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The Official WWE / NXT Discussion Thread *May Contain Spoilers*

Adam Ryland

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NXT Review:


Amore & Big Cass vs The Vaudevillians - Quick angle-building match. Gotch pinned Cass after The Legionnaires provided a distraction (Louis is injured so can't wrestle). The tag division is finally getting some much needed attention.

Parker vs Woods - Solid match. First blood to Parker.

Bliss vs Sasha - Solid match. They did well to work around Alexa's inexperience. Sasha's finisher (Backstabber into a modified Crossface) is one of the best in WWE.

Rose vs Jordan - Rose's sexual comedy routine worked OK with the responsive NXT crowd and Jordan's angry reactions but it's sinking him fast on the main roster. Jordan looks talented (and made the Party Foul finisher look devestating) but he lacks an interesting gimmick. Cocky Jock wouldn't be a stretch.

Kidd vs Zayn - Good match. Kidd pushed Zayn hard but tapped to the Koji Clutch. Kidd is flourishing in NXT. Zayn's strong booking and tour appearances make me certain he'll be on the main roster by the end of the year. But hopefully not before he wrestles with or against Kenta, Steen & Devitt :)


Verdict: Good show. The Regal-led announce team was fun.




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Smackdown Review:


Ambrose & Rollins - Solid promo from Dean. Rollins was on the titantron refusing to come out because he tweaked his knee on Raw and wasn't medically cleared. Good back-and-forth.

Fandango & Miz vs Sheamus & Ziggler - Good match. Ziggler pinned Miz. Miz trying to protect his "money-maker" is fun.

Dust Brothers - They don't even have to wrestle to be interesting.

Jericho vs Harper - Jericho had a nasty fake shiner from the Sister Abigail on Raw. Bray's promos are getting repetitive. Good match. Jericho won and the Usos saved him from a beatdown.

Team USA & Team Russia - Short promos, flag waving and "USA" chants. I hope the plane tragedy doesn't affect this feud. They might want to drop Putin from Lana's schtick at Battleground to avoid negative press.

Del Rio vs Kofi - Solid match but one we've seen too many times.

Summer & Layla vs AJ & Paige - Divas tag matches are rare and these 2 teams are interesting. Solid match if a little short. AJ forced a tag to get the win. Paige was angry but ended up hugging AJ.

Ambrose vs Kane - Good match. Rollins ambushed Ambrose for a DQ with no sign of an injury. It ended with a Curbstomp on steel steps. Dean's in-ring character work and injury selling were top notch.


Verdict: Good pre-PPV show but they wasted half an hour with 3 Raw Rewinds.

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Average PPV. Still miles better than they were doing two years ago but considering hot good the shows have been since the network launched it was more noticeably lackluster.


Not getting Ambrose v Rollins was weak sauce.


Wow, this sure has been a poorly booked, dull as dirt PPV from WWE. Can't wait to see all these matches again/for the first time next month at Summerslam.


Hmm... well the rumored card is Cena vs Lesnar and Reigns vs HHH. We'll probably get Orton v Kane and finally get Rollins v Ambrose so I tink Summerslam will actually look quite different. Which matches do you think will be repeat bookings?

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Average PPV. Still miles better than they were doing two years ago but considering hot good the shows have been since the network launched it was more noticeably lackluster.


Not getting Ambrose v Rollins was weak sauce.




Hmm... well the rumored card is Cena vs Lesnar and Reigns vs HHH. We'll probably get Orton v Kane and finally get Rollins v Ambrose so I tink Summerslam will actually look quite different. Which matches do you think will be repeat bookings?


Jericho vs Wyatt and AJ vs Paige. Maybe even Usos vs Wyatts again if they don't find someone else to throw against the Usos? I haven't watched the show yet, but everything I read made it seem like a SummerSlam preview/throwaway instead of any sort of effort.

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Jericho vs Wyatt and AJ vs Paige. Maybe even Usos vs Wyatts again if they don't find someone else to throw against the Usos? I haven't watched the show yet, but everything I read made it seem like a SummerSlam preview/throwaway instead of any sort of effort.


So what WWE PPV didnt have at least a return match or two at a PPV? What summerslam didn't? And why on earth would you comment on a PPV you didnt see at least before the post-ppv Raw when they wrap everything up and start new feuds? Jeez, guys, give it a minute...

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Average PPV. Still miles better than they were doing two years ago but considering hot good the shows have been since the network launched it was more noticeably lackluster.


Not getting Ambrose v Rollins was weak sauce.




Hmm... well the rumored card is Cena vs Lesnar and Reigns vs HHH. We'll probably get Orton v Kane and finally get Rollins v Ambrose so I tink Summerslam will actually look quite different. Which matches do you think will be repeat bookings?


As mentioned, AJ/Paige, Jericho/Bray, Usos/Wyatts, and Swagger/Rusev all had lame finishes that seem to be setting up for another month of the same action, as well as Ambrose/Rollins, which was advertised for this show. Maybe WWE will have the good sense to wind down one or two of these programs, but worst case, we're looking at over half the card to Summerslam being the exact same card.

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Battleground PPV:


The Usos vs The Wyatts (Tag Team Championship) - A creepy harmonica tune would be a better entrance theme for the Wyatts. Great match, probably the best in this feud. Rowan's double superplex was impressive. The finishing sequence was fun. The Usos retaining only makes sense if The Ascension are being called up soon. The Usos vs The Dust Bros could be entertaining.

Paige vs AJ (Divas Championship) - OK match. They need to work on their chemistry. I hope Paige turns heel before their SS rematch.

Rusev vs Swagger - I'm surprised WWE alluded to the plane shooting in Lana's promo. I'll give them credit for being edgy but it could be considered disrespectful. Solid match with an interesting finish. SS rematch could go eitehr way.

Rollins vs Ambrose - 2 unoffical street fights instead a match. Stone Cold Dean Ambrose! Teasing a (fingers crossed) No DQ match at SummerSlam is best way to play this hot feud... if the fans are willing to be patient.

Bray vs Jericho - Good match. Bray pulled a couple of innovative moves. I'm fine with Jericho winning on a throwaway PPV. It will make Bray beating him at SummerSlam (and possibly Extreme Rules) more meaningful.

Battle Royal (Intercontinental Championship) - Fun match. Kofi, Dallas, Cesaro, Ziggler, Slater, Sheamus & Miz had good showings. Hollywood Miz getting a push.

Orton vs Kane vs Reigns vs Cena (WWE World Heavyweight Championship) - Solid match considering the predictable outcome.


Verdict: Solid for a filler PPV serving as a set-up for SummerSlam. No Lesnar was disappointing. I guess they couldn't afford to pay for an appearance. He better destroy some jobbers on Raw.

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Rollins vs Ambrose - 2 unoffical street fights instead a match. Stone Cold Dean Ambrose! Teasing a (fingers crossed) No DQ match at SummerSlam is best way to play this hot feud... if the fans are willing to be patient.


Funny you call him that, the last few weeks I've been thinking he reminds me of a cross between the early Stone Cold character and Brian Pillman's "Loose Cannon" character.

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Bliss vs Sasha - Solid match. They did well to work around Alexa's inexperience. Sasha's finisher (Backstabber into a modified Crossface) is one of the best in WWE.



The move Sasha did at the end of that is a Just Facelock.

It happens to be in the Fire Pro Wrestling series.

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As mentioned, AJ/Paige, Jericho/Bray, Usos/Wyatts, and Swagger/Rusev all had lame finishes that seem to be setting up for another month of the same action, as well as Ambrose/Rollins, which was advertised for this show. Maybe WWE will have the good sense to wind down one or two of these programs, but worst case, we're looking at over half the card to Summerslam being the exact same card.


Yea but if they try to go into summerslam with nothing but all new matchups then I read a bunch of crying about how all of the matches had a short build at such a big PPV. No pleasing you people!!! :-) (smiley face means I'm kidding and no one has to accuse my poor corn flakes of being defiled)

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CM Punk was in Cleveland tonight for the AP Music Awards and was interviewed. He looks genuinely happy and healthy. I know most people are jaded about him now because of the way he left, but meh, I'm still a huge fan. Still, it's a fun two minutes.


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Raw Review:


Opening segment - Trips taking the mickey out of disgruntled fans whining on social media about Battleground = creative damage control. Orton's a tweener again. Reigns was good.

Reigns vs Orton & Kane - Solid match. Reigns lacks fluidity but he at least has one of the best signature movesets for a "big man" style worker.

Divas segment - The handicap match was crap. Steph & Brie going at it and Steph being arrested for battery was fun. The crowd were hot for both segments. Eva and Rosa should be let go as part of the budget cuts.

Dallas vs LeBrondow - Throwaway match but Sandow got the crowd interested with his cheap shots.

The Highlight Reel with Bray Wyatt - I like the feud so far. I expect Bray to win with help from Harper and Rowan at SummerSlam, then a clean win at Night of Champions. Was "dig 2 graves" hinting at a Buried Alive match?

Miz vs Ziggler - Good match but a little sloppy. Ziggler didn't do the job for the new champ so he's not being buried... for now.

AJ & Paige vs Emma & Natalya - 4 of my favorite divas on the main roster. Solid match that was over too quick. I marked out for Paige's heel turn and beatdown of AJ!

Fandango vs Ryder - Ryder FTW! Layla's assist was a nice touch.

Rybaxel vs Big E & Kofi - Solid match. Rybaxel finally won a match. Woods gimmick change out of nowhere! Nation of Domination 2.0?

Rusev vs Khali - Somewhat impressive victory but the match was a clunker.

Ambrose vs Cesaro - Great match. 2 main event quality wrestlers putting on a clinic.

Final segment - Nice swerve with Randy. I knew Lesnar was coming but I still marked out. Heyman was back on top form with that promo. Brock still needs to destroy some fan favorites like Ziggler, Reigns and Ambrose if they want a huge heel reaction for him heading into SummerSlam.


Verdict: Best Raw of the year!



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Can't get over Triple H's promo directed at the IWC, it was just hilarious. XD


This is pretty sweet:





That Superman Punch to the ground looks epic...



I did see a gif of Paige walking away from a tanker exploding, I'm guessing thats part of the same SS hype?

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