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The Official WWE / NXT Discussion Thread *May Contain Spoilers*

Adam Ryland

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To be honest, the word "Escort" doesn't mean she is a whore. Here is the definition of Escort.





1.accompany (someone or something) somewhere, especially for protection or security, or as a mark of rank:


"Shiona escorted Janice to the door"




1.a person, vehicle, ship, or aircraft, or a group of these, accompanying another for protection, security, or as a mark of rank

2.a man who accompanies a woman to a particular social event

3.a person, typically a woman, who may be hired to accompany someone socially


It just depends how you take it. An escort could be taken the same as a valet.

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I don't get what the big deal is about Henry saying that Lana looks like an escort? Since when was professional wrestling politically correct? I've seen and heard women being treated far worse in other forms of entertainment, why is this any different? Mark Henry, I'm sure, didn't mean it, he's just following a script - much like any form of television show or movie.
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Croquemitaine, I'm pretty sure I get what your saying. As far as the "meaning goes", Moe is right in that he meant it as a put down, not as "valet". I just don't think he quite meant it in the whore way either, at least not in so much as you could replace it with the word whore. I honestly think he meant it to mean just that she is dressed and looks like an escort. An escort in the sense of someone that is paid to go out with someone else, be it to dinner, a movie, etc. As if on a date. Escorts that are known to dress sexy and make the man look good. Escorts are known to do more then just go out though, so I can certainly see why Croquemitaine is offended, and I will respect his view, and agree to disagree on the severity of it.


I also disagree in how Henry (or anyone else) would have treated Heyman in that same situation. He might not have called him a male, because he would imply much worse about Heyman, IMO. Heyman is called much worse even by the announcers.


To me, it's just wrestling though. I'm not watching to be inspired by the good guys, nor am I going to take any of it more seriously then watching any other tv show or movie. I just want to be entertained, even if it means someone calling a woman a female or worse, or calling a man a beached whale or worse. If I was to immerse myself into thinking it was real, I would expect to here much, much worse. The fact I know it's not real, and they are not really mad at each other, I can be shocked when I here something a bit harsh. The good guys are not claiming to be saints, and the bad guys are not claiming to be mass murderer's, and most can switch back and forth within' a years time... so it's not like they can't go to grey area's and still be in character.

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Croquemitaine, I'm pretty sure I get what your saying. As far as the "meaning goes", Moe is right in that he meant it as a put down, not as "valet". I just don't think he quite meant it in the whore way either, at least not in so much as you could replace it with the word whore. I honestly think he meant it to mean just that she is dressed and looks like an escort. An escort in the sense of someone that is paid to go out with someone else, be it to dinner, a movie, etc. As if on a date. Escorts that are known to dress sexy and make the man look good. Escorts are known to do more then just go out though, so I can certainly see why Croquemitaine is offended, and I will respect his view, and agree to disagree on the severity of it.


I also disagree in how Henry (or anyone else) would have treated Heyman in that same situation. He might not have called him a male, because he would imply much worse about Heyman, IMO. Heyman is called much worse even by the announcers.


To me, it's just wrestling though. I'm not watching to be inspired by the good guys, nor am I going to take any of it more seriously then watching any other tv show or movie. I just want to be entertained, even if it means someone calling a woman a female or worse, or calling a man a beached whale or worse. If I was to immerse myself into thinking it was real, I would expect to here much, much worse. The fact I know it's not real, and they are not really mad at each other, I can be shocked when I here something a bit harsh. The good guys are not claiming to be saints, and the bad guys are not claiming to be mass murderer's, and most can switch back and forth within' a years time... so it's not like they can't go to grey area's and still be in character.


+1000 internets

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Croquemitaine, I'm pretty sure I get what your saying. As far as the "meaning goes", Moe is right in that he meant it as a put down, not as "valet". I just don't think he quite meant it in the whore way either, at least not in so much as you could replace it with the word whore. I honestly think he meant it to mean just that she is dressed and looks like an escort. An escort in the sense of someone that is paid to go out with someone else, be it to dinner, a movie, etc. As if on a date. Escorts that are known to dress sexy and make the man look good. Escorts are known to do more then just go out though, so I can certainly see why Croquemitaine is offended, and I will respect his view, and agree to disagree on the severity of it.


I also disagree in how Henry (or anyone else) would have treated Heyman in that same situation. He might not have called him a male, because he would imply much worse about Heyman, IMO. Heyman is called much worse even by the announcers.


To me, it's just wrestling though. I'm not watching to be inspired by the good guys, nor am I going to take any of it more seriously then watching any other tv show or movie. I just want to be entertained, even if it means someone calling a woman a female or worse, or calling a man a beached whale or worse. If I was to immerse myself into thinking it was real, I would expect to here much, much worse. The fact I know it's not real, and they are not really mad at each other, I can be shocked when I here something a bit harsh. The good guys are not claiming to be saints, and the bad guys are not claiming to be mass murderer's, and most can switch back and forth within' a years time... so it's not like they can't go to grey area's and still be in character.

As I said when I brought this up, it rates a 1 on the 1-10 scale of "wrestling angles disrespectful of women".


That does not make it okay.


There were a lot of insults he could have thrown at her that don't boil down to "You wear a short skirt therefore you are a whore". And don't kid yourself, that's exactly the meaning of what he said. Is this par for the course in how wrestling treats women? Yes. Is that okay? No, it isn't.


Also keep in mind what Mark Henry's role is in this angle. He's not just a wrestler arguing with an opponent. He's out there wearing the flag representing his country. He should be holding himself to a higher standard while filling the patriotic face role.


And to make things clear, I am NOT saying Lana should be off-limits for any kind of insult or dismissive behaviour. She's a heel manager, that goes with the territory. I AM saying that it is offensive, dated, and just plain LAZY to do so exclusively with gender-based and/or sexual put-downs. It's the 21st century, WWE. Start acting like it.


Of course, what do you expect from a company that's still running Evil Foreigner gimmicks in the first place. :p

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Yes, because the past few weeks have taught us that our society has moved beyond putting down gender in disgusting ways. Seriously there's way too much text on this page talking about such a non-story.


WWE babyfaces are disgusting and horrible pretty much across the board. And when they're not (Reigns), WWE does whatever they can to manufacture storylines wherein he makes someone projectile vomit.

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Yes, because the past few weeks have taught us that our society has moved beyond putting down gender in disgusting ways. Seriously there's way too much text on this page talking about such a non-story.


WWE babyfaces are disgusting and horrible pretty much across the board. And when they're not (Reigns), WWE does whatever they can to manufacture storylines wherein he makes someone projectile vomit.


The only babyface who hasn't acted dickish that I know of is Sami Zayn.


I mean Cena threat to Paul Heyman was just stupid. "I'm not going to beat a defenseless worm like you Heyman. However if Lesnar doesn't show up next week I'm going to beat a defenseless worm like you Heyman!:mad:!"

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Raw Review:


Jericho vs Bray - Average cage match with one good spot from Jericho. I wonder if Jericho's contract didn't extend to NOC or if they wanted to avoid too many rematches.

Ziggler - Shameless Fappening cash-in that was only funny because Miz and Sandow were involved. Ziggler finally gets mic time and this is the best they can give him?

Natalya & Rosa vs AJ & Paige - OK match. Rosa's still employed?

Heyman & Cena - Another "embrace the hate" tease but it was still entertaining.

Sheamus vs Rollins - Solid match. Rollins is winning more matches than any MITB winner in recent history.

Neville & Zayn vs Kidd & Breeze - NXT match on Raw and "Ole" chants! Best match of the night. JBL & Cole put them over and you could tell the 4 guys were eager to impress.

The Bella Twins & Jerry Springer - The Bella's parents are better actors than their children. The brawl was about as stupid as expected.

Dust Bros vs Los Matadores - OK match. I wish they'd kept the Dust Bros babyfaces going into the Usos match at NOC and let the crowd be split on who to get behind.

Rose vs Titus - I really want to know who's playing the bunny! Justin Gabriel or Brad Maddox maybe?

Orton vs Reigns - Solid match with a cool finish. Didn't realise at the time how close Rollins was to being impaled.


Verdict: Better than the last couple of Raws but there was still only about an hour of good content. The NXT guys stole the show.




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Tyson Kidd has quietly become a total package down at NXT


his promos are consistently great and everyone already knows he's fantastic in the ring. His heel mannerisms are just fantastic. I honestly hoped that his story would lead to Tyson vs Nattie in a singles match. Dont know if that would be allowed for obvious reasons but seeing Tyson get his ass handed to him by his wife would have been great for the character, or even beating her to enhance himself as a heel.

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The Jerry segment was ok too. Loved hearing him say "here on sta[ge]... I mean: in the ring". It does kinda become a stage sometimes. :p It was laughable, with the 'bodyguard' jumping in minutes after the breakdown. Classic Jerry Springer, I guess,exactly what people expected to see.


Interesting they are letting NXT pull out the most qualitative match of the card, but their moderate popularity sure made it less exciting. But you saw people's eyes pop out after his finisher.

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Tyson Kidd has quietly become a total package down at NXT


his promos are consistently great and everyone already knows he's fantastic in the ring. His heel mannerisms are just fantastic. I honestly hoped that his story would lead to Tyson vs Nattie in a singles match. Dont know if that would be allowed for obvious reasons but seeing Tyson get his ass handed to him by his wife would have been great for the character, or even beating her to enhance himself as a heel.


I agree. I'd love to see more of Justin Gabriel, he turned heel recently on NXT (alongside Tyson) and had a couple of good matches before disappearing again. He just needs something interesting added to his character ala Kidd.

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