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The Official WWE / NXT Discussion Thread *May Contain Spoilers*

Adam Ryland

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I'm sorry, I didn't realise that just because other guys have had a flaw, we're not allowed to comment on the new guy with the same flaw. I'll be on my way.


I'm sorry, it's almost like Rock is exhibit A of an entire alphabet of guys WWE has put in the main event despite a propensity to get gassed. Nobody saying you're "not allowed" to comment, but at the same time, it's a non-starter of a point. "Stamina" is not a major reason any WWE guy ever gets a shot at the top.

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Reigns has the best spear since Rhino (GORE! GORE! GORE!), that's gotta count for something


Also all of the shield are 27 or so years old so by the time they are all 30 they should be amazing talents. The amount Reigns has improved is borderline insane but it may be in part to the protective booking and pairing him with who were the two best in ring talents developmental had to offer. He doesn't need to do much but the stuff that he does do is impressive and solid for the most part.

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what is a "big guy" promo? I really see no correlation between "big guys" and the type of promos they cut. Sid Vicious, Kevin Nash, The Undertaker, etc are all big guys with distinct and entertaining promo styles.


Furthermore Reigns is only 6'3, 265 by comparison Triple H is 6'4, 255 so Reigns is hardly a "big guy". The Rock is 6'4 265, Sting is 6'2, 250, Scott Hall is 6'7, 280 Swagger is 6'7, 260, and I could go on but you get the point.


Reigns is honestly your average main event size when you look at the names of the guys he's nearly the exact same size as. I've never heard someone refer to Triple H as a "big guy" or Sting as a "big guy". Clearly these guys are massive. I'm 6'2, 240 and these guys dwarf me but in the realm of wrestling none of these guys including Reigns are a "big guy".


I get talking about big guys when it comes to their work because lets face it Kevin Nash can't move like Dolph Ziggler so I understand separating them in terms of working abilities however it makes zero sense to me to categorize someone as a "big guy" when it comes to his mic skills and promo ability. I agree that this team is actually fairly weak when it comes to mic skills outside of Ambrose but it has nothing to do with Reigns size and everything to do with his talking ability and most likely the fact that best I can tell he wasn't even being trained as a pro wrestler until about three years ago so the fact that the guy is where he is in three years is rather impressive.


I'm guessing he ment to say a wwe big guy promo. Because WWE usually has a lot of guys that have size and no talking ability. Some are there because of their size only and can't cut a promo to save their lifes. But yeah, Reigns is not that big. But he's still a weak talker. He might improve with time, but he will probably never be a Jon Moxley.

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Reigns has the best spear since Rhino (GORE! GORE! GORE!), that's gotta count for something


Also all of the shield are 27 or so years old so by the time they are all 30 they should be amazing talents. The amount Reigns has improved is borderline insane but it may be in part to the protective booking and pairing him with who were the two best in ring talents developmental had to offer. He doesn't need to do much but the stuff that he does do is impressive and solid for the most part.


nothing will ever beat the feeling you'd get when Rhino hit the gore! GORE! GORRRE! I recall one in the invasion angle where Rock sold it better than I'd maybe ever seen. it happens at 4:35 ish.



but with that said. Reigns does have one hell of a spear!

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In fairness, it was an UK crowd. Would've bet my bottom dollar they of all people would be all over Fandango. But the momentum of the reaction over the weeks may be fruitful and carry over for when they come back to the US and he next appears, it might catch on or it won't.


Raw was average. BoD/Bryan vs. The Shield was great. Pretty bummed they went and done the whole turn with Ryback, but it is what it is. Maybe if he fills Punk's spot it could be worthwhile but even there I'm unconvinced by the move.

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I think that a lot of the blame is on the promotion of Fandango by the WWE. Instead of letting it grow a cult following that will translate more organically into the mainstream they just tried to make it seem like it was something EVERYONE was doing which considering this is wrestling people will deny and ignore.
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I think that a lot of the blame is on the promotion of Fandango by the WWE. Instead of letting it grow a cult following that will translate more organically into the mainstream they just tried to make it seem like it was something EVERYONE was doing which considering this is wrestling people will deny and ignore.


WWE, along with every wrestling company that ever existed, completed and unapologetically over promotes anything that might even remotely help catch the company some buzz. This has happened since the dawn of wrestling on television.

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I'm guessing he ment to say a wwe big guy promo. Because WWE usually has a lot of guys that have size and no talking ability. Some are there because of their size only and can't cut a promo to save their lifes. But yeah, Reigns is not that big. But he's still a weak talker. He might improve with time, but he will probably never be a Jon Moxley.


But you're saying "there are a lot of big guys in the WWE that can't cut a promo" when you should be saying "there are a lot of guys in the WWE that can't cut a promo" again I have no idea what their size would have to do in correlation to their promo ability.


Over half the roster isn't Moxley and honestly I was bummed when the Foley thing didn't happen. Its even more baffling now since Mick doesn't do a damn thing these days and it could have been a fantastic way to get one last good run in. That being said Moxley wound up in an even better angle than that. He just beat Kane and the Undertaker on Monday Night RAW thats pretty awesome.


Anyway though I think we can all agree there is no such thing as a "big man" promo. Or I hope we can all agree on that.

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Average Raw but worth watching for the 6-man tag match, Ziggler/AJ/Big E and Jericho.



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this is gold, anything else like this that you know of with any other WWE stars as well?


I browse a few forums after watching Raw if I have time, ones where most of the users see the lighter side of things. WWE is way more fun when you don't take it seriously and make fun of the crap bits instead. There's usually no shortage of images and gifs being posted.



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But you're saying "there are a lot of big guys in the WWE that can't cut a promo" when you should be saying "there are a lot of guys in the WWE that can't cut a promo" again I have no idea what their size would have to do in correlation to their promo ability.


Over half the roster isn't Moxley and honestly I was bummed when the Foley thing didn't happen. Its even more baffling now since Mick doesn't do a damn thing these days and it could have been a fantastic way to get one last good run in. That being said Moxley wound up in an even better angle than that. He just beat Kane and the Undertaker on Monday Night RAW thats pretty awesome.


Anyway though I think we can all agree there is no such thing as a "big man" promo. Or I hope we can all agree on that.


Oh I can agree, I was just saying what he meant to say.

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Don't normally watch NXT but it was a special Clash of Champions edition. Predictable results but good in-ring action. Might watch next week to see Jericho vs Wyatt.


Neville vs Cesaro (US Title) - Great match between 2 of the most talented guys in the company.

AJ vs Kaitlyn (Divas Title) - Better than any Divas match on the main shows in recent memory.

Big E vs Maddox (NXT Title) - Fun squash match. Funny seeing Big E as a crowd favourite babyface.

Dallas vs Barrett (IC Title) - Good match. Even Dallas, who I'm not a fan of, won me over.


It's being reported by F4WOnline.com that Bray Wyatt, Kassius Ohno and Adrian Neville (the former Pac) are the next WWE NXT stars being primed for television. The three are said to be ready for the main roster and could be called up very soon.


Good call if this true. The midcard needs more depth so they can push talented guys like Cesaro, Sandow, Rhodes and Barrett higher up the card. How about Neville and Gabriel as a tag team?

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SD Review:


Swagger vs Del Rio - Fun No DQ match and they didn't hold back. Swagger needed the win.

Fandango vs Gabriel - WWE's most popular heel. Epic leg drop for the win!

Show vs Sheamus - Skipped through it because its a repeat of an old feud. Liked the finish, though.

Regal vs Barrett - Good match-up for an English show but it was way too short.

Orton vs Henry - Another match I skipped through but again the finish was interesting.

Taker vs Ambrose - Short main event match but still so much fun. Taker staring down Rollins & Reigns. Ambrose tapping to Hell's Gate! Taker manhandling Rollins & Reigns. Spear and triple powerbomb on Taker. "You tapped out!" chants. Apparently, after the show went off-air, Triple H and The New Age Outlaws came out to a massive pop to help Undertaker clear The Shield from the ring.


Verdict: Better than Raw and the English crowd were lively.

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NXT is consistently good and has been since 2011 when it was still FCW.


Early/Mid 2012 FCW was my favorite wrestling in all of the world really.


Stumbled across an FCW match from 2011 recently (Big E & Camacho vs Brodus & Ricardo). Interesting seeing them in their developmental days, especially Ricardo who is actually a good comedy wrestler.

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John Cena injured during WWE European Tour


If Cena isn't fit for the PPV to defend his title ratings are going to plummet, kids are going to stop watching and WWE will end forever! :D Seriously, though, what are creative going to do to maintain Vince's bottom line if Cena can't compete at ER?


ER does nothing for buys anyway. Brock-HHH is actually a solid enough ME for ER. Would still pull the customary 200k buys. Probably would save Vince a decent chunk, depending on how Cena/Ryback's deals are structured.

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Well I know for damn sure Cena won't be forced to vacate his title unless he's out for 2+ months. Best option would be to give Ryback a gauntlet or handicap match to keep him strong, push HHH/Brock to semi-main and give Ziggler/ADR/Swagger the chance to impress as the main event. Also having Taker wrestle would help. WWE title aside, I won't be missing Cena.
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Well I know for damn sure Cena won't be forced to vacate his title unless he's out for 2+ months. Best option would be to push HHH/Brock to semi-main and give Ziggler/ADR/Swagger the chance to impress as the main event. Also having Taker wrestle would help. WWE title aside, I won't be missing Cena.


lol at thinking BROCK LESNAR would play second fiddle to the world title match. I had already assumed they would be going on last even with Cena on the card as they did at summer slam.


Realistically the triple threat will probably be the best match of the night but the people in the match have just been mitigated to the point where they can't even close smackdown anymore.

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