fighting Cena? He could conceivably lose every single match to Cena for the next 4-8 weeks and still get a nice cash-in before the PPV. In fact, that's precisely how I would do it. Another quick feud with Dolph where Cena wins and looks great would help out both guys. Dolph looking bad BEFORE the cash-in draws some serious heat IMO.


It's not about looking bad but it's a waste of time on all fronts. Dolph should be feuding with people in the world title race and not the WWE champion. The feud is utterly pointless for both men at this point

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I believe you will be able to access it for a while Finisher, when/if it does become available for you. I think 24 hours.... been a while since I ordered online.


Missed a prediction... Always happens, when I predict the first few right I start going "I'm gonna get them all!!!" Then right after I say that (and of course I did), the very next match I am wrong about.

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Bruno Sammartino looks so much like Micky Starr.



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What a crappy Wrestlemania. Makes me want to puke. Oh and btw I didn't even watch it from the Official WWE.com stream since it didn't work. At all. During the event.


Punk vs. Taker would be the only match I'd recommend watching. Everything else just sucked, the two main event were the worst in a decade or so, seriously.. I'm done buying PPV's that won't even work.


I'm just so disappointed.

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What a crappy Wrestlemania. Makes me want to puke. Oh and btw I didn't even watch it from the Official WWE.com stream since it didn't work. At all. During the event.


Punk vs. Taker would be the only match I'd recommend watching. Everything else just sucked, the two main event were the worst in a decade or so, seriously.. I'm done buying PPV's that won't even work.


I'm just so disappointed.


agreed. Cena/Rock was just garbage to me. Way too much attempted drama, it was just repetitive.


Counters finisher, hits signature move, hits finisher, kickout.


Like 8 rock bottoms couldn't win it, but two AA's does. even the fans didn't want Cena to win, but there is the WWE again, swinging from his nuts.


And Dolph not cashing in made the shitty WHW title match seem even worse.


and the guy who has been called the new "Mr. Mania" (since HBK;) and my favorite wrestler of all time, loses to some dancing nobody...

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Apart from CM Punk vs Taker it was a boring show considering all the possibilities that could have happened.


Randy Orton turning heel NO / Big Show who's a heel stayed heel yes


Ziggler lost the match and didn't cash in his MITB at WRESTLEMANIA


Triple H got his "win" back. Cena won and kept being nice face instead of edgy face. Ryback vs Henry was met my expectations but I really hoped this was going to be a better match.


Fandango vs Jericho was the match I was looking forward to the most and as a very big fan of Johnny Curtis I'm really happy for him. I just hope he can evolve much like Cesaro has done as well as improve his legdrop to Kenny Dykstra level. It's a nice move but it just looks like he's falling to it instead of jumping.

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I had fun but it wasn't an amazing event. I thought the card really slowed down there. I dont see any 5-star matches that were outstanding. I certainly had fun watching Rock/Cena. I mean it wasn't a technical masterpiece by any stretch but halfway through it ramped up to be a match that was good enough to draw 12 people watching it in the room with me completely in. We were yelling and screaming and carrying on. Had a great time.


All in all it's not an amazing wrestlemania because there weren't any great breakout matches. I liked the main event though and didnt regret watching it or anything. Not the worst wrestelmania of all time but not the best.


But as some wise man once said about pizza and sex, when watching wrestelmania... even when it's bad it's good :-)

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