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The Official WWE / NXT Discussion Thread *May Contain Spoilers*

Adam Ryland

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Daniel Bryan is not main eventing when he should be. Reigns Vs Lesnar will suck and I hope the fans boo Reigns out of the building. Daniel Bryan not in the title match ruins Wrestlemania.


Personally, I see Roman Reigns as a bigger threat to Brock Lesnar than Daniel Bryan. If I were to meet one of them in a dark alley, I would rather meet Daniel Bryan than either Roman Reigns or Brock Lesnar. So, to me, Roman Reigns makes a more legitimate opponent for a beast like Brock Lesnar


go to bed vince


Maybe that's why I enjoy USPW in the Cornellverse of TEW so much. Big man wrestling.

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I warned you guys. Me, my sister, my dog, my grandmother and everybody else knew that Roman Reigns was going to win the Rumble. Me? I have no problems with that. The momentum continues. Let's see if Vince's new Golden Boy can carry the company on his back. We still have 62 Days or something until WrestleMania, so they can make this interesting. My complaints are about the quality of the match, though. It was average at best, and some wrestlers looked really stupid as they were eliminated. Bray Wyatt, Rusev and Dolph Ziggler, for example. Rusev should have fought Reigns before his elimination, but oh well, he's going to look stupid at WrestleMania already, so why not have him look stupid already? Anyways, it wasn't the best Rumble event, but certainly not the worst either. Some moments will go down in history, such as the Triple Threat Match, Bubba Ray Dudley's return which I marked out really loud to, and also the botched attempt to break Santino's record with Titus O'Neil.
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Personally, I see Roman Reigns as a bigger threat to Brock Lesnar than Daniel Bryan. If I were to meet one of them in a dark alley, I would rather meet Daniel Bryan than either Roman Reigns or Brock Lesnar. So, to me, Roman Reigns makes a more legitimate opponent for a beast like Brock Lesnar




Maybe that's why I enjoy USPW in the Cornellverse of TEW so much. Big man wrestling.


Roman Reigns sucks, that simple he is a crappy and boring wrestler. Reigns Vs Lesnar will suck. In all odds the fan will boo the whole match or just cheer Lesnar.

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And also, why attack a guy who has a good opinion about Roman Reigns? You guys wanted him to lose so much, but it was only false hope, and now don't go on and let your rage go loose on a guy that actually liked the damn result. We all know that you and your friend Mark will cancel the WWE Network, but don't rage on us, people who actually are looking forward to WrestleMania. We can have a opinion. Go complain in other place, or use your head to complain with your mind.
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Roman Reigns sucks, that simple he is a crappy and boring wrestler. Reigns Vs Lesnar will suck. In all odds the fan will boo the whole match or just cheer Lesnar.


You are entitled to your opinion. I'm guessing that you prefer Ring of Honor style matches to the WWE. I'm not saying there's anything wrong with that, either. But I am a fan of Roman Reigns and have been since his debut with The Shield. And you're not going to convince me otherwise. Just as I am not going to convince you to give anyone a chance that's not Daniel Bryan (who I am getting a little sick and tired of, to be honest). But Daniel Bryan had his big WrestleMania moment last year. This year it belongs to the Roman Empire.

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I really think having Show/Kane just generically throw everyone out was what made the Royal Rumble pretty bad.


They trivialized the 40+ minutes of Bray, had Ziggler make 0 impact, and magically were able to throw out everyone except for Reigns. I think that if they had the final few (Ziggler, Wyatt, Ambrose, Cesaro, Kane, Reigns) legitimately battle things out, it wouldn't have been so bad.


I think a lot of anti-climactic and premature eliminations really hurt things. Bubba Ray and his face-offs with some of the company's top brawlers was pretty awesome, then they just kind of tossed him out before more confrontations could happen.


Another thing that really bothers me about the Rumble is that it completely negates the previous storytelling.


Daniel Bryan, Dolph Ziggler and Ryback all overcame the odds and earned their spots in the Rumble, only for every single one of them to get tossed out in the most anti-climactic way possible.


I'm almost ok with Reigns winning, but I really wish that WWE would've taken a real chance on someone like Wyatt or Ambrose and giving them the nod, I think they're more big time ready than Reigns is at this point. Reigns really needs to work on his promo skills and refine his in-ring work before they shine the spotlight on him too much.

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I don't watch Raw, but it sure seemed to me like Brock was being booked as a face during that match. Maybe Reigns will usurp Rollins' role with Hs and Steph. The fans are going to crap on him anyway, at least the hardcore crowds like this one (and Mania), but if he's a heel at least you can spin it.


That is the only thing decent I can see coming out of this. Or just rehash last year and put Bryan in the match.

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But Daniel Bryan had his big WrestleMania moment last year. This year it belongs to the Roman Empire.

Will it be a big moment if the fans reject it like they did tonight though? I mean, a lot of people may boo Cena now, but I seem to remember the crowd at least being behind him through him winning the title at WM for the first time. That the fans are already rejecting Roman doesn't seem a good sign to me.


I also think it's inaccurate to say that the crowd wasn't going to give a chance to anyone but DB. (Not that that's what you were saying necessarily.) They would've been very much into Ambrose or Ziggler winning, among the guys who were there near the end and could feasibly win that match (so no Cesaro.) It wasn't DB or bust, but I think one of the biggest reasons that the crowd died once he went out is that they knew he was the only one other than Roman who had a legitimate chance at winning. Once he went out the result was academic, and it was a result they didn't want to see.


This reaction was painfully obvious to anyone, but so was Roman winning the Rumble, or at least that's how it felt to me. I'm honestly not sure why people are upset or even surprised. The McMahons don't see Bryan as "the guy." He doesn't have the size or the pretty face they're looking for in their top guy. Roman does.

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Wikipedia's as trusty as Honest Joe. This might be true anyways, but oh well, if it is, then the IWC really finds it cool to dislike Roman Reigns.

I'm looking at Twitter right now, and #CancelWWENetwork is the #1 trend worldwide. So it's not just someone editing a wiki page. Unsure if the bit about crashing the network cancellation page is true, but the trend is absolutely accurate.

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Just wanted to say that I've wanted to see Roman vs. Brock for a few months now. So now you know someone. :)
I'm sure more then you and a couple others here want to see it as well, just saying I don't know anyone personally that does.


I want Roman to succeed, I think he has a ton of potential. He's just pretty green, and his promo's seem to be getting worse (wish he wasn't talking so much). In ring he can be protected obviously.


Personally, I see Roman Reigns as a bigger threat to Brock Lesnar than Daniel Bryan. If I were to meet one of them in a dark alley, I would rather meet Daniel Bryan than either Roman Reigns or Brock Lesnar. So, to me, Roman Reigns makes a more legitimate opponent for a beast like Brock Lesnar




Maybe that's why I enjoy USPW in the Cornellverse of TEW so much. Big man wrestling.

I was just reading your new USPW diary before catching up here, lol.


That's the one thing he doesn't need help with, Roman has the look. He just lacks everywhere else, although he improves steadily in the ring.


I think the majority can get behind Roman. The problem isn't Roman, the problem is WWE and ultimately I guess Vince. WWE is taking someone that has had up to great momentum in the past, and killing it by making bad decisions. He isn't ready, and too many people know he isn't ready, and these decisions can put him in the same shoe's Batista had to wear last year (which wasn't Batista's fault).


Roman Reigns sucks, that simple he is a crappy and boring wrestler. Reigns Vs Lesnar will suck. In all odds the fan will boo the whole match or just cheer Lesnar.

I think Reigns has plenty of potential, he's just green. However, your probably right about the fans.

You are entitled to your opinion. I'm guessing that you prefer Ring of Honor style matches to the WWE. I'm not saying there's anything wrong with that, either. But I am a fan of Roman Reigns and have been since his debut with The Shield. And you're not going to convince me otherwise. Just as I am not going to convince you to give anyone a chance that's not Daniel Bryan (who I am getting a little sick and tired of, to be honest). But Daniel Bryan had his big WrestleMania moment last year. This year it belongs to the Roman Empire.

Nothing wrong with being his fan. As I said, my problem is with them knowing he isn't ready, and yet book this match anyways.



I think it was the number one trend worldwide for a while tonight.

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I'm looking at Twitter right now, and #CancelWWENetwork is the #1 trend worldwide. So it's not just someone editing a wiki page. Unsure if the bit about crashing the network cancellation page is true, but the trend is absolutely accurate.


Wow...this has definitely gone too far. I mean...Reigns only won the Rumble and did nothing more...we still got to really see what WWE does, and they are already throwing rocks. I will stop arguing on Reigns' favor once and if he does flop big time, but this is too much for the time being.

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Will it be a big moment if the fans reject it like they did tonight though? I mean, a lot of people may boo Cena now, but I seem to remember the crowd at least being behind him through him winning the title at WM for the first time. That the fans are already rejecting Roman doesn't seem a good sign to me.


I also think it's inaccurate to say that the crowd wasn't going to give a chance to anyone but DB. (Not that that's what you were saying necessarily.) They would've been very much into Ambrose or Ziggler winning, among the guys who were there near the end and could feasibly win that match (so no Cesaro.) It wasn't DB or bust, but I think one of the biggest reasons that the crowd died once he went out is that they knew he was the only one other than Roman who had a legitimate chance at winning. Once he went out the result was academic, and it was a result they didn't want to see.


This reaction was painfully obvious to anyone, but so was Roman winning the Rumble, or at least that's how it felt to me. I'm honestly not sure why people are upset or even surprised. The McMahons don't see Bryan as "the guy." He doesn't have the size or the pretty face they're looking for in their top guy. Roman does.


The crowd in Philadelphia is definitely not representative of a typical WWE crowd. I went to TNA Bound For Glory in 2011 in Philadelphia so I saw the fans that are there. They are a more hardcore smark type segment, which is why ECW got so popular there. They are anti-establishment so anyone who they see as having the backing of the McMahon's is going to be booed by them simply on principle.


I do believe it was DB or bust with that particular crowd because he has become synonymous with anti-establishment. And you say it yourself with no one else having a reasonable chance of winning, including Dolph Ziggler and Dean Ambrose. Though, I do see one of them getting their opportunity next year. Either them or Bray Wyatt or maybe even Rusev.


And I think that Reigns and Lesnar will be able to win over the crowd at WrestleMania with a good match and a series of near-falls. If they have a good-great match and people still complain then those people would have complained no matter what.


A lot of them will cancel. I hope enough for WWE to take note.


The ones who cancel are missing out on so much more than just future pay-per-views. It will be their loss. I don't have the WWE Network simply to watch future pay-per-views. I have it to watch the old WCW PPV's, as well, since I was always more of a WCW fan than a WWF/E fan.

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I posted this in my Facebook, Am I out of line??


"You know who I feel sorry for the MOST in WWE? Triple H. Let me explain why. So Trips runs NXT, and I can't think of a BAD SHOW yet.... but yet hes second in command with Raw and Smackdown and everyone knows Vince is in charge. And hes in a position of NO WIN. Because Vince does some Bone Head "WCW Type" booking and when the crowd hates it... people start to think.. "How can the WWE put on a AWESOME show in NXT, but consistent CRAP SANDWICHES with Raw?"


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I really think having Show/Kane just generically throw everyone out was what made the Royal Rumble pretty bad.

That was the best thing about that match. Ziggler comes in fired up, then after a couple of close calls gets KO'd by Big Show and just plummets like the crowd's hopes of seeing their favourite win. Show and Kane carry him and just toss him outside so casually. It was beautiful.

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I'm sure more then you and a couple others here want to see it as well, just saying I don't know anyone personally that does.


I want Roman to succeed, I think he has a ton of potential. He's just pretty green, and his promo's seem to be getting worse (wish he wasn't talking so much). In ring he can be protected obviously.


I was just reading your new USPW diary before catching up here, lol.


That's the one thing he doesn't need help with, Roman has the look. He just lacks everywhere else, although he improves steadily in the ring.


I think the majority can get behind Roman. The problem isn't Roman, the problem is WWE and ultimately I guess Vince. WWE is taking someone that has had up to great momentum in the past, and killing it by making bad decisions. He isn't ready, and too many people know he isn't ready, and these decisions can put him in the same shoe's Batista had to wear last year (which wasn't Batista's fault).



I think Reigns has plenty of potential, he's just green. However, your probably right about the fans.


Nothing wrong with being his fan. As I said, my problem is with them knowing he isn't ready, and yet book this match anyways.


First of all, thank you for reading the USPW diary. Always love to have a reader. :)


That being said, I would argue about whether or not Roman Reigns is that green. He has been around the business his entire life (being part of the Anoa'i family). To me, he doesn't botch moves that I've seen. Or it's a very rare thing if it does happen. He has the look. He's never going to do all the flippy moves that some wrestlers do. He's never going to be a spot monkey. He is what he is. He is a big man wrestler that uses power and power spots and that is enough to make me a fan of his.


I do feel bad for Batista last year and for Rey Mysterio (who suffered the brunt of being number 30 in the Royal Rumble last year). The Daniel Bryan movement was really swelling last year and those two suffered because of it.

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