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The Official WWE / NXT Discussion Thread *May Contain Spoilers*

Adam Ryland

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Justin Gabriel just quit. Good on him. He had a few good matches as a heel on NXT then he was used as a heel/face/whatever they needed at the time jobber on the main shows. He's the type of guy who could have been putting over the likes of Ziggler, Ambrose, Reigns and other midcarders or in a tag team.
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I would have preferred Rollins to win, but heck of a match. I never thought I'd be desensitized to the German Suplex though. It used to be one of those moves that every time I saw it, I'd cringe a little, but Lesnar has killed the move for me.


Hopefully Bryan wins the Rumble. I'd love to see Lesnar and Bryan at WrestleMania.

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Jason Powell from ProWrestling.net said it perfectly.

Powell's POV: An embarrassing night for Vince McMahon. It's bad enough that he was so stubborn about Batista winning at this time last year, but now he's done it two years in a row. This is damaging to Reigns, The Rock, and WWE overall. Keep in mind that this is a man who claims to listen to the fans. Damn near everyone assumed the crowd would turn on Reigns if they went with him winning the match, yet Vince stuck with it rather than go with Daniel Bryan. Sure, he can turn Reigns heel if things get bad, but that doesn't justify this move. The Rumble match was more deflated than a New England Patriots football (finally got to work that one in) once Bryan was eliminated. It wasn't just the Bryan elimination, though, the booking of the match was really bad and some of those eliminations were just asinine and lazy.

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I am a very happy man now that Roman Reigns won the Royal Rumble. Roman Reigns versus Brock Lesnar should make for a great match, in my opinion, at WrestleMania. It will give Reigns his WrestleMania moment pinning the Beast.


I think Daniel Bryan was put in for a short period of time because of the previous injuries. They wanted to make sure he would stay healthy for the WrestleMania season.


I don't like that they are looking to build Rusev versus John Cena. Cena does NOT need to be the man to end Rusev's undefeated streak. He cannot gain anything from that where a wrestler like Dean Ambrose or Jack Swagger or Cesaro or many others can gain something from ending Rusev's streak.


The Royal Rumble surprises were great. I enjoyed seeing Diamond Dallas Page, the Boogeyman and Bubba Ray Dudley. A little disappointed we didn't see any NXT guys like Tyler Breeze or Adrian Neville or Sami Zayn.

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Rusev vs Cena for Wrestlemania apparently. I have a feeling it's going to end up the same as Cena vs Wyatt with Cena winning and Rusev's character and momentum going to shit.


Seriously the show just kept getting sadder and sadder.


Watching the fallout show and seeing Roman get interviewed standing next to The Rock and seeing the difference is just...

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I am a very happy man now that Roman Reigns won the Royal Rumble. Roman Reigns versus Brock Lesnar should make for a great match, in my opinion, at WrestleMania. It will give Reigns his WrestleMania moment pinning the Beast.




Just no... Reigns vs Lesnar could be worst match of the year. If people find out Lesnar is leaving the entire WM crowd will shit on that match.

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Didn't watch the show. Feeling pretty good about that after reading the rumble spoilers. Vince just never learns, does he?


Honestly there was only two bad match's.... Unfortunately the Rumble itself was one of them. The Ascension match was the second worse for different reasons. Rumble started off awesome, ended horrible. Ascension needed a "real" team to demolish if they are ever going to get over.


The crowd would have been fine with Ambrose, Bray, and even Rusov at the end, but they weren't into Reigns at all. I think even Ziggler would have been alright winning. The Rock got a pop, before the crowd realized why he was "really" there, then no more pops for him either.


This doesn't surprise me as much as it should, after last years Batista fiasco. You would think they would learn from mistakes made only one year ago. It irritates me more then anything, because they do have what is potentially the next "Big Thing" with Roman. He is NOT ready yet, and won't be by the time Wrestlemania gets here. Rushing him to that spot because of Brock potentially leaving and not wanting to lose that opportunity for him is going to do the exact opposite of what they are hoping.


The obvious way to go would have been Daniel Bryan vs Brock Lesnar, as that is the match the majority of the fans want to see before Brock leaves. I don't know anyone that really wants to see a Roman vs Brock match.


I'm sure they will make a great little package with as much Rocky in it as possible, but this isn't doing The Rock any favors either. Makes him look like the butt kisser Punk called him out as.


EDIT: All that being said, that was the best three way for a title match I think I have ever seen. MOTY candidate already.

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Y'know, I'm with Angel on this one. Putting Reigns with Lesnar will give Reigns a good spotlight and will hopefully give him some sort of boost. Lesnar can take Reigns to a good match. I think that it could be a great match given the right build-up. Now, while I wanted Bryan to win, putting Reigns over is not a bad move and is smart for the future.
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Just no... Reigns vs Lesnar could be worst match of the year. If people find out Lesnar is leaving the entire WM crowd will shit on that match.


As long as Lesnar doesn't tank it like he did against Goldberg, I think they can win the crowd over. But we all have our own opinion. I think that both of them have the wrestling and fighting ability to make a match of the year candidate hitting big power move after big power move and scoring near-fall after near-fall.

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I would have preferred Cena to win the belt and go on to face Reigns. I think THAT would be the real WM moment for Reigns. If Brock won't be there long term, there's a bigger payoff in Reigns beating the face of WWE.


That also leaves Brock vs Bryan available.


We'll see what happens from now until then.

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"The Definition of Madness: Doing the same thing, and expecting a different result".


Vince did you not learn LAST year when you gave Batista the Royal Rumble victory? I mean I haven even seen the Royal Rumble match tonight and unless Roman get some of his cousin's Mic skills and Charisma....in the next 3 months... HES SCREWED (Which is bad because I actually LIKE Reigns) but he is not ready!



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The obvious way to go would have been Daniel Bryan vs Brock Lesnar, as that is the match the majority of the fans want to see before Brock leaves. I don't know anyone that really wants to see a Roman vs Brock match.


Just wanted to say that I've wanted to see Roman vs. Brock for a few months now. So now you know someone. :)

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Wrestlemania is going to suck this year.


Y'see I disagree. We have the inevitable HHH/Sting which will be amazing based on hype alone, we have Rusev/Cena, which if Vince let Cena lose it could be great, we have Reigns/Lesnar which should be a good brawl and a D-Bry match that will be amazing. Don't get too down on it yet, it's only the Rumble for gosh sake!

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Y'see I disagree. We have the inevitable HHH/Sting which will be amazing based on hype alone, we have Rusev/Cena, which if Vince let Cena lose it could be great, we have Reigns/Lesnar which should be a good brawl and a D-Bry match that will be amazing. Don't get too down on it yet, it's only the Rumble for gosh sake!


Daniel Bryan is not main eventing when he should be. Reigns Vs Lesnar will suck and I hope the fans boo Reigns out of the building. Daniel Bryan not in the title match ruins Wrestlemania.

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He went out early because they were hoping it would give the crowd enough time to get over their disappointment and not crap all over Reigns winning.


Clearly they forgot they were in Philly......AS for Roman I am not a fan of his push I honestly believe that well he probably is destined to be one of the bigger stars of the next decade they are pushing too high too fast He is Icarus and is flying too close to the sun he will get burned for it....I see Roman as a relatively short term champ no longer than SummerSlam unless the crowd comes around...... I think Roman vs Brock has potential to be an interesting contest at Mania if they build it properly it cant be Super Reigns walking in and dominating the Man who has the most beastly dominant record this past year. If he gets beat on enough maybe the sympathy push will kick in and the crowd at mania will rally behind him.

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As long as Lesnar doesn't tank it like he did against Goldberg, I think they can win the crowd over. But we all have our own opinion. I think that both of them have the wrestling and fighting ability to make a match of the year candidate hitting big power move after big power move and scoring near-fall after near-fall.


go to bed vince

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Clearly they forgot they were in Philly......AS for Roman I am not a fan of his push I honestly believe that well he probably is destined to be one of the bigger stars of the next decade they are pushing too high too fast He is Icarus and is flying too close to the sun he will get burned for it....I see Roman as a relatively short term champ no longer than SummerSlam unless the crowd comes around...... I think Roman vs Brock has potential to be an interesting contest at Mania if they build it properly it cant be Super Reigns walking in and dominating the Man who has the most beastly dominant record this past year. If he gets beat on enough maybe the sympathy push will kick in and the crowd at mania will rally behind him.


I hope not and I also doubt it. Fans will cheer Brock Lesnar hopefully. Roman Reigns is just terrible. I hate him worse then I hate Cena and I am a big Cena hater.

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