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The Official WWE / NXT Discussion Thread *May Contain Spoilers*

Adam Ryland

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Don't you think he has a reason to be mad, just a little bit?


All of the higher ups are always talking about how talents need to step up and get themselves noticed so when Ryder did it they took the first opportunity they got to transfer his heat to Cena by making Ryder the idiot fan that Cena had to always save.


Not only did he look like an idiot during the Kane situation, or the Eve situation, or Cena remembering he had a WM to main event and forgetting about Ryder, but he never got any revenge on anyone and came out of it looking like an absolute scrub who was nowhere to be seen the rest of the year as far as TV time is concerned.


Yeah I'd be pretty bitter if I made a name for myself and got myself over on my own only to get crapped on like that. Whatever you think his talent level is doesn't matter in the slightest because the WWE has had people worse than him in much higher slots on the roster. This is a guy who broke into the top 10 merch sellers in the company without even being on TV.


The reason he looked like an idiot is because he is one, however the reason I think that isn't due to his wrestling ability but rather his gimmick. Yeah he might not be the best in the ring but he's not the worst either. The only thing that is preventing me from liking the guy is a decent gimmick. Put a better gimmick on him and I might be able to give him a chance but as long as he is settled with the one that he has now there is no way I can.


Right now if he got released he would be better suited by going to TNA and teaming with Robbie E. At least then I could stomach him although I don't get to watch TNA that often anyway because I am never home on Thursdays.

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You really don't think him going on a quest for revenge against Kane could have brought him to be more serious? He was dropped before he had a real chance to change his character.


He got the initial push in December and by February he had been destroyed by Kane and saw Cena take his girl. Month after that he got turned on by eve at Mania, and then that was the last relevant thing to happen to him.

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You really don't think him going on a quest for revenge against Kane could have brought him to be more serious? He was dropped before he had a real chance to change his character.


He got the initial push in December and by February he had been destroyed by Kane and saw Cena take his girl. Month after that he got turned on by eve at Mania, and then that was the last relevant thing to happen to him.


I definately do think that if he went on a quest for revenge against Kane or even Cena it could have made him a more serious character but they didn't go that route, had they went that way with his character I would have been perfectly fine with it if he would have been more serious during that time. The fact is that they chose not to go that way and instead make him look like complete garbage and as a result I still can't take the guy serious at all.


That was the one point in his career where I was willing to give him a chance and he did a great job in making me actually like the guy for once but creative seemed to want to go a different direction which is why it wound up the way that it did. However had he looked better in that storyline I might like him but he didn't so I still see him as one of the biggest jokes that the company still has employed.

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Considering the fact that Zack Ryder is the worst thing in WWE right now (Yeah I said it what are you going to do about it) I hope he doesn't win any title any time soon BECAUSE HE DOESN'T DESERVE IT I hope he is the next batch of WWE releases honestly.


I know this may come off as my being a jerk but the dude sucks and they shouldn't even waste their time on him plus his gimmick got old a long time ago.


Why give a guy that whines all the time on twitter about not being booked a title it doesn't make sense. It just says to the entire roster hey if you whine and cry like this moron did than you may get a title which is complete crap just like Zack Ryder is.


You're entitled to your opinion, doesn't make you a jerk. As for what I'm going to do about it... ummm... maybe employ a favourite of many wrestling fans on other sites and call you some names, talk about your mum and troll a bit because you don't agree with me and my opinion is the all knowing and all conquering "Oz" of opinions? And isn't it what all those cool kids elsewhere are doing? :D


Wait no... we're all grown up's here so I think instead (like your response) I'm just going to be polite and say the "Woo Woo Woo" Here Comes the Choochoo Train gimmick was NEVER entertaining, not even at the start. I agree with you to that extent. Worst thing in WWE right now? No - the gimmick is close, but I liked Ryder before this stupid gimmick. He had potential to be a solid midcard star.


Zack's not terrible in ring and can (if given a chance) put on a pretty entertaining match - not CM Punk or Chris Jericho standard but certainly better than some who are getting air time. He's also not bad on the mic (lame ass gimmick aside). My thoughts were just a way to try and freshen him up, give the belt a bit of meaning rather than the trouser belt it appears to be these days and maybe cement both Zack and Fandango into strong midcard wrestlers and in the process get rid of Ryders ridiculous gimmick.

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Raw Highlights:


- HHH vs Axel - This was kind of funny. Not sure about Vince putting himself in the storyline but if Axel wins the IC Title before facing HHH in a proper feud it might pay off. And it had better conclude with an Iron Man match with Axel going over.

- Jericho vs Big E - Decent match putting Jericho and the WHC feud over at the same time.

- Sin Cara vs Cesaro - Cesaro is one of the few guys who can work Sin Cara's lucha style. A rare win on Raw and Zeb even put him over! Cesaro still needs a manager or valet to generate heat.

- Orton vs Reigns - Average match. I hope Reigns adds a new move to his arsenal. Samoan drop and spear isn't enough if he wants to outlive the Shield.

- Bryan vs Rollins - Bryan and Rollins bought their A-game. Love Rollins stealing the surfboard and Bryan countering it into his own better version. Plenty of good spots and counters. Contender for Match of the Year!

- Big E is Kaitlyn's secret admirer? Nah, I knew it had to be AJ! Wouldn't have minded if it were Natalya, though ;) Good segment!

- Sandow vs Truth - Decent match. Sandow wins with his new finisher.


Verdict: Predictably mixed bag Raw heading into Payback. Too much Vince/Steph/HHH and the Cena/Ryback segment was boring. Bryans vs Rollins was awesome and Cesaro and Sandow went over, so I can't complain too much.



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^Yup, I was hoping the whole secret admirer thing would lead to a Natalya heel turn (and the end of that gimmick she has with Khali and Hornswoggle), but I guess I should have seen it coming - it's a ruse all along, and AJ's behind it. Bummer as well that Fandango got injured ahead of what many were predicting as an Intercontinental win for the former Johnny Curtis.
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The gimmick is the best thing Zack has going for him. Any move to make him more serious would just make him more bland. They have plenty of serious, bland characters. Most of whom are better in the ring than he is. Which is a lot of hyperbole and personal taste from me. I dug him as this Santino-level character. Low on the card. Losing for the most part, but getting time on TV as comic relief to sell merchandise. Breaking up the serious feuds with a little levity. The gimmick may have run it's course, but I find it a shame they never capitalized on it when it was fresh.


I think Zack did the gimmick better than Robbie E. Robbie's promos are just bland sentences, with "bro" added to the end, often awkwardly.

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WWE RAW review for 6/10/13 (just the matches)


HHH vs Axel- Damn it McMahon why did you DQ HHH? (2.5/10)


HHH vs Axel (again)- Damn it McMahon, Don't forfeit him! (3.5/10)


Chris Jericho vs Big E Langston- Pretty solid matchup overall, They both brought their A game today and they put together a good matchup. (8/10)


Sin Cara vs Antonio Cesaro- Well what do you know? Cesaro wins a match for once, Hasn't happened as much as it used to, but it's starting to improve. (5/10)


Randy Orton vs Roman Reigns- Not bad, But not good, In the place where everything gets all averaged up. (6/10)


Daniel Bryan vs Seth Rollins- Damn! That was one helluva match, They brought their A* game today! (10/10!)


Sandow vs Truth- Arrive, Destroy Truth, Show off your new finisher for the crowd, Pin, Leave. (6.5/10)


Rating: B (I thought this was a pretty good RAW, the matches were pretty good, some outsiders won some matches and best of all, You can thank Daniel Bryan and Seth Rollins, That being said, I now think AJ Lee is a........what's the word i'm looking for, oh yeah! AJ Lee is a jerk! I swear to Jesus Christ on the sun they better give Kaitlyn a match with this slut or else i'm gonna have to raise hell, RR44, Out)

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You're entitled to your opinion, doesn't make you a jerk. As for what I'm going to do about it... ummm... maybe employ a favourite of many wrestling fans on other sites and call you some names, talk about your mum and troll a bit because you don't agree with me and my opinion is the all knowing and all conquering "Oz" of opinions? And isn't it what all those cool kids elsewhere are doing? :D


Wait no... we're all grown up's here so I think instead (like your response) I'm just going to be polite and say the "Woo Woo Woo" Here Comes the Choochoo Train gimmick was NEVER entertaining, not even at the start. I agree with you to that extent. Worst thing in WWE right now? No - the gimmick is close, but I liked Ryder before this stupid gimmick. He had potential to be a solid midcard star.


Zack's not terrible in ring and can (if given a chance) put on a pretty entertaining match - not CM Punk or Chris Jericho standard but certainly better than some who are getting air time. He's also not bad on the mic (lame ass gimmick aside). My thoughts were just a way to try and freshen him up, give the belt a bit of meaning rather than the trouser belt it appears to be these days and maybe cement both Zack and Fandango into strong midcard wrestlers and in the process get rid of Ryders ridiculous gimmick.


I completely agree with you (plus we can agree to disagree in some parts) Ryder is not terrible in the ring and like you said he is better than some guys that actually get air time. However until he changes his gimmick and becomes more serious I can't take him seriously at all. His gimmick to me is a huge joke and if that is what WWE wants me to see him as then I am going to see him as a joke and there's not a lot that can be done about that until the gimmick is changed.


If Zack were to win the IC title I would actually be fine with it if and only if he dropped his current gimmick shortly afterward and said something a long the lines of "Hey I won this belt time to drop this stupid gimmick and become more serious and as a result show people that I actually can do some pretty decent stuff."


The gimmick is the best thing Zack has going for him. Any move to make him more serious would just make him more bland. They have plenty of serious, bland characters. Most of whom are better in the ring than he is. Which is a lot of hyperbole and personal taste from me. I dug him as this Santino-level character. Low on the card. Losing for the most part, but getting time on TV as comic relief to sell merchandise. Breaking up the serious feuds with a little levity. The gimmick may have run it's course, but I find it a shame they never capitalized on it when it was fresh.


I think Zack did the gimmick better than Robbie E. Robbie's promos are just bland sentences, with "bro" added to the end, often awkwardly.


I would actually prefer a more bland Zack Ryder than the Zack Ryder that we have now like I said in my response to Fleisch I can't take the guy seriously with the gimmick that he currently has and I think that is what WWE is trying to do. They are essentially saying "Hey we gave this guy a joke gimmick therefore he is a joke and you should see him as nothing more than that." If they ever were to change his gimmick I could get behind him but until they do that then I will continue to ignore everything that he says because his promos make me want to cut my ears off because I hate his voice.

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I must say, I actually went crazy with delight when Axel vs HHH turned into an iron man match. That was pure genius by HHH. Sadly the rest of their stuff that night really took away from the show.


Dolph vs ADR and Punk vs Jericho both are on Sunday in addition to the Tag title match so it should be a pretty good night for matches. Hopefully Cena vs Ryback doesn't take up so much time that they have to compromise the other matches on the card like they did last PPV for the 2 main events

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I must say, I actually went crazy with delight when Axel vs HHH turned into an iron man match. That was pure genius by HHH. Sadly the rest of their stuff that night really took away from the show.


Dolph vs ADR and Punk vs Jericho both are on Sunday in addition to the Tag title match so it should be a pretty good night for matches. Hopefully Cena vs Ryback doesn't take up so much time that they have to compromise the other matches on the card like they did last PPV for the 2 main events


So did I and the crowd inside of the arena seemed to go nuts at the announcment of a 60 minute iron man match. The beginning of the show seemed like a lot of overkill and I even went on twitter and said that the beginning of last night's RAW had to be the weirdest beginning to the show in the entire history of RAW (unless of course there is another weird beginning that someone can think of off of the top of their head).


The match I am most looking foward to on Sunday is Punk vs. Jericho heck if WWE would let me buy that match alone and not the rest of the pay per view (Not saying that there aren't any other matches on it that intrigue me just that Punk v Jericho looks the most interesting to me) I would gladly do it if it was possible.

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Considering the fact that Zack Ryder is the worst thing in WWE right now (Yeah I said it what are you going to do about it) I hope he doesn't win any title any time soon BECAUSE HE DOESN'T DESERVE IT I hope he is the next batch of WWE releases honestly.


I know this may come off as my being a jerk but the dude sucks and they shouldn't even waste their time on him plus his gimmick got old a long time ago.


Why give a guy that whines all the time on twitter about not being booked a title it doesn't make sense. It just says to the entire roster hey if you whine and cry like this moron did than you may get a title which is complete crap just like Zack Ryder is.


Well, Ryder may bitch and moan a lot but he's really good in the ring, he has some slick moves and has a whole lot of charisma, so don't count him out, with his new seriousness in the ring, we might be expecting something big real soon for him.

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Well, Ryder may bitch and moan a lot but he's really good in the ring, he has some slick moves and has a whole lot of charisma, so don't count him out, with his new seriousness in the ring, we might be expecting something big real soon for him.


/nod, as I was reading along I was wondering if it was only me that noticed he is supposed to be a more serious "Ryder" now. To be honest, I like him more NOW, then I ever have before.


I can see all points being made, and to an extent agree with them even though they are on other sides of the fence from each other.


Overall, my thoughts are kind of like this: I feel he deserves to be there, and I also feel he deserves to be used on every other show, or at least twice a month. I feel this way because of all things pointed out - Got over without being on TV, I don't know how much merchandise he actually sells though. The biggest reason for me is that so far he has proved loyal. I could see him having easily gone to TnA and yeah... Had a feud with or teamed up with his counterpart over there. As far as I know, that thought has never even occurred to him. Loyalty means something, especially in competing business.


I don't see me seeing him as more then a lower midcard type. I like him as much as anyone after watching a few of those youtube shows, but I don't see the quality in him to really captivate an audience, not even as much as a Kofi Kingston or Cody Rhodes. SO I see him staying low in the cards.


That being said, I don't have a problem with him teaming up for tag titles, or an occasional US or Intercontinental Championship as a place holder to get it back to someone more worthy. I do think he has potential. I'm talking about right now, how he is now. I do think he can be interesting, and valuable in the lower cards. Like someone else said, a Santino Marrella type.


They need personalities in every card position. Their problem is that they have to be more concerned about ratings, at least they seem to be. They are basically in a catch 22. They know they need a better flow of characters in the bottum, which is why we are going to be seeing quite a few new characters. The problem is until they are over, they can't really give them big segments because ratings will drop.


What I'm saying in a nutshell though, is to me a business is like building a house. You have to work from the bottum up, without a strong foundation on the bottum, the top will topple or become unsteady. That's what we've been seeing with them for the last several years. They have a shaky top end, top heavy at times, or almost non-existant at others.... all because the bottum isn't built as well as it should be.

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The match I am most looking foward to on Sunday is Punk vs. Jericho heck if WWE would let me buy that match alone and not the rest of the pay per view (Not saying that there aren't any other matches on it that intrigue me just that Punk v Jericho looks the most interesting to me) I would gladly do it if it was possible.


I was convinced Punk would be a no-show and it would Jericho vs Axel (with Punk interfering to give Axel the cheap win), but then we got the contract signing and Axel is in the IC match. I'm still convinced something screwy will happen in the match, especially since no one expected Punk back so soon. BTW, I would love an iron man match between Axel and HHH but not until Axel is way more over.

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I was convinced Punk would be a no-show and it would Jericho vs Axel (with Punk interfering to give Axel the cheap win), but then we got the contract signing and Axel is in the IC match. I'm still convinced something screwy will happen in the match, especially since no one expected Punk back so soon. BTW, I would love an iron man match between Axel and HHH but not until Axel is way more over.


I dunno, Curt Axel seems pretty over right now.

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What's sad is that WWE has a more talented guy in the same spot on the card and nobody ever talks about him. Tyson Kidd is a fantastic worker who could pull a great match out of everybody on the roster, but he ends up being even more of an afterthought than Natalya.
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I was convinced Punk would be a no-show and it would Jericho vs Axel (with Punk interfering to give Axel the cheap win), but then we got the contract signing and Axel is in the IC match. I'm still convinced something screwy will happen in the match, especially since no one expected Punk back so soon. BTW, I would love an iron man match between Axel and HHH but not until Axel is way more over.


Yeah they could do that but I think the main selling point for Payback would be the return of CM Punk so why have him not show up and risk making a lot of people mad as a result of it. I am actually really looking forward to Ryback vs. Cena to see how it goes. The divas match could actually be decent (Can't believe I am saying that) and some of the undercard stuff looks pretty good but the majority of the card consists of rematches which could be a turn off for casual fans IMO.

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Yeah they could do that but I think the main selling point for Payback would be the return of CM Punk so why have him not show up and risk making a lot of people mad as a result of it. I am actually really looking forward to Ryback vs. Cena to see how it goes. The divas match could actually be decent (Can't believe I am saying that) and some of the undercard stuff looks pretty good but the majority of the card consists of rematches which could be a turn off for casual fans IMO.


Well, Punk didn't actually sign the contract, Heyman did. If Punk's coming back as a heel, trolling a PPV could work. How about Lesnar replacing him? He needs a feud that doesn't involve HHH.

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I was being sarcastic -- of course it's a work. Reading the comments from all the marks on WWE.com is funny, though. It's been a while since the divas division had an actual storyline leading into a title match. Pity that the divas will be lucky to get 5 minutes in the ring.
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That was a pretty badass video, I also watched the one highlighting the Summer Of Punk 2011, set to the soundtrack from Dr Horrible's Sing-A-Long Blog. It put a huge smile on my face too. :) I tend to read along with everything in here but I don't comment very often because the WWE product doesn't suit my tastes much these days. Feels strange to comment on them because of something cool that someone else did. :p
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